More careful handling of value/checked statuses for inputElement

Both the static renderer and hydration builder had issues here.
This commit is contained in:
Tom Smalley 2020-07-08 20:39:55 +01:00
parent 6f06fbe3ee
commit 0b9379019c
2 changed files with 55 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ instance (Reflex t, MonadFix m) => DomRenderHook t (HydrationRunnerT t m) where
-- done *before* the switchover to immediate mode - this is most likely some
-- form of 'hold' which we want to remove after hydration is done
{-# INLINABLE addHydrationStepWithSetup #-}
addHydrationStepWithSetup :: (Adjustable t m, MonadIO m) => m a -> (a -> HydrationRunnerT t m ()) -> HydrationDomBuilderT s t m ()
addHydrationStepWithSetup :: MonadIO m => m a -> (a -> HydrationRunnerT t m ()) -> HydrationDomBuilderT s t m ()
addHydrationStepWithSetup setup f = getHydrationMode >>= \case
HydrationMode_Immediate -> pure ()
HydrationMode_Hydrating -> do
@ -926,14 +927,28 @@ inputElementInternal cfg = getHydrationMode >>= \case
doc <- askDocument
-- Expected initial value from config
let v0 = _inputElementConfig_initialValue cfg
addHydrationStep $ do
c0 = _inputElementConfig_initialChecked cfg
valuesAtSwitchover = do
v <- maybe (pure $ pure v0) (hold v0) (_inputElementConfig_setValue cfg)
c <- maybe (pure $ pure c0) (hold c0) (_inputElementConfig_setChecked cfg)
pure (v, c)
addHydrationStepWithSetup valuesAtSwitchover $ \(switchoverValue', switchoverChecked') -> do
switchoverValue <- sample switchoverValue'
switchoverChecked <- sample switchoverChecked'
domElement <- liftIO $ readIORef domElementRef
let domInputElement = uncheckedCastTo DOM.HTMLInputElement domElement
getValue = Input.getValue domInputElement
-- The browser might have messed with the value, or the user could have
-- altered it before activation, so we set it if it isn't what we expect
liftJSM getValue >>= \v0' -> do
when (v0' /= v0) $ liftIO $ triggerChangeByUI v0'
-- Fire the appropriate events if the value has changed somehow
liftJSM getValue >>= \realValue -> liftIO $ if
-- The user could have altered the value before switchover
| realValue /= switchoverValue -> triggerChangeByUI realValue
-- When the value has been updated by setValue before switchover, but
-- the user hasn't entered text, we must send an update here to remain
-- in sync. This is because the later requestDomAction based on the
-- setValue event will not capture events happening before postBuild,
-- because this code runs after switchover.
| v0 /= switchoverValue -> triggerChangeBySetValue switchoverValue
| otherwise -> pure ()
-- Watch for user interaction and trigger event accordingly
requestDomAction_ $ (liftJSM getValue >>= liftIO . triggerChangeByUI) <$ (_element_events e) (WrapArg Input)
for_ (_inputElementConfig_setValue cfg) $ \eSetValue ->
@ -947,7 +962,19 @@ inputElementInternal cfg = getHydrationMode >>= \case
liftIO . triggerFocusChange =<< Node.isSameNode (toNode domElement) . fmap toNode =<< Document.getActiveElement doc
requestDomAction_ $ liftIO . triggerFocusChange <$> focusChange'
Input.setChecked domInputElement $ _inputElementConfig_initialChecked cfg
-- Fire the appropriate events if the checked state has changed somehow
liftJSM (Input.getChecked domInputElement) >>= \realChecked -> liftIO $ if
-- The user could have clicked the checkbox before switchover, we only
-- detect cases where they flipped the state
| realChecked /= switchoverChecked -> triggerCheckedChangedByUI realChecked
-- When the checked state has been updated by setChecked before
-- switchover, but the user hasn't changed the state, we must send an
-- update here to remain in sync. This is because the later
-- requestDomAction based on the setChecked event will not capture
-- events happening before postBuild, because this code runs after
-- switchover.
| c0 /= switchoverChecked -> triggerCheckedChangedBySetChecked switchoverChecked
| otherwise -> pure ()
_ <- liftJSM $ domInputElement `on` $ do
liftIO . triggerCheckedChangedByUI =<< Input.getChecked domInputElement
for_ (_inputElementConfig_setChecked cfg) $ \eNewchecked ->
@ -960,7 +987,7 @@ inputElementInternal cfg = getHydrationMode >>= \case
let getMyFiles xs = fmap catMaybes . mapM (FileList.item xs) . flip take [0..] . fromIntegral =<< FileList.getLength xs
liftIO . triggerFileChange =<< maybe (return []) getMyFiles mfiles
return ()
checked' <- holdDyn (_inputElementConfig_initialChecked cfg) $ leftmost
checked' <- holdDyn c0 $ leftmost
[ checkedChangedBySetChecked
, checkedChangedByUI

View File

@ -312,16 +312,28 @@ instance SupportsStaticDomBuilder t m => DomBuilder t (StaticDomBuilderT t m) wh
return (e, result)
{-# INLINABLE inputElement #-}
inputElement cfg = do
-- Tweak the config to update the "value" attribute appropriately.
-- Tweak the config to update the "value" and "checked" attributes appropriately.
-- TODO: warn upon overwriting values.
let adjustedConfig = (_inputElementConfig_elementConfig cfg)
& elementConfig_initialAttributes %~ Map.insert "value" (_inputElementConfig_initialValue cfg)
& elementConfig_modifyAttributes %~ (case _inputElementConfig_setValue cfg of
Nothing -> id
Just e -> \e' -> (Map.singleton "value" . Just <$> e) <> e')
let setInitialValue = Map.insert "value" (_inputElementConfig_initialValue cfg)
setUpdatedValue updatedAttrs = case _inputElementConfig_setValue cfg of
Nothing -> updatedAttrs
Just e -> (Map.singleton "value" . Just <$> e) <> updatedAttrs
setInitialChecked = case _inputElementConfig_initialChecked cfg of
True -> Map.insert "checked" "checked"
False -> id
setUpdatedChecked updatedAttrs = case _inputElementConfig_setChecked cfg of
Nothing -> updatedAttrs
Just e -> (Map.singleton "checked" (Just "checked") <$ e) <> updatedAttrs
adjustedConfig = (_inputElementConfig_elementConfig cfg)
& elementConfig_initialAttributes %~ setInitialValue . setInitialChecked
& elementConfig_modifyAttributes %~ setUpdatedValue . setUpdatedChecked
(e, _result) <- element "input" adjustedConfig $ return ()
let v0 = constDyn $ cfg ^. inputElementConfig_initialValue
let c0 = constDyn $ cfg ^. inputElementConfig_initialChecked
v0 <- case _inputElementConfig_setValue cfg of
Nothing -> pure $ constDyn (cfg ^. inputElementConfig_initialValue)
Just e -> holdDyn (cfg ^. inputElementConfig_initialValue) e
c0 <- case _inputElementConfig_setChecked cfg of
Nothing -> pure $ constDyn $ _inputElementConfig_initialChecked cfg
Just e -> holdDyn (_inputElementConfig_initialChecked cfg) e
let hasFocus = constDyn False -- TODO should this be coming from initialAtttributes
return $ InputElement
{ _inputElement_value = v0