Show multiSuffix for many-valued options.

Fixes #5.
This commit is contained in:
Paolo Capriotti 2012-07-22 20:22:14 +01:00
parent 0ff4f790ab
commit 111f86df11
2 changed files with 24 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ execParserPure pprefs pinfo args =
(Left msg, ctx) -> Left ParserFailure
{ errMessage = \progn
-> with_context ctx pinfo $ \name ->
parserHelpText pprefs
. add_error msg
. add_usage name progn
, errExitCode = ExitFailure (pinfo^.infoFailureCode) }
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ execParserPure pprefs pinfo args =
parser = pinfo^.infoParser
add_usage name progn i =
modL infoHeader
(\h -> vcat [h, usage (i^.infoParser) ename])
(\h -> vcat [h, usage pprefs (i^.infoParser) ename])
ename = maybe progn (\n -> progn ++ " " ++ n) name
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ execParserPure pprefs pinfo args =
p = runParserFully parser args
-- | Generate option summary.
usage :: Parser a -> String -> String
usage p progn = foldr (<+>) ""
usage :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> String -> String
usage pprefs p progn = foldr (<+>) ""
[ "Usage:"
, progn
, briefDesc p ]
, briefDesc pprefs p ]

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ data OptDescStyle = OptDescStyle
, descSurround :: Bool }
-- | Generate description for a single option.
optDesc :: OptDescStyle -> OptHelpInfo -> Option a -> String
optDesc style info opt =
optDesc :: ParserPrefs -> OptDescStyle -> OptHelpInfo -> Option a -> String
optDesc pprefs style info opt =
let ns = optionNames $ opt^.optMain
mv = opt^.optMetaVar
descs = map showOption (sort ns)
@ -35,17 +35,22 @@ optDesc style info opt =
= descHidden style
| otherwise
= opt^.optVisibility == Visible
| hinfoMulti info
= pprefs^.prefMultiSuffix
| otherwise
= ""
render text
| not show_opt
= ""
| null text || not (descSurround style)
= text
= text ++ suffix
| hinfoDefault info
= "[" ++ text ++ "]"
= "[" ++ text ++ "]" ++ suffix
| null (drop 1 descs)
= text
= text ++ suffix
| otherwise
= "(" ++ text ++ ")"
= "(" ++ text ++ ")" ++ suffix
in render desc'
-- | Generate descriptions for commands.
@ -61,8 +66,8 @@ cmdDesc = concat . mapParser desc
= []
-- | Generate a brief help text for a parser.
briefDesc :: Parser a -> String
briefDesc = foldr (<+>) "" . mapParser (optDesc style)
briefDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> String
briefDesc pprefs = foldr (<+>) "" . mapParser (optDesc pprefs style)
style = OptDescStyle
{ descSep = "|"
@ -70,14 +75,14 @@ briefDesc = foldr (<+>) "" . mapParser (optDesc style)
, descSurround = True }
-- | Generate a full help text for a parser.
fullDesc :: Parser a -> [String]
fullDesc = tabulate . catMaybes . mapParser doc
fullDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> [String]
fullDesc pprefs = tabulate . catMaybes . mapParser doc
doc info opt
| null n = Nothing
| null h = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (n, h)
where n = optDesc style info opt
where n = optDesc pprefs style info opt
h = opt^.optHelp
style = OptDescStyle
{ descSep = ","
@ -85,11 +90,11 @@ fullDesc = tabulate . catMaybes . mapParser doc
, descSurround = False }
-- | Generate the help text for a program.
parserHelpText :: ParserInfo a -> String
parserHelpText pinfo = unlines
parserHelpText :: ParserPrefs -> ParserInfo a -> String
parserHelpText pprefs pinfo = unlines
$ nn [pinfo^.infoHeader]
++ [ " " ++ line | line <- nn [pinfo^.infoProgDesc] ]
++ [ line | let opts = fullDesc p
++ [ line | let opts = fullDesc pprefs p
, not (null opts)
, line <- ["", "Common options:"] ++ opts
, pinfo^.infoFullDesc ]