Replace (&) with (<>) in the README (#37).

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Capriotti 2012-12-22 12:05:55 +00:00
parent 42d4ef690b
commit 45d3954d77

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@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ sample :: Parser Sample
sample = Sample
<$> strOption
( long "hello"
& metavar "TARGET"
& help "Target for the greeting" )
<> metavar "TARGET"
<> help "Target for the greeting" )
<*> switch
( long "quiet"
& help "Whether to be quiet" )
<> help "Whether to be quiet" )
The parser is built using [applicative style][applicative] starting from a set
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ main = execParser opts >>= greet
opts = info (helper <*> sample)
( fullDesc
& progDesc "Print a greeting for TARGET"
& header "hello - a test for optparse-applicative" )
<> progDesc "Print a greeting for TARGET"
<> header "hello - a test for optparse-applicative" )
The `greet` function is the entry point of the program, while `opts` is a
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ argument. For example:
lineCount :: Parser Int
lineCount = option
( long "lines"
& short 'n'
& metavar "K"
& help "Output the last K lines" )
<> short 'n'
<> metavar "K"
<> help "Output the last K lines" )
specifies a regular option with an `Int` argument. We added an explicit type
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ stop :: IO ()
opts :: Parser (IO ())
opts = subparser
( command "start" (info (start <$> argument str idm) idm)
& command "stop" (info (pure stop) idm) )
<> command "stop" (info (pure stop) idm) )
main :: IO ()
main = join $ execParser (info opts idm)
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ data Options = Options
opts :: Parser Options
opts = runA $ proc () -> do
verbosity <- asA (option (short 'v' & value 0)) -< ()
verbosity <- asA (option (short 'v' <> value 0)) -< ()
let verbose = verbosity > 0
args <- asA (arguments str idm) -< ()
returnA -< Options args verbose