Format unboxed sum pattern

This commit is contained in:
gabriele.lana 2019-07-20 16:49:18 +02:00 committed by Mark Karpov
parent 54749b889a
commit be53b3e504
3 changed files with 68 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}
v = True
(# _x #) = (# True #)
p = True
(# _x | #) = (# | True #)
q = True
(# | _x | #) = (# | True | #)
z = True
(# | | _x #) = (# | | True #)
z_multiline = True
(# | | _x
#) =
(# | | True

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}
v = True
(# _x #) = (# True #)
p = True
(# _x | #) = (# | True #)
q = True
(# | _x | #) = (# | True | #)
z = True
(# | | _x #) = (# | | True #)
z_multiline = True
(# |
| _x #) = (# |
| True #)

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@ -484,21 +484,8 @@ p_hsExpr = \case
sep comma (located' p_hsTupArg) args
else switchLayout (getLoc <$> args) . parens' . sitcc $
sep (comma >> breakpoint) (sitcc . located' p_hsTupArg) args
ExplicitSum NoExt tag arity e -> do
let before = tag - 1
after = arity - before - 1
args = replicate before Nothing <> [Just e] <> replicate after Nothing
f (x,i) = do
let isFirst = i == 0
isLast = i == arity - 1
case x of
Nothing ->
unless (isFirst || isLast) space
Just l -> do
unless isFirst space
located l p_hsExpr
unless isLast space
parensHash $ sep (txt "|") f (zip args [0..])
ExplicitSum NoExt tag arity e ->
p_unboxedSum tag arity (located e p_hsExpr)
HsCase NoExt e mgroup -> do
txt "case "
located e p_hsExpr
@ -710,9 +697,8 @@ p_pat = \case
Boxed -> parens
Unboxed -> parensHash
f . sitcc $ sep (comma >> breakpoint) (sitcc . located' p_pat) pats
SumPat NoExt pat _ _ -> do
-- XXX I'm not sure about this one.
located pat p_pat
SumPat NoExt pat tag arity ->
p_unboxedSum tag arity (located pat p_pat)
ConPatIn pat details ->
case details of
PrefixCon xs -> sitcc $ do
@ -765,6 +751,23 @@ p_pat_hsRecField HsRecField {..} = do
inci (located hsRecFieldArg p_pat)
p_unboxedSum :: ConTag -> Arity -> R () -> R ()
p_unboxedSum tag arity m = do
let before = tag - 1
after = arity - before - 1
args = replicate before Nothing <> [Just m] <> replicate after Nothing
f (x,i) = do
let isFirst = i == 0
isLast = i == arity - 1
case x :: Maybe (R ()) of
Nothing ->
unless (isFirst || isLast) space
Just m' -> do
unless isFirst space
unless isLast space
parensHash $ sep (txt "|") f (zip args [0..])
p_hsSplice :: HsSplice GhcPs -> R ()
p_hsSplice = \case
HsTypedSplice NoExt deco _ expr -> p_hsSpliceTH True expr deco