Preserve comments on pragmas

This commit is contained in:
Mark Karpov 2020-04-17 12:20:00 +02:00
parent 145f7296f5
commit 490720fedc
15 changed files with 159 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
* Grouping of statements in `do`-blocks is now respected. [Issue
* Comments on pragmas are now preserved. [Issue
## Ormolu
* When given several files to format, Ormolu does not stop on the first

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- TODO This extension is probably too dangerous, remove it.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- Avoid warning produced by TH.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-}
-- | Header comment.
module Foo

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- | Header comment.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Avoid warning produced by TH.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-}
-- TODO This extension is probably too dangerous, remove it.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Foo () where

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}
-- This gap is necessary for stylish Haskell not to re-arrange
-- NoMonoLocalBinds before TypeFamilies
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}
module Foo
( bar,

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Formatting is not idempotent:
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Parsing of formatted code failed:
parse error on input `C.QName'
Please, consider reporting the bug.

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Formatting is not idempotent:
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "ht c) _) = -- consta"
after: "ht c) _) =\n -- cons"
Please, consider reporting the bug.

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@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ library
, Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
, Ormolu.Parser.Pragma
, Ormolu.Parser.Result
, Ormolu.Parser.Shebang
, Ormolu.Printer
, Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
, Ormolu.Printer.Comments

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Ormolu.Exception
import Ormolu.Parser.Anns
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Parser.Result
import Ormolu.Parser.Shebang
import qualified Panic as GHC
import qualified Parser as GHC
import qualified StringBuffer as GHC
@ -93,14 +94,16 @@ parseModule Config {..} path input' = liftIO $ do
-- later stages; but we fail in those cases.
Just err -> Left err
Nothing ->
let (comments, exts, shebangs) = mkCommentStream extraComments pstate
let (stackHeader, shebangs, pragmas, comments) =
mkCommentStream extraComments pstate
in Right
{ prParsedSource = pmod,
prAnns = mkAnns pstate,
prCommentStream = comments,
prExtensions = exts,
prStackHeader = stackHeader,
prShebangs = shebangs,
prPragmas = pragmas,
prCommentStream = comments,
prUseRecordDot = useRecordDot,
prImportQualifiedPost =
GHC.xopt ImportQualifiedPost dynFlags
@ -154,14 +157,14 @@ runParser parser flags filename input = GHC.unP parser parseState
buffer = GHC.stringToStringBuffer input
parseState = GHC.mkPState flags buffer location
-- | Transform given lines possibly returning comments extracted from them.
-- | Transform given input possibly returning comments extracted from it.
-- This handles LINE pragmas and shebangs.
extractCommentsFromLines ::
-- | File name, just to use in the spans
FilePath ->
-- | List of lines from that file
-- | Contents of that file
String ->
-- | Adjusted lines together with comments extracted from them
-- | Adjusted input with comments extracted from it
(String, [Located String])
extractCommentsFromLines path =
unlines' . unzip . zipWith (extractCommentFromLine path) [1 ..] . lines

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@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
( CommentStream (..),
Comment (..),
@ -16,14 +15,14 @@ where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, isPrefixOf, sortOn)
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified GHC
import qualified Lexer as GHC
import Ormolu.Parser.Pragma
import Ormolu.Parser.Shebang
import Ormolu.Utils (showOutputable)
import SrcLoc
@ -45,37 +44,38 @@ mkCommentStream ::
[Located String] ->
-- | Parser state to use for comment extraction
GHC.PState ->
-- | Comment stream, a set of extracted pragmas, and extracted shebangs
(CommentStream, [Pragma], [Located String])
-- | Stack header, shebangs, pragmas, and comment stream
( Maybe (RealLocated Comment),
[([RealLocated Comment], Pragma)],
mkCommentStream extraComments pstate =
( CommentStream $
mkComment <$> sortOn (realSrcSpanStart . getRealSrcSpan) comments,
( mstackHeader,
CommentStream comments
(comments, pragmas) = partitionEithers (partitionComments <$> rawComments)
rawComments =
mapMaybe toRealSpan $
(comments, pragmas) = extractPragmas rawComments1
(rawComments1, mstackHeader) = extractStackHeader rawComments0
rawComments0 =
L.sortOn (realSrcSpanStart . getRealSrcSpan) . mapMaybe toRealSpan $
++ mapMaybe (liftMaybe . fmap unAnnotationComment) (GHC.comment_q pstate)
++ concatMap
(mapMaybe (liftMaybe . fmap unAnnotationComment) . snd)
(GHC.annotations_comments pstate)
(shebangs, otherExtraComments) = span (isShebang . unLoc) extraComments
-- | Return 'True' if given 'String' is a shebang.
isShebang :: String -> Bool
isShebang str = "#!" `isPrefixOf` str
(shebangs, otherExtraComments) = extractShebangs extraComments
-- | Test whether a 'Comment' looks like a Haddock following a definition,
-- i.e. something starting with @-- ^@.
isPrevHaddock :: Comment -> Bool
isPrevHaddock (Comment (x :| _)) = "-- ^" `isPrefixOf` x
isPrevHaddock (Comment (x :| _)) = "-- ^" `L.isPrefixOf` x
-- | Is this comment multiline-style?
isMultilineComment :: Comment -> Bool
isMultilineComment (Comment (x :| _)) = "{-" `isPrefixOf` x
isMultilineComment (Comment (x :| _)) = "{-" `L.isPrefixOf` x
-- | Pretty-print a 'CommentStream'.
showCommentStream :: CommentStream -> String
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ showCommentStream (CommentStream xs) =
mkComment :: RealLocated String -> RealLocated Comment
mkComment (L l s) =
L l . Comment . fmap dropTrailing $
if "{-" `isPrefixOf` s
if "{-" `L.isPrefixOf` s
then case NE.nonEmpty (lines s) of
Nothing -> s :| []
Just (x :| xs) ->
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ mkComment (L l s) =
in x :| (drop n <$> xs)
else s :| []
dropTrailing = dropWhileEnd isSpace
dropTrailing = L.dropWhileEnd isSpace
startIndent = srcSpanStartCol l - 1
-- | Get a 'String' from 'GHC.AnnotationComment'.
@ -129,12 +129,32 @@ toRealSpan :: Located a -> Maybe (RealLocated a)
toRealSpan (L (RealSrcSpan l) a) = Just (L l a)
toRealSpan _ = Nothing
-- | If a given comment is a pragma, return it in parsed form in 'Right'.
-- Otherwise return the original comment unchanged.
partitionComments ::
RealLocated String ->
Either (RealLocated String) Pragma
partitionComments input =
case parsePragma (unRealSrcSpan input) of
Nothing -> Left input
Just pragma -> Right pragma
-- | Detect and extract stack header if it is present.
extractStackHeader ::
[RealLocated String] ->
([RealLocated String], Maybe (RealLocated Comment))
extractStackHeader = \case
[] -> ([], Nothing)
(x : xs) ->
let comment = mkComment x
in if isStackHeader (unRealSrcSpan comment)
then (xs, Just comment)
else (x : xs, Nothing)
isStackHeader (Comment (x :| _)) =
"stack" `L.isPrefixOf` dropWhile isSpace (drop 2 x)
-- | Extract pragmas and their associated comments.
extractPragmas ::
[RealLocated String] ->
([RealLocated Comment], [([RealLocated Comment], Pragma)])
extractPragmas = go id id
go csSoFar pragmasSoFar = \case
[] -> (csSoFar [], pragmasSoFar [])
(x : xs) ->
case parsePragma (unRealSrcSpan x) of
Nothing -> go (csSoFar . (mkComment x :)) pragmasSoFar xs
Just pragma ->
let combined = (csSoFar [], pragma)
in go id (pragmasSoFar . (combined :)) xs

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import GHC
import Ormolu.Parser.Anns
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Parser.Pragma (Pragma)
import Ormolu.Parser.Shebang (Shebang)
-- | A collection of data that represents a parsed module in Ormolu.
data ParseResult = ParseResult
@ -18,12 +19,14 @@ data ParseResult = ParseResult
prParsedSource :: ParsedSource,
-- | Ormolu-specfic representation of annotations
prAnns :: Anns,
-- | Stack header
prStackHeader :: Maybe (RealLocated Comment),
-- | Shebangs found in the input
prShebangs :: [Shebang],
-- | Pragmas and the associated comments
prPragmas :: [([RealLocated Comment], Pragma)],
-- | Comment stream
prCommentStream :: CommentStream,
-- | Extensions enabled in that module
prExtensions :: [Pragma],
-- | Shebangs found in the input
prShebangs :: [Located String],
-- | Whether or not record dot syntax is enabled
prUseRecordDot :: Bool,
-- | Whether or not ImportQualifiedPost is enabled

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- | A module for dealing with shebangs.
module Ormolu.Parser.Shebang
( Shebang (..),
import Data.Data (Data)
import qualified Data.List as L
import SrcLoc
-- | A wrapper for a shebang.
newtype Shebang = Shebang (Located String)
deriving (Eq, Data)
-- | Extract shebangs from the beginning of a comment stream.
extractShebangs :: [Located String] -> ([Shebang], [Located String])
extractShebangs comments = (Shebang <$> shebangs, rest)
(shebangs, rest) = span (isShebang . unLoc) comments
-- | Return 'True' if given 'String' is a shebang.
isShebang :: String -> Bool
isShebang str = "#!" `L.isPrefixOf` str

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@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ printModule ::
printModule ParseResult {..} =
( p_hsModule

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@ -7,17 +7,15 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Comments
( spitPrecedingComments,
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Printer.Internal
@ -55,16 +53,6 @@ spitFollowingComments ref = do
spitRemainingComments :: R ()
spitRemainingComments = void $ handleCommentSeries spitRemainingComment
-- | If there is a stack header in the comment stream, print it.
spitStackHeader :: R ()
spitStackHeader = do
let isStackHeader (Comment (x :| _)) =
"stack" `isPrefixOf` dropWhile isSpace (drop 2 x)
mstackHeader <- popComment (isStackHeader . unRealSrcSpan)
forM_ mstackHeader $ \(L spn x) -> do
spitCommentNow spn x
-- Single-comment functions

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@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC
import Ormolu.Imports
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Parser.Pragma
import Ormolu.Parser.Shebang
import Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
import Ormolu.Printer.Comments
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Common
@ -23,16 +25,18 @@ import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Pragma
-- | Render a module.
p_hsModule ::
-- | Stack header
Maybe (RealLocated Comment) ->
-- | Shebangs
[Located String] ->
-- | Pragmas
[Pragma] ->
[Shebang] ->
-- | Pragmas and the associated comments
[([RealLocated Comment], Pragma)] ->
-- | Whether to use postfix qualified imports
Bool ->
-- | AST to print
ParsedSource ->
R ()
p_hsModule shebangs pragmas qualifiedPost (L moduleSpan HsModule {..}) = do
p_hsModule mstackHeader shebangs pragmas qualifiedPost (L moduleSpan HsModule {..}) = do
-- If span of exports in multiline, the whole thing is multiline. This is
-- especially important because span of module itself always seems to have
-- length zero, so it's not reliable for layout selection.
@ -40,11 +44,13 @@ p_hsModule shebangs pragmas qualifiedPost (L moduleSpan HsModule {..}) = do
deprecSpan = maybe [] (\(L s _) -> [s]) hsmodDeprecMessage
spans' = exportSpans ++ deprecSpan ++ [moduleSpan]
switchLayout spans' $ do
forM_ shebangs $ \x ->
forM_ shebangs $ \(Shebang x) ->
located x $ \shebang -> do
txt (T.pack shebang)
forM_ mstackHeader $ \(L spn comment) -> do
spitCommentNow spn comment
p_pragmas pragmas

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@ -8,12 +8,16 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Pragma
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Parser.Pragma (Pragma (..))
import Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
import Ormolu.Printer.Comments
import SrcLoc
-- | Pragma classification.
data PragmaTy
@ -42,25 +46,31 @@ data LanguagePragmaClass
deriving (Eq, Ord)
p_pragmas :: [Pragma] -> R ()
p_pragmas ps =
let prepare = concatMap $ \case
PragmaLanguage xs ->
let f x = (Language (classifyLanguagePragma x), x)
-- | Print a collection of 'Pragma's with their associated comments.
p_pragmas :: [([RealLocated Comment], Pragma)] -> R ()
p_pragmas ps = do
let prepare = L.sortOn snd . L.nub . concatMap analyze
analyze = \case
(cs, PragmaLanguage xs) ->
let f x = (cs, (Language (classifyLanguagePragma x), x))
in f <$> xs
PragmaOptionsGHC x -> [(OptionsGHC, x)]
PragmaOptionsHaddock x -> [(OptionsHaddock, x)]
in mapM_ (uncurry p_pragma) (S.toAscList . S.fromList . prepare $ ps)
(cs, PragmaOptionsGHC x) -> [(cs, (OptionsGHC, x))]
(cs, PragmaOptionsHaddock x) -> [(cs, (OptionsHaddock, x))]
forM_ (prepare ps) $ \(cs, (pragmaTy, x)) ->
p_pragma cs pragmaTy x
p_pragma :: PragmaTy -> String -> R ()
p_pragma ty c = do
p_pragma :: [RealLocated Comment] -> PragmaTy -> String -> R ()
p_pragma comments ty x = do
forM_ comments $ \(L l comment) -> do
spitCommentNow l comment
txt "{-# "
txt $ case ty of
Language _ -> "LANGUAGE"
OptionsHaddock -> "OPTIONS_HADDOCK"
txt (T.pack c)
txt (T.pack x)
txt " #-}"