Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Trinkle 2015-01-31 14:15:24 -05:00
commit 0204971a92
11 changed files with 1393 additions and 0 deletions

.ghci Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
:set -isrc
:set -hide-package MonadCatchIO-mtl
:set -hide-package monads-fd

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@

LICENSE Normal file
View File

default.nix Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{ cabal, dependentMap, ghcjsDom, lens
, mtl, reflex, safe, text, these
, transformers, dataDefault, semigroups
cabal.mkDerivation (self: {
pname = "reflex-dom";
version = "0.1";
src = ./.;
buildDepends = [
meta = {
description = "Functional Reactive DOM widgets";
license = self.stdenv.lib.licenses.unfree;
platforms = self.ghc.meta.platforms;

reflex-dom.cabal Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Name: reflex-dom
Version: 0.1
Synopsis: Glitch-free Functional Reactive Programming
Description: Reflex is a Functional Reactive Programming implementation that provides strong guarantees of deterministic execution and scalable runtime performance
License: AllRightsReserved
License-file: LICENSE
Author: Ryan Trinkle
Stability: Experimental
Category: FRP
Build-type: Simple
Cabal-version: >=1.2
hs-source-dirs: src
other-extensions: TemplateHaskell
ghc-prof-options: -fprof-auto
ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fwarn-tabs -funbox-strict-fields -O2

src/Reflex/Dom.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Reflex.Dom ( module Reflex.Dom.Class
, module Reflex.Dom.Internal
, module Reflex.Dom.Widget
) where
import Reflex.Dom.Class
import Reflex.Dom.Internal
import Reflex.Dom.Widget

src/Reflex/Dom/Class.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, FunctionalDependencies, RecursiveDo, UndecidableInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, StandaloneDeriving, EmptyDataDecls, NoMonomorphismRestriction, TemplateHaskell, PolyKinds, TypeOperators, DeriveFunctor, LambdaCase, CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, DeriveDataTypeable, ConstraintKinds #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Class where
import Prelude hiding (mapM, mapM_, sequence, concat)
import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Control.Monad.Identity hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence)
import Control.Lens hiding ((<|))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence)
import Control.Monad.State hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Data.IORef
import Data.These
import Data.Align
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (Event)
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import GHCJS.DOM.NamedNodeMap
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLElement
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLInputElement
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLSelectElement
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLTextAreaElement
import GHCJS.DOM.UIEvent
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM (event, preventDefault)
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import Safe
-- | Alias for Data.Map.singleton
(=:) :: k -> a -> Map k a
(=:) = Map.singleton
keycodeEnter :: Int
keycodeEnter = 13
keycodeEscape :: Int
keycodeEscape = 27
class ( Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadIO m, Functor m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m
, HasDocument m
, MonadIO (WidgetHost m), Functor (WidgetHost m), MonadSample t (WidgetHost m)
, HasPostGui t (GuiAction m) (WidgetHost m), HasPostGui t (GuiAction m) m, MonadRef m, MonadRef (WidgetHost m)
, Ref m ~ Ref IO, Ref (WidgetHost m) ~ Ref IO --TODO: Eliminate this reliance on IO
, MonadFix m
) => MonadWidget t m | m -> t where
type WidgetHost m :: * -> *
type GuiAction m :: * -> *
askParent :: m Node
subWidget :: Node -> m a -> m a
schedulePostBuild :: WidgetHost m () -> m ()
addVoidAction :: Event t (WidgetHost m ()) -> m ()
getRunWidget :: IsNode n => m (n -> m a -> WidgetHost m (a, Event t (WidgetHost m ())))
class Monad m => HasDocument m where
askDocument :: m HTMLDocument
instance HasDocument m => HasDocument (ReaderT r m) where
askDocument = lift askDocument
instance HasDocument m => HasDocument (StateT r m) where
askDocument = lift askDocument
class (MonadRef h, Ref h ~ Ref m, MonadRef m) => HasPostGui t h m | m -> t h where
askPostGui :: m (h () -> IO ())
askRunWithActions :: m ([DSum (EventTrigger t)] -> h ())
runFrameWithTriggerRef :: (HasPostGui t h m, MonadRef m, MonadIO m) => Ref m (Maybe (EventTrigger t a)) -> a -> m ()
runFrameWithTriggerRef r a = do
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
liftIO . postGui $ mapM_ (\t -> runWithActions [t :=> a]) =<< readRef r
instance HasPostGui t h m => HasPostGui t h (ReaderT r m) where
askPostGui = lift askPostGui
askRunWithActions = lift askRunWithActions
instance MonadWidget t m => MonadWidget t (ReaderT r m) where
type WidgetHost (ReaderT r m) = WidgetHost m
type GuiAction (ReaderT r m) = GuiAction m
askParent = lift askParent
subWidget n w = do
r <- ask
lift $ subWidget n $ runReaderT w r
schedulePostBuild = lift . schedulePostBuild
addVoidAction = lift . addVoidAction
getRunWidget = do
r <- ask
runWidget <- lift getRunWidget
return $ \rootElement w -> runWidget rootElement $ runReaderT w r
performEvent_ = addVoidAction
performEvent e = do
(eResult, reResultTrigger) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
addVoidAction $ ffor e $ \o -> do
result <- o
runFrameWithTriggerRef reResultTrigger result
return eResult
performEventAsync :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => Event t ((a -> IO ()) -> WidgetHost m ()) -> m (Event t a)
performEventAsync e = do
(eResult, reResultTrigger) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
addVoidAction $ ffor e $ \o -> do
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
o $ \a -> postGui $ mapM_ (\t -> runWithActions [t :=> a]) =<< readRef reResultTrigger
return eResult
class HasRunFrame t m | m -> t where
askRunFrame :: m (DMap (EventTrigger t) -> IO ())
type MonadWidget t h m = (MonadWidget' t h m, MonadWidget' t h (WidgetEventM m))
--TODO: Remove Spider hardcoding
class (t ~ Spider, Reflex t, MonadHold t m, ReflexHost t, HasRunFrame t h, MonadReflexHost t h, MonadIO h, MonadRef h, Ref h ~ IORef, MonadFix h, HasDocument h, MonadSample t (WidgetEventM m), WidgetEventM m ~ WidgetEventM (WidgetEventM m), MonadFix m) => MonadWidget' t h m | m -> t h where
type WidgetEventM m :: * -> *
-- | Warning: dAttributes should not contain "id" attributes
elDynAttr' :: String -> Dynamic t (Map String String) -> m a -> m (El t, a)
performEvent :: Event t (h a) -> m (Event t a)
performEvent_ :: Event t (h ()) -> m ()
getEInit :: m (Event t ())
putEChildren :: Event t [Node] -> m ()
dyn :: Dynamic t (WidgetEventM m a) -> m (Event t a) --TODO: Should probably return Dynamic t a
listWithKey :: (Ord k, Show k) => Dynamic t (Map k v) -> (k -> Dynamic t v -> WidgetEventM m v') -> m (Dynamic t (Map k v'))
text :: String -> m ()
dynText :: Dynamic t String -> m ()
{-# INLINABLE performEventAsync #-}
performEventAsync :: forall t h m a. (MonadWidget t h m) => Event t ((a -> IO ()) -> h ()) -> m (Event t a)
performEventAsync eAction = do
let setup mAction = do
(eResult, reResultTrigger) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
runFrame <- askRunFrame
let runAction a = a $ \x -> readRef reResultTrigger >>= mapM_ (\eResultTrigger -> runFrame $ DMap.singleton eResultTrigger x)
maybe (return ()) runAction mAction
return (eResult, runAction)
eSetup <- performEvent . fmap (setup . (^?here)) . align eAction =<< getEInit
dRunAction <- holdDyn Nothing $ fmap (Just . snd) eSetup
performEvent_ $ attachDynWith (\mRunAction a -> maybe (return ()) ($ a) mRunAction) dRunAction eAction -- Note: this will never fire while eInit is firing, but that situation should be handled in setup; this relies on all the results from the first performEvent being fired simultaneously; otherwise, an eAction could potentially sneak in between setup being sent to performEvent and the result coming back
switchPromptly never (fmap fst eSetup)
data TextInput t
= TextInput { _textInput_value :: Dynamic t String
, _textInput_keypress :: Event t Int
, _textInput_keydown :: Event t Int
, _textInput_keyup :: Event t Int
, _textInput_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
, _textInput_element :: Dynamic t (Maybe HTMLInputElement)
textInputGetEnter :: Reflex t => TextInput t -> Event t ()
textInputGetEnter i = fmapMaybe (\n -> if n == keycodeEnter then Just () else Nothing) $ _textInput_keypress i
setElementAttributes :: IsElement self => self -> Map String String -> IO ()
setElementAttributes e attrs = do
oldAttrs <- maybe (return Set.empty) namedNodeMapGetNames =<< elementGetAttributes e
forM_ (Set.toList $ oldAttrs `Set.difference` Map.keysSet attrs) $ elementRemoveAttribute e
iforM_ attrs $ elementSetAttribute e
wrapDomEvent :: (HasRunFrame t h, MonadIO m, MonadReflexHost t h, MonadIO h) => e -> (e -> m () -> IO (IO ())) -> m a -> h (Event t a)
wrapDomEvent self elementOnevent getValue = do
runFrame <- askRunFrame
e <- newEventWithTrigger $ \et -> do
unsubscribe <- {-# SCC "a" #-} liftIO $ {-# SCC "b" #-} elementOnevent self $ {-# SCC "c" #-} do
v <- {-# SCC "d" #-} getValue
liftIO $ runFrame $ DMap.singleton et v
return $ liftIO $ do
{-# SCC "e" #-} unsubscribe
return $! {-# SCC "f" #-} e
{-# INLINABLE input #-}
input' :: MonadWidget t h m => String -> Event t String -> Dynamic t (Map String String) -> m (TextInput t)
input' inputType eSetValue dAttrs = do
dEffectiveAttrs <- mapDyn (Map.insert "type" inputType) dAttrs
let mkSelf (initialValue, initialAttrs) = do
doc <- askDocument
Just e <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLInputElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "input"
liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetValue e initialValue
iforM_ initialAttrs $ \attr value -> liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e attr value
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOninput $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetValue e
runFrame <- askRunFrame
eChangeFocus <- newEventWithTrigger $ \eChangeFocusTrigger -> do
unsubscribeOnblur <- liftIO $ elementOnblur e $ liftIO $ do
runFrame $ DMap.singleton eChangeFocusTrigger False
unsubscribeOnfocus <- liftIO $ elementOnfocus e $ liftIO $ do
runFrame $ DMap.singleton eChangeFocusTrigger True
return $ liftIO $ unsubscribeOnblur >> unsubscribeOnfocus
eKeypress <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeypress $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
eKeydown <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeydown $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
eKeyup <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeyup $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
return (e, eChange, eKeypress, eKeydown, eKeyup, eChangeFocus)
dInitialValue <- holdDyn "" eSetValue
dInitial <- combineDyn (,) dInitialValue dEffectiveAttrs
eCreated <- performEvent . fmap mkSelf . tagDyn dInitial =<< getEInit
dMyElement <- holdDyn Nothing $ fmap (Just . (^. _1)) eCreated
performEvent_ . updated =<< combineDyn (maybe (const $ return ()) $ \e attrs -> liftIO $ setElementAttributes e attrs) dMyElement dEffectiveAttrs
putEChildren $ fmap ((:[]) . toNode . (^. _1)) eCreated
performEvent_ $ fmapMaybe (fmap $ \(e,v) -> liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetValue e v) $ attachWith (\e v -> case e of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just e' -> Just (e',v)) (current dMyElement) eSetValue
eChange <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _2) eCreated
dFocus <- holdDyn False . switch =<< hold never (fmap (^. _6) eCreated) --TODO: Check that 'False' is always the correct starting value - i.e.: an element will always receive an 'onfocus' event, even if it gets focus immediately
dValue <- holdDyn "" $ leftmost [eSetValue, eChange]
eKeypress <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _3) eCreated
eKeydown <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _4) eCreated
eKeyup <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _5) eCreated
return $ TextInput dValue eKeypress eKeydown eKeyup dFocus dMyElement
input :: MonadWidget t h m => String -> Map String String -> m (TextInput t)
input t as = input' t never (constDyn as)
data TextArea t
= TextArea { _textArea_value :: Dynamic t String
, _textArea_element :: Dynamic t (Maybe HTMLTextAreaElement)
textArea' :: MonadWidget t h m => Event t String -> Dynamic t (Map String String) -> m (TextArea t)
textArea' eSetValue dAttrs = do
let mkSelf (initialValue, initialAttrs) = do
doc <- askDocument
Just e <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLTextAreaElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "textarea"
liftIO $ htmlTextAreaElementSetValue e initialValue
iforM_ initialAttrs $ \attr value -> liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e attr value
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOninput $ liftIO $ htmlTextAreaElementGetValue e
return (e, eChange)
dInitialValue <- holdDyn "" eSetValue
dInitial <- combineDyn (,) dInitialValue dAttrs
eCreated <- performEvent . fmap mkSelf . tagDyn dInitial =<< getEInit
dMyElement <- holdDyn Nothing $ fmap (Just . fst) eCreated
--performEvent . updated =<< combineDyn (maybe (const $ return ()) $ \e attrs -> liftIO $ setElementAttributes e attrs) dMyElement dAttrs
putEChildren $ fmap ((:[]) . toNode . fst) eCreated
performEvent_ $ fmapMaybe (fmap $ \(e,v) -> liftIO $ htmlTextAreaElementSetValue e v) $ attachWith (\e v -> case e of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just e' -> Just (e',v)) (current dMyElement) eSetValue
eChange <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap snd eCreated
dValue <- holdDyn "" $ leftmost [eSetValue, eChange]
return $ TextArea dValue dMyElement
data Checkbox t
= Checkbox { _checkbox_checked :: Dynamic t Bool
checkbox :: MonadWidget t h m => Bool -> Map String String -> m (Checkbox t)
checkbox checked attrs = do
let mkSelf = do
doc <- askDocument
Just e <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLInputElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "input"
liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e "type" "checkbox"
iforM_ attrs $ \attr value -> liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e attr value
if checked == True then liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e "checked" "true" else return ()
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnclick $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetChecked e
return ([toNode e], eChange)
eCreated <- performEvent . fmap (const mkSelf) =<< getEInit
putEChildren $ fmap (^. _1) eCreated
eChange <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _2) eCreated
dValue <- holdDyn checked eChange
return $ Checkbox dValue
checkboxView :: MonadWidget t h m => Dynamic t (Map String String) -> Dynamic t Bool -> m (Event t ())
checkboxView dAttrs dValue = do
dEffectiveAttrs <- mapDyn (Map.insert "type" "checkbox") dAttrs
let mkSelf (initialValue, initialAttrs) = do
doc <- askDocument
Just e <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLInputElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "input"
iforM_ initialAttrs $ \attr value -> liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e attr value
liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetChecked e initialValue
eClicked <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnclick preventDefault
return (e, eClicked)
dInitial <- combineDyn (,) dValue dEffectiveAttrs
eCreated <- performEvent . fmap mkSelf . tagDyn dInitial =<< getEInit
putEChildren $ fmap ((:[]) . toNode . (^. _1)) eCreated
dElement <- holdDyn Nothing $ fmap (Just . (^. _1)) eCreated
performEvent_ . updated =<< combineDyn (\me a -> forM_ me $ \e -> liftIO $ setElementAttributes e a) dElement dEffectiveAttrs
performEvent_ . updated =<< combineDyn (\v me -> maybe (return ()) (\e -> liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetChecked e v) me) dValue dElement
liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _2) eCreated
{-# INLINABLE textInput #-}
textInput :: MonadWidget t h m => m (TextInput t)
textInput = input "text" $ Map.singleton "class" "form-control"
data Dropdown t k
= Dropdown { _dropdown_value :: Dynamic t k
setInnerText :: (HasDocument m, IsHTMLElement self, MonadIO m) => self -> String -> m (Maybe Node)
setInnerText e s = do
liftIO $ htmlElementSetInnerHTML e ""
doc <- askDocument
t <- liftIO $ documentCreateTextNode doc s
liftIO $ nodeAppendChild e t
--TODO: Retain set value when allowed values changes
{-# INLINABLE dropdown #-}
dropdown :: forall t h m k. (MonadWidget t h m, Show k, Read k) => Dynamic t (Map k String) -> m (Dropdown t (Maybe k))
dropdown dOptions = do
let triggerChange (e, reChangeTrigger) runFrame = do
v <- htmlSelectElementGetValue e
readRef reChangeTrigger >>= mapM_ (\eChangeTrigger -> runFrame $ DMap.singleton eChangeTrigger $ readMay v)
let mkSelf = do
doc <- askDocument
Just e <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLSelectElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "select"
liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e "class" "form-control"
runFrame <- askRunFrame
reChangeTrigger <- newRef Nothing
eChange <- newEventWithTrigger $ \eChangeTrigger -> do
writeRef reChangeTrigger $ Just eChangeTrigger
unsubscribe <- liftIO $ elementOnchange e $ liftIO $ triggerChange (e, reChangeTrigger) runFrame
return $ do
writeRef reChangeTrigger Nothing
liftIO unsubscribe
return ((e, reChangeTrigger), eChange)
eCreated <- performEvent . fmap (const mkSelf) =<< getEInit
dState <- holdDyn Nothing $ fmap (Just . (^. _1)) eCreated
putEChildren $ fmap ((:[]) . toNode . fst . (^. _1)) eCreated
let updateOptions :: Map k String -> Maybe (HTMLSelectElement, Ref h (Maybe (EventTrigger t (Maybe k)))) -> h ()
updateOptions options = maybe (return ()) $ \myState@(selectElement, _) -> do
doc <- askDocument
liftIO $ htmlElementSetInnerHTML selectElement ""
iforM_ options $ \k optionText -> do
Just optionElement <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLOptionElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "option"
liftIO $ elementSetAttribute optionElement "value" $ show k
_ <- setInnerText optionElement optionText
liftIO $ nodeAppendChild selectElement $ Just optionElement
runFrame <- askRunFrame
liftIO $ triggerChange myState runFrame
performEvent_ . updated =<< combineDyn updateOptions dOptions dState
eChange <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _2) eCreated
dValue <- holdDyn Nothing eChange
return $ Dropdown dValue
data Link t
= Link { _link_clicked :: Event t ()
linkClassWithExtraSetup :: MonadWidget t h m => (HTMLElement -> h ()) -> String -> String -> m (Link t)
linkClassWithExtraSetup extraSetup s c = do
let mkSelf = do
doc <- askDocument
Just e <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "a"
_ <- setInnerText e s
liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e "class" c
eClicked <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnclick $ return ()
extraSetup e
return ([toNode e], eClicked)
eCreated <- performEvent . fmap (const mkSelf) =<< getEInit
putEChildren $ fmap (^. _1) eCreated
eClicked <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _2) eCreated
return $ Link eClicked
{-# INLINABLE linkClass #-}
linkClass :: MonadWidget t h m => String -> String -> m (Link t)
linkClass = linkClassWithExtraSetup $ const $ return ()
{-# INLINABLE link #-}
link :: MonadWidget t h m => String -> m (Link t)
link s = linkClass s ""
{-# INLINABLE button #-}
button :: MonadWidget t h m => String -> m (Link t)
button s = linkClass s "btn btn-primary"
{-# INLINABLE elAttr #-}
elAttr :: forall t h m a. MonadWidget t h m => String -> Map String String -> m a -> m a
elAttr elementTag attrs child = liftM snd $ elAttr' elementTag attrs child
{-# INLINABLE el' #-}
el' :: forall t h m a. MonadWidget t h m => String -> m a -> m (El t, a)
el' elementTag child = elAttr' elementTag Map.empty child
{-# INLINABLE elAttr' #-}
elAttr' :: forall t h m a. MonadWidget t h m => String -> Map String String -> m a -> m (El t, a)
elAttr' elementTag attrs child = do
dAttributes <- holdDyn attrs never
elDynAttr' elementTag dAttributes child
{-# INLINABLE elDynAttr #-}
elDynAttr :: forall t h m a. MonadWidget t h m => String -> Dynamic t (Map String String) -> m a -> m a
elDynAttr elementTag dAttributes child = liftM snd $ elDynAttr' elementTag dAttributes child
{-# INLINABLE el #-}
el :: forall t h m a. MonadWidget t h m => String -> m a -> m a
el elementTag child = elAttr elementTag Map.empty child
newtype Workflow t m a = Workflow { unWorkflow :: m (a, Event t (Workflow t m a)) }
workflowView :: forall t h m a. MonadWidget t h m => Workflow t (WidgetEventM m) a -> m (Event t a)
workflowView w0 = do
rec eResult <- dyn =<< mapDyn unWorkflow =<< holdDyn w0 eReplace
eReplace <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap snd eResult
eResult `seq` eReplace `seq` return ()
return $ fmap fst eResult
insertNext :: (Ord k, Enum k) => v -> Map k v -> Map k v
insertNext v m =
let k = case Map.maxViewWithKey m of
Nothing -> toEnum 0
Just ((k0, _), _) -> succ k0
in Map.insert k v m
{-# INLINABLE oldList #-}
oldList :: (MonadWidget t h m, MonadWidget t h (WidgetEventM m), Ord k, Show k) => Dynamic t (Map k (WidgetEventM m v')) -> m (Dynamic t (Map k ()))
oldList dm = el "ul" $ list dm (\dv -> el "li" (dyn dv) >> return ())
{-# INLINABLE list #-}
list :: forall t m h k v v'. (MonadWidget t h m, Ord k, Show k) => Dynamic t (Map k v) -> (Dynamic t v -> WidgetEventM m v') -> m (Dynamic t (Map k v'))
list dm mkChild = listWithKey dm (\_ dv -> mkChild dv)
instance MonadWidget' t h m => MonadWidget' t h (ReaderT r m) where
type WidgetEventM (ReaderT r m) = ReaderT r (WidgetEventM m)
elDynAttr' tag dAttrs = mapReaderT (elDynAttr' tag dAttrs)
performEvent = lift . performEvent
performEvent_ = lift . performEvent_
getEInit = lift getEInit
putEChildren = lift . putEChildren
dyn d = do
r <- ask
lift $ dyn =<< mapDyn (flip runReaderT r) d
listWithKey d w = do
r <- ask
lift $ listWithKey d $ \k dv -> runReaderT (w k dv) r
text = lift . text
dynText = lift . dynText

src/Reflex/Dom/Internal.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, FunctionalDependencies, RecursiveDo, UndecidableInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, StandaloneDeriving, EmptyDataDecls, NoMonomorphismRestriction, TypeOperators, DeriveDataTypeable, PackageImports, TemplateHaskell, LambdaCase, ConstraintKinds #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Internal where
import Prelude hiding (mapM, mapM_, concat, sequence, sequence_)
import Reflex.Dom.Class
import GHCJS.DOM
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (Widget, unWidget, Event)
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLElement
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLInputElement
import GHCJS.DOM.NamedNodeMap
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.UIEvent
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM (event, Signal (..))
import Reflex.Class
import Reflex.Dynamic
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Reflex.Spider (Spider, SpiderHost (..))
import qualified Reflex.Spider
import Control.Lens
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence, sequence_)
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence, sequence_)
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence, sequence_)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Data.IORef
import Data.Align
import Data.These
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import System.IO.Unsafe
data GuiEnv t h
= GuiEnv { _guiEnvDocument :: !HTMLDocument
, _guiEnvPostGui :: !(h () -> IO ())
, _guiEnvRunWithActions :: !([DSum (EventTrigger t)] -> h ())
--TODO: Poorly named
newtype Gui t h m a = Gui { unGui :: ReaderT (GuiEnv t h) m a } deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadFix)
runGui :: Gui t h m a -> GuiEnv t h -> m a
runGui (Gui g) env = runReaderT g env
instance MonadTrans (Gui t h) where
lift = Gui . lift
instance MonadRef m => MonadRef (Gui t h m) where
type Ref (Gui t h m) = Ref m
newRef = lift . newRef
readRef = lift . readRef
writeRef r = lift . writeRef r
atomicModifyRef r f = lift $ atomicModifyRef r f
instance MonadSample t m => MonadSample t (Gui t h m) where
sample b = lift $ sample b
instance MonadHold t m => MonadHold t (Gui t h m) where
hold a0 e = lift $ hold a0 e
instance (Reflex t, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m) => MonadReflexCreateTrigger t (Gui t h m) where
newEventWithTrigger initializer = lift $ newEventWithTrigger initializer
data WidgetEnv
= WidgetEnv { _widgetEnvParent :: !Node
data WidgetState t m
= WidgetState { _widgetStatePostBuild :: !(m ())
, _widgetStateVoidActions :: ![Event t (m ())] --TODO: Would it help to make this a strict list?
liftM concat $ mapM makeLenses
[ ''WidgetEnv
, ''WidgetState
, ''GuiEnv
instance Monad m => HasDocument (Gui t h m) where
askDocument = Gui $ view guiEnvDocument
instance HasDocument m => HasDocument (Widget t m) where
askDocument = lift askDocument
instance (MonadRef h, Ref h ~ Ref m, MonadRef m) => HasPostGui t h (Gui t h m) where
askPostGui = Gui $ view guiEnvPostGui
askRunWithActions = Gui $ view guiEnvRunWithActions
instance HasPostGui t h m => HasPostGui t h (Widget t m) where
askPostGui = lift askPostGui
askRunWithActions = lift askRunWithActions
type WidgetInternal t m a = ReaderT WidgetEnv (StateT (WidgetState t m) m) a
instance MonadTrans (Widget t) where
lift = Widget . lift . lift
newtype Widget t m a = Widget { unWidget :: WidgetInternal t m a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadIO)
instance MonadSample t m => MonadSample t (Widget t m) where
sample b = lift $ sample b
instance MonadHold t m => MonadHold t (Widget t m) where
hold v0 e = lift $ hold v0 e
-- Need to build FRP circuit first, then elements
-- Can't read from FRP until the whole thing is built
--TODO: Use JSString when in JS
instance MonadRef m => MonadRef (Widget t m) where
type Ref (Widget t m) = Ref m
newRef = lift . newRef
readRef = lift . readRef
writeRef r = lift . writeRef r
atomicModifyRef r f = lift $ atomicModifyRef r f
instance MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m => MonadReflexCreateTrigger t (Widget t m) where
newEventWithTrigger = lift . newEventWithTrigger
instance ( MonadRef m, Ref m ~ Ref IO, MonadRef h, Ref h ~ Ref IO --TODO: Shouldn't need to be IO
, MonadIO m, Functor m
, ReflexHost t, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, MonadSample t m, MonadHold t m
, MonadFix m
) => MonadWidget t (Widget t (Gui t h m)) where
type WidgetHost (Widget t (Gui t h m)) = Gui t h m
type GuiAction (Widget t (Gui t h m)) = h
askParent = Widget $ view widgetEnvParent
--TODO: Use types to separate cohorts of possibly-recursive events/behaviors
-- | Schedule an action to occur after the current cohort has been built; this is necessary because Behaviors built in the current cohort may not be read until after it is complete
--schedulePostBuild :: Monad m => m () -> WidgetInternal t m ()
schedulePostBuild a = Widget $ widgetStatePostBuild %= (a>>) --TODO: Can this >> be made strict?
--addVoidAction :: Monad m => Event t (m ()) -> WidgetInternal t m ()
addVoidAction a = Widget $ widgetStateVoidActions %= (a:)
subWidget n child = Widget $ local (widgetEnvParent .~ toNode n) $ unWidget child
-- runWidget :: (Monad m, IsNode n, Reflex t) => n -> Widget t m a -> m (a, Event t (m ()))
getRunWidget = return runWidget
runWidget rootElement w = do
(result, WidgetState postBuild voidActions) <- runStateT (runReaderT (unWidget w) (WidgetEnv $ toNode rootElement)) (WidgetState (return ()) [])
let voidAction = mergeWith (>>) voidActions
postBuild --TODO: This should be run some other way; it seems to cause strictness problems when recursion crosses parent/child boundaries
return (result, voidAction)
holdOnStartup :: MonadWidget t m => a -> WidgetHost m a -> m (Behavior t a)
holdOnStartup a0 ma = do
(startupDone, startupDoneTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
schedulePostBuild $ do
a <- ma
runFrameWithTriggerRef startupDoneTriggerRef a
hold a0 startupDone
mainWidget :: Widget Spider (Gui Spider SpiderHost (HostFrame Spider)) () -> IO ()
mainWidget w = runWebGUI $ \webView -> do
Just doc <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLDocument) $ webViewGetDomDocument webView
Just body <- documentGetBody doc
attachWidget body w
mainWidgetWithCss css w = runWebGUI $ \webView -> do
Just doc <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLDocument) $ webViewGetDomDocument webView
Just head <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLElement) $ documentGetHead doc
htmlElementSetInnerHTML head $ "<style>" <> T.unpack (decodeUtf8 css) <> "</style>" --TODO: Fix this
Just body <- documentGetBody doc
attachWidget body w
attachWidget :: (IsHTMLElement e) => e -> Widget Spider (Gui Spider SpiderHost (HostFrame Spider)) a -> IO a
attachWidget rootElement w = runSpiderHost $ do --TODO: It seems to re-run this handler if the URL changes, even if it's only the fragment
Just doc <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLDocument) $ liftIO $ nodeGetOwnerDocument rootElement
liftIO $ putStrLn "Using Widget2"
frames <- liftIO newChan
rec let guiEnv = GuiEnv doc (writeChan frames . runSpiderHost) runWithActions :: GuiEnv Spider SpiderHost
runWithActions dm = do
voidActionNeeded <- fireEventsAndRead dm $ do
sequence =<< readEvent voidAction
runHostFrame $ runGui (sequence_ voidActionNeeded) guiEnv
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
(result, voidAction) <- runHostFrame $ runGui (runWidget df w) guiEnv
liftIO $ htmlElementSetInnerHTML rootElement ""
liftIO $ nodeAppendChild rootElement $ Just df
subscribeEvent voidAction --TODO: Should be unnecessary
-- currentFrame <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar
-- idleAdd (tryTakeMVar currentFrame >>= maybe (return ()) id >> return True) priorityLow --TODO: avoid wasting CPU here
-- forkIO $ forever $ putMVar currentFrame =<< readChan frames
--postGUISync seems to leak memory on GHC (unknown on GHCJS)
liftIO $ forkIO $ forever $ postGUISync =<< readChan frames -- postGUISync is necessary to prevent segfaults in GTK, which is not thread-safe
return result
--type MonadWidget t h m = (t ~ Spider, h ~ Gui Spider SpiderHost (HostFrame Spider), m ~ Widget t h, Monad h, MonadHold t h, HasDocument h, MonadSample t h, MonadRef h, MonadIO h, Functor (Event t), Functor h, Reflex t) -- Locking down these types seems to help a little in GHCJS, but not really in GHC

src/Reflex/Dom/Widget.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Reflex.Dom.Widget ( module Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic
, module Reflex.Dom.Widget.Input
) where
import Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic
import Reflex.Dom.Widget.Input

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@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, LambdaCase, ConstraintKinds, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, RecursiveDo #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic where
import Reflex.Dom.Class
import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Ref
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import GHCJS.DOM.UIEvent
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM (event, Signal)
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLElement
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (Widget (..), unWidget, Event)
import GHCJS.DOM.NamedNodeMap
import Control.Lens
import Data.Monoid
import Data.These
import Data.Align
import Data.Maybe
type AttributeMap = Map String String
data El t
= El { _el_element :: HTMLElement
, _el_clicked :: Event t ()
, _el_keypress :: Event t Int
class Attributes m a where
addAttributes :: IsElement e => a -> e -> m ()
instance MonadIO m => Attributes m AttributeMap where
addAttributes curAttrs e = liftIO $ imapM_ (elementSetAttribute e) curAttrs
instance MonadWidget t m => Attributes m (Dynamic t AttributeMap) where
addAttributes attrs e = do
schedulePostBuild $ do
curAttrs <- sample $ current attrs
liftIO $ imapM_ (elementSetAttribute e) curAttrs
addVoidAction $ flip fmap (updated attrs) $ \newAttrs -> liftIO $ do
oldAttrs <- maybe (return Set.empty) namedNodeMapGetNames =<< elementGetAttributes e
forM_ (Set.toList $ oldAttrs `Set.difference` Map.keysSet newAttrs) $ elementRemoveAttribute e
imapM_ (elementSetAttribute e) newAttrs --TODO: avoid re-setting unchanged attributes; possibly do the compare using Align in haskell
buildEmptyElement :: (MonadWidget t m, Attributes m attrs) => String -> attrs -> m HTMLElement
buildEmptyElement elementTag attrs = do
doc <- askDocument
p <- askParent
Just e <- liftIO $ documentCreateElement doc elementTag
addAttributes attrs e
_ <- liftIO $ nodeAppendChild p $ Just e
return $ castToHTMLElement e
-- We need to decide what type of attrs we've got statically, because it will often be a recursively defined value, in which case inspecting it will lead to a cycle
buildElement :: (MonadWidget t m, Attributes m attrs) => String -> attrs -> m a -> m (HTMLElement, a)
buildElement elementTag attrs child = do
e <- buildEmptyElement elementTag attrs
result <- subWidget (toNode e) child
return (e, result)
namedNodeMapGetNames :: IsNamedNodeMap self => self -> IO (Set String)
namedNodeMapGetNames self = do
l <- namedNodeMapGetLength self
let locations = if l == 0 then [] else [0..l-1] -- Can't use 0..l-1 if l is 0 because l is unsigned and will wrap around
liftM Set.fromList $ forM locations $ \i -> do
Just n <- namedNodeMapItem self i
nodeGetNodeName n
text :: MonadWidget t m => String -> m ()
text = void . text'
--TODO: Wrap the result
text' :: MonadWidget t m => String -> m Text
text' s = do
doc <- askDocument
p <- askParent
Just n <- liftIO $ documentCreateTextNode doc s
_ <- liftIO $ nodeAppendChild p $ Just n
return n
dynText :: MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t String -> m ()
dynText s = do
n <- text' ""
schedulePostBuild $ do
curS <- sample $ current s
liftIO $ nodeSetNodeValue n curS
addVoidAction $ fmap (liftIO . nodeSetNodeValue n) $ updated s
--TODO: Should this be renamed to 'widgetView' for consistency with 'widgetHold'?
dyn :: MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t (m a) -> m (Event t a)
dyn child = do
startPlaceholder <- text' ""
endPlaceholder <- text' ""
(newChildBuilt, newChildBuiltTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
let e = fmap snd newChildBuilt --TODO: Get rid of this hack
childVoidAction <- hold never e
performEvent_ $ fmap (const $ return ()) e --TODO: Get rid of this hack
addVoidAction $ switch childVoidAction
doc <- askDocument
runWidget <- getRunWidget
let build c = do
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
result <- runWidget df c
runFrameWithTriggerRef newChildBuiltTriggerRef result
Just p <- liftIO $ nodeGetParentNode endPlaceholder
liftIO $ nodeInsertBefore p (Just df) (Just endPlaceholder)
return ()
schedulePostBuild $ do
c <- sample $ current child
build c
addVoidAction $ ffor (updated child) $ \newChild -> do
liftIO $ deleteBetweenExclusive startPlaceholder endPlaceholder
build newChild
return $ fmap fst newChildBuilt
widgetHold :: MonadWidget t m => m a -> Event t (m a) -> m (Dynamic t a)
widgetHold child0 newChild = do
startPlaceholder <- text' ""
result0 <- child0
endPlaceholder <- text' ""
(newChildBuilt, newChildBuiltTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
childVoidAction <- hold never $ fmap snd newChildBuilt
addVoidAction $ switch childVoidAction
doc <- askDocument
runWidget <- getRunWidget
let build c = do
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
result <- runWidget df c
runFrameWithTriggerRef newChildBuiltTriggerRef result
Just p <- liftIO $ nodeGetParentNode endPlaceholder
liftIO $ nodeInsertBefore p (Just df) (Just endPlaceholder)
return ()
addVoidAction $ ffor newChild $ \c -> do
liftIO $ deleteBetweenExclusive startPlaceholder endPlaceholder
build c
holdDyn result0 $ fmap fst newChildBuilt
--TODO: Something better than Dynamic t (Map k v) - we want something where the Events carry diffs, not the whole value
listWithKey :: (Ord k, MonadWidget t m) => Dynamic t (Map k v) -> (k -> Dynamic t v -> m a) -> m (Dynamic t (Map k a))
listWithKey vals mkChild = do
doc <- askDocument
startPlaceholder <- text' ""
endPlaceholder <- text' ""
(newChildren, newChildrenTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
performEvent_ $ fmap (const $ return ()) newChildren --TODO: Get rid of this hack
children <- hold Map.empty $ traceEventWith (\x -> "newChildren: " <> show (Map.size x)) newChildren
addVoidAction $ switch $ fmap (mergeWith (>>) . map snd . Map.elems) children
runWidget <- getRunWidget
let buildChild df k v = runWidget df $ do
childStart <- text' ""
result <- mkChild k =<< holdDyn v (fmapMaybe (Map.lookup k) (updated vals))
childEnd <- text' ""
return (result, (childStart, childEnd))
schedulePostBuild $ do
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
curVals <- sample $ current vals
initialState <- iforM curVals $ buildChild df
runFrameWithTriggerRef newChildrenTriggerRef initialState --TODO: Do all these in a single runFrame
Just p <- liftIO $ nodeGetParentNode endPlaceholder
liftIO $ nodeInsertBefore p (Just df) (Just endPlaceholder)
return ()
addVoidAction $ flip fmap (updated vals) $ \newVals -> do
curState <- sample children
--TODO: Should we remove the parent from the DOM first to avoid reflows?
newState <- liftM (Map.mapMaybe id) $ iforM (align curState newVals) $ \k -> \case
This ((_, (start, end)), _) -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Deleting item"
liftIO $ deleteBetweenInclusive start end
return Nothing
That v -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Creating item"
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
s <- buildChild df k v
let placeholder = case Map.lookupGT k curState of
Nothing -> endPlaceholder
Just (_, ((_, (start, _)), _)) -> start
Just p <- liftIO $ nodeGetParentNode placeholder
liftIO $ nodeInsertBefore p (Just df) (Just placeholder)
return $ Just s
These state _ -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Leaving item unchanged"
return $ Just state
liftIO $ putStrLn "Triggering newChildren"
liftIO $ putStrLn . ("newChildrenTriggerRef is Just? " <>) . show . isJust =<< readRef newChildrenTriggerRef
runFrameWithTriggerRef newChildrenTriggerRef newState
liftIO $ putStrLn "Triggering newChildren done"
holdDyn Map.empty $ fmap (fmap (fst . fst)) newChildren
selectViewListWithKey_ :: forall t m k v a. (MonadWidget t m, Ord k) => Dynamic t k -> Dynamic t (Map k v) -> (k -> Dynamic t v -> Dynamic t Bool -> m (Event t a)) -> m (Event t k)
selectViewListWithKey_ selection vals mkChild = do
let selectionDemux = demux selection -- For good performance, this value must be shared across all children
selectChild <- listWithKey vals $ \k v -> do
selected <- getDemuxed selectionDemux k
selectSelf <- mkChild k v selected
return $ fmap (const k) selectSelf
liftM switchPromptlyDyn $ mapDyn (leftmost . Map.elems) selectChild
-- Basic DOM manipulation helpers
-- | s and e must both be children of the same node and s must precede e
deleteBetweenExclusive s e = do
Just currentParent <- nodeGetParentNode e -- May be different than it was at initial construction, e.g., because the parent may have dumped us in from a DocumentFragment
let go = do
Just x <- nodeGetPreviousSibling e -- This can't be Nothing because we should hit 's' first
when (unNode (toNode s) /= unNode (toNode x)) $ do
nodeRemoveChild currentParent $ Just x
-- | s and e must both be children of the same node and s must precede e
deleteBetweenInclusive s e = do
Just currentParent <- nodeGetParentNode e -- May be different than it was at initial construction, e.g., because the parent may have dumped us in from a DocumentFragment
let go = do
Just x <- nodeGetPreviousSibling e -- This can't be Nothing because we should hit 's' first
nodeRemoveChild currentParent $ Just x
when (unNode (toNode s) /= unNode (toNode x)) go
nodeRemoveChild currentParent $ Just e
-- Adapters
--TODO: Get rid of extra version of this function
wrapDomEvent element elementOnevent getValue = do
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
e <- newEventWithTrigger $ \et -> do
unsubscribe <- {-# SCC "a" #-} liftIO $ {-# SCC "b" #-} elementOnevent element $ {-# SCC "c" #-} do
v <- {-# SCC "d" #-} getValue
liftIO $ postGui $ runWithActions [et :=> v]
return $ liftIO $ do
{-# SCC "e" #-} unsubscribe
return $! {-# SCC "f" #-} e
wrapElement :: (Functor (Event t), MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => HTMLElement -> m (El t)
wrapElement e = do
clicked <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnclick (return ())
keypress <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeypress $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
return $ El e clicked keypress
elDynAttr' elementTag attrs child = do
(e, result) <- buildElement elementTag attrs child
e' <- wrapElement e
return (e', result)
{-# INLINABLE elAttr #-}
elAttr :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => String -> Map String String -> m a -> m a
elAttr elementTag attrs child = do
(_, result) <- buildElement elementTag attrs child
return result
{-# INLINABLE el' #-}
--el' :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => String -> m a -> m (El t, a)
el' tag child = elAttr' tag (Map.empty :: AttributeMap) child
{-# INLINABLE elAttr' #-}
--elAttr' :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => String -> Map String String -> m a -> m (El t, a)
elAttr' elementTag attrs child = do
(e, result) <- buildElement elementTag attrs child
e' <- wrapElement e
return (e', result)
{-# INLINABLE elDynAttr #-}
elDynAttr :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => String -> Dynamic t (Map String String) -> m a -> m a
elDynAttr elementTag attrs child = do
(_, result) <- buildElement elementTag attrs child
return result
{-# INLINABLE el #-}
el :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => String -> m a -> m a
el tag child = elAttr tag Map.empty child
-- Copied and pasted from Reflex.Widget.Class
list dm mkChild = listWithKey dm (\_ dv -> mkChild dv)
--TODO: Update dynamically
{-# INLINABLE dynHtml #-}
dynHtml :: MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t String -> m ()
dynHtml ds = do
let mkSelf h = do
doc <- askDocument
Just e <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "div"
liftIO $ htmlElementSetInnerHTML e h
return e
eCreated <- performEvent . fmap mkSelf . tagDyn ds =<< getEInit
putEChildren $ fmap ((:[]) . toNode) eCreated
data Link t
= Link { _link_clicked :: Event t ()
linkClass :: MonadWidget t m => String -> String -> m (Link t)
linkClass s c = do
(l,_) <- elAttr' "a" ("class" =: c) $ text s
return $ Link $ _el_clicked l
link :: MonadWidget t m => String -> m (Link t)
link s = linkClass s ""
newtype Workflow t m a = Workflow { unWorkflow :: m (a, Event t (Workflow t m a)) }
workflowView :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => Workflow t m a -> m (Event t a)
workflowView w0 = do
rec eResult <- dyn =<< mapDyn unWorkflow =<< holdDyn w0 eReplace
eReplace <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap snd eResult
eResult `seq` eReplace `seq` return ()
return $ fmap fst eResult
divClass :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => String -> m a -> m a
divClass = elAttr "div" . Map.singleton "class"
dtdd :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => String -> m a -> m a
dtdd h w = do
el "dt" $ text h
el "dd" $ w
blank :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => m ()
blank = return ()
tableDynAttr :: forall t m r k v. (MonadWidget t m, Show k, Ord k) => String -> [(String, k -> Dynamic t r -> m v)] -> Dynamic t (Map k r) -> (k -> m (Dynamic t (Map String String))) -> m (Dynamic t (Map k (El t, [v])))
tableDynAttr klass cols dRows rowAttrs = elAttr "div" (Map.singleton "style" "zoom: 1; overflow: auto; background: white;") $ do
elAttr "table" (Map.singleton "class" klass) $ do
el "thead" $ el "tr" $ do
mapM (\(h, _) -> el "th" $ text h) cols
el "tbody" $ do
listWithKey dRows (\k r -> do
dAttrs <- rowAttrs k
elDynAttr' "tr" dAttrs $ mapM (\x -> el "td" $ snd x k r) cols)
--TODO preselect a tab on open
tabDisplay :: forall t m k. (MonadFix m, MonadWidget t m, Show k, Ord k) => String -> String -> Map k (String, m ()) -> m ()
tabDisplay ulClass activeClass tabItems = do
rec dCurrentTab <- holdDyn Nothing (updated dTabClicks)
dTabClicks :: Dynamic t (Maybe k) <- elAttr "ul" (Map.singleton "class" ulClass) $ do
tabClicksList :: [Event t k] <- (liftM Map.elems) $ imapM (\k (s,_) -> headerBarLink s k =<< mapDyn (== (Just k)) dCurrentTab) tabItems
let eTabClicks :: Event t k = leftmost tabClicksList
holdDyn Nothing $ fmap Just eTabClicks :: m (Dynamic t (Maybe k))
divClass "" $ do
let dTabs :: Dynamic t (Map k (String, m ())) = constDyn tabItems
listWithKey dTabs (\k dTab -> do
dAttrs <- mapDyn (\sel -> do
let t1 = listToMaybe $ Map.keys tabItems
if sel == Just k || (sel == Nothing && t1 == Just k) then Map.empty else Map.singleton "style" "display:none;") dCurrentTab
elDynAttr "div" dAttrs $ dyn =<< mapDyn snd dTab)
return ()
headerBarLink :: (MonadWidget t m, Ord k) => String -> k -> Dynamic t Bool -> m (Event t k)
headerBarLink x k dBool = do
dAttributes <- mapDyn (\b -> if b then Map.singleton "class" activeClass else Map.empty) dBool
elDynAttr "li" dAttributes $ do
a <- link x
return $ fmap (const k) (_link_clicked a)

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@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, DataKinds, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, RecursiveDo #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Widget.Input where
import Prelude hiding (forM_)
import Reflex.Dom.Class
import Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic
import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Data.Map (Map)
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLInputElement
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLSelectElement
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM
import GHCJS.DOM.UIEvent
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad hiding (forM_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Lens
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Safe
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Foldable
input' :: MonadWidget t m => String -> String -> Event t String -> Dynamic t (Map String String) -> m (TextInput t)
input' inputType initial eSetValue dAttrs = do
e <- liftM castToHTMLInputElement $ buildEmptyElement "input" =<< mapDyn (Map.insert "type" inputType) dAttrs
liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetValue e initial
performEvent_ $ fmap (liftIO . htmlInputElementSetValue e) eSetValue
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOninput $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetValue e
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
eChangeFocus <- newEventWithTrigger $ \eChangeFocusTrigger -> do
unsubscribeOnblur <- liftIO $ elementOnblur e $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> False]
unsubscribeOnfocus <- liftIO $ elementOnfocus e $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> True]
return $ liftIO $ unsubscribeOnblur >> unsubscribeOnfocus
dFocus <- holdDyn False eChangeFocus
eKeypress <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeypress $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
eKeydown <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeydown $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
eKeyup <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeyup $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
dValue <- holdDyn initial $ leftmost [eSetValue, eChange]
return $ TextInput dValue eKeypress eKeydown eKeyup dFocus e
dSetValue <- holdDyn "" eSetValue
dynText =<< combineDyn (\v a -> "Input placeholder: " <> show (inputType, v, a)) dSetValue dAttrs
return $ TextInput (constDyn "") never never never (constDyn False) (constDyn Nothing)
input' inputType eSetValue dAttrs = do
dEffectiveAttrs <- mapDyn (Map.insert "type" inputType) dAttrs
let mkSelf (initialValue, initialAttrs) = do
doc <- askDocument
Just e <- liftIO $ liftM (fmap castToHTMLInputElement) $ documentCreateElement doc "input"
liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetValue e initialValue
iforM_ initialAttrs $ \attr value -> liftIO $ elementSetAttribute e attr value
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOninput $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetValue e
runFrame <- askRunFrame
eChangeFocus <- newEventWithTrigger $ \eChangeFocusTrigger -> do
unsubscribeOnblur <- liftIO $ elementOnblur e $ liftIO $ do
runFrame $ DMap.singleton eChangeFocusTrigger False
unsubscribeOnfocus <- liftIO $ elementOnfocus e $ liftIO $ do
runFrame $ DMap.singleton eChangeFocusTrigger True
return $ liftIO $ unsubscribeOnblur >> unsubscribeOnfocus
eKeypress <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeypress $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
eKeydown <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeydown $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
eKeyup <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeyup $ liftIO . uiEventGetKeyCode =<< event
return (e, eChange, eKeypress, eKeydown, eKeyup, eChangeFocus)
dInitialValue <- holdDyn "" eSetValue
dInitial <- combineDyn (,) dInitialValue dEffectiveAttrs
eCreated <- performEvent . fmap mkSelf . tagDyn dInitial =<< getEInit
dMyElement <- holdDyn Nothing $ fmap (Just . (^. _1)) eCreated
performEvent_ . updated =<< combineDyn (maybe (const $ return ()) $ \e attrs -> liftIO $ setElementAttributes e attrs) dMyElement dEffectiveAttrs
putEChildren $ fmap ((:[]) . toNode . (^. _1)) eCreated
performEvent_ $ fmapMaybe (fmap $ \(e,v) -> liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetValue e v) $ attachWith (\e v -> case e of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just e' -> Just (e',v)) (current dMyElement) eSetValue
eChange <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _2) eCreated
dFocus <- holdDyn False . switch =<< hold never (fmap (^. _6) eCreated) --TODO: Check that 'False' is always the correct starting value - i.e.: an element will always receive an 'onfocus' event, even if it gets focus immediately
dValue <- holdDyn "" $ leftmost [eSetValue, eChange]
eKeypress <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _3) eCreated
eKeydown <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _4) eCreated
eKeyup <- liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (^. _5) eCreated
return $ TextInput dValue eKeypress eKeydown eKeyup dFocus dMyElement
data TextInput t
= TextInput { _textInput_value :: Dynamic t String
, _textInput_keypress :: Event t Int
, _textInput_keydown :: Event t Int
, _textInput_keyup :: Event t Int
, _textInput_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
, _textInput_element :: HTMLInputElement
textInput :: MonadWidget t m => m (TextInput t)
textInput = input' "text" "" never (constDyn $ Map.empty)
textInputGetEnter :: Reflex t => TextInput t -> Event t ()
textInputGetEnter i = fmapMaybe (\n -> if n == keycodeEnter then Just () else Nothing) $ _textInput_keypress i
type family Controller sm t a where
Controller Edit t a = (a, Event t a) -- Initial value and setter
Controller View t a = Dynamic t a -- Value (always)
type family Output sm t a where
Output Edit t a = Dynamic t a -- Value (always)
Output View t a = Event t a -- Requested changes
data CheckboxConfig sm t
= CheckboxConfig { _checkbox_input :: Controller sm t Bool
, _checkbox_attributes :: Attributes
instance Reflex t => Default (CheckboxConfig Edit t) where
def = CheckboxConfig (False, never) mempty
data Checkbox sm t
= Checkbox { _checkbox_output :: Output sm t Bool
data StateMode = Edit | View
--TODO: There must be a more generic way to get this witness and allow us to case on the type-level StateMode
data StateModeWitness (sm :: StateMode) where
EditWitness :: StateModeWitness Edit
ViewWitness :: StateModeWitness View
class HasStateModeWitness (sm :: StateMode) where
stateModeWitness :: StateModeWitness sm
instance HasStateModeWitness Edit where
stateModeWitness = EditWitness
instance HasStateModeWitness View where
stateModeWitness = ViewWitness
data Checkbox t
= Checkbox { _checkbox_value :: Dynamic t Bool
--TODO: Make attributes possibly dynamic
-- | Create an editable checkbox
-- Note: if the "type" or "checked" attributes are provided as attributes, they will be ignored
checkbox :: MonadWidget t m => Bool -> Map String String -> m (Checkbox t)
checkbox checked attrs = do
e <- liftM castToHTMLInputElement $ buildEmptyElement "input" $ Map.insert "type" "checkbox" $ (if checked then Map.insert "checked" "checked" else Map.delete "checked") attrs
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnclick $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetChecked e
dValue <- holdDyn checked eChange
return $ Checkbox dValue
checkboxView :: MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t (Map String String) -> Dynamic t Bool -> m (Event t Bool)
checkboxView dAttrs dValue = do
e <- liftM castToHTMLInputElement $ buildEmptyElement "input" =<< mapDyn (Map.insert "type" "checkbox") dAttrs
eClicked <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnclick $ do
liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetChecked e
schedulePostBuild $ do
v <- sample $ current dValue
when v $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetChecked e True
performEvent_ $ fmap (\v -> liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetChecked e v) $ updated dValue
return eClicked
checkboxWithLabel :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => String -> m (Checkbox t)
checkboxWithLabel l = checkboxWithLabelAttrs l Map.empty
checkboxWithLabelAttrs :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => String -> Map String String -> m (Checkbox t)
checkboxWithLabelAttrs l attrs = elAttr "label" attrs $ do
c <- checkbox False Map.empty
text $ " " <> l
return c
data Dropdown t k
= Dropdown { _dropdown_value :: Dynamic t k
--TODO: We should allow the user to specify an ordering instead of relying on the ordering of the Map
--TODO: Don't bake in any CSS classes
--TODO: Get rid of Show k and Read k by indexing the possible values ourselves
-- | Create a dropdown box
-- The first argument gives the initial value of the dropdown; if it is not present in the map of options provided, it will be added with an empty string as its text
dropdown :: forall k t m. (MonadWidget t m, Ord k, Show k, Read k) => k -> Dynamic t (Map k String) -> m (Dropdown t k)
dropdown k0 options = do
(eRaw, _) <- elAttr' "select" ("class" =: "form-control") $ do
optionsWithDefault <- mapDyn (`Map.union` (k0 =: "")) options
listWithKey optionsWithDefault $ \k v -> do
elAttr "option" ("value" =: show k <> if k == k0 then "selected" =: "selected" else mempty) $ dynText v
let e = castToHTMLSelectElement $ _el_element eRaw
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnchange $ do
kStr <- liftIO $ htmlSelectElementGetValue e
return $ readMay kStr
let readKey opts mk = fromMaybe k0 $ do
k <- mk
guard $ Map.member k opts
return k
dValue <- combineDyn readKey options =<< holdDyn (Just k0) eChange
return $ Dropdown dValue
--TODO: Get rid of Show k and Read k by indexing the possible values ourselves
dropdown' :: forall k t m. (MonadWidget t m, Eq k, Show k, Read k) => k -> NonEmpty (k, String) -> m (Dropdown t k)
dropdown' k0 ks = do
(eRaw, _) <- elAttr' "select" ("class" =: "form-control") $ do
forM_ ks $ \(k, name) -> do
elAttr "option" ("value" =: show k <> if k == k0 then "selected" =: "selected" else mempty) $ text name
let e = castToHTMLSelectElement $ _el_element eRaw
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnchange $ do
kStr <- liftIO $ htmlSelectElementGetValue e
return $ readMay kStr
let readKey mk = fromMaybe k0 mk
dValue <- mapDyn readKey =<< holdDyn (Just k0) eChange
return $ Dropdown dValue
--TODO Remove CSS Classes
searchInputResult :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t (String, a) -> m (Event t (String, a))
searchInputResult r = el "li" $ do
(li, _) <- elAttr' "a" (Map.singleton "style" "cursor: pointer;") $ dynText =<< mapDyn fst r
return $ tag (current r) (_el_clicked li)
searchInput :: forall t m a k. (MonadWidget t m, Ord k) => Map k (String, a) -> Event t (Map k (String, a)) -> m (Event t String, Event t (String, a))
searchInput initial results = searchInput' initial results searchInputResultsList
searchInput' :: forall t m a k. (MonadWidget t m, Ord k) => Map k (String, a) -> Event t (Map k (String, a)) -> (Dynamic t (Map k (String, a)) -> m (Event t (String, a))) -> m (Event t String, Event t (String, a))
searchInput' initial results listBuilder = do
rec input <- input' "text" "" eSetValue $ constDyn $ Map.fromList [("class", "form-control"), ("placeholder", "Search")]
dResults <- holdDyn initial $ leftmost [eClearResults, results]
eMadeChoice <- listBuilder dResults
let eSetValue = fmap fst eMadeChoice
eSelectionMade = fmap (const Nothing) eSetValue
eInputChanged = fmapMaybe id $ leftmost [eSelectionMade, fmap Just (updated $ _textInput_value input)]
eInputEmpty = fmapMaybe id $ fmap (\i -> if i == "" then Just Map.empty else Nothing) eInputChanged
eClearResults = leftmost [eInputEmpty, fmap (const Map.empty) eMadeChoice]
return (eInputChanged, eMadeChoice)
searchInputResultsList :: forall t m a k. (MonadWidget t m, Ord k) => Dynamic t (Map k (String, a)) -> m (Event t (String, a))
searchInputResultsList results = searchInputResultsList' results (flip list searchInputResult)
searchInputResultsList' :: forall t m a k. (MonadWidget t m, Ord k) => Dynamic t (Map k (String, a)) -> (Dynamic t (Map k (String, a)) -> m (Dynamic t (Map k (Event t (String, a))))) -> m (Event t (String, a))
searchInputResultsList' results builder = do
let hideDropdown = Map.fromList [("class", "dropdown-menu"), ("style", "display: none;")]
showDropdown = Map.fromList [("class", "dropdown-menu"), ("style", "display: block;")]
attrs <- mapDyn (\rs -> if Map.null rs then hideDropdown else showDropdown) results
resultsList <- elDynAttr "ul" attrs $ builder results
liftM switch $ hold never $ fmap (leftmost . Map.elems) (updated resultsList)