2023-03-02 15:52:04 +03:00

1142 lines
43 KiB

module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Array (head, drop)
import Data.Date as Date
import Data.DateTime (DateTime(..), Time(..))
import Data.DateTime.Instant (toDateTime)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Enum (toEnum)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isNothing, maybe)
import Data.Time.Duration (Milliseconds(..))
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), uncurry)
import Database.IndexedDB.Core (CursorDirection(..), Database, Index, ObjectStore, Transaction, TransactionMode(..))
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBCursor as IDBCursor
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBDatabase as IDBDatabase
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBFactory as IDBFactory
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBIndex as IDBIndex
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBKey (Key, none, toKey)
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBKeyRange as IDBKeyRange
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBObjectStore as IDBObjectStore
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBTransaction as IDBTransaction
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, attempt, delay, forkAff, launchAff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Aff.AVar (AVar)
import Effect.Aff.AVar as AVar
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Effect.Exception (name)
import Effect.Now (now)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual, fail)
import Test.Spec.Reporter (consoleReporter)
import Test.Spec.Runner (runSpec)
infixr 7 Tuple as :+:
launchAff' :: forall a. Aff a -> Effect Unit
launchAff' =
launchAff_ <<< void
modifyAVar :: forall a. (a -> a) -> AVar a -> Aff Unit
modifyAVar fn v = do
val <- AVar.take v
AVar.put (fn val) v
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
launchAff_ $ runSpec [ consoleReporter ] $ do
describe "IDBFactory" do
tearDown name version db = do
IDBDatabase.close db
version' <- IDBFactory.deleteDatabase name
liftEffect $ log $ show version'
version' `shouldEqual` version
it "open default" do
name = "db-default"
version = 1
db <- IDBFactory.open name Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
, onBlocked: Nothing
IDBDatabase.name db `shouldEqual` name
tearDown name version db
it "open specific version" do
name = "db-specific"
version = 14
db <- IDBFactory.open name (Just version)
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
, onBlocked: Nothing
IDBDatabase.name db `shouldEqual` name
tearDown name version db
it "open specific version -> close -> open latest" do
name = "db-latest"
version = 14
db01 <- IDBFactory.open name (Just version)
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
, onBlocked: Nothing
IDBDatabase.name db01 `shouldEqual` name
IDBDatabase.close db01
db02 <- IDBFactory.open name Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
, onBlocked: Nothing
tearDown name version db02
it "open + onUpgradeNeed" do
name = "db-upgrade-needed"
version = 1
callback (Tuple varName varVersion) db _ { oldVersion } = do
_ <- launchAff $ modifyAVar (const $ IDBDatabase.name db) varName
_ <- launchAff $ modifyAVar (const $ oldVersion) varVersion
pure unit
varName <- AVar.new "-"
varVersion <- AVar.new (-1)
db <- IDBFactory.open name Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Just (callback (Tuple varName varVersion))
, onBlocked: Nothing
name' <- AVar.read varName
version' <- AVar.read varVersion
name' `shouldEqual` name
version' `shouldEqual` 0
tearDown name version db
it "open + onBlocked" do
name = "db-blocked"
version = 14
callback var = do
_ <- launchAff $ modifyAVar (const $ "db-blocked") var
pure unit
var <- AVar.new "-"
db01 <- IDBFactory.open name Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
, onBlocked: Nothing
_ <- forkAff do
delay (Milliseconds 100.0)
IDBDatabase.close db01
db02 <- IDBFactory.open name (Just version)
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
, onBlocked: Just (callback var)
name' <- AVar.read var
name' `shouldEqual` name
tearDown name version db02
describe "IDBKeyRange" do
it "only(int)" do
key = 14
range = IDBKeyRange.only key
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` true
it "only(string)" do
key = "patate"
range = IDBKeyRange.only key
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` true
it "only(float)" do
key = 14.42
range = IDBKeyRange.only key
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` true
it "only(date)" do
mkey = DateTime
<$> (Date.canonicalDate <$> toEnum 2017 <*> toEnum 6 <*> toEnum 23)
<*> (Time <$> toEnum 17 <*> toEnum 59 <*> toEnum 34 <*> toEnum 42)
case mkey of
Nothing ->
fail "unable to create datetime"
Just key -> do
let range = IDBKeyRange.only key
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` true
it "only([int])" do
key = [ 14, 42 ]
range = IDBKeyRange.only key
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` true
it "only([string])" do
key = [ "patate", "autruche" ]
range = IDBKeyRange.only key
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` true
it "lowerBound(14, open)" do
key = 14
open = true
range = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound key open
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (key + 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` (not open)
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (key - 1)) `shouldEqual` false
it "lowerBound(14, close)" do
key = 14
open = false
range = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound key open
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (key + 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` (not open)
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (key - 1)) `shouldEqual` false
it "upperBound(14, open)" do
key = 14
open = true
range = IDBKeyRange.upperBound key open
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (key + 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` (not open)
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (key - 1)) `shouldEqual` true
it "upperBound(14, close)" do
key = 14
open = false
range = IDBKeyRange.upperBound key open
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (key + 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey key) `shouldEqual` (not open)
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (key - 1)) `shouldEqual` true
it "bound(42, 14, open, open) => Nothing" do
lower = 42
upper = 14
lowerOpen = true
upperOpen = true
mrange = IDBKeyRange.bound { lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen }
isNothing mrange `shouldEqual` true
it "bound(14, 42, open, open)" do
lower = 14
upper = 42
lowerOpen = true
upperOpen = true
mrange = IDBKeyRange.bound { lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen }
case mrange of
Nothing ->
fail "invalid range provided"
Just range -> do
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (lower + 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (upper - 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (lower - 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (upper + 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey lower) `shouldEqual` (not lowerOpen)
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey upper) `shouldEqual` (not upperOpen)
it "bound(14, 42, open, close)" do
lower = 14
upper = 42
lowerOpen = true
upperOpen = false
mrange = IDBKeyRange.bound { lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen }
case mrange of
Nothing ->
fail "invalid range provided"
Just range -> do
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (lower + 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (upper - 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (lower - 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (upper + 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey lower) `shouldEqual` (not lowerOpen)
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey upper) `shouldEqual` (not upperOpen)
it "bound(14, 42, close, open)" do
lower = 14
upper = 42
lowerOpen = false
upperOpen = true
mrange = IDBKeyRange.bound { lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen }
case mrange of
Nothing ->
fail "invalid range provided"
Just range -> do
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (lower + 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (upper - 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (lower - 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (upper + 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey lower) `shouldEqual` (not lowerOpen)
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey upper) `shouldEqual` (not upperOpen)
it "bound(14, 42, close, close)" do
lower = 14
upper = 42
lowerOpen = false
upperOpen = false
mrange = IDBKeyRange.bound { lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen }
case mrange of
Nothing ->
fail "invalid range provided"
Just range -> do
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (lower + 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (upper - 1)) `shouldEqual` true
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (lower - 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey (upper + 1)) `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey lower) `shouldEqual` (not lowerOpen)
IDBKeyRange.includes range (toKey upper) `shouldEqual` (not upperOpen)
it "can access attributes of a range" do
let range = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound 14 false
IDBKeyRange.lower range `shouldEqual` (Just $ toKey 14)
IDBKeyRange.upper range `shouldEqual` none
IDBKeyRange.lowerOpen range `shouldEqual` false
IDBKeyRange.upperOpen range `shouldEqual` true
describe "IDBDatabase" do
tearDown db = do
IDBDatabase.close db
_ <- IDBFactory.deleteDatabase (IDBDatabase.name db)
pure unit
setup storeParams = do
onUpgradeNeeded var db _ _ = launchAff' do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db "store" storeParams
_ <- AVar.put { db, store } var
pure unit
var <- AVar.empty
_ <- IDBFactory.open "db" Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Just (onUpgradeNeeded var)
, onBlocked: Nothing
AVar.take var
it "createObjectStore (keyPath: [], autoIncrement: true)" do
{ db, store } <- setup { keyPath: [], autoIncrement: true }
IDBObjectStore.name store `shouldEqual` "store"
IDBObjectStore.keyPath store `shouldEqual` []
IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement store `shouldEqual` true
IDBObjectStore.indexNames store `shouldEqual` []
tearDown db
it "createObjectStore (keyPath: [\"patate\"], autoIncrement: true)" do
{ db, store } <- setup { keyPath: [ "patate" ], autoIncrement: true }
IDBObjectStore.name store `shouldEqual` "store"
IDBObjectStore.keyPath store `shouldEqual` [ "patate" ]
IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement store `shouldEqual` true
IDBObjectStore.indexNames store `shouldEqual` []
tearDown db
it "createObjectStore (keyPath: [\"a\", \"b\"], autoIncrement: false)" do
{ db, store } <- setup { keyPath: [ "patate", "autruche" ], autoIncrement: false }
IDBObjectStore.name store `shouldEqual` "store"
IDBObjectStore.keyPath store `shouldEqual` [ "patate", "autruche" ]
IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement store `shouldEqual` false
IDBObjectStore.indexNames store `shouldEqual` []
tearDown db
it "deleteObjectStore" do
onUpgradeNeeded var db _ _ = launchAff' do
_ <- IDBDatabase.deleteObjectStore db "store"
AVar.put true var
var <- AVar.empty
{ db } <- setup IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
IDBDatabase.close db
db' <- IDBFactory.open "db" (Just 999)
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Just (onUpgradeNeeded var)
, onBlocked: Nothing
deleted <- AVar.take var
deleted `shouldEqual` true
tearDown db'
describe "IDBObjectStore" do
tearDown db = do
IDBDatabase.close db
_ <- IDBFactory.deleteDatabase (IDBDatabase.name db)
pure unit
setup { storeParams, onUpgradeNeeded } = do
onUpgradeNeeded' var db _ _ = launchAff' do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db "store" storeParams
liftEffect $ maybe (pure unit) identity (onUpgradeNeeded <*> pure db <*> pure store)
AVar.put { db, store } var
var <- AVar.empty
_ <- IDBFactory.open "db" Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Just (onUpgradeNeeded' var)
, onBlocked: Nothing
AVar.take var
it "add()" do
date <- liftEffect $ toDateTime <$> now
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { autoIncrement: true, keyPath: [] }
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ store -> launchAff' do
-- no key
key <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" none
(toKey 1) `shouldEqual` key
-- int key
key' <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just 14)
(toKey 14) `shouldEqual` key'
-- number key
key'' <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just 14.42)
(toKey 14.42) `shouldEqual` key''
-- string key
key''' <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just "key")
(toKey "key") `shouldEqual` key'''
-- date key
key'''' <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just date)
(toKey date) `shouldEqual` key''''
-- array key
key''''' <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just $ toKey [ 14, 42 ])
(toKey [ 14, 42 ]) `shouldEqual` key'''''
tearDown db
it "clear()" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ store -> launchAff' do
key <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just 14)
_ <- IDBObjectStore.clear store
val <- IDBObjectStore.get store (IDBKeyRange.only key)
val `shouldEqual` (Nothing :: Maybe String)
tearDown db
it "count()" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ store -> launchAff' do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just 14)
_ <- IDBObjectStore.add store "autruche" (Just 42)
n <- IDBObjectStore.count store Nothing
n `shouldEqual` 2
tearDown db
it "getKey()" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ store -> launchAff' do
key <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just 14)
mkey <- IDBObjectStore.getKey store (IDBKeyRange.only 14)
mkey `shouldEqual` (Just key)
mkey' <- IDBObjectStore.getKey store (IDBKeyRange.only 42)
mkey' `shouldEqual` none
tearDown db
it "getAllKeys()" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ store -> launchAff' do
key1 <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just 14)
key2 <- IDBObjectStore.add store "autruche" (Just 42)
key3 <- IDBObjectStore.add store 14 (Just 1337)
-- no bounds
keys <- IDBObjectStore.getAllKeys store Nothing Nothing
keys `shouldEqual` [ key1, key2, key3 ]
-- lower bound
keys' <- IDBObjectStore.getAllKeys store (Just $ IDBKeyRange.lowerBound 14 true) Nothing
keys' `shouldEqual` [ key2, key3 ]
-- upper bound
keys'' <- IDBObjectStore.getAllKeys store (Just $ IDBKeyRange.upperBound 42 false) Nothing
keys'' `shouldEqual` [ key1, key2 ]
-- count
keys''' <- IDBObjectStore.getAllKeys store (Just $ IDBKeyRange.lowerBound 1 true) (Just 2)
keys''' `shouldEqual` [ key1, key2 ]
tearDown db
it "openCursor()" do
cb =
{ onSuccess: const $ pure unit
, onError: show >>> fail >>> launchAff'
, onComplete: pure unit
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ store -> launchAff' do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Next cb
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing NextUnique cb
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Prev cb
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing PrevUnique cb
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store (Just $ IDBKeyRange.upperBound 1 true) Next cb
pure unit
tearDown db
it "openKeyCursor()" do
cb =
{ onSuccess: const $ pure unit
, onError: show >>> fail >>> launchAff'
, onComplete: pure unit
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ store -> launchAff' do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store Nothing Next cb
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store Nothing NextUnique cb
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store Nothing Prev cb
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store Nothing PrevUnique cb
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store (Just $ IDBKeyRange.lowerBound 1 true) Next cb
pure unit
tearDown db
describe "IDBIndex" do
tearDown db = do
IDBDatabase.close db
_ <- IDBFactory.deleteDatabase (IDBDatabase.name db)
pure unit
:: forall value
. { storeParams :: { keyPath :: Array String, autoIncrement :: Boolean }
, indexParams :: { unique :: Boolean, multiEntry :: Boolean }
, values :: Array (Tuple value (Maybe Key))
, keyPath :: Array String
, onUpgradeNeeded :: Maybe (Database -> Transaction -> Index -> Effect Unit)
-> Aff { db :: Database, index :: Index, store :: ObjectStore }
setup { storeParams, indexParams, values, keyPath, onUpgradeNeeded } = do
onUpgradeNeeded' var db tx _ = launchAff' do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db "store" storeParams
_ <- traverse (uncurry (IDBObjectStore.add store)) values
index <- IDBObjectStore.createIndex store "index" keyPath indexParams
liftEffect $ maybe (pure unit) identity (onUpgradeNeeded <*> pure db <*> pure tx <*> pure index)
AVar.put { db, index, store } var
var <- AVar.empty
_ <- IDBFactory.open "db" Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Just (onUpgradeNeeded' var)
, onBlocked: Nothing
AVar.take var
it "returns an IDBIndex and the properties are set correctly" do
{ db, index } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
, keyPath: []
, values: []
IDBIndex.name index `shouldEqual` "index"
IDBIndex.keyPath index `shouldEqual` []
IDBIndex.unique index `shouldEqual` IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters.unique
IDBIndex.multiEntry index `shouldEqual` IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters.multiEntry
tearDown db
it "attempt to create an index that requires unique values on an object store already contains duplicates" do
let onAbort var = launchAff' (AVar.put true var)
txVar <- AVar.empty
dbVar <- AVar.empty
res <- attempt $ setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, indexParams:
{ unique: true
, multiEntry: false
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { indexedProperty: "bar" } :+: (Just $ toKey 1)
, { indexedProperty: "bar" } :+: (Just $ toKey 2)
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \db tx _ -> launchAff' do
IDBTransaction.onAbort tx (onAbort txVar)
IDBDatabase.onAbort db (onAbort dbVar)
case res of
Right _ ->
fail "expected abort"
_ -> do
shouldEqual true =<< AVar.take txVar
shouldEqual true =<< AVar.take dbVar
it "the index is usable right after being made" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams:
{ keyPath: [ "key" ]
, autoIncrement: false
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { key: "key1", indexedProperty: "indexed_1" } :+: Nothing
, { key: "key2", indexedProperty: "indexed_2" } :+: Nothing
, { key: "key3", indexedProperty: "indexed_3" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ _ index -> launchAff' do
val <- IDBIndex.get index (IDBKeyRange.only "indexed_2")
((\r -> r.key) <$> val) `shouldEqual` (Just $ toKey "key2")
tearDown db
it "empty keyPath" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: []
, values:
[ "object_1" :+: (Just $ toKey 1)
, "object_2" :+: (Just $ toKey 2)
, "object_3" :+: (Just $ toKey 3)
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ _ index -> launchAff' do
val <- IDBIndex.get index (IDBKeyRange.only "object_3")
val `shouldEqual` (Just "object_3")
tearDown db
it "index can be valid keys [date]" do
date <- liftEffect $ toDateTime <$> now
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams:
{ keyPath: [ "key" ]
, autoIncrement: false
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "i" ]
, values:
[ { key: "date", i: (toKey date) } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ _ index -> launchAff' do
val <- IDBIndex.get index (IDBKeyRange.only date)
((\r -> r.key) <$> val) `shouldEqual` (Just "date")
tearDown db
it "index can be valid keys [num]" do
let num = 14
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams:
{ keyPath: [ "key" ]
, autoIncrement: false
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "i" ]
, values:
[ { key: "num", i: (toKey num) } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ _ index -> launchAff' do
val <- IDBIndex.get index (IDBKeyRange.only num)
((\r -> r.key) <$> val) `shouldEqual` (Just "num")
tearDown db
it "index can be valid keys [array]" do
let array = [ "patate", "autruche" ]
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams:
{ keyPath: [ "key" ]
, autoIncrement: false
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "i" ]
, values:
[ { key: "array", i: (toKey array) } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ _ index -> launchAff' do
val <- IDBIndex.get index (IDBKeyRange.only array)
((\r -> r.key) <$> val) `shouldEqual` (Just "array")
tearDown db
it "openKeyCursor() - throw InvalidStateError on index deleted by aborted upgrade" do
res <- attempt $ setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "key" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { key: 14, indexedProperty: "patate" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \db tx index -> launchAff' do
cb =
{ onSuccess: const $ pure unit
, onError: show >>> fail >>> launchAff'
, onComplete: pure unit
IDBTransaction.onAbort tx (pure unit)
IDBDatabase.onAbort db (pure unit)
IDBTransaction.abort tx
cursor <- attempt $ IDBIndex.openKeyCursor index Nothing Next cb
case cursor of
Right _ -> fail "expected InvalidStateError"
Left err -> name err `shouldEqual` "InvalidStateError"
case res of
Right _ -> fail "expected InvalidStateError"
_ -> pure unit
it "openKeyCursor() - throw TransactionInactiveError on aborted transaction" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "key" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { key: 14, indexedProperty: "patate" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
cb =
{ onSuccess: const $ pure unit
, onError: show >>> fail >>> launchAff'
, onComplete: pure unit
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadOnly
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
index <- IDBObjectStore.index store "index"
IDBTransaction.onAbort tx (pure unit)
IDBTransaction.abort tx
cursor <- attempt $ IDBIndex.openKeyCursor index Nothing Next cb
case cursor of
Right _ -> fail "expected TransactionInactiveError"
Left err -> name err `shouldEqual` "TransactionInactiveError"
tearDown db
it "openKeyCursor() - throw InvalidStateError when the index is deleted" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "key" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { key: 14, indexedProperty: "patate" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ tx index -> launchAff' do
cb =
{ onSuccess: const $ pure unit
, onError: show >>> fail >>> launchAff'
, onComplete: pure unit
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
IDBObjectStore.deleteIndex store "index"
cursor <- attempt $ IDBIndex.openKeyCursor index Nothing Next cb
case cursor of
Right _ -> fail "expected InvalidStateError"
Left err -> name err `shouldEqual` "InvalidStateError"
tearDown db
it "openCursor() - throw InvalidStateError on index deleted by aborted upgrade" do
res <- attempt $ setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "key" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { key: 14, indexedProperty: "patate" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \db tx index -> launchAff' do
cb =
{ onSuccess: const $ pure unit
, onError: show >>> fail >>> launchAff'
, onComplete: pure unit
IDBTransaction.onAbort tx (pure unit)
IDBDatabase.onAbort db (pure unit)
IDBTransaction.abort tx
cursor <- attempt $ IDBIndex.openCursor index Nothing Next cb
case cursor of
Right _ -> fail "expected InvalidStateError"
Left err -> name err `shouldEqual` "InvalidStateError"
case res of
Right _ -> fail "expected InvalidStateError"
_ -> pure unit
it "openCursor() - throw TransactionInactiveError on aborted transaction" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "key" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { key: 14, indexedProperty: "patate" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
cb =
{ onSuccess: const $ pure unit
, onError: show >>> fail >>> launchAff'
, onComplete: pure unit
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadOnly
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
index <- IDBObjectStore.index store "index"
IDBTransaction.onAbort tx (pure unit)
IDBTransaction.abort tx
cursor <- attempt $ IDBIndex.openCursor index Nothing Next cb
case cursor of
Right _ -> fail "expected TransactionInactiveError"
Left err -> name err `shouldEqual` "TransactionInactiveError"
tearDown db
it "openCursor() - throw InvalidStateError when the index is deleted" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "key" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { key: 14, indexedProperty: "patate" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \db tx index -> launchAff' do
cb =
{ onSuccess: const $ pure unit
, onError: show >>> fail >>> launchAff'
, onComplete: pure unit
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
IDBObjectStore.deleteIndex store "index"
cursor <- attempt $ IDBIndex.openCursor index Nothing Next cb
case cursor of
Right _ -> fail "expected InvalidStateError"
Left err -> name err `shouldEqual` "InvalidStateError"
tearDown db
it "getKey() - multiEntry - adding keys" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, indexParams: { unique: false, multiEntry: true }
, keyPath: [ "name" ]
, values:
[ { name: [ "patate", "autruche" ] } :+: (Just $ toKey 1)
, { name: [ "bob" ] } :+: (Just $ toKey 2)
, onUpgradeNeeded: Just $ \_ _ index -> launchAff' do
key <- IDBIndex.getKey index (IDBKeyRange.only "patate")
key `shouldEqual` (Just $ toKey 1)
key' <- IDBIndex.getKey index (IDBKeyRange.only "autruche")
key' `shouldEqual` (Just $ toKey 1)
key'' <- IDBIndex.getKey index (IDBKeyRange.only "bob")
key'' `shouldEqual` (Just $ toKey 2)
tearDown db
it "get() - returns the record with the first key in the range" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "key" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: [ "indexedProperty" ]
, values:
[ { key: 14, indexedProperty: "patate" } :+: Nothing
, { key: 42, indexedProperty: "autruche" } :+: Nothing
, { key: 1337, indexedProperty: "baguette" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadOnly
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
index <- IDBObjectStore.index store "index"
val <- IDBIndex.get index (IDBKeyRange.lowerBound "autruche" false)
((\r -> r.key) <$> val) `shouldEqual` (Just 42)
tearDown db
describe "IDBCursor" do
tearDown db = do
IDBDatabase.close db
_ <- IDBFactory.deleteDatabase (IDBDatabase.name db)
pure unit
:: forall value
. { storeParams :: { keyPath :: Array String, autoIncrement :: Boolean }
, indexParams :: { unique :: Boolean, multiEntry :: Boolean }
, values :: Array (Tuple value (Maybe Key))
, keyPath :: Array String
, onUpgradeNeeded :: Maybe (Database -> Transaction -> Index -> Effect Unit)
-> Aff { db :: Database, index :: Index, store :: ObjectStore }
setup { storeParams, indexParams, values, keyPath, onUpgradeNeeded } = do
onUpgradeNeeded' var db tx _ = launchAff' do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db "store" storeParams
_ <- traverse (uncurry (IDBObjectStore.add store)) values
index <- IDBObjectStore.createIndex store "index" keyPath indexParams
liftEffect $ maybe (pure unit) identity (onUpgradeNeeded <*> pure db <*> pure tx <*> pure index)
AVar.put { db, index, store } var
var <- AVar.empty
db <- IDBFactory.open "db" Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded: Just (onUpgradeNeeded' var)
, onBlocked: Nothing
AVar.take var
it "continue() - iterate to the next record" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: []
, values:
[ "cupcake" :+: (Just $ toKey 4)
, "pancake" :+: (Just $ toKey 2)
, "pie" :+: (Just $ toKey 1)
, "pie" :+: (Just $ toKey 3)
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
cb vdone vvals =
{ onComplete: launchAff' do
AVar.put unit vdone
, onError: \error -> launchAff' do
fail $ "unexpected error: " <> show error
, onSuccess: \cursor -> launchAff' do
vals <- AVar.take vvals
pure (IDBCursor.value cursor) >>= shouldEqual (maybe "" _.v $ head vals)
IDBCursor.primaryKey cursor >>= shouldEqual (maybe (toKey 0) _.k $ head vals)
AVar.put (drop 1 vals) vvals
IDBCursor.continue cursor none
vdone <- AVar.empty
vvals <- AVar.new
[ { v: "pie", k: toKey 1 }
, { v: "pancake", k: toKey 2 }
, { v: "pie", k: toKey 3 }
, { v: "cupcake", k: toKey 4 }
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadOnly
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Next (cb vdone vvals)
AVar.take vdone
tearDown db
it "continue() - attempt to iterate in the wrong direction" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: []
, values:
[ "cupcake" :+: (Just $ toKey 4)
, "pancake" :+: (Just $ toKey 2)
, "pie" :+: (Just $ toKey 1)
, "pie" :+: (Just $ toKey 3)
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
cb vdone =
{ onComplete: launchAff' do
fail $ "shouldn't complete"
, onError: \error -> launchAff' do
fail $ "unexpected error: " <> show error
, onSuccess: \cursor -> launchAff' do
res <- attempt $ IDBCursor.continue cursor (Just 1)
case res of
Left err -> do
name err `shouldEqual` "DataError"
AVar.put unit vdone
Right _ -> do
fail "expected continue to fail"
vdone <- AVar.empty
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadOnly
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Next (cb vdone)
AVar.take vdone
tearDown db
it "advance() - iterate cursor number of times specified by count" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "pKey" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: []
, values:
[ { pKey: "pkey_0", iKey: "ikey_0" } :+: Nothing
, { pKey: "pkey_1", iKey: "ikey_1" } :+: Nothing
, { pKey: "pkey_2", iKey: "ikey_2" } :+: Nothing
, { pKey: "pkey_3", iKey: "ikey_3" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
cb vdone vjump =
{ onComplete: launchAff' do
AVar.put unit vdone
, onError: \error -> launchAff' do
fail $ "unexpected error: " <> show error
, onSuccess: \cursor -> launchAff' do
jump <- AVar.take vjump
if jump then do
IDBCursor.advance cursor 3
else do
let value = IDBCursor.value cursor
value.pKey `shouldEqual` "pkey_3"
value.iKey `shouldEqual` "ikey_3"
IDBCursor.continue cursor none
AVar.put false vjump
vdone <- AVar.empty
vjump <- AVar.new true
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadOnly
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Next (cb vdone vjump)
AVar.take vdone
tearDown db
it "delete() - remove a record from the object store" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "pKey" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: []
, values:
[ { pKey: "pkey_0", iKey: "ikey_0" } :+: Nothing
, { pKey: "pkey_1", iKey: "ikey_1" } :+: Nothing
, { pKey: "pkey_2", iKey: "ikey_2" } :+: Nothing
, { pKey: "pkey_3", iKey: "ikey_3" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
cb vdone store =
{ onComplete: launchAff' do
mval <- map _.pKey <$> IDBIndex.get store (IDBKeyRange.only "pkey_0")
mval `shouldEqual` (Nothing :: Maybe String)
AVar.put unit vdone
, onError: \error -> launchAff' do
fail $ "unexpected error: " <> show error
, onSuccess: \cursor -> launchAff' do
let value = IDBCursor.value cursor
value.pKey `shouldEqual` "pkey_0"
IDBCursor.delete cursor
IDBCursor.advance cursor 4
vdone <- AVar.empty
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadWrite
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Next (cb vdone store)
AVar.take vdone
tearDown db
it "update() - modify a record in the object store" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "pKey" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: []
, values:
[ { pKey: "pkey_0", iKey: "ikey_0" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
cb vdone store =
{ onComplete: launchAff' do
mval <- map _.iKey <$> IDBIndex.get store (IDBKeyRange.only "pkey_0")
mval `shouldEqual` (Just "patate")
AVar.put unit vdone
, onError: \error -> launchAff' do
fail $ "unexpected error: " <> show error
, onSuccess: \cursor -> launchAff' do
let value = IDBCursor.value cursor
value.pKey `shouldEqual` "pkey_0"
key <- IDBCursor.update cursor { pKey: "pkey_0", iKey: "patate" }
key `shouldEqual` toKey "pkey_0"
IDBCursor.advance cursor 4
vdone <- AVar.empty
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadWrite
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Next (cb vdone store)
AVar.take vdone
tearDown db
it "update() - throw ReadOnlyError after update on ReadOnly transaction" do
{ db } <- setup
{ storeParams: { keyPath: [ "pKey" ], autoIncrement: false }
, indexParams: IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
, keyPath: []
, values:
[ { pKey: "pkey_0", iKey: "ikey_0" } :+: Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded: Nothing
cb vdone =
{ onComplete: launchAff' do
fail $ "shouldn't complete"
, onError: \error -> launchAff' do
fail $ "unexpected error: " <> show error
, onSuccess: \cursor -> launchAff' do
res <- attempt $ IDBCursor.update cursor "patate"
case res of
Left err -> do
name err `shouldEqual` "ReadOnlyError"
AVar.put unit vdone
Right _ ->
fail $ "expected ReadOnlyError"
vdone <- AVar.empty
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db [ "store" ] ReadOnly
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Next (cb vdone)
AVar.take vdone
tearDown db