Jon Hermansen 2d7a54427c xorg.libpciaccess: fix pci.ids lookups at runtime
In GitHub issue #221592 I found that virt-manager was not showing PCI info.
Tracking the issue down points to this library, which is consumed by libvirt.
libpciaccess was reading from the default path of /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids,
which will likely not exist on NixOS.

Instead of using the hard-coded path, change the libpciaccess package to depend
on hwdata at runtime and to be configured with the hwdata share path.

Updated the generation script, as well as committed the newly generated changes.
2023-04-04 11:54:59 +02:00

354 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell --pure --keep NIX_PATH -i perl -p cacert nix perl
# Usage: manually update tarballs.list then run: ./ tarballs.list
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Temp;
my %pkgURLs;
my %pkgHashes;
my %pkgNames;
my %pkgVersions;
my %pkgRequires;
my %pkgNativeRequires;
my %pcMap;
my %extraAttrs;
my @missingPCs = ("fontconfig", "libdrm", "libXaw", "zlib", "perl", "python3", "mkfontscale", "bdftopcf", "libxslt", "openssl", "gperf", "m4", "libinput", "libevdev", "mtdev", "xorgproto", "cairo", "gettext", "meson", "ninja", "wrapWithXFileSearchPathHook" );
$pcMap{$_} = $_ foreach @missingPCs;
$pcMap{"freetype2"} = "freetype";
$pcMap{"libpng12"} = "libpng";
$pcMap{"libpng"} = "libpng";
$pcMap{"dbus-1"} = "dbus";
$pcMap{"uuid"} = "libuuid";
$pcMap{"libudev"} = "udev";
$pcMap{"gl"} = "libGL";
$pcMap{"GL"} = "libGL";
$pcMap{"gbm"} = "mesa";
$pcMap{"hwdata"} = "hwdata";
$pcMap{"\$PIXMAN"} = "pixman";
$pcMap{"\$RENDERPROTO"} = "xorgproto";
$pcMap{"\$DRI3PROTO"} = "xorgproto";
$pcMap{"\$DRI2PROTO"} = "xorgproto";
$pcMap{"\${XKBMODULE}"} = "libxkbfile";
my $downloadCache = "./download-cache";
mkdir $downloadCache, 0755;
while (<>) {
my $tarball = "$_";
print "\nDOING TARBALL $tarball\n";
my $pkg;
if ($tarball =~ s/:([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$//) {
$pkg = $1;
} else {
$tarball =~ /\/((?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9]|(?:-[^0-9])|(?:-[0-9]*[a-z]))+))[^\/]*$/;
die unless defined $1;
$pkg = $1;
$pkg =~ s/(-|[a-f0-9]{40})//g; # Remove hyphen-minus and SHA-1
#next unless $pkg eq "xcbutil";
$tarball =~ /\/([^\/]*)\.(tar\.(bz2|gz|xz)|tgz)$/;
my $pkgName = $1;
print " $pkg $pkgName\n";
if (defined $pkgNames{$pkg}) {
print " SKIPPING\n";
# Split by first occurrence of hyphen followed by only numbers, ends line, another hyphen follows, or SHA-1
my ($name, $version) = split(/-(?=[.0-9]+(?:$|-)|[a-f0-9]{40})/, $pkgName, 2);
$pkgURLs{$pkg} = $tarball;
$pkgNames{$pkg} = $name;
$pkgVersions{$pkg} = $version;
my $cachePath = catdir($downloadCache, basename($tarball));
my $hash;
my $path;
if (-e $cachePath) {
$path = readlink($cachePath);
$hash = `nix-hash --type sha256 --base32 --flat $cachePath`;
else {
($hash, $path) = `PRINT_PATH=1 QUIET=1 nix-prefetch-url '$tarball'`;
`nix-store --realise --add-root $cachePath --indirect $path`;
chomp $hash;
chomp $path;
$pkgHashes{$pkg} = $hash;
print "\nunpacking $path\n";
my $tmpDir = File::Temp->newdir();
system "cd '$tmpDir' && tar xf '$path'";
die "cannot unpack `$path'" if $? != 0;
print "\n";
my $pkgDir = `echo $tmpDir/*`;
chomp $pkgDir;
my $provides = `find $pkgDir -name "*"`;
my @provides2 = split '\n', $provides;
my @requires = ();
my @nativeRequires = ();
foreach my $pcFile (@provides2) {
my $pc = $pcFile;
$pc =~ s/.*\///;
$pc =~ s/;
print "PROVIDES $pc\n";
die "collision with $pcMap{$pc}" if defined $pcMap{$pc};
$pcMap{$pc} = $pkg;
open FOO, "<$pcFile" or die;
while (<FOO>) {
if (/Requires:(.*)/) {
my @reqs = split ' ', $1;
foreach my $req (@reqs) {
next unless $req =~ /^[a-z]+$/;
print "REQUIRE (from $pc): $req\n";
push @requires, $req;
close FOO;
my $file;
local $/;
open FOO, "cd '$tmpDir'/* && grep -v '^ *#' |";
$file = <FOO>;
close FOO;
if ($file =~ /XAW_CHECK_XPRINT_SUPPORT/) {
push @requires, "libXaw";
if ($file =~ /zlib is required/ || $file =~ /AC_CHECK_LIB\(z\,/) {
push @requires, "zlib";
if ($file =~ /Perl is required/) {
push @requires, "perl";
if ($file =~ /AC_PATH_PROG\(BDFTOPCF/) {
push @nativeRequires, "bdftopcf";
push @nativeRequires, "mkfontscale";
if ($file =~ /AC_PATH_PROG\(MKFONTDIR/) {
push @nativeRequires, "mkfontscale";
if ($file =~ /AM_PATH_PYTHON/) {
push @nativeRequires, "python3";
if ($file =~ /AC_PATH_PROG\(FCCACHE/) {
# Don't run fc-cache.
die if defined $extraAttrs{$pkg};
push @{$extraAttrs{$pkg}}, "preInstall = \"installFlags=(FCCACHE=true)\";";
my $isFont;
if ($file =~ /XORG_FONT_BDF_UTILS/) {
push @nativeRequires, "bdftopcf", "mkfontscale";
$isFont = 1;
if ($file =~ /XORG_FONT_SCALED_UTILS/) {
push @nativeRequires, "mkfontscale";
$isFont = 1;
if ($file =~ /XORG_FONT_UCS2ANY/) {
push @nativeRequires, "fontutil", "mkfontscale";
$isFont = 1;
if ($isFont) {
push @requires, "fontutil";
push @{$extraAttrs{$pkg}}, "configureFlags = [ \"--with-fontrootdir=\$(out)/lib/X11/fonts\" ];";
push @{$extraAttrs{$pkg}}, "postPatch = ''substituteInPlace configure --replace 'MAPFILES_PATH=`pkg-config' 'MAPFILES_PATH=`\$PKG_CONFIG' '';";
# libpciaccess requires pci.ids{,.gz} at runtime
if ($pkg eq "libpciaccess") {
push @requires, "hwdata";
push @{$extraAttrs{$pkg}}, "configureFlags = [ \"--with-pciids-path=\${hwdata}/share/hwdata\" ];";
if (@@ = glob("$tmpDir/*/app-defaults/")) {
push @nativeRequires, "wrapWithXFileSearchPathHook";
sub process {
my $requires = shift;
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/\[/\ /g;
$s =~ s/\]/\ /g;
$s =~ s/\,/\ /g;
foreach my $req (split / /, $s) {
next if $req eq ">=";
#next if $req =~ /^\$/;
next if $req =~ /^[0-9]/;
next if $req =~ /^\s*$/;
next if $req eq '$REQUIRED_MODULES';
next if $req eq '$REQUIRED_LIBS';
next if $req eq '$XDMCP_MODULES';
next if $req eq '$XORG_MODULES';
print "REQUIRE: $req\n";
push @{$requires}, $req;
#process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /PKG_CHECK_MODULES\([^,]*,\s*[\[]?([^\)\[]*)/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /PKG_CHECK_MODULES\([^,]*,([^\)\,]*)/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /AC_SEARCH_LIBS\([^,]*,([^\)\,]*)/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /MODULES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /REQUIRED_LIBS=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /REQUIRED_MODULES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /REQUIRES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /X11_REQUIRES=\'(.*)\'/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /XDMCP_MODULES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /XORG_MODULES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /NEEDED=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /ivo_requires=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /XORG_DRIVER_CHECK_EXT\([^,]*,([^\)]*)\)/g;
push @nativeRequires, "gettext" if $file =~ /USE_GETTEXT/;
push @requires, "libxslt" if $pkg =~ /libxcb/;
push @nativeRequires, "meson", "ninja" if $pkg =~ /libxcvt/;
push @nativeRequires, "m4" if $pkg =~ /xcbutil/;
push @requires, "gperf", "xorgproto" if $pkg =~ /xcbutil/;
print "REQUIRES $pkg => @requires\n";
print "NATIVE_REQUIRES $pkg => @nativeRequires\n";
$pkgRequires{$pkg} = \@requires;
$pkgNativeRequires{$pkg} = \@nativeRequires;
print "done\n";
print "\nWRITE OUT\n";
open OUT, ">default.nix";
print OUT "";
print OUT <<EOF;
{ lib, pixman }:
self: with self; {
inherit pixman;
foreach my $pkg (sort (keys %pkgURLs)) {
print "$pkg\n";
my %nativeRequires = ();
my @nativeBuildInputs;
foreach my $req (sort @{$pkgNativeRequires{$pkg}}) {
if (defined $pcMap{$req}) {
# Some packages have .pc that depends on itself.
next if $pcMap{$req} eq $pkg;
if (!defined $nativeRequires{$pcMap{$req}}) {
push @nativeBuildInputs, $pcMap{$req};
$nativeRequires{$pcMap{$req}} = 1;
} else {
print " NOT FOUND: $req\n";
my %requires = ();
my @buildInputs;
foreach my $req (sort @{$pkgRequires{$pkg}}) {
if (defined $pcMap{$req}) {
# Some packages have .pc that depends on itself.
next if $pcMap{$req} eq $pkg;
if (!defined $requires{$pcMap{$req}}) {
push @buildInputs, $pcMap{$req};
$requires{$pcMap{$req}} = 1;
} else {
print " NOT FOUND: $req\n";
my $nativeBuildInputsStr = join "", map { $_ . " " } @nativeBuildInputs;
my $buildInputsStr = join "", map { $_ . " " } @buildInputs;
sub uniq {
my %seen;
my @res = ();
foreach my $s (@_) {
if (!defined $seen{$s}) {
$seen{$s} = 1;
push @res, $s;
return @res;
my @arguments = @buildInputs;
push @arguments, @nativeBuildInputs;
unshift @arguments, "stdenv", "pkg-config", "fetchurl";
my $argumentsStr = join ", ", uniq @arguments;
my $extraAttrsStr = "";
if (defined $extraAttrs{$pkg}) {
$extraAttrsStr = join "", map { "\n " . $_ } @{$extraAttrs{$pkg}};
print OUT <<EOF
$pkg = callPackage ({ $argumentsStr }: stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "$pkgNames{$pkg}";
version = "$pkgVersions{$pkg}";
builder = ./;
src = fetchurl {
url = "$pkgURLs{$pkg}";
sha256 = "$pkgHashes{$pkg}";
hardeningDisable = [ "bindnow" "relro" ];
strictDeps = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config $nativeBuildInputsStr];
buildInputs = [ $buildInputsStr];$extraAttrsStr
meta.platforms = lib.platforms.unix;
}) {};
print OUT "}\n";
close OUT;