Small reformatting

This commit is contained in:
Huw Campbell 2019-06-02 10:56:46 +10:00
parent aac5994ac8
commit 83e096aa20

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@ -117,21 +117,23 @@ bashCompletionQuery pinfo pprefs richness ws i _ = case runCompletion compl ppre
-- to the completion variables (tab separated).
add_opt_help :: Functor f => Option a -> f String -> f String
add_opt_help opt = case richness of
-> id
Enriched len _
-> fmap (\o -> let h = unChunk $ optHelp opt
in maybe o (\h' -> o ++ "\t" ++ render_line len h') h)
Standard ->
Enriched len _ ->
fmap $ \o ->
let h = unChunk $ optHelp opt
in maybe o (\h' -> o ++ "\t" ++ render_line len h') h
-- When doing enriched completions, add the command description
-- to the completion variables (tab separated).
add_cmd_help :: Functor f => (String -> Maybe (ParserInfo a)) -> f String -> f String
add_cmd_help p = case richness of
-> id
Enriched _ len
-> fmap (\cmd -> let h = p cmd >>= unChunk . infoProgDesc
in maybe cmd (\h' -> cmd ++ "\t" ++ render_line len h') h)
Standard ->
Enriched _ len ->
fmap $ \cmd ->
let h = p cmd >>= unChunk . infoProgDesc
in maybe cmd (\h' -> cmd ++ "\t" ++ render_line len h') h
show_names :: [OptName] -> [String]
show_names = filter_names . map showOption