Use tree to filter out optionals, instead of annotating the leaves

This commit is contained in:
Huw Campbell 2019-03-14 07:49:19 +11:00
parent 68bae8de5c
commit 0b83cf1099
5 changed files with 73 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -160,9 +160,11 @@ mkParser :: DefaultProp a
-> (OptProperties -> OptProperties)
-> OptReader a
-> Parser a
mkParser d@(DefaultProp def _) g rdr = liftOpt opt <|> maybe empty pure def
opt = mkOption d g rdr
mkParser d@(DefaultProp def _) g rdr =
o = liftOpt $ mkOption d g rdr
maybe o (\a -> o <|> pure a) def
mkOption :: DefaultProp a
-> (OptProperties -> OptProperties)

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@ -257,46 +257,41 @@ mapParser f = flatten . treeMapParser f
treeMapParser :: (forall x . OptHelpInfo -> Option x -> b)
-> Parser a
-> OptTree b
treeMapParser g = simplify . go False False False g
treeMapParser g = simplify . go False False g
has_default :: Parser a -> Bool
has_default p = isJust (evalParser p)
go :: Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> (forall x . OptHelpInfo -> Option x -> b)
-> Parser a
-> OptTree b
go _ _ _ _ (NilP _) = MultNode []
go m d r f (OptP opt)
go _ _ _ (NilP _) = MultNode []
go m r f (OptP opt)
| optVisibility opt > Internal
= Leaf (f (OptHelpInfo m d r) opt)
= Leaf (f (OptHelpInfo m r) opt)
| otherwise
= MultNode []
go m d r f (MultP p1 p2) =
MultNode [go m d r f p1, go m d r' f p2]
go m r f (MultP p1 p2) =
MultNode [go m r f p1, go m r' f p2]
where r' = r || hasArg p1
go m d r f p@(AltP p1 p2) =
AltNode altNodeType [go m d' r f p1, go m d' r f p2]
go m r f (AltP p1 p2) =
AltNode altNodeType [go m r f p1, go m r f p2]
-- The 'altNodeType' variable tracks whether or not this node of the
-- 'OptTree' ought to be displayed with brackets or not. Generally, we want
-- to put brackets around it when the parser has optional arguments, but if
-- *both* of its children also have optional arguments, then we don't put
-- brackets around the top-level because that would be redundant.
altNodeType | has_default p && not (has_default p1 && has_default p2) = MarkDefault
| otherwise = NoDefault
-- The 'd' variable tracks whether the option nodes at the leaves have
-- optional arguments so that when we want to hide optional arguments, we
-- have the information needed to do that. An option can be considered
-- optional in this sense if any of its parents were optional.
d' = d || altNodeType == MarkDefault
go _ d r f (BindP p k) =
let go' = go True d r f p
-- The 'AltNode' indicates if one of the branches has a default.
-- This is used for rendering brackets, as well as filtering
-- out optional arguments when generating the "missing:" text.
altNodeType =
if has_default p1 || has_default p2
then MarkDefault
else NoDefault
go _ r f (BindP p k) =
let go' = go True r f p
in case evalParser p of
Nothing -> go'
Just aa -> MultNode [ go', go True d r f (k aa) ]
Just aa -> MultNode [ go', go True r f (k aa) ]
hasArg :: Parser a -> Bool
hasArg (NilP _) = False
@ -307,11 +302,6 @@ treeMapParser g = simplify . go False False False g
simplify :: OptTree a -> OptTree a
simplify (Leaf x) = Leaf x
simplify (AltNode b xs) = AltNode b (concatMap (remove_alt . simplify) xs)
remove_alt (AltNode _ ts) = map simplify ts
remove_alt (MultNode []) = []
remove_alt t = [simplify t]
simplify (MultNode xs) =
case concatMap (remove_mult . simplify) xs of
[x] -> x
@ -319,3 +309,9 @@ simplify (MultNode xs) =
remove_mult (MultNode ts) = ts
remove_mult t = [t]
simplify (AltNode b xs) =
AltNode b (concatMap (remove_alt . simplify) xs)
remove_alt (AltNode _ ts) = ts
remove_alt (MultNode []) = []
remove_alt t = [t]

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@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ import Options.Applicative.Help.Chunk
-- | Style for rendering an option.
data OptDescStyle = OptDescStyle
{ descSep :: Doc
, descHidden :: Bool
, descOptional :: Bool
, descSurround :: Bool }
, descHidden :: Bool }
-- | Generate description for a single option.
optDesc :: ParserPrefs -> OptDescStyle -> OptHelpInfo -> Option a -> (Chunk Doc, Wrapping)
@ -42,8 +40,6 @@ optDesc pprefs style info opt =
descs = map (string . showOption) (sort ns)
desc = listToChunk (intersperse (descSep style) descs) <<+>> mv
| hinfoDefault info && not (descOptional style)
= False
| optVisibility opt == Hidden
= descHidden style
| otherwise
@ -88,15 +84,20 @@ missingDesc = briefDesc' False
-- | Generate a brief help text for a parser, allowing the specification
-- of if optional arguments are show.
briefDesc' :: Bool -> ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> Chunk Doc
briefDesc' showOptional pprefs = wrap NoDefault . foldTree . treeMapParser (optDesc pprefs style)
briefDesc' showOptional pprefs
= wrap NoDefault . foldTree . mfilterOptional . treeMapParser (optDesc pprefs style)
| showOptional
= id
| otherwise
= filterOptional
style = OptDescStyle
{ descSep = string "|"
, descHidden = False
, descOptional = showOptional
, descSurround = True }
, descHidden = False }
-- | Potentially wrap a doc in parentheses or brackets as required.
-- | Wrap a doc in parentheses or brackets if required.
wrap :: AltNodeType -> (Chunk Doc, Wrapping) -> Chunk Doc
wrap altnode (chunk, wrapping)
| altnode == MarkDefault
@ -109,19 +110,22 @@ wrap altnode (chunk, wrapping)
-- Fold a tree of option docs into a single doc with fully marked
-- optional areas and groups.
foldTree :: OptTree (Chunk Doc, Wrapping) -> (Chunk Doc, Wrapping)
foldTree (Leaf x) = x
foldTree (MultNode xs) = (foldr ((<</>>) . fst . foldTree) mempty xs, Bare)
foldTree (AltNode b xs) = (\x -> (x, Bare))
. wrap b
. alt_node
. filter (not . isEmpty . fst)
. map foldTree $ xs
alt_node :: [(Chunk Doc, Wrapping)] -> (Chunk Doc, Wrapping)
alt_node [n] = n
alt_node ns = (\y -> (y, Wrapped))
. foldr (chunked (\x y -> x </> char '|' </> y) . wrap NoDefault) mempty
$ ns
foldTree (Leaf x)
= x
foldTree (MultNode xs)
= (foldr ((<</>>) . wrap NoDefault . foldTree) mempty xs, Bare)
foldTree (AltNode b xs)
= (\x -> (x, Bare))
. wrap b
. alt_node
. filter (not . isEmpty . fst)
. map foldTree $ xs
alt_node :: [(Chunk Doc, Wrapping)] -> (Chunk Doc, Wrapping)
alt_node [n] = n
alt_node ns = (\y -> (y, Wrapped))
. foldr (chunked (\x y -> x </> char '|' </> y) . wrap NoDefault) mempty
$ ns
-- | Generate a full help text for a parser.
fullDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> Chunk Doc
@ -138,9 +142,7 @@ fullDesc pprefs = tabulate . catMaybes . mapParser doc
show_def s = parens (string "default:" <+> string s)
style = OptDescStyle
{ descSep = string ","
, descHidden = True
, descOptional = True
, descSurround = False }
, descHidden = True }
errorHelp :: Chunk Doc -> ParserHelp
errorHelp chunk = mempty { helpError = chunk }
@ -194,4 +196,4 @@ wrapIf :: Bool -> Wrapping
wrapIf b = if b then Wrapped else Bare
needsWrapping :: Wrapping -> Bool
needsWrapping = (==) Wrapped
needsWrapping = (==) Wrapped

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module Options.Applicative.Types (
@ -376,8 +377,7 @@ data ArgPolicy
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data OptHelpInfo = OptHelpInfo
{ hinfoMulti :: Bool -- ^ Whether this is part of a many or some (approximately)
, hinfoDefault :: Bool -- ^ Whether this option has a default value
{ hinfoMulti :: Bool -- ^ Whether this is part of a many or some (approximately)
, hinfoUnreachableArgs :: Bool -- ^ If the result is a positional, if it can't be
-- accessed in the current parser position ( first arg )
} deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -393,6 +393,17 @@ data OptTree a
| AltNode AltNodeType [OptTree a]
deriving Show
filterOptional :: OptTree a -> OptTree a
filterOptional t = case t of
Leaf a
-> Leaf a
MultNode xs
-> MultNode (map filterOptional xs)
AltNode MarkDefault _
-> AltNode MarkDefault []
AltNode NoDefault xs
-> AltNode NoDefault (map filterOptional xs)
optVisibility :: Option a -> OptVisibility
optVisibility = propVisibility . optProps

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@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ prop_edit_substitution as bs a b = a /= b ==>
prop_edit_transposition :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Char -> Char -> Property
prop_edit_transposition as bs a b = a /= b ==>
editDistance (as ++ [a] ++ [b] ++ bs) (as ++ [b] ++ [a] ++ bs) === 1
editDistance (as ++ [a,b] ++ bs) (as ++ [b,a] ++ bs) === 1