windwp b0bbe8d908 fix: afterquote
It will better it is automatic add pair for quote when only have quote
in line some kind of noisy because we can remove map pair easy
2021-07-19 11:15:46 +07:00

104 lines
2.6 KiB

local npairs = require('nvim-autopairs')
_G.npairs = npairs
enable_afterquote = true,
local data = {
name = 'add bracket after quote ',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = 5,
key = [[(]],
before = [[const abc=|"test" ]],
after = [[const abc=(|"test") ]],
name = 'add bracket after quote ',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = 5,
key = [[(]],
before = [[|"test" ]],
after = [[(|"test") ]],
name = 'add bracket after quote ',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = 5,
key = [[{]],
before = [[(|"test") ]],
after = [[({|"test"}) ]],
name = 'add bracket after quote ',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = 5,
key = [[(]],
before = [[const abc=|"visu\"dsa" ]],
after = [[const abc=(|"visu\"dsa") ]],
name = 'not add on exist quote',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = 5,
key = [[(]],
before = [[const abc=|"visu\"dsa") ]],
after = [[const abc=(|"visu\"dsa") ]],
name = 'test add close quote on match',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = '5',
key = [[(]],
before = [[const abc=|"visu\"dsa" ]],
after = [[const abc=(|"visu\"dsa") ]],
name = 'test add close quote inside string',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = '5',
key = [[(]],
before = [[const abc="visu|"dsa"" ]],
after = [[const abc="visu(|"dsa"" ]],
name = 'not add bracket with quote have comma',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = '5',
key = [[(]],
before = [[|"data", abcdef]],
after = [[(|"data", abcdef]],
name = 'not add bracket with quote have comma',
filepath = './tests/endwise/init.lua',
filetype = 'lua',
linenr = '5',
key = [[(]],
before = [[|"data", "abcdef"]],
after = [[(|"data", "abcdef")]],
local run_data = _G.Test_filter(data)
local _, ts_utils = pcall(require, 'nvim-treesitter.ts_utils')
_G.TU = ts_utils
describe('[endwise tag]', function()
_G.Test_withfile(run_data, {})