Prevent incorrect detection of continuations of comment series

This commit is contained in:
Mark Karpov 2020-04-30 13:44:07 +02:00
parent 22839ed74c
commit 991bf8e24d
10 changed files with 116 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
* Fixed an idempotence issue with inline comments in tuples and parentheses.
[Issue 450](
* Fixed an idempotence issue when certain comments where picked up as
“continuation” of a series of comments [Issue
* Renamed the `--check-idempotency` flag to `--check-idempotence`.
Apparently only the latter is correct.

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
data A
= B -- C
| -- D

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
data A =
B -- C
-- D
| E

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@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ let
expectedFailures = [

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: "t at i\n in -- If t"
after: "t at i\n -"
Please, consider reporting the bug.

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@ -7,9 +7,3 @@ Formatting is not idempotent:
before: ".softbreak <$ endlin"
after: ".softbreak\n <$ en"
Please, consider reporting the bug.
Formatting is not idempotent:
before: " -- w:p\n "
after: " -- w:p\n "
Please, consider reporting the bug.

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified FastString as GHC
import GHC
import Ormolu.Imports (sortImports)
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
import Ormolu.Parser.Result
import Ormolu.Utils
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ matchIgnoringSrcSpans = genericQuery
( genericQuery
`extQ` srcSpanEq
`extQ` commentEq
`extQ` sourceTextEq
`extQ` hsDocStringEq
`extQ` importDeclQualifiedStyleEq
@ -79,6 +81,14 @@ matchIgnoringSrcSpans = genericQuery
| otherwise = Different []
srcSpanEq :: SrcSpan -> GenericQ Diff
srcSpanEq _ _ = Same
commentEq :: Comment -> GenericQ Diff
commentEq (Comment _ x) d =
case cast d :: Maybe Comment of
Nothing -> Different []
Just (Comment _ y) ->
if x == y
then Same
else Different []
sourceTextEq :: SourceText -> GenericQ Diff
sourceTextEq _ _ = Same
importDeclQualifiedStyleEq :: ImportDeclQualifiedStyle -> GenericQ Diff

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ parseModule Config {..} path rawInput = liftIO $ do
Just err -> Left err
Nothing ->
let (stackHeader, shebangs, pragmas, comments) =
mkCommentStream extraComments pstate
mkCommentStream input extraComments pstate
in Right
{ prParsedSource = hsModule,

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@ -4,11 +4,16 @@
-- | Functions for working with comment stream.
module Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
( CommentStream (..),
Comment (..),
( -- * Comment stream
CommentStream (..),
-- * Comment
Comment (..),
@ -25,20 +30,20 @@ import Ormolu.Parser.Shebang
import Ormolu.Utils (showOutputable)
import SrcLoc
-- Comment stream
-- | A stream of 'RealLocated' 'Comment's in ascending order with respect to
-- beginning of corresponding spans.
newtype CommentStream = CommentStream [RealLocated Comment]
deriving (Eq, Data, Semigroup, Monoid)
-- | A wrapper for a single comment. The 'NonEmpty' list inside contains
-- lines of multiline comment @{- … -}@ or just single item\/line otherwise.
newtype Comment = Comment (NonEmpty String)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
-- | Create 'CommentStream' from 'GHC.PState'. The pragmas and shebangs are
-- removed from the 'CommentStream'. Shebangs are only extracted from the
-- comments that come from the first argument.
mkCommentStream ::
-- | Original input
String ->
-- | Extra comments to include
[Located String] ->
-- | Parser state to use for comment extraction
@ -49,14 +54,14 @@ mkCommentStream ::
[([RealLocated Comment], Pragma)],
mkCommentStream extraComments pstate =
mkCommentStream input extraComments pstate =
( mstackHeader,
CommentStream comments
(comments, pragmas) = extractPragmas rawComments1
(comments, pragmas) = extractPragmas input rawComments1
(rawComments1, mstackHeader) = extractStackHeader rawComments0
rawComments0 =
L.sortOn (realSrcSpanStart . getRealSrcSpan) . mapMaybe toRealSpan $
@ -67,10 +72,6 @@ mkCommentStream extraComments pstate =
(GHC.annotations_comments pstate)
(shebangs, otherExtraComments) = extractShebangs extraComments
-- | Is this comment multiline-style?
isMultilineComment :: Comment -> Bool
isMultilineComment (Comment (x :| _)) = "{-" `L.isPrefixOf` x
-- | Pretty-print a 'CommentStream'.
showCommentStream :: CommentStream -> String
showCommentStream (CommentStream xs) =
@ -80,28 +81,67 @@ showCommentStream (CommentStream xs) =
showComment (GHC.L l str) = showOutputable l ++ " " ++ show str
-- Helpers
-- Comment
-- | A wrapper for a single comment. The 'Bool' indicates whether there were
-- atoms before beginning of the comment in the original input. The
-- 'NonEmpty' list inside contains lines of multiline comment @{- … -}@ or
-- just single item\/line otherwise.
data Comment = Comment Bool (NonEmpty String)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
-- | Normalize comment string. Sometimes one multi-line comment is turned
-- into several lines for subsequent outputting with correct indentation for
-- each line.
mkComment :: RealLocated String -> RealLocated Comment
mkComment (L l s) =
L l . Comment . fmap dropTrailing $
if "{-" `L.isPrefixOf` s
then case NE.nonEmpty (lines s) of
Nothing -> s :| []
Just (x :| xs) ->
let getIndent y =
if all isSpace y
then startIndent
else length (takeWhile isSpace y)
n = minimum (startIndent : fmap getIndent xs)
in x :| (drop n <$> xs)
else s :| []
mkComment ::
-- | Lines of original input with their indices
[(Int, String)] ->
-- | Raw comment string
RealLocated String ->
-- | Remaining lines of original input and the constructed 'Comment'
([(Int, String)], RealLocated Comment)
mkComment ls (L l s) = (ls', comment)
comment =
L l . Comment atomsBefore . fmap dropTrailing $
if "{-" `L.isPrefixOf` s
then case NE.nonEmpty (lines s) of
Nothing -> s :| []
Just (x :| xs) ->
let getIndent y =
if all isSpace y
then startIndent
else length (takeWhile isSpace y)
n = minimum (startIndent : fmap getIndent xs)
in x :| (drop n <$> xs)
else s :| []
(atomsBefore, ls') =
case dropWhile ((< commentLine) . fst) ls of
[] -> (False, [])
((_, i) : ls'') ->
case take 2 (dropWhile isSpace i) of
"--" -> (False, ls'')
"{-" -> (False, ls'')
_ -> (True, ls'')
dropTrailing = L.dropWhileEnd isSpace
startIndent = srcSpanStartCol l - 1
commentLine = srcSpanStartLine l
-- | Get a collection of lines from a 'Comment'.
unComment :: Comment -> NonEmpty String
unComment (Comment _ xs) = xs
-- | Check whether the 'Comment' had some non-whitespace atoms in front of
-- it in the original input.
hasAtomsBefore :: Comment -> Bool
hasAtomsBefore (Comment atomsBefore _) = atomsBefore
-- | Is this comment multiline-style?
isMultilineComment :: Comment -> Bool
isMultilineComment (Comment _ (x :| _)) = "{-" `L.isPrefixOf` x
-- Helpers
-- | Get a 'String' from 'GHC.AnnotationComment'.
unAnnotationComment :: GHC.AnnotationComment -> Maybe String
@ -130,25 +170,29 @@ extractStackHeader ::
extractStackHeader = \case
[] -> ([], Nothing)
(x : xs) ->
let comment = mkComment x
let comment = snd (mkComment [] x)
in if isStackHeader (unRealSrcSpan comment)
then (xs, Just comment)
else (x : xs, Nothing)
isStackHeader (Comment (x :| _)) =
isStackHeader (Comment _ (x :| _)) =
"stack" `L.isPrefixOf` dropWhile isSpace (drop 2 x)
-- | Extract pragmas and their associated comments.
extractPragmas ::
String ->
[RealLocated String] ->
([RealLocated Comment], [([RealLocated Comment], Pragma)])
extractPragmas = go id id
extractPragmas input = go initialLs id id
go csSoFar pragmasSoFar = \case
initialLs = zip [1 ..] (lines input)
go ls csSoFar pragmasSoFar = \case
[] -> (csSoFar [], pragmasSoFar [])
(x : xs) ->
case parsePragma (unRealSrcSpan x) of
Nothing -> go (csSoFar . (mkComment x :)) pragmasSoFar xs
Nothing ->
let (ls', x') = mkComment ls x
in go ls' (csSoFar . (x' :)) pragmasSoFar xs
Just pragma ->
let combined = (csSoFar [], pragma)
in go id (pragmasSoFar . (combined :)) xs
in go ls id (pragmasSoFar . (combined :)) xs

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Comments
import Control.Monad
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream
@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ commentFollowsElt ::
-- | Comment to test
RealLocated Comment ->
commentFollowsElt ref mnSpn meSpn mlastMark (L l _) =
commentFollowsElt ref mnSpn meSpn mlastMark (L l comment) =
-- A comment follows a AST element if all 4 conditions are satisfied:
&& logicallyFollows
@ -232,12 +231,16 @@ commentFollowsElt ref mnSpn meSpn mlastMark (L l _) =
>= abs (startColumn ref - startColumn l)
continuation =
case mlastMark of
Just (HaddockSpan _ spn) ->
srcSpanEndLine spn + 1 == srcSpanStartLine l
Just (CommentSpan spn) ->
srcSpanEndLine spn + 1 == srcSpanStartLine l
_ -> False
-- A comment is a continuation when it doesn't have non-whitespace
-- lexemes in front of it and goes right after the previous comment.
not (hasAtomsBefore comment)
&& ( case mlastMark of
Just (HaddockSpan _ spn) ->
srcSpanEndLine spn + 1 == srcSpanStartLine l
Just (CommentSpan spn) ->
srcSpanEndLine spn + 1 == srcSpanStartLine l
_ -> False
lastInEnclosing =
case meSpn of
-- When there is no enclosing element, return false
@ -259,7 +262,7 @@ spitCommentNow spn comment = do
. sequence_
. NE.intersperse newline
. fmap (txt . T.pack)
. coerce
. unComment
$ comment
setSpanMark (CommentSpan spn)
@ -275,6 +278,6 @@ spitCommentPending position spn comment = do
. sequence_
. NE.toList
. fmap (registerPendingCommentLine position . T.pack)
. coerce
. unComment
$ comment
setSpanMark (CommentSpan spn)