#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tests lib.fileset # Run: # [nixpkgs]$ lib/fileset/tests.sh # or: # [nixpkgs]$ nix-build lib/tests/release.nix set -euo pipefail shopt -s inherit_errexit dotglob die() { # The second to last entry contains the line number of the top-level caller lineIndex=$(( ${#BASH_LINENO[@]} - 2 )) echo >&2 -e "test case at ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}:${BASH_LINENO[$lineIndex]} failed:" "$@" exit 1 } if test -n "${TEST_LIB:-}"; then NIX_PATH=nixpkgs="$(dirname "$TEST_LIB")" else NIX_PATH=nixpkgs="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../.."; pwd)" fi export NIX_PATH tmp="$(mktemp -d)" clean_up() { rm -rf "$tmp" } trap clean_up EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM work="$tmp/work" mkdir "$work" cd "$work" # Crudely unquotes a JSON string by just taking everything between the first and the second quote. # We're only using this for resulting /nix/store paths, which can't contain " anyways, # nor can they contain any other characters that would need to be escaped specially in JSON # This way we don't need to add a dependency on e.g. jq crudeUnquoteJSON() { cut -d \" -f2 } prefixExpression='let lib = import ; internal = import { inherit lib; }; in with lib; with internal; with lib.fileset;' # Check that two nix expression successfully evaluate to the same value. # The expressions have `lib.fileset` in scope. # Usage: expectEqual NIX NIX expectEqual() { local actualExpr=$1 local expectedExpr=$2 if ! actualResult=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace \ --expr "$prefixExpression ($actualExpr)"); then die "$actualExpr failed to evaluate, but it was expected to succeed" fi if ! expectedResult=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace \ --expr "$prefixExpression ($expectedExpr)"); then die "$expectedExpr failed to evaluate, but it was expected to succeed" fi if [[ "$actualResult" != "$expectedResult" ]]; then die "$actualExpr should have evaluated to $expectedExpr:\n$expectedResult\n\nbut it evaluated to\n$actualResult" fi } # Check that a nix expression evaluates successfully to a store path and returns it (without quotes). # The expression has `lib.fileset` in scope. # Usage: expectStorePath NIX expectStorePath() { local expr=$1 if ! result=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --json --read-write-mode --show-trace \ --expr "$prefixExpression ($expr)"); then die "$expr failed to evaluate, but it was expected to succeed" fi # This is safe because we assume to get back a store path in a string crudeUnquoteJSON <<< "$result" } # Check that a nix expression fails to evaluate (strictly, coercing to json, read-write-mode). # And check the received stderr against a regex # The expression has `lib.fileset` in scope. # Usage: expectFailure NIX REGEX expectFailure() { local expr=$1 local expectedErrorRegex=$2 if result=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict --json --read-write-mode --show-trace 2>"$tmp/stderr" \ --expr "$prefixExpression $expr"); then die "$expr evaluated successfully to $result, but it was expected to fail" fi stderr=$(<"$tmp/stderr") if [[ ! "$stderr" =~ $expectedErrorRegex ]]; then die "$expr should have errored with this regex pattern:\n\n$expectedErrorRegex\n\nbut this was the actual error:\n\n$stderr" fi } # We conditionally use inotifywait in checkFileset. # Check early whether it's available # TODO: Darwin support, though not crucial since we have Linux CI if type inotifywait 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then canMonitorFiles=1 else echo "Warning: Not checking that excluded files don't get accessed since inotifywait is not available" >&2 canMonitorFiles= fi # Check whether a file set includes/excludes declared paths as expected, usage: # # tree=( # [a/b] =1 # Declare that file a/b should exist and expect it to be included in the store path # [c/a] = # Declare that file c/a should exist and expect it to be excluded in the store path # [c/d/]= # Declare that directory c/d/ should exist and expect it to be excluded in the store path # ) # checkFileset './a' # Pass the fileset as the argument declare -A tree checkFileset() ( # New subshell so that we can have a separate trap handler, see `trap` below local fileset=$1 # Process the tree into separate arrays for included paths, excluded paths and excluded files. local -a included=() local -a excluded=() local -a excludedFiles=() # Track which paths need to be created local -a dirsToCreate=() local -a filesToCreate=() for p in "${!tree[@]}"; do # If keys end with a `/` we treat them as directories, otherwise files if [[ "$p" =~ /$ ]]; then dirsToCreate+=("$p") isFile= else filesToCreate+=("$p") isFile=1 fi case "${tree[$p]}" in 1) included+=("$p") ;; 0) excluded+=("$p") if [[ -n "$isFile" ]]; then excludedFiles+=("$p") fi ;; *) die "Unsupported tree value: ${tree[$p]}" esac done # Create all the necessary paths. # This is done with only a fixed number of processes, # in order to not be too slow # Though this does mean we're a bit limited with how many files can be created if (( ${#dirsToCreate[@]} != 0 )); then mkdir -p "${dirsToCreate[@]}" fi if (( ${#filesToCreate[@]} != 0 )); then readarray -d '' -t parentsToCreate < <(dirname -z "${filesToCreate[@]}") mkdir -p "${parentsToCreate[@]}" touch "${filesToCreate[@]}" fi # Start inotifywait in the background to monitor all excluded files (if any) if [[ -n "$canMonitorFiles" ]] && (( "${#excludedFiles[@]}" != 0 )); then coproc watcher { # inotifywait outputs a string on stderr when ready # Redirect it to stdout so we can access it from the coproc's stdout fd # exec so that the coprocess is inotify itself, making the kill below work correctly # See below why we listen to both open and delete_self events exec inotifywait --format='%e %w' --event open,delete_self --monitor "${excludedFiles[@]}" 2>&1 } # This will trigger when this subshell exits, no matter if successful or not # After exiting the subshell, the parent shell will continue executing trap 'kill "${watcher_PID}"' exit # Synchronously wait until inotifywait is ready while read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" line && [[ "$line" != "Watches established." ]]; do : done fi # Call toSource with the fileset, triggering open events for all files that are added to the store expression="toSource { root = ./.; fileset = $fileset; }" storePath=$(expectStorePath "$expression") # Remove all files immediately after, triggering delete_self events for all of them rm -rf -- * # Only check for the inotify events if we actually started inotify earlier if [[ -v watcher ]]; then # Get the first event read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" event file # There's only these two possible event timelines: # - open, ..., open, delete_self, ..., delete_self: If some excluded files were read # - delete_self, ..., delete_self: If no excluded files were read # So by looking at the first event we can figure out which one it is! case "$event" in OPEN) die "$expression opened excluded file $file when it shouldn't have" ;; DELETE_SELF) # Expected events ;; *) die "Unexpected event type '$event' on file $file that should be excluded" ;; esac fi # For each path that should be included, make sure it does occur in the resulting store path for p in "${included[@]}"; do if [[ ! -e "$storePath/$p" ]]; then die "$expression doesn't include path $p when it should have" fi done # For each path that should be excluded, make sure it doesn't occur in the resulting store path for p in "${excluded[@]}"; do if [[ -e "$storePath/$p" ]]; then die "$expression included path $p when it shouldn't have" fi done ) #### Error messages ##### # Absolute paths in strings cannot be passed as `root` expectFailure 'toSource { root = "/nix/store/foobar"; fileset = ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `root` "/nix/store/foobar" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead. \s*Paths in strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.' # Only paths are accepted as `root` expectFailure 'toSource { root = 10; fileset = ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `root` is of type int, but it should be a path instead.' # Different filesystem roots in root and fileset are not supported mkdir -p {foo,bar}/mock-root expectFailure 'with ((import ).extend (import )).fileset; toSource { root = ./foo/mock-root; fileset = ./bar/mock-root; } ' 'lib.fileset.toSource: Filesystem roots are not the same for `fileset` and `root` "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root": \s*`root`: root "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root" \s*`fileset`: root "'"$work"'/bar/mock-root" \s*Different roots are not supported.' rm -rf * # `root` needs to exist expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `root` '"$work"'/a does not exist.' # `root` needs to be a file touch a expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./a; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `root` '"$work"'/a is a file, but it should be a directory instead. Potential solutions: \s*- If you want to import the file into the store _without_ a containing directory, use string interpolation or `builtins.path` instead of this function. \s*- If you want to import the file into the store _with_ a containing directory, set `root` to the containing directory, such as '"$work"', and set `fileset` to the file path.' rm -rf * # The fileset argument should be evaluated, even if the directory is empty expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = abort "This should be evaluated"; }' 'evaluation aborted with the following error message: '\''This should be evaluated'\' # Only paths under `root` should be able to influence the result mkdir a expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` could contain files in '"$work"', which is not under the `root` '"$work"'/a. Potential solutions: \s*- Set `root` to '"$work"' or any directory higher up. This changes the layout of the resulting store path. \s*- Set `fileset` to a file set that cannot contain files outside the `root` '"$work"'/a. This could change the files included in the result.' rm -rf * # Path coercion only works for paths expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = 10; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` is of type int, but it should be a path instead.' expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = "/some/path"; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` "/some/path" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead. \s*Paths represented as strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.' # Path coercion errors for non-existent paths expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./a; }' 'lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` '"$work"'/a does not exist.' # File sets cannot be evaluated directly expectFailure 'union ./. ./.' 'lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported. Use `lib.fileset.toSource` to turn it into a usable source instead.' # Past versions of the internal representation are supported expectEqual '_coerce ": value" { _type = "fileset"; _internalVersion = 0; _internalBase = ./.; }' \ '{ _internalBase = ./.; _internalBaseComponents = path.subpath.components (path.splitRoot ./.).subpath; _internalBaseRoot = /.; _internalVersion = 1; _type = "fileset"; }' # Future versions of the internal representation are unsupported expectFailure '_coerce ": value" { _type = "fileset"; _internalVersion = 2; }' ': value is a file set created from a future version of the file set library with a different internal representation: \s*- Internal version of the file set: 2 \s*- Internal version of the library: 1 \s*Make sure to update your Nixpkgs to have a newer version of `lib.fileset`.' # _create followed by _coerce should give the inputs back without any validation expectEqual '{ inherit (_coerce "" (_create ./. "directory")) _internalVersion _internalBase _internalTree; }' '{ _internalBase = ./.; _internalTree = "directory"; _internalVersion = 1; }' #### Resulting store path #### # The store path name should be "source" expectEqual 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./.; }' 'sources.cleanSourceWith { name = "source"; src = ./.; }' # We should be able to import an empty directory and end up with an empty result tree=( ) checkFileset './.' # Directories recursively containing no files are not included tree=( [e/]=0 [d/e/]=0 [d/d/e/]=0 [d/d/f]=1 [d/f]=1 [f]=1 ) checkFileset './.' # Check trees that could cause a naïve string prefix checking implementation to fail tree=( [a]=0 [ab/x]=0 [ab/xy]=1 [ab/xyz]=0 [abc]=0 ) checkFileset './ab/xy' # Check path coercion examples in ../../doc/functions/fileset.section.md tree=( [a/x]=1 [a/b/y]=1 [c/]=0 [c/d/]=0 ) checkFileset './.' tree=( [a/x]=1 [a/b/y]=1 [c/]=0 [c/d/]=0 ) checkFileset './a' tree=( [a/x]=1 [a/b/y]=0 [c/]=0 [c/d/]=0 ) checkFileset './a/x' tree=( [a/x]=0 [a/b/y]=1 [c/]=0 [c/d/]=0 ) checkFileset './a/b' tree=( [a/x]=0 [a/b/y]=0 [c/]=0 [c/d/]=0 ) checkFileset './c' # Test the source filter for the somewhat special case of files in the filesystem root # We can't easily test this with the above functions because we can't write to the filesystem root and we don't want to make any assumptions which files are there in the sandbox expectEqual '_toSourceFilter (_create /. null) "/foo" ""' 'false' expectEqual '_toSourceFilter (_create /. { foo = "regular"; }) "/foo" ""' 'true' expectEqual '_toSourceFilter (_create /. { foo = null; }) "/foo" ""' 'false' ## lib.fileset.union, lib.fileset.unions # Different filesystem roots in root and fileset are not supported mkdir -p {foo,bar}/mock-root expectFailure 'with ((import ).extend (import )).fileset; toSource { root = ./.; fileset = union ./foo/mock-root ./bar/mock-root; } ' 'lib.fileset.union: Filesystem roots are not the same: \s*first argument: root "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root" \s*second argument: root "'"$work"'/bar/mock-root" \s*Different roots are not supported.' expectFailure 'with ((import ).extend (import )).fileset; toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ./foo/mock-root ./bar/mock-root ]; } ' 'lib.fileset.unions: Filesystem roots are not the same: \s*element 0 of the argument: root "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root" \s*element 1 of the argument: root "'"$work"'/bar/mock-root" \s*Different roots are not supported.' rm -rf * # Coercion errors show the correct context expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = union ./a ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.union: first argument '"$work"'/a does not exist.' expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = union ./. ./b; }' 'lib.fileset.union: second argument '"$work"'/b does not exist.' expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ./a ./. ]; }' 'lib.fileset.unions: element 0 of the argument '"$work"'/a does not exist.' expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ./. ./b ]; }' 'lib.fileset.unions: element 1 of the argument '"$work"'/b does not exist.' # unions needs a list with at least 1 element expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions null; }' 'lib.fileset.unions: Expected argument to be a list, but got a null.' expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ]; }' 'lib.fileset.unions: Expected argument to be a list with at least one element, but it contains no elements.' # The tree of later arguments should not be evaluated if a former argument already includes all files tree=() checkFileset 'union ./. (_create ./. (abort "This should not be used!"))' checkFileset 'unions [ ./. (_create ./. (abort "This should not be used!")) ]' # union doesn't include files that weren't specified tree=( [x]=1 [y]=1 [z]=0 ) checkFileset 'union ./x ./y' checkFileset 'unions [ ./x ./y ]' # Also for directories tree=( [x/a]=1 [x/b]=1 [y/a]=1 [y/b]=1 [z/a]=0 [z/b]=0 ) checkFileset 'union ./x ./y' checkFileset 'unions [ ./x ./y ]' # And for very specific paths tree=( [x/a]=1 [x/b]=0 [y/a]=0 [y/b]=1 [z/a]=0 [z/b]=0 ) checkFileset 'union ./x/a ./y/b' checkFileset 'unions [ ./x/a ./y/b ]' # unions or chained union's can include more paths tree=( [x/a]=1 [x/b]=1 [y/a]=1 [y/b]=0 [z/a]=0 [z/b]=1 ) checkFileset 'unions [ ./x/a ./x/b ./y/a ./z/b ]' checkFileset 'union (union ./x/a ./x/b) (union ./y/a ./z/b)' checkFileset 'union (union (union ./x/a ./x/b) ./y/a) ./z/b' # unions should not stack overflow, even if many elements are passed tree=() for i in $(seq 1000); do tree[$i/a]=1 tree[$i/b]=0 done ( # Locally limit the maximum stack size to 100 * 1024 bytes # If unions was implemented recursively, this would stack overflow ulimit -s 100 checkFileset 'unions (mapAttrsToList (name: _: ./. + "/${name}/a") (builtins.readDir ./.))' ) # TODO: Once we have combinators and a property testing library, derive property tests from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra_of_sets echo >&2 tests ok