Fix an idempotence issue with operators chains

This commit is contained in:
Mark Karpov 2020-05-15 14:29:38 +02:00
parent 1fb65a218c
commit 8eac6bb7a0
19 changed files with 98 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
* Fixed non-idempotent transformation of partly documented data definition.
[Issue 590](
* Fixed an idempotence issue related to operators. [Issue
* Renamed the `--check-idempotency` flag to `--check-idempotence`.
Apparently only the latter is correct.

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
foo =
. g
=<< h . i

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
foo = f
. g
=<< h . i

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
foo n
| x || y && z || n ** x
|| x && n =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
foo n
| x || y && z || n ** x
|| x && n =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
foo =
op <> n <+> colon <+> prettySe <+> text "="
<+> prettySe <> text sc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
foo =
op <> n <+> colon <+> prettySe <+> text "=" <+>
prettySe <> text sc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
foo =
line <> bindingOf <+> text "=" <+> tPretty <+> colon
<+> align <> prettyPs

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
foo =
line <> bindingOf <+> text "=" <+> tPretty <+> colon <+>
align <> prettyPs

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
foo =
map bar $
[ baz
++ quux

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
foo =
map bar $
[ baz
] ++ quux

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
type PermuteRef =
:> ( "b" :> "c" :> End
:<|> "c" :> "b" :> End
:<|> "b"
:> ( "a" :> "c" :> End
:<|> "c" :> "a" :> End

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
type PermuteRef =
"a" :> ( "b" :> "c" :> End
:<|> "c" :> "b" :> End
:<|> "b" :> ( "a" :> "c" :> End
:<|> "c" :> "a" :> End

View File

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ let
ormolizedPackages = doCheck:
pkgs.lib.mapAttrs (name: p: ormolize {

View File

@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "t_impl ppo && uname "
after: "t_impl ppo\n "
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: " text op <> pretty"
after: " text op\n <"
Please, consider reporting the bug.
The GHC parser (in Haddock mode) failed:
parse error on input `@'
@ -21,9 +9,3 @@ Please, consider reporting the bug.
The GHC parser (in Haddock mode) failed:
parse error on input `@'
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: " line <> bindin"
after: " line\n <"
Please, consider reporting the bug.

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: " <$> opti"
after: " <$> option"
Please, consider reporting the bug.

View File

@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ where
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down (Down), comparing)
import GHC
import OccName (mkVarOcc)
import Ormolu.Utils (unSrcSpan)
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ reassociateOpTree getOpName opTree =
reassociateOpTreeWith ::
forall ty op.
-- | Fixity map for operators
[(RdrName, Fixity)] ->
Map RdrName Fixity ->
-- | How to get the name of an operator
(op -> Maybe RdrName) ->
-- | Original 'OpTree'
@ -68,12 +69,12 @@ reassociateOpTreeWith fixityMap getOpName = go
fixityOf :: op -> Fixity
fixityOf op = fromMaybe defaultFixity $ do
opName <- getOpName op
lookup opName fixityMap
M.lookup opName fixityMap
-- Here, left branch is already associated and the root alongside with
-- the right branch is right-associated. This function picks up one item
-- from the right and inserts it correctly to the left.
-- Also, we are using the 'compareFixity' function which returns if the
-- Also, we are using the 'compareFixity' function which tells if the
-- expression should associate to right.
go :: OpTree ty op -> OpTree ty op
-- base cases
@ -93,6 +94,16 @@ reassociateOpTreeWith fixityMap getOpName = go
then go $ OpBranch (OpBranch l op (go $ OpBranch r op' l')) op'' r'
else go $ OpBranch (OpBranch (OpBranch l op r) op' l') op'' r'
-- | A score assigned to an operator.
data Score
= -- | The operator was placed at the beginning of a line
AtBeginning Int
| -- | The operator was placed at the end of a line
| -- | The operator was placed in between arguments on a single line
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | Build a map of inferred 'Fixity's from an 'OpTree'.
buildFixityMap ::
forall ty op.
@ -101,23 +112,26 @@ buildFixityMap ::
-- | Operator tree
OpTree (Located ty) (Located op) ->
-- | Fixity map
[(RdrName, Fixity)]
Map RdrName Fixity
buildFixityMap getOpName opTree =
concatMap (\(i, ns) -> map (\(n, _) -> (n, fixity i InfixL)) ns)
. zip [0 ..]
. L.groupBy (doubleWithinEps 0.00001 `on` snd)
. (overrides ++)
. modeScores
. M.fromList
. concatMap (\(i, ns) -> map (\(n, _) -> (n, fixity i InfixL)) ns)
. zip [1 ..]
. L.groupBy ((==) `on` snd)
. selectScores
$ score opTree
-- Add a special case for ($), since it is pretty unlikely for someone
-- to override it.
overrides :: [(RdrName, Double)]
overrides =
[ (mkRdrUnqual $ mkVarOcc "$", -1)
-- Assign scores to operators based on their location in the source.
score :: OpTree (Located ty) (Located op) -> [(RdrName, Double)]
addOverrides :: Map RdrName Fixity -> Map RdrName Fixity
addOverrides m =
let mk k v = (mkRdrUnqual (mkVarOcc k), fixity v InfixL)
in M.fromList
[ mk "$" 0,
mk "." 9
`M.union` m
fixity = Fixity NoSourceText
score :: OpTree (Located ty) (Located op) -> [(RdrName, Score)]
score (OpNode _) = []
score (OpBranch l o r) = fromMaybe (score r) $ do
-- If we fail to get any of these, 'defaultFixity' will be used by
@ -129,46 +143,25 @@ buildFixityMap getOpName opTree =
oc <- srcSpanStartCol <$> unSrcSpan (getLoc o) -- operator column
opName <- getOpName (unLoc o)
let s
| le < ob =
-- if the operator is in the beginning of a line, assign
-- a score relative to its column within range [0, 1).
fromIntegral oc / fromIntegral (maxCol + 1)
| oe < rb =
-- if the operator is in the end of the line, assign the
-- score 1.
| otherwise =
2 -- otherwise, assign a high score.
| le < ob = AtBeginning oc
| oe < rb = AtEnd
| otherwise = InBetween
return $ (opName, s) : score r
-- Pick the most common score per 'RdrName'.
modeScores :: [(RdrName, Double)] -> [(RdrName, Double)]
modeScores =
selectScores :: [(RdrName, Score)] -> [(RdrName, Score)]
selectScores =
L.sortOn snd
. mapMaybe
( \case
[] -> Nothing
xs@((n, _) : _) -> Just (n, mode $ map snd xs)
xs@((n, _) : _) -> Just (n, selectScore $ map snd xs)
. L.groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
. L.sort
-- Return the most common number, leaning to the smaller
-- one in case of a tie.
mode :: [Double] -> Double
mode =
. L.minimumBy (comparing (Down . length))
. L.groupBy (doubleWithinEps 0.0001)
. L.sort
-- The start column of the rightmost operator.
maxCol = go opTree
go (OpNode (L _ _)) = 0
go (OpBranch l (L o _) r) =
[ go l,
maybe 0 srcSpanStartCol (unSrcSpan o),
go r
selectScore :: [Score] -> Score
selectScore xs =
case filter (/= InBetween) xs of
[] -> InBetween
xs' -> maximum xs'
-- Helpers
@ -182,9 +175,3 @@ normalizeOpTree (OpBranch (OpNode l) lop r) =
OpBranch (OpNode l) lop (normalizeOpTree r)
normalizeOpTree (OpBranch (OpBranch l' lop' r') lop r) =
normalizeOpTree (OpBranch l' lop' (OpBranch r' lop r))
fixity :: Int -> FixityDirection -> Fixity
fixity = Fixity NoSourceText
doubleWithinEps :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool
doubleWithinEps eps a b = abs (a - b) < eps