complete test suite for IDBObjectStore

This commit is contained in:
KtorZ 2017-06-30 11:31:10 +02:00
parent fc4915bddf
commit f583308d73
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 3F72E8BC2894C015
2 changed files with 409 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
"scripts": {
"test:build": "pulp browserify -j 4 --main \"Test.Main\" -I test --to dist/karma/index.js",
"test:run": "karma start --single-run",
"test:watch": "find . -type f -regex '.*\\(src\\|test\\).*' ! -regex '.*bower_components.*\\|.*node_modules.*|.*\\.sw.*$' | entr -s 'npm run test'",
"test:watch": "find . -type f -regex '.*\\(src\\|test\\).*' ! -regex '.*bower_components.*\\|.*node_modules.*|.*\\.sw.*' | entr -s 'npm run test'",
"test": "npm run test:build && npm run test:run",
"build": "pulp browserify -j 4 -O --to dist/bundle.js",
"start": "find . -type f -regex '.*\\(src\\|test\\).*' ! -regex '.*bower_components.*\\|.*node_modules.*|.*\\.sw.*$' | entr -s 'clear; pulp browserify -j 4 -t dist/bundle.js'",
"start": "find . -type f -regex '.*\\(src\\|test\\).*' ! -regex '.*bower_components.*\\|.*node_modules.*|.*\\.sw.*' | entr -s 'clear; pulp browserify -j 4 -t dist/bundle.js'",
"start:test": "karma start"
"dependencies": {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff, launchAff, forkAff, delay)
import Control.Monad.Aff.Console (log)
import Control.Monad.Aff.AVar (AVAR, makeVar', modifyVar, peekVar, killVar)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff)
@ -520,3 +521,409 @@ main = runMocha do
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "count(Nothing) " do
let dbName = "db-count"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" Nothing
_ <- IDBObjectStore.add store 14 Nothing
n <- IDBObjectStore.count store Nothing
n `shouldEqual` 2
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "getKey() (fixed)" do
let dbName = "db-getKey"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = ["id"]
key = "patate"
autoIncrement = false
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
key' <- IDBObjectStore.add store { id: key, value: 14 } Nothing
(unsafeFromKey key') `shouldEqual` key
key' <- IDBObjectStore.getKey store (IDBKeyRange.only key)
(unsafeFromKey <$> key') `shouldEqual` (Just key)
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "getKey() (given)" do
let dbName = "db-getKey"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
key <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" Nothing
mkey <- IDBObjectStore.getKey store (IDBKeyRange.only key)
mkey `shouldEqual` Just key
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "getKey() unknown" do
let dbName = "db-getKey"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
key <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" Nothing
mkey <- IDBObjectStore.getKey store (IDBKeyRange.only 14)
mkey `shouldEqual` Nothing
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "getAllKeys(nothing, nothing)" do
let dbName = "db-getAllKeys"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
k1 <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" Nothing
k2 <- IDBObjectStore.add store "autruche" Nothing
keys <- IDBObjectStore.getAllKeys store Nothing Nothing
keys `shouldEqual` [k1,k2]
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "getAllKeys(lowerBound(1, true), nothing)" do
let dbName = "db-getAllKeys"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
k1 <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" Nothing
k2 <- IDBObjectStore.add store "autruche" Nothing
k3 <- IDBObjectStore.add store 14 Nothing
keys <- IDBObjectStore.getAllKeys store (Just $ IDBKeyRange.lowerBound 1 true) Nothing
keys `shouldEqual` [k2, k3]
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openCursor(Nothing, Next)" do
let dbName = "db-openCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Next
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openCursor(Nothing, NextUnique)" do
let dbName = "db-openCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing NextUnique
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openCursor(Nothing, Prev)" do
let dbName = "db-openCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing Prev
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openCursor(Nothing, PrevUnique)" do
let dbName = "db-openCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store Nothing PrevUnique
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openCursor(Just upperBound, Next)" do
let dbName = "db-openCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openCursor store (Just $ IDBKeyRange.upperBound 10 true) Next
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openKeyCursor(Nothing, Next)" do
let dbName = "db-openKeyCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store Nothing Next
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openKeyCursor(Nothing, NextUnique)" do
let dbName = "db-openKeyCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store Nothing NextUnique
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openKeyCursor(Nothing, Prev)" do
let dbName = "db-openKeyCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store Nothing Prev
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openKeyCursor(Nothing, PrevUnique)" do
let dbName = "db-openKeyCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store Nothing PrevUnique
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "openKeyCursor(Just upperBound, Next)" do
let dbName = "db-openKeyCursor"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
_ <- launchAff $ do
_ <- IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor store (Just $ IDBKeyRange.upperBound 10 true) Next
pure unit
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "store.autoIncrement[true]" do
let dbName = "db-autoIncrement"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = true
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
let autoIncrement' = IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement store
_ <- launchAff $ autoIncrement `shouldEqual` autoIncrement'
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "store.autoIncrement[false]" do
let dbName = "db-autoIncrement"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = false
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
let autoIncrement' = IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement store
_ <- launchAff $ autoIncrement `shouldEqual` autoIncrement'
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "store.keyPath[\"patate\"]" do
let dbName = "db-keyPath"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = ["patate"]
autoIncrement = false
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
let keyPath' = IDBObjectStore.keyPath store
_ <- launchAff $ keyPath `shouldEqual` keyPath'
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "store.indexNames[]" do
let dbName = "db-indexNames"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = false
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
let indexNames = IDBObjectStore.indexNames store
_ <- launchAff $ indexNames `shouldEqual` []
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db
it "[\"store\"]" do
let dbName = "db-indexNames"
dbVersion = 1
storeName = "store"
keyPath = []
autoIncrement = false
callback db = do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db storeName { keyPath, autoIncrement }
let storeName' = store
_ <- launchAff $ storeName `shouldEqual` storeName'
pure unit
db <- dbName Nothing
{ onUpgradeNeeded : Just callback
, onBlocked : Nothing
tearDown dbName dbVersion db