Prevent the equality sign from “disconnecting” comments

This resolves a class of idempotence issues when the equality sign happens
to be inserted between an element and its comment that follows on the same
line. I had to special-case equality sign for this, because all alternative
approaches (changing comment association logic or trying to find a more
general rule) did not work or fixed this issue yet made other things worse.

There is nothing special about the equality sign per se, but it (always?)
starts definitions which have their own ‘Located’ wrappers and it is those
spans interfere with the logic of comment association (they are detected as
AST elements between the “host” element and its comment) on subsequent
passes. This results in non-idempotent formatting.

The solution is OKish in that it fixes 99% of problems that one will
encounter in practice, but I see how an input can be crafted to show that
there is still an issue with idempotence.
This commit is contained in:
Mark Karpov 2020-05-06 15:58:50 +02:00
parent 194da3a19f
commit 0abedcce03
16 changed files with 108 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
* Fixed an idempotence issue related to different indentation levels in a
comment series. [Issue 512](
* Fixed an idempotence related to comments which may happen to be separated
from the elements they are attached to by the equality sign. [Issue
* Renamed the `--check-idempotency` flag to `--check-idempotence`.
Apparently only the latter is correct.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
mergeErrorReply :: ParseError -> Reply s u a -> Reply s u a
mergeErrorReply err1 reply -- XXX where to put it?
case reply of
Ok x state err2 -> Ok x state (mergeError err1 err2)
Error err2 -> Error (mergeError err1 err2)

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
mergeErrorReply :: ParseError -> Reply s u a -> Reply s u a
mergeErrorReply err1 reply -- XXX where to put it?
= case reply of
Ok x state err2 -> Ok x state (mergeError err1 err2)
Error err2 -> Error (mergeError err1 err2)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
doForeign :: Vars -> [Name] -> [Term] -> Idris LExp
doForeign x = x
splitArg tm | (_, [_, _, l, r]) <- unApply tm -- pair, two implicits
let l' = toFDesc l
r' <- irTerm (sMN 0 "__foreignCall") vs env r
return (l', r')

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
doForeign :: Vars -> [Name] -> [Term] -> Idris LExp
doForeign x = x
splitArg tm | (_, [_,_,l,r]) <- unApply tm -- pair, two implicits
= do let l' = toFDesc l
r' <- irTerm (sMN 0 "__foreignCall") vs env r
return (l', r')

View File

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ in {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: " = (check_ac"
after: " =\n "
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "pe Elims = -- | elim"
@ -9,12 +15,6 @@ Parsing of formatted code failed:
parse error on input `C.QName'
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "2, old2) = -- TODO: "
after: "2, old2) =\n -"
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "ubstCand = -- | a po"

View File

@ -10,12 +10,6 @@ Formatting is not idempotent:
after: "++ showEnv\n "
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "f c e pt = -- @(PT p"
after: "f c e pt =\n -- @(PT"
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: " text op <> pretty"
@ -23,29 +17,11 @@ Formatting is not idempotent:
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: " n b sc) = -- stk mu"
after: " n b sc) =\n -- "
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "ity\n -- Issue #"
after: "ity\n -- Issue"
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "K\" _ _)) = -- for ch"
after: "K\" _ _)) =\n -- "
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "s toline = -- furthe"
after: "s toline =\n -- furt"
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "timisation = PETrans"
@ -64,38 +40,8 @@ The GHC parser (in Haddock mode) failed:
parse error on input `@'
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: ": ns) as = -- Droppe"
after: ": ns) as =\n -- "
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "OK ty hs = -- if any"
after: "OK ty hs =\n -- "
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: " line <> bindin"
after: " line\n <"
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "ht c) _) = -- consta"
after: "ht c) _) =\n -- cons"
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "attern _ = -- for al"
after: "attern _ =\n -- for "
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "s, rhs)) = -- apply "
after: "s, rhs)) =\n -- "
Please, consider reporting the bug.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "Decl d2) = -- A bit "
after: "Decl d2) =\n -- A bi"
before: "text \"Try\" <+> doWha"
after: "text \"Try\"\n "
Please, consider reporting the bug.

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
-- ** Literals
-- ** Stateful markers
SpanMark (..),
@ -275,3 +276,7 @@ brackets_ needBreaks open close style m = sitcc (vlayout singleLine multiLine)
-- | Print @,@.
comma :: R ()
comma = txt ","
-- | Print @=@. Do not use @'txt' "="@.
equals :: R ()
equals = interferingTxt "="

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Internal
-- * Internal functions
@ -186,6 +187,23 @@ runR (R m) sstream cstream anns recDot =
-- Internal functions
-- | Type of the thing to output. Influences the primary low-level rendering
-- function 'spit'.
data SpitType
= -- | Simple opaque text that breaks comment series.
| -- | Like 'SimpleText', but assume that when this text is inserted it
-- will separate an 'Atom' and its pending comments, so insert an extra
-- 'newline' in that case to force the pending comments and continue on
-- a fresh line.
| -- | An atom that typically have span information in the AST and can
-- have comments attached to it.
| -- | Used for rendering comment lines.
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Output a fixed 'Text' fragment. The argument may not contain any line
-- breaks. 'txt' is used to output all sorts of “fixed” bits of syntax like
-- keywords and pipes @|@ in functional dependencies.
@ -197,7 +215,14 @@ txt ::
-- | 'Text' to output
Text ->
R ()
txt = spit False False
txt = spit SimpleText
-- |
interferingTxt ::
-- | 'Text' to output
Text ->
R ()
interferingTxt = spit InterferingText
-- | Output 'Outputable' fragment of AST. This can be used to output numeric
-- literals and similar. Everything that doesn't have inner structure but
@ -206,33 +231,33 @@ atom ::
Outputable a =>
a ->
R ()
atom = spit True False . T.pack . showOutputable
atom = spit Atom . T.pack . showOutputable
-- | Low-level non-public helper to define 'txt' and 'atom'.
spit ::
-- | Whether to register the outermost enclosing span
Bool ->
-- | Used during outputting of pending comments?
Bool ->
-- | Type of the thing to spit
SpitType ->
-- | 'Text' to output
Text ->
R ()
spit registerSpan printingComments text = do
spit stype text = do
requestedDel <- R (gets scRequestedDelimiter)
pendingComments <- R (gets scPendingComments)
when (stype == InterferingText && not (null pendingComments)) newline
case requestedDel of
RequestedNewline -> do
R . modify $ \sc ->
{ scRequestedDelimiter = RequestedNothing
if printingComments
then newlineRaw
else newline
case stype of
CommentPart -> newlineRaw
_ -> newline
_ -> return ()
R $ do
i <- asks rcIndent
c <- gets scColumn
outermostEnclosing <- listToMaybe <$> asks rcEnclosingSpans
closestEnclosing <- listToMaybe <$> asks rcEnclosingSpans
let spaces =
if c < i
then T.replicate (i - c) " "
@ -244,16 +269,16 @@ spit registerSpan printingComments text = do
scColumn = scColumn sc + T.length indentedTxt,
scThisLineSpans =
let xs = scThisLineSpans sc
in if registerSpan
then case outermostEnclosing of
in case stype of
Atom -> case closestEnclosing of
Nothing -> xs
Just x -> x : xs
else xs,
_ -> xs,
scRequestedDelimiter = RequestedNothing,
scSpanMark =
-- If there are pending comments, do not reset last comment
-- location.
if printingComments || (not . null . scPendingComments) sc
if (stype == CommentPart) || (not . null . scPendingComments) sc
then scSpanMark sc
else Nothing
@ -309,7 +334,7 @@ newline = do
R m = do
unless (T.null text) $
spit False True text
spit CommentPart text
in local modRC m
R . modify $ \sc ->

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ p_dataDecl style name tpats fixity HsDataDefn {..} = do
if singleConstRec
then space
else breakpoint
txt "="
let s =

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ p_ruleDecl = \case
inci $ do
located lhs p_hsExpr
txt "="
inci $ do
located rhs p_hsExpr

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ p_synDecl name fixity HsQTvs {..} t = do
(p_rdrName name)
(map (located' p_hsTyVarBndr) hsq_explicit)
txt "="
inci (located t p_hsType)
p_synDecl _ _ (XLHsQTyVars x) _ = noExtCon x

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ p_familyResultSigL l =
located k p_hsType
TyVarSig NoExtField bndr -> Just $ do
txt "="
located bndr p_hsTyVarBndr
XFamilyResultSig x ->
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ p_tyFamInstEqn HsIB {hsib_body = FamEqn {..}} = do
(p_rdrName feqn_tycon)
(located' p_hsType . typeArgToType <$> feqn_pats)
txt "="
inci (located feqn_rhs p_hsType)
p_tyFamInstEqn HsIB {hsib_body = XFamEqn x} = noExtCon x

View File

@ -225,14 +225,7 @@ p_match' placer render style isInfix strictness m_pats GRHSs {..} = do
LambdaCase -> True
_ -> False
let hasGuards = withGuards grhssGRHSs
unless (length grhssGRHSs > 1) $
case style of
Function _ | hasGuards -> return ()
Function _ -> space >> txt "="
PatternBind -> space >> txt "="
s | isCase s && hasGuards -> return ()
_ -> space >> txt "->"
let grhssSpan =
grhssSpan =
combineSrcSpans' $
getGRHSSpan . unLoc <$> NE.fromList grhssGRHSs
patGrhssSpan =
@ -261,6 +254,13 @@ p_match' placer render style isInfix strictness m_pats GRHSs {..} = do
unless whereIsEmpty breakpoint
inci $ located grhssLocalBinds p_hsLocalBinds
inci' $ do
unless (length grhssGRHSs > 1) $
case style of
Function _ | hasGuards -> return ()
Function _ -> space >> inci equals
PatternBind -> space >> inci equals
s | isCase s && hasGuards -> return ()
_ -> space >> txt "->"
switchLayout [patGrhssSpan] $
placeHanging placement p_body
inci p_where
@ -286,9 +286,9 @@ p_grhs' placer render style (GRHS NoExtField guards body) =
sitcc (sep (comma >> breakpoint) (sitcc . located' p_stmt) xs)
txt $ case style of
EqualSign -> "="
RightArrow -> "->"
inci $ case style of
EqualSign -> equals
RightArrow -> txt "->"
placeHanging placement p_body
placement =
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ p_hsLocalBinds = \case
let p_ipBind (IPBind NoExtField (Left name) expr) = do
atom name
txt "="
useBraces $ inci $ located expr p_hsExpr
p_ipBind (IPBind NoExtField (Right _) _) =
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ p_hsRecField HsRecField {..} = do
p_rdrName hsRecFieldLbl
unless hsRecPun $ do
txt "="
let placement =
if onTheSameLine (getLoc hsRecFieldLbl) (getLoc hsRecFieldArg)
then exprPlacement (unLoc hsRecFieldArg)
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ p_patSynBind PSB {..} = do
located psb_def p_pat
ImplicitBidirectional -> do
txt "="
located psb_def p_pat
ExplicitBidirectional mgroup -> do
@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ p_pat_hsRecField HsRecField {..} = do
p_rdrName (rdrNameFieldOcc x)
unless hsRecPun $ do
txt "="
inci (located hsRecFieldArg p_pat)