Benjamin Hipple 2115a2037c fetchcargo: use flat tar.gz file for vendored src instead of recursive hash dir
This has several advantages:

1. It takes up less space on disk in-between builds in the nix store.
2. It uses less space in the binary cache for vendor derivation packages.
3. It uses less network traffic downloading from the binary cache.
4. It plays nicely with hashed mirrors like, which only
   substitute --flat hashes on single files (not recursive directory hashes).
5. It's consistent with how simple `fetchurl` src derivations work.
6. It provides a stronger abstraction between input src-package and output
   package, e.g., it's harder to accidentally depend on the src derivation at
   runtime by referencing something like `${src}/etc/index.html`. Likewise, in
   the store it's harder to get confused with something that is just there as a
   build-time dependency vs. a runtime dependency, since the build-time
   src dependencies are tarred up.

Disadvantages are:
1. It takes slightly longer to untar at the start of a build.

As currently implemented, this attaches the compacted vendor.tar.gz feature as a
rider on `verifyCargoDeps`, since both of them are relatively newly implemented
behavior that change the `cargoSha256`.

If this PR is accepted, I will push forward the remaining rust packages with a
series of treewide PRs to update the `cargoSha256`s.
2020-02-10 10:17:29 -05:00

196 lines
6.0 KiB

{ stdenv, cacert, git, rust, cargo, rustc, fetchcargo, fetchCargoTarball, buildPackages, windows }:
{ name ? "${args.pname}-${args.version}"
, cargoSha256 ? "unset"
, src ? null
, srcs ? null
, unpackPhase ? null
, cargoPatches ? []
, patches ? []
, sourceRoot ? null
, logLevel ? ""
, buildInputs ? []
, nativeBuildInputs ? []
, cargoUpdateHook ? ""
, cargoDepsHook ? ""
, cargoBuildFlags ? []
# Please set to true on any Rust package updates. Once all packages set this
# to true, we will delete and make it the default. For details, see the Rust
# section on the manual and ./
, legacyCargoFetcher ? true
, buildType ? "release"
, meta ? {}
, target ? null
, cargoVendorDir ? null
, ... } @ args:
assert cargoVendorDir == null -> cargoSha256 != "unset";
assert buildType == "release" || buildType == "debug";
cargoFetcher = if legacyCargoFetcher
then fetchcargo
else fetchCargoTarball;
cargoDeps = if cargoVendorDir == null
then cargoFetcher {
inherit name src srcs sourceRoot unpackPhase cargoUpdateHook;
patches = cargoPatches;
sha256 = cargoSha256;
else null;
# If we're using the modern fetcher that always preserves the original Cargo.lock
# and have vendored deps, check them against the src attr for consistency.
validateCargoDeps = cargoSha256 != "unset" && !legacyCargoFetcher;
setupVendorDir = if cargoVendorDir == null
then ''
unpackFile "$cargoDeps"
cargoDepsCopy=$(stripHash $cargoDeps)
else ''
rustTarget = if target == null then rust.toRustTarget stdenv.hostPlatform else target;
releaseDir = "target/${rustTarget}/${buildType}";
# Fetcher implementation choice should not be part of the hash in final
# derivation; only the cargoSha256 input matters.
filteredArgs = builtins.removeAttrs args [ "legacyCargoFetcher" ];
stdenv.mkDerivation (filteredArgs // {
inherit cargoDeps;
patchRegistryDeps = ./patch-registry-deps;
nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ [ cacert git cargo rustc ];
buildInputs = buildInputs ++ stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isMinGW windows.pthreads;
patches = cargoPatches ++ patches;
if stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform then 1 else 0;
postUnpack = ''
eval "$cargoDepsHook"
mkdir .cargo
if [[ ! -e $config ]]; then
substitute $config .cargo/config \
--subst-var-by vendor "$(pwd)/$cargoDepsCopy"
cat >> .cargo/config <<'EOF'
[target."${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.buildPlatform}"]
"linker" = "${ccForBuild}"
${stdenv.lib.optionalString (stdenv.buildPlatform.config != stdenv.hostPlatform.config) ''
"linker" = "${ccForHost}"
stdenv.lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) ''
"rustflags" = [ "-C", "target-feature=+crt-static", "-C", "link-arg=-lgcc" ]
export RUST_LOG=${logLevel}
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString validateCargoDeps ''
if ! diff source/Cargo.lock $cargoDepsCopy/Cargo.lock ; then
echo "ERROR: cargoSha256 is out of date"
echo "Cargo.lock is not the same in $cargoDepsCopy"
echo "To fix the issue:"
echo '1. Use "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" as the cargoSha256 value'
echo "2. Build the derivation and wait it to fail with a hash mismatch"
echo "3. Copy the 'got: sha256:' value back into the cargoSha256 field"
exit 1
'' + ''
unset cargoDepsCopy
'' + (args.postUnpack or "");
configurePhase = args.configurePhase or ''
runHook preConfigure
runHook postConfigure
buildPhase = with builtins; args.buildPhase or ''
runHook preBuild
set -x
env \
"CC_${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.buildPlatform}"="${ccForBuild}" \
"CXX_${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.buildPlatform}"="${cxxForBuild}" \
"CC_${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.hostPlatform}"="${ccForHost}" \
"CXX_${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.hostPlatform}"="${cxxForHost}" \
cargo build \
${stdenv.lib.optionalString (buildType == "release") "--release"} \
--target ${rustTarget} \
--frozen ${concatStringsSep " " cargoBuildFlags}
# rename the output dir to a architecture independent one
mapfile -t targets < <(find "$NIX_BUILD_TOP" -type d | grep '${releaseDir}$')
for target in "''${targets[@]}"; do
rm -rf "$target/../../${buildType}"
ln -srf "$target" "$target/../../"
runHook postBuild
checkPhase = args.checkPhase or ''
runHook preCheck
echo "Running cargo cargo test -- ''${checkFlags} ''${checkFlagsArray+''${checkFlagsArray[@]}}"
cargo test -- ''${checkFlags} ''${checkFlagsArray+"''${checkFlagsArray[@]}"}
runHook postCheck
doCheck = args.doCheck or true;
inherit releaseDir;
installPhase = args.installPhase or ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/bin $out/lib
find $releaseDir \
-maxdepth 1 \
-type f \
-executable ! \( -regex ".*\.\(so.[0-9.]+\|so\|a\|dylib\)" \) \
-print0 | xargs -r -0 cp -t $out/bin
find $releaseDir \
-maxdepth 1 \
-regex ".*\.\(so.[0-9.]+\|so\|a\|dylib\)" \
-print0 | xargs -r -0 cp -t $out/lib
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $out/lib $out/bin
runHook postInstall
passthru = { inherit cargoDeps; } // (args.passthru or {});
meta = {
# default to Rust's platforms
platforms = rustc.meta.platforms;
} // meta;