Michael Raskin b8cc335fbb Reformatted rescue-cd-configurable.nix
svn path=/nixos/trunk/; revision=10401
2008-01-30 09:42:48 +00:00

422 lines
11 KiB

,platform ? __currentSystem
,networkNixpkgs ? ""
,nixpkgsMd5 ? ""
,manualEnabled ? true
,rogueEnabled ? true
,sshdEnabled ? false
,fontConfigEnabled ? false
,sudoEnable ? false
,packages ? (pkgs : [])
,includeMemtest ? true
,includeStdenv ? true
,includeBuildDeps ? false
,kernel ? (pkgs : pkgs.kernel)
,addUsers ? []
,extraInitrdKernelModules ? []
,bootKernelModules ? []
,arbitraryOverrides ? (config:{})
,cleanStart ? false
/* Should return list of {configuration, suffix} attrsets.
{configuration=configuration; suffix=""} is always prepended.
,configList ? (configuration : [])
,aufs ? true
ttyCount = lib.fold builtins.add 0 [
(if rogueEnabled then 1 else 0)
(if manualEnabled then 1 else 0)
systemPackBuilder = {suffix, configuration} :
system = (import ../system/system.nix) {
inherit configuration platform; /* To refactor later - x86+x86_64 DVD */
stage2Init = "/init"+suffix;
inherit suffix configuration;
systemPackGrubEntry = systemPack :
title NixOS Installer / Rescue ${systemPack.system.config.boot.configurationName}
kernel /boot/vmlinuz${systemPack.suffix} ${toString systemPack.system.config.boot.kernelParams} systemConfig=/system${systemPack.suffix}
initrd /boot/initrd${systemPack.suffix}
systemPackInstallRootList = systemPack :
source = systemPack.system.kernel + "/vmlinuz";
target = "boot/vmlinuz${systemPack.suffix}";
source = systemPack.system.initialRamdisk + "/initrd";
target = "boot/initrd${systemPack.suffix}";
systemPackInstallClosures = systemPack :
object = systemPack.system.bootStage2;
symlink = "/init${systemPack.suffix}";
object = systemPack.system.system;
symlink = "/system${systemPack.suffix}";
(lib.optional includeStdenv
# To speed up the installation, provide the full stdenv.
object = systemPack.system.pkgs.stdenv;
symlink = "none";
systemPackInstallBuildClosure = systemPack :
object = systemPack.system.system.drvPath;
symlink = "none";
userEntry = user :
name = user;
description = "NixOS Live Disk non-root user";
home = "/home/${user}";
createHome = true;
group = "users";
extraGroups = ["wheel" "audio"];
shell = "/bin/sh";
rec {
nixpkgsRel = "nixpkgs" + (if networkNixpkgs != "" then "-" + networkNixpkgs else "");
configuration = let preConfiguration ={
boot = {
isLiveCD = true;
autoDetectRootDevice = true;
# The label used to identify the installation CD.
rootLabel = "NIXOS";
extraTTYs = []
++ (lib.optional manualEnabled 7)
++ (lib.optional rogueEnabled 8);
inherit kernel;
initrd = {
extraKernelModules = extraInitrdKernelModules
++ (if aufs then ["aufs"] else [])
kernelModules = bootKernelModules;
extraModulePackages = []
++(if aufs then [pkgs.aufs] else [])
services = {
sshd = { enable = sshdEnabled; };
xserver = { enable = false; };
extraJobs = [
# Unpack the NixOS/Nixpkgs sources to /etc/nixos.
name = "unpack-sources";
job = ''
start on startup
export PATH=${pkgs.gnutar}/bin:${pkgs.bzip2}/bin:$PATH
${system.nix}/bin/nix-store --load-db < /nix-path-registration
mkdir -p /etc/nixos/nixos
tar xjf /install/nixos.tar.bz2 -C /etc/nixos/nixos
tar xjf /install/nixpkgs.tar.bz2 -C /etc/nixos
mv /etc/nixos/nixpkgs-* /etc/nixos/nixpkgs || true
ln -sfn ../nixpkgs/pkgs /etc/nixos/nixos/pkgs
chown -R root.root /etc/nixos
touch /etc/resolv.conf
end script
(lib.optional manualEnabled
# Show the NixOS manual on tty7.
name = "manual";
job = ''
start on udev
stop on shutdown
respawn ${pkgs.w3m}/bin/w3m ${manual} < /dev/tty7 > /dev/tty7 2>&1
(lib.optional rogueEnabled
# Allow the user to do something useful on tty8 while waiting
# for the installation to finish.
name = "rogue";
job = ''
start on udev
stop on shutdown
respawn ${pkgs.rogue}/bin/rogue < /dev/tty8 > /dev/tty8 2>&1
(lib.optional (addUsers != [])
# Set empty passwords
name = "clear-passwords";
job = ''
start on startup
for i in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " addUsers}; do
echo | ${pkgs.pwdutils}/bin/passwd --stdin $i
end script
# And a background to go with that.
ttyBackgrounds = {
specificThemes = []
(lib.optional manualEnabled
tty = 7;
# Theme is GPL according to
theme = pkgs.fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "0sdykpziij1f3w4braq8r8nqg4lnsd7i7gi1k5d7c31m2q3b9a7r";
(lib.optional rogueEnabled
tty = 8;
theme = pkgs.fetchurl {
url =;
md5 = "61969309d23c631e57b0a311102ef034";
mingetty = {
helpLine = ''
Log in as "root" with an empty password.
+(if addUsers != [] then
'' These users also have empty passwords:
${lib.concatStringsSep " " addUsers }
else "")
+(if manualEnabled then " Press <Alt-F7> for help." else "");
fonts = { enableFontConfig = fontConfigEnabled; };
installer = {
nixpkgsURL =
(if networkNixpkgs != "" then + nixpkgsRel
else file:///mnt/ );
security = {
sudo = { enable = sudoEnable; };
environment = {
extraPackages = if cleanStart then pkgs:[] else pkgs: [
pkgs.subversion # for nixos-checkout
pkgs.w3m # needed for the manual anyway
] ++ (packages pkgs);
checkConfigurationOptions = true;
cleanStart = cleanStart;
users = {
extraUsers = map userEntry addUsers;
}; in preConfiguration // (arbitraryOverrides preConfiguration);
configurations = [{
inherit configuration;
suffix = "";
}] ++ (configList configuration);
systemPacks = map systemPackBuilder configurations;
system = (builtins.head systemPacks).system; /* I hope this is unneeded */
pkgs = system.pkgs; /* Nothing non-fixed should be built from it */
# The NixOS manual, with a backward compatibility hack for Nix <=
# 0.11 (you won't get the manual).
manual = if builtins ? unsafeDiscardStringContext
then "${import ../doc/manual}/manual.html"
else pkgs.writeText "dummy-manual" "Manual not included in this build!";
# Since the CD is read-only, the mount points must be on disk.
cdMountPoints = pkgs.runCommand "mount-points" {} ''
ensureDir $out
cd $out
mkdir proc sys tmp etc dev var mnt nix nix/var root bin ${if addUsers != "" then "home" else ""}
touch $out/${configuration.boot.rootLabel}
# We need a copy of the Nix expressions for Nixpkgs and NixOS on the
# CD. We put them in a tarball because accessing that many small
# files from a slow device like a CD-ROM takes too long.
makeTarball = tarName: input: pkgs.runCommand "tarball" {inherit tarName;} ''
ensureDir $out
(cd ${input} && tar cvfj $out/${tarName} . \
--exclude '*~' \
--exclude 'pkgs' --exclude 'result')
makeNixPkgsTarball = tarName: input: ((pkgs.runCommand "tarball-nixpkgs" {inherit tarName;} ''
ensureDir $out
(cd ${input}/.. && tar cvfj $out/${tarName} nixpkgs \
--exclude '*~' \
--exclude 'result')
# Put the current directory in a tarball (making sure to filter
# out crap like the .svn directories).
nixosTarball =
let filter = name: type:
let base = baseNameOf (toString name);
in base != ".svn" && base != "result";
makeTarball "nixos.tar.bz2" (builtins.filterSource filter ./..);
# Get a recent copy of Nixpkgs.
nixpkgsTarball = if networkNixpkgs != "" then pkgs.fetchurl {
url = configuration.installer.nixpkgsURL + "/" + nixpkgsRel + ".tar.bz2";
md5 = "6a793b877e2a4fa79827515902e1dfd8";
} else makeNixPkgsTarball "nixpkgs.tar.bz2" "/etc/nixos/nixpkgs";
# The configuration file for Grub.
grubCfg = pkgs.writeText "menu.lst" (''
default 0
timeout 10
splashimage /boot/background.xpm.gz
(lib.concatStrings (map systemPackGrubEntry systemPacks))
+ (if includeMemtest then
title Memtest86+
kernel /boot/memtest.bin
'' else ""));
# Create an ISO image containing the Grub boot loader, the kernel,
# the initrd produced above, and the closure of the stage 2 init.
rescueCD = import ../helpers/make-iso9660-image.nix {
inherit (pkgs) stdenv perl cdrkit;
isoName = "nixos-${platform}.iso";
# Single files to be copied to fixed locations on the CD.
contents = lib.uniqList {
inputList = [
source = "${pkgs.grub}/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito";
target = "boot/grub/stage2_eltorito";
source = grubCfg;
target = "boot/grub/menu.lst";
(lib.concatLists (map systemPackInstallRootList systemPacks))
source = system.config.boot.grubSplashImage;
target = "boot/background.xpm.gz";
source = cdMountPoints;
target = "/";
source = nixosTarball + "/" + nixosTarball.tarName;
target = "/install/" + nixosTarball.tarName;
source = nixpkgsTarball;
target = "/install/nixpkgs.tar.bz2";
(lib.optional includeMemtest
source = pkgs.memtest86 + "/memtest.bin";
target = "boot/memtest.bin";
# Closures to be copied to the Nix store on the CD.
storeContents = lib.uniqListExt {
inputList= lib.concatLists
(map systemPackInstallClosures systemPacks);
getter = x : x.object.drvPath;
compare = lib.eqStrings;
buildStoreContents = lib.uniqList
(if includeBuildDeps then lib.concatLists
(map systemPackInstallBuildClosure systemPacks)
else [])
bootable = true;
bootImage = "boot/grub/stage2_eltorito";