Sandro Jäckel 9bbc053f1a
yarn2nix: change yarnFlags to append by default
The main usecase for this variable is to append --production to yarn
which now got a whole lot easier because you no longer need to repeat
the defaults.
2022-07-24 16:18:09 +02:00

454 lines
14 KiB

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}
, nodejs ? pkgs.nodejs
, yarn ? pkgs.yarn
, allowAliases ? pkgs.config.allowAliases
inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib fetchurl linkFarm callPackage git rsync makeWrapper runCommandLocal;
compose = f: g: x: f (g x);
id = x: x;
composeAll = builtins.foldl' compose id;
# TODO: support expression syntax (OR, AND, etc)
getLicenseFromSpdxId = licstr:
if licstr == "UNLICENSED" then
lib.getLicenseFromSpdxId licstr;
in rec {
# Export yarn again to make it easier to find out which yarn was used.
inherit yarn;
# Re-export pkgs
inherit pkgs;
unlessNull = item: alt:
if item == null then alt else item;
reformatPackageName = pname:
# regex adapted from `validate-npm-package-name`
# will produce 3 parts e.g.
# "@someorg/somepackage" -> [ "@someorg/" "someorg" "somepackage" ]
# "somepackage" -> [ null null "somepackage" ]
parts = builtins.tail (builtins.match "^(@([^/]+)/)?([^/]+)$" pname);
# if there is no organisation we need to filter out null values.
non-null = builtins.filter (x: x != null) parts;
in builtins.concatStringsSep "-" non-null;
inherit getLicenseFromSpdxId;
# Generates the yarn.nix from the yarn.lock file
mkYarnNix = { yarnLock, flags ? [] }:
pkgs.runCommand "yarn.nix" {}
"${yarn2nix}/bin/yarn2nix --lockfile ${yarnLock} --no-patch --builtin-fetchgit ${lib.escapeShellArgs flags} > $out";
# Loads the generated offline cache. This will be used by yarn as
# the package source.
importOfflineCache = yarnNix:
pkg = callPackage yarnNix { };
defaultYarnFlags = [
mkYarnModules = {
name ? "${pname}-${version}", # safe name and version, e.g. testcompany-one-modules-1.0.0
pname, # original name, e.g @testcompany/one
yarnNix ? mkYarnNix { inherit yarnLock; },
offlineCache ? importOfflineCache yarnNix,
yarnFlags ? [ ],
pkgConfig ? {},
preBuild ? "",
postBuild ? "",
workspaceDependencies ? [], # List of yarn packages
packageResolutions ? {},
extraNativeBuildInputs =
(key: pkgConfig.${key}.nativeBuildInputs or [])
(builtins.attrNames pkgConfig);
extraBuildInputs =
(key: pkgConfig.${key}.buildInputs or [])
(builtins.attrNames pkgConfig);
postInstall = ( (key:
if (pkgConfig.${key} ? postInstall) then
for f in $(find -L -path '*/node_modules/${key}' -type d); do
(cd "$f" && (${pkgConfig.${key}.postInstall}))
) (builtins.attrNames pkgConfig));
workspaceJSON = pkgs.writeText
(builtins.toJSON { private = true; workspaces = ["deps/**"]; resolutions = packageResolutions; }); # scoped packages need second splat
workspaceDependencyLinks = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n"
(dep: ''
mkdir -p "deps/${dep.pname}"
ln -sf ${dep.packageJSON} "deps/${dep.pname}/package.json"
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit preBuild postBuild name;
dontUnpack = true;
dontInstall = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ yarn nodejs git ] ++ extraNativeBuildInputs;
buildInputs = extraBuildInputs;
configurePhase = lib.optionalString (offlineCache ? outputHash) ''
if ! cmp -s ${yarnLock} ${offlineCache}/yarn.lock; then
echo "yarn.lock changed, you need to update the fetchYarnDeps hash"
exit 1
'' + ''
# Yarn writes cache directories etc to $HOME.
export HOME=$PWD/yarn_home
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
mkdir -p "deps/${pname}"
cp ${packageJSON} "deps/${pname}/package.json"
cp ${workspaceJSON} ./package.json
cp ${yarnLock} ./yarn.lock
chmod +w ./yarn.lock
yarn config --offline set yarn-offline-mirror ${offlineCache}
# Do not look up in the registry, but in the offline cache.
${fixup_yarn_lock}/bin/fixup_yarn_lock yarn.lock
yarn install ${lib.escapeShellArgs (defaultYarnFlags ++ yarnFlags)}
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" postInstall}
mkdir $out
mv node_modules $out/
mv deps $out/
patchShebangs $out
runHook postBuild
# This can be used as a shellHook in mkYarnPackage. It brings the built node_modules into
# the shell-hook environment.
linkNodeModulesHook = ''
if [[ -d node_modules || -L node_modules ]]; then
echo "./node_modules is present. Replacing."
rm -rf node_modules
ln -s "$node_modules" node_modules
mkYarnWorkspace = {
packageJSON ? src + "/package.json",
yarnLock ? src + "/yarn.lock",
packageOverrides ? {},
package = lib.importJSON packageJSON;
packageGlobs = if lib.isList package.workspaces then package.workspaces else package.workspaces.packages;
packageResolutions = package.resolutions or {};
globElemToRegex = lib.replaceStrings ["*"] [".*"];
# PathGlob -> [PathGlobElem]
splitGlob = lib.splitString "/";
# Path -> [PathGlobElem] -> [Path]
# Note: Only directories are included, everything else is filtered out
expandGlobList = base: globElems:
elemRegex = globElemToRegex (lib.head globElems);
rest = lib.tail globElems;
children = lib.attrNames (lib.filterAttrs (name: type: type == "directory") (builtins.readDir base));
matchingChildren = lib.filter (child: builtins.match elemRegex child != null) children;
in if globElems == []
then [ base ]
else lib.concatMap (child: expandGlobList (base+("/"+child)) rest) matchingChildren;
# Path -> PathGlob -> [Path]
expandGlob = base: glob: expandGlobList base (splitGlob glob);
packagePaths = lib.concatMap (expandGlob src) packageGlobs;
packages = lib.listToAttrs (map (src:
packageJSON = src + "/package.json";
package = lib.importJSON packageJSON;
allDependencies = lib.foldl (a: b: a // b) {} (map (field: lib.attrByPath [field] {} package) ["dependencies" "devDependencies"]);
# { [name: String] : { pname : String, packageJSON : String, ... } } -> { [pname: String] : version } -> [{ pname : String, packageJSON : String, ... }]
getWorkspaceDependencies = packages: allDependencies:
packageList = lib.attrValues packages;
composeAll [
(lib.filter (x: x != null))
(lib.mapAttrsToList (pname: _version: lib.findFirst (package: package.pname == pname) null packageList))
] allDependencies;
workspaceDependencies = getWorkspaceDependencies packages allDependencies;
name = reformatPackageName;
in {
inherit name;
value = mkYarnPackage (
builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["packageOverrides"]
// { inherit src packageJSON yarnLock packageResolutions workspaceDependencies; }
// lib.attrByPath [name] {} packageOverrides
in packages;
mkYarnPackage = {
name ? null,
packageJSON ? src + "/package.json",
yarnLock ? src + "/yarn.lock",
yarnNix ? mkYarnNix { inherit yarnLock; },
offlineCache ? importOfflineCache yarnNix,
yarnFlags ? [ ],
yarnPreBuild ? "",
yarnPostBuild ? "",
pkgConfig ? {},
extraBuildInputs ? [],
publishBinsFor ? null,
workspaceDependencies ? [], # List of yarnPackages
packageResolutions ? {},
package = lib.importJSON packageJSON;
pname =;
safeName = reformatPackageName pname;
version = attrs.version or package.version;
baseName = unlessNull name "${safeName}-${version}";
workspaceDependenciesTransitive = lib.unique (
(lib.flatten ( (dep: dep.workspaceDependencies) workspaceDependencies))
++ workspaceDependencies
deps = mkYarnModules {
name = "${safeName}-modules-${version}";
preBuild = yarnPreBuild;
postBuild = yarnPostBuild;
workspaceDependencies = workspaceDependenciesTransitive;
inherit packageJSON pname version yarnLock offlineCache yarnFlags pkgConfig packageResolutions;
publishBinsFor_ = unlessNull publishBinsFor [pname];
linkDirFunction = ''
linkDirToDirLinks() {
if [ ! -f "$target" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target"
elif [ -L "$target" ]; then
local new=$(mktemp -d)
trueSource=$(realpath "$target")
if [ "$(ls $trueSource | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
ln -s $trueSource/* $new/
rm -r "$target"
mv "$new" "$target"
workspaceDependencyCopy = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n"
(dep: ''
# ensure any existing scope directory is not a symlink
linkDirToDirLinks "$(dirname node_modules/${dep.pname})"
mkdir -p "deps/${dep.pname}"
tar -xf "${dep}/tarballs/${}.tgz" --directory "deps/${dep.pname}" --strip-components=1
if [ ! -e "deps/${dep.pname}/node_modules" ]; then
ln -s "${deps}/deps/${dep.pname}/node_modules" "deps/${dep.pname}/node_modules"
in stdenv.mkDerivation (builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["yarnNix" "pkgConfig" "workspaceDependencies" "packageResolutions"] // {
inherit src pname;
name = baseName;
buildInputs = [ yarn nodejs rsync ] ++ extraBuildInputs;
node_modules = deps + "/node_modules";
configurePhase = attrs.configurePhase or ''
runHook preConfigure
for localDir in npm-packages-offline-cache node_modules; do
if [[ -d $localDir || -L $localDir ]]; then
echo "$localDir dir present. Removing."
rm -rf $localDir
# move convent of . to ./deps/${pname}
mkdir -p "$PWD/deps/${pname}"
rm -fd "$PWD/deps/${pname}"
mv $NIX_BUILD_TOP/temp "$PWD/deps/${pname}"
cd $PWD
ln -s ${deps}/deps/${pname}/node_modules "deps/${pname}/node_modules"
cp -r $node_modules node_modules
chmod -R +w node_modules
linkDirToDirLinks "$(dirname node_modules/${pname})"
ln -s "deps/${pname}" "node_modules/${pname}"
# Help yarn commands run in other phases find the package
echo "--cwd deps/${pname}" > .yarnrc
runHook postConfigure
# Replace this phase on frontend packages where only the generated
# files are an interesting output.
installPhase = attrs.installPhase or ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/{bin,libexec/${pname}}
mv node_modules $out/libexec/${pname}/node_modules
mv deps $out/libexec/${pname}/deps
node ${./internal/fixup_bin.js} $out/bin $out/libexec/${pname}/node_modules ${lib.concatStringsSep " " publishBinsFor_}
runHook postInstall
doDist = attrs.doDist or true;
distPhase = attrs.distPhase or ''
# pack command ignores cwd option
rm -f .yarnrc
cd $out/libexec/${pname}/deps/${pname}
mkdir -p $out/tarballs/
yarn pack --offline --ignore-scripts --filename $out/tarballs/${baseName}.tgz
passthru = {
inherit pname package packageJSON deps;
workspaceDependencies = workspaceDependenciesTransitive;
} // (attrs.passthru or {});
meta = {
inherit (nodejs.meta) platforms;
description = packageJSON.description or "";
homepage = packageJSON.homepage or "";
version = packageJSON.version or "";
license = if packageJSON ? license then getLicenseFromSpdxId packageJSON.license else "";
} // (attrs.meta or {});
yarn2nix = mkYarnPackage {
src =
src = ./.;
mkFilter = { dirsToInclude, filesToInclude, root }: path: type:
inherit (pkgs.lib) any flip elem hasSuffix hasPrefix elemAt splitString;
subpath = elemAt (splitString "${toString root}/" path) 1;
spdir = elemAt (splitString "/" subpath) 0;
in elem spdir dirsToInclude ||
(type == "regular" && elem subpath filesToInclude);
in builtins.filterSource
(mkFilter {
dirsToInclude = ["bin" "lib"];
filesToInclude = ["package.json" "yarn.lock"];
root = src;
# yarn2nix is the only package that requires the yarnNix option.
# All the other projects can auto-generate that file.
yarnNix = ./yarn.nix;
# Using the filter above and importing package.json from the filtered
# source results in an error in restricted mode. To circumvent this,
# we import package.json from the unfiltered source
packageJSON = ./package.json;
yarnFlags = defaultYarnFlags ++ ["--production=true"];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
buildPhase = ''
source ${./nix/}
expectFilePresent ./node_modules/.yarn-integrity
# check dependencies are installed
expectFilePresent ./node_modules/@yarnpkg/lockfile/package.json
# check devDependencies are not installed
expectFileOrDirAbsent ./node_modules/.bin/eslint
expectFileOrDirAbsent ./node_modules/eslint/package.json
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/yarn2nix --prefix PATH : "${pkgs.nix-prefetch-git}/bin"
fixup_yarn_lock = runCommandLocal "fixup_yarn_lock"
buildInputs = [ nodejs ];
} ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp ${./lib/urlToName.js} $out/lib/urlToName.js
cp ${./internal/fixup_yarn_lock.js} $out/bin/fixup_yarn_lock
patchShebangs $out
} // lib.optionalAttrs allowAliases {
# Aliases
spdxLicense = getLicenseFromSpdxId; # added 2021-12-01