let makeTest = import ./make-test-python.nix; # Just to make sure everything is the same, need it for OCR & navigating greeter user = "alice"; description = "Alice Foobar"; password = "foobar"; in { greeter = makeTest ( { pkgs, lib, ... }: { name = "lomiri-greeter"; meta = { maintainers = lib.teams.lomiri.members; }; nodes.machine = { config, ... }: { imports = [ ./common/user-account.nix ]; virtualisation.memorySize = 2047; users.users.${user} = { inherit description password; }; services.desktopManager.lomiri.enable = lib.mkForce true; services.displayManager.defaultSession = lib.mkForce "lomiri"; # Help with OCR fonts.packages = [ pkgs.inconsolata ]; }; enableOCR = true; testScript = { nodes, ... }: '' def wait_for_text(text): """ Wait for on-screen text, and try to optimise retry count for slow hardware. """ machine.sleep(10) machine.wait_for_text(text) start_all() machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target") # Lomiri in greeter mode should work & be able to start a session with subtest("lomiri greeter works"): machine.wait_for_unit("display-manager.service") machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -u lightdm -f 'lomiri --mode=greeter'") # Start page shows current time wait_for_text(r"(AM|PM)") machine.screenshot("lomiri_greeter_launched") # Advance to login part machine.send_key("ret") wait_for_text("${description}") machine.screenshot("lomiri_greeter_login") # Login machine.send_chars("${password}\n") machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -u ${user} -f 'lomiri --mode=full-shell'") # Output rendering from Lomiri has started when it starts printing performance diagnostics machine.wait_for_console_text("Last frame took") # Look for datetime's clock, one of the last elements to load wait_for_text(r"(AM|PM)") machine.screenshot("lomiri_launched") ''; } ); desktop-basics = makeTest ( { pkgs, lib, ... }: { name = "lomiri-desktop-basics"; meta = { maintainers = lib.teams.lomiri.members; }; nodes.machine = { config, ... }: { imports = [ ./common/auto.nix ./common/user-account.nix ]; virtualisation.memorySize = 2047; users.users.${user} = { inherit description password; }; test-support.displayManager.auto = { enable = true; inherit user; }; # To control mouse via scripting programs.ydotool.enable = true; services.desktopManager.lomiri.enable = lib.mkForce true; services.displayManager.defaultSession = lib.mkForce "lomiri"; # Help with OCR fonts.packages = [ pkgs.inconsolata ]; environment = { # Help with OCR etc."xdg/alacritty/alacritty.yml".text = lib.generators.toYAML { } { font = rec { normal.family = "Inconsolata"; bold.family = normal.family; italic.family = normal.family; bold_italic.family = normal.family; size = 16; }; colors = rec { primary = { foreground = "0x000000"; background = "0xffffff"; }; normal = { green = primary.foreground; }; }; }; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # Forcing alacritty to run as an X11 app when opened from the starter menu (symlinkJoin { name = "x11-${alacritty.name}"; paths = [ alacritty ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; postBuild = '' wrapProgram $out/bin/alacritty \ --set WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND x11 \ --set WAYLAND_DISPLAY "" ''; inherit (alacritty) meta; }) ]; }; # Help with OCR systemd.tmpfiles.settings = let white = "255, 255, 255"; black = "0, 0, 0"; colorSection = color: { Color = color; Bold = true; Transparency = false; }; terminalColors = pkgs.writeText "customized.colorscheme" ( lib.generators.toINI { } { Background = colorSection white; Foreground = colorSection black; Color2 = colorSection black; Color2Intense = colorSection black; } ); terminalConfig = pkgs.writeText "terminal.ubports.conf" ( lib.generators.toINI { } { General = { colorScheme = "customized"; fontSize = "16"; fontStyle = "Inconsolata"; }; } ); confBase = "${config.users.users.${user}.home}/.config"; userDirArgs = { mode = "0700"; user = user; group = "users"; }; in { "10-lomiri-test-setup" = { "${confBase}".d = userDirArgs; "${confBase}/terminal.ubports".d = userDirArgs; "${confBase}/terminal.ubports/customized.colorscheme".L.argument = "${terminalColors}"; "${confBase}/terminal.ubports/terminal.ubports.conf".L.argument = "${terminalConfig}"; }; }; }; enableOCR = true; testScript = { nodes, ... }: '' def wait_for_text(text): """ Wait for on-screen text, and try to optimise retry count for slow hardware. """ machine.sleep(10) machine.wait_for_text(text) def mouse_click(xpos, ypos): """ Move the mouse to a screen location and hit left-click. """ # Need to reset to top-left, --absolute doesn't work? machine.execute("ydotool mousemove -- -10000 -10000") machine.sleep(2) # Move machine.execute(f"ydotool mousemove -- {xpos} {ypos}") machine.sleep(2) # Click (C0 - left button: down & up) machine.execute("ydotool click 0xC0") machine.sleep(2) def open_starter(): """ Open the starter, and ensure it's opened. """ # Using the keybind has a chance of instantly closing the menu again? Just click the button mouse_click(20, 30) start_all() machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target") # The session should start, and not be stuck in i.e. a crash loop with subtest("lomiri starts"): machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -u ${user} -f 'lomiri --mode=full-shell'") # Output rendering from Lomiri has started when it starts printing performance diagnostics machine.wait_for_console_text("Last frame took") # Look for datetime's clock, one of the last elements to load wait_for_text(r"(AM|PM)") machine.screenshot("lomiri_launched") # Working terminal keybind is good with subtest("terminal keybind works"): machine.send_key("ctrl-alt-t") wait_for_text(r"(${user}|machine)") machine.screenshot("terminal_opens") # lomiri-terminal-app has a separate VM test to test its basic functionality machine.send_key("alt-f4") # We want the ability to launch applications with subtest("starter menu works"): open_starter() machine.screenshot("starter_opens") # Just try the terminal again, we know that it should work machine.send_chars("Terminal\n") wait_for_text(r"(${user}|machine)") machine.send_key("alt-f4") # We want support for X11 apps with subtest("xwayland support works"): open_starter() machine.send_chars("Alacritty\n") wait_for_text(r"(${user}|machine)") machine.screenshot("alacritty_opens") machine.send_key("alt-f4") # Morph is how we go online with subtest("morph browser works"): open_starter() machine.send_chars("Morph\n") wait_for_text(r"(Bookmarks|address|site|visited any)") machine.screenshot("morph_open") # morph-browser has a separate VM test to test its basic functionalities machine.send_key("alt-f4") # LSS provides DE settings with subtest("system settings open"): open_starter() machine.send_chars("System Settings\n") wait_for_text("Rotation Lock") machine.screenshot("settings_open") # lomiri-system-settings has a separate VM test to test its basic functionalities machine.send_key("alt-f4") ''; } ); desktop-appinteractions = makeTest ( { pkgs, lib, ... }: { name = "lomiri-desktop-appinteractions"; meta = { maintainers = lib.teams.lomiri.members; }; nodes.machine = { config, ... }: { imports = [ ./common/auto.nix ./common/user-account.nix ]; virtualisation.memorySize = 2047; users.users.${user} = { inherit description password; # polkit agent test extraGroups = [ "wheel" ]; }; test-support.displayManager.auto = { enable = true; inherit user; }; # To control mouse via scripting programs.ydotool.enable = true; services.desktopManager.lomiri.enable = lib.mkForce true; services.displayManager.defaultSession = lib.mkForce "lomiri"; # Help with OCR fonts.packages = [ pkgs.inconsolata ]; environment = { # Help with OCR etc."xdg/alacritty/alacritty.yml".text = lib.generators.toYAML { } { font = rec { normal.family = "Inconsolata"; bold.family = normal.family; italic.family = normal.family; bold_italic.family = normal.family; size = 16; }; colors = rec { primary = { foreground = "0x000000"; background = "0xffffff"; }; normal = { green = primary.foreground; }; }; }; variables = { # So we can test what content-hub is working behind the scenes CONTENT_HUB_LOGGING_LEVEL = "2"; }; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # For a convenient way of kicking off content-hub peer collection lomiri.content-hub.examples ]; }; # Help with OCR systemd.tmpfiles.settings = let white = "255, 255, 255"; black = "0, 0, 0"; colorSection = color: { Color = color; Bold = true; Transparency = false; }; terminalColors = pkgs.writeText "customized.colorscheme" ( lib.generators.toINI { } { Background = colorSection white; Foreground = colorSection black; Color2 = colorSection black; Color2Intense = colorSection black; } ); terminalConfig = pkgs.writeText "terminal.ubports.conf" ( lib.generators.toINI { } { General = { colorScheme = "customized"; fontSize = "16"; fontStyle = "Inconsolata"; }; } ); confBase = "${config.users.users.${user}.home}/.config"; userDirArgs = { mode = "0700"; user = user; group = "users"; }; in { "10-lomiri-test-setup" = { "${confBase}".d = userDirArgs; "${confBase}/terminal.ubports".d = userDirArgs; "${confBase}/terminal.ubports/customized.colorscheme".L.argument = "${terminalColors}"; "${confBase}/terminal.ubports/terminal.ubports.conf".L.argument = "${terminalConfig}"; }; }; }; enableOCR = true; testScript = { nodes, ... }: '' def wait_for_text(text): """ Wait for on-screen text, and try to optimise retry count for slow hardware. """ machine.sleep(10) machine.wait_for_text(text) def toggle_maximise(): """ Maximise the current window. """ machine.send_key("ctrl-meta_l-up") # For some reason, Lomiri in these VM tests very frequently opens the starter menu a few seconds after sending the above. # Because this isn't 100% reproducible all the time, and there is no command to await when OCR doesn't pick up some text, # the best we can do is send some Escape input after waiting some arbitrary time and hope that it works out fine. machine.sleep(5) machine.send_key("esc") machine.sleep(5) def mouse_click(xpos, ypos): """ Move the mouse to a screen location and hit left-click. """ # Need to reset to top-left, --absolute doesn't work? machine.execute("ydotool mousemove -- -10000 -10000") machine.sleep(2) # Move machine.execute(f"ydotool mousemove -- {xpos} {ypos}") machine.sleep(2) # Click (C0 - left button: down & up) machine.execute("ydotool click 0xC0") machine.sleep(2) def open_starter(): """ Open the starter, and ensure it's opened. """ # Using the keybind has a chance of instantly closing the menu again? Just click the button mouse_click(20, 30) start_all() machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target") # The session should start, and not be stuck in i.e. a crash loop with subtest("lomiri starts"): machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -u ${user} -f 'lomiri --mode=full-shell'") # Output rendering from Lomiri has started when it starts printing performance diagnostics machine.wait_for_console_text("Last frame took") # Look for datetime's clock, one of the last elements to load wait_for_text(r"(AM|PM)") machine.screenshot("lomiri_launched") # Working terminal keybind is good with subtest("terminal keybind works"): machine.send_key("ctrl-alt-t") wait_for_text(r"(${user}|machine)") machine.screenshot("terminal_opens") # lomiri-terminal-app has a separate VM test to test its basic functionality # for the LSS content-hub test to work reliably, we need to kick off peer collecting machine.send_chars("content-hub-test-importer\n") wait_for_text(r"(/build/source|hub.cpp|handler.cpp|void|virtual|const)") # awaiting log messages from content-hub machine.send_key("ctrl-c") # Doing this here, since we need an in-session shell & separately starting a terminal again wastes time with subtest("polkit agent works"): machine.send_chars("pkexec touch /tmp/polkit-test\n") # There's an authentication notification here that gains focus, but we struggle with OCRing it # Just hope that it's up after a short wait machine.sleep(10) machine.screenshot("polkit_agent") machine.send_chars("${password}") machine.sleep(2) # Hopefully enough delay to make sure all the password characters have been registered? Maybe just placebo machine.send_chars("\n") machine.wait_for_file("/tmp/polkit-test", 10) machine.send_key("alt-f4") # LSS provides DE settings with subtest("system settings open"): open_starter() machine.send_chars("System Settings\n") wait_for_text("Rotation Lock") machine.screenshot("settings_open") # lomiri-system-settings has a separate VM test, only test Lomiri-specific content-hub functionalities here # Make fullscreen, can't navigate to Background plugin via keyboard unless window has non-phone-like aspect ratio toggle_maximise() # Load Background plugin machine.send_key("tab") machine.send_key("tab") machine.send_key("tab") machine.send_key("tab") machine.send_key("tab") machine.send_key("tab") machine.send_key("ret") wait_for_text("Background image") # Try to load custom background machine.send_key("shift-tab") machine.send_key("shift-tab") machine.send_key("shift-tab") machine.send_key("shift-tab") machine.send_key("shift-tab") machine.send_key("shift-tab") machine.send_key("ret") # Peers should be loaded wait_for_text("Morph") # or Gallery, but Morph is already packaged machine.screenshot("settings_content-hub_peers") # Select Morph as content source mouse_click(370, 100) # Expect Morph to be brought into the foreground, with its Downloads page open wait_for_text("No downloads") # If content-hub encounters a problem, it may have crashed the original application issuing the request. # Check that it's still alive machine.succeed("pgrep -u ${user} -f lomiri-system-settings") machine.screenshot("content-hub_exchange") # Testing any more would require more applications & setup, the fact that it's already being attempted is a good sign machine.send_key("esc") machine.sleep(2) # sleep a tiny bit so morph can close & the focus can return to LSS machine.send_key("alt-f4") ''; } ); desktop-ayatana-indicators = makeTest ( { pkgs, lib, ... }: { name = "lomiri-desktop-ayatana-indicators"; meta = { maintainers = lib.teams.lomiri.members; }; nodes.machine = { config, ... }: { imports = [ ./common/auto.nix ./common/user-account.nix ]; virtualisation.memorySize = 2047; users.users.${user} = { inherit description password; }; test-support.displayManager.auto = { enable = true; inherit user; }; # To control mouse via scripting programs.ydotool.enable = true; services.desktopManager.lomiri.enable = lib.mkForce true; services.displayManager.defaultSession = lib.mkForce "lomiri"; # Help with OCR fonts.packages = [ pkgs.inconsolata ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ qt5.qttools ]; }; enableOCR = true; testScript = { nodes, ... }: '' def wait_for_text(text): """ Wait for on-screen text, and try to optimise retry count for slow hardware. """ machine.sleep(10) machine.wait_for_text(text) def mouse_click(xpos, ypos): """ Move the mouse to a screen location and hit left-click. """ # Need to reset to top-left, --absolute doesn't work? machine.execute("ydotool mousemove -- -10000 -10000") machine.sleep(2) # Move machine.execute(f"ydotool mousemove -- {xpos} {ypos}") machine.sleep(2) # Click (C0 - left button: down & up) machine.execute("ydotool click 0xC0") machine.sleep(2) start_all() machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target") # The session should start, and not be stuck in i.e. a crash loop with subtest("lomiri starts"): machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -u ${user} -f 'lomiri --mode=full-shell'") # Output rendering from Lomiri has started when it starts printing performance diagnostics machine.wait_for_console_text("Last frame took") # Look for datetime's clock, one of the last elements to load wait_for_text(r"(AM|PM)") machine.screenshot("lomiri_launched") # The ayatana indicators are an important part of the experience, and they hold the only graphical way of exiting the session. # There's a test app we could use that also displays their contents, but it's abit inconsistent. with subtest("ayatana indicators work"): mouse_click(735, 0) # the cog in the top-right, for the session indicator wait_for_text(r"(Notifications|Rotation|Battery|Sound|Time|Date|System)") machine.screenshot("indicators_open") # Indicator order within the menus *should* be fixed based on per-indicator order setting # Session is the one we clicked, but the last we should test (logout). Go as far left as we can test. machine.send_key("left") machine.send_key("left") machine.send_key("left") machine.send_key("left") machine.send_key("left") # Notifications are usually empty, nothing to check there with subtest("ayatana indicator display works"): # We start on this, don't go right wait_for_text("Lock") machine.screenshot("indicators_display") with subtest("lomiri indicator network works"): machine.send_key("right") wait_for_text(r"(Flight|Wi-Fi)") machine.screenshot("indicators_network") with subtest("ayatana indicator sound works"): machine.send_key("right") wait_for_text(r"(Silent|Volume)") machine.screenshot("indicators_sound") with subtest("ayatana indicator power works"): machine.send_key("right") wait_for_text(r"(Charge|Battery settings)") machine.screenshot("indicators_power") with subtest("ayatana indicator datetime works"): machine.send_key("right") wait_for_text("Time and Date Settings") machine.screenshot("indicators_timedate") with subtest("ayatana indicator session works"): machine.send_key("right") wait_for_text("Log Out") machine.screenshot("indicators_session") # We should be able to log out and return to the greeter mouse_click(720, 280) # "Log Out" mouse_click(400, 240) # confirm logout machine.wait_until_fails("pgrep -u ${user} -f 'lomiri --mode=full-shell'") ''; } ); }