Merge branch 'develop' into HEAD

# Conflicts:
#	default.nix
#	reflex-dom.cabal
#	src-ghc/Reflex/Dom/Xhr/Foreign.hs
#	src-ghcjs/Reflex/Dom/Xhr/Foreign.hs
#	src/Reflex/Dom/Class.hs
#	src/Reflex/Dom/Internal.hs
#	src/Reflex/Dom/Time.hs
#	src/Reflex/Dom/Widget/Basic.hs
#	src/Reflex/Dom/Xhr.hs
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Trinkle 2016-01-23 01:19:10 -05:00
parent 6f958965d8
commit 5903797631
21 changed files with 768 additions and 716 deletions

View File

@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
, transformers, data-default, semigroups, aeson
, ghc, webkitgtk3-javascriptcore, exception-transformers
, webkitgtk24x, dependent-sum-template, bifunctors, zenc
, random
, random, raw-strings-qq
mkDerivation {
pname = "reflex-dom";
version = "0.2";
version = "0.3";
src = builtins.filterSource (path: type: baseNameOf path != ".git") ./.;
buildDepends = [
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ mkDerivation {
] ++ (if (ghc.pname or null) == "ghcjs" then [ ] else [ webkitgtk3-javascriptcore ]);
] ++ (if (ghc.pname or null) == "ghcjs" then [ ] else [ webkitgtk3-javascriptcore raw-strings-qq ]);
pkgconfigDepends = if (ghc.pname or null) == "ghcjs" then [ ] else [ webkitgtk24x ];
license = null;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: reflex-dom
Version: 0.2
Version: 0.3
Synopsis: Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex
Description: Reflex-DOM is a Functional Reactive web framework based on the Reflex FRP engine
License: BSD3
@ -15,24 +15,26 @@ extra-source-files: src-ghc/Reflex/Dom/Internal/Foreign.hs
hs-source-dirs: src
base >= 4.7 && < 4.9,
reflex == 0.3.*,
dependent-sum == 0.2.*,
dependent-map == 0.1.*,
semigroups == 0.16.*,
reflex == 0.4.*,
dependent-sum == 0.3.*,
dependent-map == 0.2.*,
semigroups >= 0.16 && < 0.19,
mtl >= 2.1 && < 2.3,
containers == 0.5.*,
these >= 0.4 && < 0.7,
ref-tf == 0.4.*,
random == 1.1.*,
ghcjs-dom >= 0.2.1 && < 0.3,
transformers == 0.3.* || == 0.4.*,
lens >= 4.7 && < 4.14,
ghcjs-dom >= && < 0.2,
safe == 0.3.*,
text == 1.2.*,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
@ -43,11 +45,10 @@ library
directory == 1.2.*,
dependent-sum-template >= && < 0.1,
zenc == 0.1.*,
bifunctors >= 4.2 && < 5.1
bifunctors >= 4.2 && < 6
if impl(ghcjs)
hs-source-dirs: src-ghcjs
cpp-options: -D__GHCJS__
hashable == 1.2.*
@ -55,11 +56,14 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src-ghc
glib == 0.13.*,
gtk3 == 0.13.*,
webkitgtk3 == 0.13.*,
webkitgtk3-javascriptcore == 0.13.*
gtk3 >= 0.13.0 && < 0.15,
webkitgtk3 == 0.14.*,
webkitgtk3-javascriptcore == 0.13.*,
webkitgtk-3.0 >= 1.8
if !os(windows)
build-depends: unix == 2.7.*
@ -80,9 +84,11 @@ library
other-extensions: TemplateHaskell
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -funbox-strict-fields -O2
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -ferror-spans
source-repository head
type: git

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, ScopedTypeVariables, LambdaCase #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Internal.Foreign where
import Control.Lens hiding (set)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence, sequence_, get)
import Foreign.Ptr
import GHCJS.DOM.Navigator
import GHCJS.DOM.DOMWindow
import GHCJS.DOM.Window
import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Widget)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSBase
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSObjectRef
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSStringRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSValueRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.WebFrame
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebView
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.Types hiding (Event, Widget, unWidget)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.Types hiding (Event, Widget)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebSettings
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebFrame
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebInspector
@ -23,6 +23,21 @@ import Data.List
import System.Directory
import System.Glib.FFI hiding (void)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Posix.Signals
quitWebView :: WebView -> IO ()
quitWebView wv = postGUIAsync $ do w <- widgetGetToplevel wv
widgetDestroy w
installQuitHandler :: WebView -> IO ()
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
installQuitHandler wv = return () -- TODO: Maybe figure something out here for Windows users.
installQuitHandler wv = installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch (quitWebView wv)) Nothing >> return ()
makeDefaultWebView :: String -> (WebView -> IO ()) -> IO ()
makeDefaultWebView userAgentKey main = do
_ <- initGUI
@ -58,6 +73,7 @@ makeDefaultWebView userAgentKey main = do
wf <- webViewGetMainFrame webView
pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
webFrameLoadString wf "" Nothing $ "file://" ++ pwd ++ "/"
installQuitHandler webView
runWebGUI :: (WebView -> IO ()) -> IO ()
@ -70,8 +86,8 @@ runWebGUI' userAgentKey main = do
case mbWindow of
Just window -> do
-- Check if we are running in javascript inside the the native version
Just n <- domWindowGetNavigator window
agent <- navigatorGetUserAgent n
Just n <- getNavigator window
agent <- getUserAgent n
unless ((" " ++ userAgentKey) `isSuffixOf` agent) $ main (castToWebView window)
Nothing -> do
makeDefaultWebView userAgentKey main

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign where
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, QuasiQuotes, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign ( module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign
, XhrResponseType
) where
import Control.Lens.Indexed
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import System.Glib.FFI
@ -12,26 +13,33 @@ import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSStringRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSValueRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.WebFrame
import GHCJS.DOM.File
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.ResponseType
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception.Base
import Reflex.Dom.Internal.Foreign
import Text.RawString.QQ
data XMLHttpRequest
= XMLHttpRequest { xhrValue :: JSValueRef
, xhrContext :: JSContextRef --TODO: Get rid of this
deriving (Eq, Ord)
responseTextToText :: Maybe String -> Maybe Text
responseTextToText = fmap T.pack
statusTextToText :: String -> Text
statusTextToText = T.pack
data XhrResponseBody = XhrResponseBody { unXhrResponseBody :: JSValueRef }
stringToJSValue :: JSContextRef -> String -> IO JSValueRef
stringToJSValue ctx s = jsvaluemakestring ctx =<< jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring s
toResponseType :: a -> a
toResponseType = id
toResponseType :: XhrResponseType -> String
toResponseType XhrResponseType_Default = ""
toResponseType XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer = "arraybuffer"
toResponseType XhrResponseType_Blob = "blob"
toResponseType XhrResponseType_Document = "document"
toResponseType XhrResponseType_JSON = "json"
toResponseType XhrResponseType_Text = "text"
xmlHttpRequestNew :: WebView -> IO XMLHttpRequest
xmlHttpRequestNew wv = do
@ -75,7 +83,17 @@ xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState xhr = do
d <- jsvaluetonumber c rs nullPtr
return $ truncate d
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe String)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponse :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe XhrResponseBody)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponse xhr = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.response"
t <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
isNull <- jsvalueisnull c t
case isNull of
True -> return Nothing
False -> return $ Just $ XhrResponseBody t
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe Text)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText xhr = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.responseText"
@ -89,7 +107,7 @@ xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText xhr = do
s <- allocaBytes (fromIntegral l) $ \ps -> do
_ <- jsstringgetutf8cstring'_ j ps (fromIntegral l)
peekCString ps
return $ Just s
return $ Just $ T.pack s
class IsXhrPayload a where
xmlHttpRequestSend :: XMLHttpRequest -> a -> IO ()
@ -106,19 +124,56 @@ instance IsXhrPayload File where
xmlHttpRequestSendPayload :: XMLHttpRequest -> Maybe String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSendPayload xhr payload = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
(o,s) <- case payload of
Nothing -> do
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr]
s <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].send();"
return (o,s)
Just payload' -> do
d <- stringToJSValue c payload'
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, d]
s <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].send(this[1])"
return (o,s)
_ <- jsevaluatescript c s o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
return ()
result <- newEmptyMVar
let wrapper' x = wrapper $ \_ _ _ _ _ _ -> putMVar result x >> jsvaluemakeundefined c
bracket (wrapper' $ Just XhrException_Aborted) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \a -> do
onAbort <- jsobjectmakefunctionwithcallback c nullPtr a
bracket (wrapper' $ Just XhrException_Error) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \e -> do
onError <- jsobjectmakefunctionwithcallback c nullPtr e
bracket (wrapper' Nothing) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \l -> do
onLoad <- jsobjectmakefunctionwithcallback c nullPtr l
(o,s) <- case payload of
Nothing -> do
d <- jsvaluemakeundefined c
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, d, onError, onAbort, onLoad]
s <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring send
return (o,s)
Just payload' -> do
d <- stringToJSValue c payload'
o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, d, onError, onAbort, onLoad]
s <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring send
return (o,s)
_ <- jsevaluatescript c s o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
takeMVar result >>= mapM_ throwIO
send = [r|
(function (xhr, d, onError, onAbort, onLoad) {
var clear;
var error = function () {
clear(); onError();
var abort = function () {
clear(); onAbort();
var load = function () {
clear(); onLoad();
clear = function () {
xhr.removeEventListener('error', error);
xhr.removeEventListener('abort', abort);
xhr.removeEventListener('load', load);
xhr.addEventListener('error', error);
xhr.addEventListener('abort', abort);
xhr.addEventListener('load', load);
if(d) {
} else {
})(this[0], this[1], this[2], this[3], this[4])
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader :: XMLHttpRequest -> String -> String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader xhr header value = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
@ -146,7 +201,7 @@ xmlHttpRequestGetStatus xhr = do
d <- jsvaluetonumber c s nullPtr
return $ truncate d
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO String
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Text
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText xhr = do
let c = xhrContext xhr
script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.statusText"
@ -156,4 +211,4 @@ xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText xhr = do
s <- allocaBytes (fromIntegral l) $ \ps -> do
_ <- jsstringgetutf8cstring'_ j ps (fromIntegral l)
peekCString ps
return s
return $ T.pack s

View File

@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI, CPP #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Internal.Foreign ( runWebGUI
, module Reflex.Dom.Internal.Foreign
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Internal.Foreign ( module Reflex.Dom.Internal.Foreign
, runWebGUI
) where
import Control.Monad
import GHCJS.DOM
import GHCJS.DOM.Types
import GHCJS.Types
import Data.Function
import GHCJS.Foreign
#define JS(name, js, type) foreign import javascript unsafe js name :: type
quitWebView :: WebView -> IO ()
quitWebView = error "quitWebView: unimplemented in GHCJS"
instance Eq Node where
(==) = eqRef `on` unNode
JS(getLocationHost_, "", IO JSString)
foreign import javascript unsafe "location['host']" getLocationHost_ :: IO JSString
getLocationHost :: FromJSString r => a -> IO r
getLocationHost _ = liftM fromJSString getLocationHost_
JS(getLocationProtocol_, "location.protocol", IO JSString)
foreign import javascript unsafe "location['protocol']" getLocationProtocol_ :: IO JSString
getLocationProtocol :: FromJSString r => a -> IO r
getLocationProtocol _ = liftM fromJSString getLocationProtocol_

View File

@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI, CPP, TemplateHaskell, NoMonomorphismRestriction, EmptyDataDecls, RankNTypes, GADTs, RecursiveDo, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, StandaloneDeriving, ConstraintKinds, UndecidableInstances, PolyKinds, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI, CPP #-}
module Reflex.Dom.WebSocket.Foreign where
import Prelude hiding (div, span, mapM, mapM_, concat, concatMap, all, sequence)
import Control.Monad hiding (forM, forM_, mapM, mapM_, sequence)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Foreign.Ptr
import GHCJS.Foreign
import GHCJS.Marshal
import GHCJS.Types
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM
import GHCJS.DOM.WebSocket (message, open, closeEvent)
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.WebSocket as GD
import GHCJS.DOM.MessageEvent
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM (on)
import GHCJS.DOM.Types
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import GHCJS.Buffer
import JavaScript.TypedArray.ArrayBuffer as JS
import GHCJS.Marshal.Pure
#define JS(name, js, type) foreign import javascript unsafe js name :: type
newtype JSWebSocket = JSWebSocket { unJSWebSocket :: JSRef JSWebSocket }
data JSByteArray
JS(extractByteArray, "new Uint8Array($1_1.buf, $1_2, $2)", Ptr a -> Int -> IO (JSRef JSByteArray))
JS(newWebSocket_, "(function() { var ws = new WebSocket($1); ws['binaryType'] = 'arraybuffer'; ws['onmessage'] = function(e){ $2(e['data']); }; ws['onopen'] = function(e){ $3(); }; ws['onclose'] = function(e){ $4(); }; return ws; })()", JSString -> JSFun (JSString -> IO ()) -> JSFun (IO ()) -> JSFun (IO ()) -> IO (JSRef JSWebSocket))
JS(webSocketSend_, "$1['send'](String.fromCharCode.apply(null, $2))", JSRef JSWebSocket -> JSRef JSByteArray -> IO ())
webSocketSend :: JSWebSocket -> ByteString -> IO ()
webSocketSend ws bs = BS.useAsCString bs $ \cStr -> do
ba <- extractByteArray cStr $ BS.length bs
webSocketSend_ (unJSWebSocket ws) ba
data JSWebSocket = JSWebSocket { unWebSocket :: WebSocket }
newWebSocket :: a -> String -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO () -> IO JSWebSocket
newWebSocket _ url onMessage onOpen onClose = do
onMessageFun <- syncCallback1 AlwaysRetain True $ onMessage <=< return . encodeUtf8 . fromJSString
rec onCloseFun <- syncCallback AlwaysRetain True $ do
release onMessageFun
release onCloseFun
onOpenFun <- syncCallback AlwaysRetain True $ do
release onOpenFun
liftM JSWebSocket $ newWebSocket_ (toJSString url) onMessageFun onOpenFun onCloseFun
ws <- GD.newWebSocket url (Just [] :: Maybe [String])
_ <- on ws open $ liftIO onOpen
GD.setBinaryType ws "arraybuffer"
_ <- on ws message $ do
e <- ask
d <- getData e
ab <- liftIO $ unsafeFreeze $ pFromJSVal d
liftIO $ onMessage $ toByteString 0 Nothing $ createFromArrayBuffer ab
_ <- on ws closeEvent $ liftIO onClose
return $ JSWebSocket ws
webSocketSend :: JSWebSocket -> ByteString -> IO ()
webSocketSend (JSWebSocket ws) bs = do
let (b, off, len) = fromByteString bs
ab <- ArrayBuffer <$> if BS.length bs == 0 --TODO: remove this logic when is fixed
then jsval . getArrayBuffer <$> create 0
else return $ js_dataView off len $ jsval $ getArrayBuffer b
GD.send ws $ Just ab
foreign import javascript safe "new DataView($3,$1,$2)" js_dataView :: Int -> Int -> JSVal -> JSVal

View File

@ -1,406 +1,160 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign where
module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign (
, XMLHttpRequestResponseType(..)
, module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign
) where
import GHCJS.Types
import GHCJS.Foreign
import GHCJS.Marshal
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude hiding (error)
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (Text)
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM
import GHCJS.DOM
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad
import GHCJS.DOM.Enums
import GHCJS.DOM.XMLHttpRequest
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import GHCJS.DOM.EventTarget (dispatchEvent)
import GHCJS.Types
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Exception
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.ResponseType
import Control.Exception (catch, throwIO)
data XhrResponseBody = XhrResponseBody { unXhrResponseBody :: JSVal }
prepareWebView :: WebView -> IO ()
prepareWebView _ = return ()
foreign import javascript unsafe "h$isInstanceOf $1 $2"
typeInstanceIsA' :: JSRef a -> JSRef GType -> Bool
typeInstanceIsA :: JSRef a -> GType -> Bool
typeInstanceIsA o (GType t) = typeInstanceIsA' o t
castTo :: (GObjectClass obj, GObjectClass obj') => GType -> String
-> (obj -> obj')
castTo gtype objTypeName obj =
case toGObject obj of
gobj@(GObject objRef)
| typeInstanceIsA objRef gtype
-> unsafeCastGObject gobj
| otherwise -> error $ "Cannot cast object to " ++ objTypeName
newtype XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest { unXMLHttpRequest :: JSRef XMLHttpRequest }
instance Eq XMLHttpRequest where
(==) = eqRef `on` unXMLHttpRequest
instance ToJSRef XMLHttpRequest where
toJSRef = return . unXMLHttpRequest
{-# INLINE toJSRef #-}
instance FromJSRef XMLHttpRequest where
fromJSRef = return . fmap XMLHttpRequest . maybeJSNull
{-# INLINE fromJSRef #-}
class GObjectClass o => IsXMLHttpRequest o
toXMLHttpRequest :: IsXMLHttpRequest o => o -> XMLHttpRequest
toXMLHttpRequest = unsafeCastGObject . toGObject
instance IsXMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequest
instance GObjectClass XMLHttpRequest where
toGObject = GObject . castRef . unXMLHttpRequest
unsafeCastGObject = XMLHttpRequest . castRef . unGObject
castToXMLHttpRequest :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> XMLHttpRequest
castToXMLHttpRequest = castTo gTypeXMLHttpRequest "XMLHttpRequest"
foreign import javascript unsafe "window[\"XMLHttpRequest\"]" gTypeXMLHttpRequest' :: JSRef GType
gTypeXMLHttpRequest :: GType
gTypeXMLHttpRequest = GType gTypeXMLHttpRequest'
newtype XMLHttpRequestUpload = XMLHttpRequestUpload { unXMLHttpRequestUpload :: JSRef XMLHttpRequestUpload }
instance Eq XMLHttpRequestUpload where
(==) = eqRef `on` unXMLHttpRequestUpload
instance ToJSRef XMLHttpRequestUpload where
toJSRef = return . unXMLHttpRequestUpload
{-# INLINE toJSRef #-}
instance FromJSRef XMLHttpRequestUpload where
fromJSRef = return . fmap XMLHttpRequestUpload . maybeJSNull
{-# INLINE fromJSRef #-}
class GObjectClass o => IsXMLHttpRequestUpload o
toXMLHttpRequestUpload :: IsXMLHttpRequestUpload o => o -> XMLHttpRequestUpload
toXMLHttpRequestUpload = unsafeCastGObject . toGObject
instance IsXMLHttpRequestUpload XMLHttpRequestUpload
instance GObjectClass XMLHttpRequestUpload where
toGObject = GObject . castRef . unXMLHttpRequestUpload
unsafeCastGObject = XMLHttpRequestUpload . castRef . unGObject
castToXMLHttpRequestUpload :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> XMLHttpRequestUpload
castToXMLHttpRequestUpload = castTo gTypeXMLHttpRequestUpload "XMLHttpRequestUpload"
foreign import javascript unsafe "window[\"XMLHttpRequestUpload\"]" gTypeXMLHttpRequestUpload' :: JSRef GType
gTypeXMLHttpRequestUpload :: GType
gTypeXMLHttpRequestUpload = GType gTypeXMLHttpRequestUpload'
foreign import javascript unsafe "new XMLHttpRequest()"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_new ::
IO (JSRef XMLHttpRequest)
xmlHttpRequestNew :: a -> IO XMLHttpRequest
xmlHttpRequestNew _ = XMLHttpRequest <$> ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_new
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"open\"]($2, $3, $4, $5, $6)"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_open ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> JSString -> JSString -> JSBool -> JSString -> JSString -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestNew _ = newXMLHttpRequest
xmlHttpRequestOpen ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, ToJSString method, ToJSString url, ToJSString user, ToJSString password) =>
self -> method -> url -> Bool -> user -> password -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOpen self method url async user password
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_open
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
(toJSString method)
(toJSString url)
(toJSBool async)
(toJSString user)
(toJSString password)
(ToJSString method, ToJSString url, ToJSString user, ToJSString password) =>
XMLHttpRequest -> method -> url -> Bool -> user -> password -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOpen = open
foreign import javascript unsafe "($2===null)?$1[\"send\"]():$1[\"send\"]($2)"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_send ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> JSRef XhrPayload -> IO ()
newtype XhrPayload = XhrPayload { unXhrPayload :: JSRef XhrPayload }
convertException :: XHRError -> XhrException
convertException e = case e of
XHRError -> XhrException_Error
XHRAborted -> XhrException_Aborted
class IsXhrPayload a where
xmlHttpRequestSend :: IsXMLHttpRequest self => self -> a -> IO ()
sendXhrPayload :: XMLHttpRequest -> a -> IO ()
instance IsXhrPayload () where
xmlHttpRequestSend xhr _ = xmlHttpRequestSendPayload xhr $ XhrPayload jsNull
sendXhrPayload xhr _ = send xhr
instance IsXhrPayload String where
xmlHttpRequestSend xhr = xmlHttpRequestSendPayload xhr . XhrPayload . castRef . toJSString
sendXhrPayload = sendString
foreign import javascript unsafe "$r = new FormData(); $r['append']($1, $2)" fileToFormData :: JSString -> JSRef File -> IO (JSRef XhrPayload)
instance IsXhrPayload FormData where
sendXhrPayload = sendFormData
instance IsXhrPayload File where
xmlHttpRequestSend xhr = xmlHttpRequestSendPayload xhr . XhrPayload <=< fileToFormData (toJSString "file") . unFile
instance IsXhrPayload Document where
sendXhrPayload = sendDocument
xmlHttpRequestSendPayload :: IsXMLHttpRequest self => self -> XhrPayload -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSendPayload self (XhrPayload p) = ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_send (unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self)) p
instance IsXhrPayload Blob where
sendXhrPayload = sendBlob
newtype XhrPayload = XhrPayload { unXhrPayload :: JSVal }
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"setRequestHeader\"]($2, $3)"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_set_request_header ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> JSString -> JSString -> IO ()
-- This used to be a non blocking call, but now it uses an interruptible ffi
xmlHttpRequestSend :: IsXhrPayload payload => XMLHttpRequest -> payload -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSend self p = sendXhrPayload self p `catch` (throwIO . convertException)
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, ToJSString header, ToJSString value) =>
self -> header -> value -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader self header value
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_set_request_header
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
(toJSString header)
(toJSString value)
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader :: (ToJSString header, ToJSString value)
=> XMLHttpRequest -> header -> value -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader = setRequestHeader
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"abort\"]()"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_abort :: JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestAbort :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestAbort = abort
xmlHttpRequestAbort :: (IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestAbort self
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_abort
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
xmlHttpRequestGetAllResponseHeaders :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Text
xmlHttpRequestGetAllResponseHeaders self = fromMaybe "" <$> getAllResponseHeaders self
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"getAllResponseHeaders\"]()"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_all_response_headers ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO JSString
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseHeader :: (ToJSString header)
=> XMLHttpRequest -> header -> IO Text
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseHeader self header = fromMaybe "" <$> getResponseHeader self header
xmlHttpRequestGetAllResponseHeaders ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, FromJSString result) =>
self -> IO result
xmlHttpRequestGetAllResponseHeaders self
= fromJSString <$>
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self)))
xmlHttpRequestOverrideMimeType :: ToJSString override => XMLHttpRequest -> override -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOverrideMimeType = overrideMimeType
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"getResponseHeader\"]($2)"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_response_header ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> JSString -> IO JSString
xmlHttpRequestDispatchEvent :: IsEvent evt => XMLHttpRequest -> Maybe evt -> IO Bool
xmlHttpRequestDispatchEvent = dispatchEvent
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseHeader ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, ToJSString header, FromJSString result) =>
self -> header -> IO result
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseHeader self header
= fromJSString <$>
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
(toJSString header))
xmlHttpRequestOnabort :: XMLHttpRequest -> EventM XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent () -> IO (IO ())
xmlHttpRequestOnabort = (`on` abortEvent)
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"overrideMimeType\"]($2)"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_override_mime_type ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> JSString -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOnerror :: XMLHttpRequest -> EventM XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent () -> IO (IO ())
xmlHttpRequestOnerror = (`on` error)
xmlHttpRequestOverrideMimeType ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, ToJSString override) =>
self -> override -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOverrideMimeType self override
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_override_mime_type
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
(toJSString override)
xmlHttpRequestOnload :: XMLHttpRequest -> EventM XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent () -> IO (IO ())
xmlHttpRequestOnload = (`on` load)
foreign import javascript unsafe
"($1[\"dispatchEvent\"]($2) ? 1 : 0)"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_dispatch_event ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> JSRef Event -> IO Bool
xmlHttpRequestOnloadend :: XMLHttpRequest -> EventM XMLHttpRequest ProgressEvent () -> IO (IO ())
xmlHttpRequestOnloadend = (`on` loadEnd)
xmlHttpRequestDispatchEvent ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, IsEvent evt) =>
self -> Maybe evt -> IO Bool
xmlHttpRequestDispatchEvent self evt
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_dispatch_event
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
(maybe jsNull (unEvent . toEvent) evt)
xmlHttpRequestOnloadstart :: XMLHttpRequest -> EventM XMLHttpRequest ProgressEvent () -> IO (IO ())
xmlHttpRequestOnloadstart = (`on` loadStart)
cUNSENT :: Integer
xmlHttpRequestOnprogress :: XMLHttpRequest -> EventM XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent () -> IO (IO ())
xmlHttpRequestOnprogress = (`on` progress)
cOPENED :: Integer
xmlHttpRequestOntimeout :: XMLHttpRequest -> EventM XMLHttpRequest ProgressEvent () -> IO (IO ())
xmlHttpRequestOntimeout = (`on` timeout)
xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange :: XMLHttpRequest -> EventM XMLHttpRequest Event () -> IO (IO ())
xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange = (`on` readyStateChange)
cLOADING :: Integer
xmlHttpRequestSetTimeout :: XMLHttpRequest -> Word -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetTimeout = setTimeout
cDONE :: Integer
cDONE = 4
xmlHttpRequestGetTimeout :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetTimeout = getTimeout
xmlHttpRequestOnabort ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => Signal self (EventM UIEvent self ())
xmlHttpRequestOnabort = (connect "abort")
xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState = getReadyState
xmlHttpRequestOnerror ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => Signal self (EventM UIEvent self ())
xmlHttpRequestOnerror = (connect "error")
xmlHttpRequestSetWithCredentials :: XMLHttpRequest -> Bool -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetWithCredentials = setWithCredentials
xmlHttpRequestOnload ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => Signal self (EventM UIEvent self ())
xmlHttpRequestOnload = (connect "load")
xmlHttpRequestGetWithCredentials :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Bool
xmlHttpRequestGetWithCredentials = getWithCredentials
xmlHttpRequestOnloadend ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => Signal self (EventM UIEvent self ())
xmlHttpRequestOnloadend = (connect "loadend")
xmlHttpRequestGetUpload :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe XMLHttpRequestUpload)
xmlHttpRequestGetUpload = getUpload
xmlHttpRequestOnloadstart ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => Signal self (EventM UIEvent self ())
xmlHttpRequestOnloadstart = (connect "loadstart")
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText :: FromJSString result => XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe result)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText = getResponseText
xmlHttpRequestOnprogress ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => Signal self (EventM UIEvent self ())
xmlHttpRequestOnprogress = (connect "progress")
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseXML :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe Document)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseXML = getResponseXML
xmlHttpRequestOntimeout ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => Signal self (EventM UIEvent self ())
xmlHttpRequestOntimeout = (connect "timeout")
xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType :: XMLHttpRequest -> XMLHttpRequestResponseType -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType = setResponseType
xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => Signal self (EventM UIEvent self ())
xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange = (connect "readystatechange")
toResponseType :: XhrResponseType -> XMLHttpRequestResponseType
toResponseType XhrResponseType_Default = XMLHttpRequestResponseType
toResponseType XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer = XMLHttpRequestResponseTypeArraybuffer
toResponseType XhrResponseType_Blob = XMLHttpRequestResponseTypeBlob
toResponseType XhrResponseType_Document = XMLHttpRequestResponseTypeDocument
toResponseType XhrResponseType_JSON = XMLHttpRequestResponseTypeJson
toResponseType XhrResponseType_Text = XMLHttpRequestResponseTypeText
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"timeout\"] = $2;"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_set_timeout ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> Word -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseType :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO XMLHttpRequestResponseType
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseType = getResponseType
xmlHttpRequestSetTimeout ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> Word -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetTimeout self val
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_set_timeout
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
xmlHttpRequestGetStatus :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetStatus = getStatus
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"timeout\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_timeout ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText :: FromJSString result => XMLHttpRequest -> IO result
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText = getStatusText
xmlHttpRequestGetTimeout ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetTimeout self
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_timeout
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseURL :: FromJSString result => XMLHttpRequest -> IO result
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseURL = getResponseURL
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"readyState\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_ready_state ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState self
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_ready_state
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"withCredentials\"] = $2;"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_set_with_credentials ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> Bool -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetWithCredentials ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> Bool -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetWithCredentials self val
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_set_with_credentials
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
foreign import javascript unsafe
"($1[\"withCredentials\"] ? 1 : 0)"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_with_credentials ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO Bool
xmlHttpRequestGetWithCredentials ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> IO Bool
xmlHttpRequestGetWithCredentials self
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_with_credentials
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"upload\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_upload ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO (JSRef XMLHttpRequestUpload)
xmlHttpRequestGetUpload ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> IO (Maybe XMLHttpRequestUpload)
xmlHttpRequestGetUpload self
= fmap XMLHttpRequestUpload . maybeJSNull <$>
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self)))
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"responseText\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_response_text ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO JSString
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, FromJSString result) => self -> IO (Maybe result)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText self
= fmap fromJSString . maybeJSNull <$>
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self)))
responseTextToText :: (Maybe JSString) -> Maybe Text
responseTextToText r = fmap (T.pack . fromJSString) r
statusTextToText :: Text -> Text
statusTextToText = id
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"responseXML\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_response_xml ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO (JSRef Document)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseXML ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> IO (Maybe Document)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseXML self
= fmap Document . maybeJSNull <$>
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self)))
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"responseType\"] = $2;"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_set_response_type ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> JSString -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, ToJSString val) => self -> val -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType self val
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_set_response_type
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
(toJSString val)
toResponseType :: (ToJSString a) => a -> JSString
toResponseType = toJSString
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"responseType\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_response_type ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO JSString
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseType ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, FromJSString result) => self -> IO result
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseType self
= fromJSString <$>
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self)))
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"status\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_status ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetStatus ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self) => self -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetStatus self
= ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_status
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self))
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"statusText\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_status_text ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO JSString
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, FromJSString result) => self -> IO result
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText self
= fromJSString <$>
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self)))
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"responseURL\"]"
ghcjs_dom_xml_http_request_get_response_url ::
JSRef XMLHttpRequest -> IO JSString
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseURL ::
(IsXMLHttpRequest self, FromJSString result) => self -> IO result
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseURL self
= fromJSString <$>
(unXMLHttpRequest (toXMLHttpRequest self)))
xmlHttpRequestGetResponse :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe XhrResponseBody)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponse xhr = do
mr <- getResponse xhr
return $ fmap (\(GObject r) -> XhrResponseBody r) mr

View File

@ -10,14 +10,27 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH
#ifdef __GHCJS__
import qualified GHCJS.Marshal as JS
import qualified GHCJS.Marshal.Pure as JS
import qualified GHCJS.Foreign as JS
import qualified GHCJS.Foreign.Callback as JS
import qualified GHCJS.Types as JS
import qualified GHCJS.Buffer as JS
import GHCJS.DOM
import GHCJS.DOM.Types
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (fromJSString)
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as JS
import qualified JavaScript.Array as JS
import qualified JavaScript.Cast as JS
import qualified JavaScript.Object as JS
import qualified JavaScript.Object.Internal (Object (..))
import qualified GHCJS.Foreign.Callback.Internal (Callback (..))
import qualified JavaScript.Array.Internal (SomeJSArray (..))
import qualified JavaScript.TypedArray.ArrayBuffer as JSArrayBuffer
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.Types
import Data.Hashable
import Text.Encoding.Z
import System.Glib.FFI
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebView
@ -27,7 +40,6 @@ import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSStringRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSValueRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.WebFrame
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.DOM.Node
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.Types
import Control.Monad
@ -42,7 +54,6 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Coerce
import Text.Encoding.Z
import Data.Monoid
class Monad m => HasWebView m where
@ -77,7 +88,7 @@ withWebViewSingleton wv f = f $ WebViewSingleton wv
newtype WebViewSingleton x = WebViewSingleton { unWebViewSingleton :: WebView }
#ifdef __GHCJS__
type JSFFI_Internal = JS.JSArray (JSRef JSCtx_IO) -> IO (JS.JSRef (JSRef JSCtx_IO))
type JSFFI_Internal = JS.MutableJSArray -> IO JS.JSVal
newtype JSFFI = JSFFI JSFFI_Internal
newtype JSFFI = JSFFI String
@ -131,48 +142,48 @@ class Monad m => MonadJS x m | m -> x where
data JSCtx_IO
instance IsJSContext JSCtx_IO where
newtype JSRef JSCtx_IO = JSRef_IO { unJSRef_IO :: JS.JSRef (JSRef JSCtx_IO) }
newtype JSRef JSCtx_IO = JSRef_IO { unJSRef_IO :: JS.JSVal }
instance MonadJS JSCtx_IO IO where
runJS (JSFFI f) l = liftM JSRef_IO . f =<< JS.toArray (coerce l)
runJS (JSFFI f) l = liftM JSRef_IO . f =<< JS.fromListIO (coerce l)
forkJS = forkIO
mkJSUndefined = return $ JSRef_IO JS.jsUndefined
isJSNull (JSRef_IO r) = return $ JS.isNull r
isJSUndefined (JSRef_IO r) = return $ JS.isUndefined r
fromJSBool (JSRef_IO r) = return $ JS.fromJSBool $ JS.castRef r
fromJSString (JSRef_IO r) = return $ JS.fromJSString $ JS.castRef r
fromJSArray (JSRef_IO r) = liftM coerce $ JS.fromArray $ JS.castRef r
fromJSUint8Array (JSRef_IO r) = JS.bufferByteString 0 0 $ JS.castRef r
fromJSBool (JSRef_IO r) = return $ JS.fromJSBool r
fromJSString (JSRef_IO r) = return $ JS.fromJSString $ JS.pFromJSVal r
fromJSArray (JSRef_IO r) = liftM coerce $ JS.toListIO $ coerce r
fromJSUint8Array (JSRef_IO r) = liftM (JS.toByteString 0 Nothing . JS.createFromArrayBuffer) $ JSArrayBuffer.unsafeFreeze $ JS.pFromJSVal r --TODO: Assert that this is immutable
fromJSNumber (JSRef_IO r) = do
Just n <- JS.fromJSRef $ JS.castRef r
Just n <- JS.fromJSVal r
return n
withJSBool b f = f $ JSRef_IO $ JS.castRef $ JS.toJSBool b
withJSString s f = f $ JSRef_IO $ JS.castRef $ JS.toJSString s
withJSBool b f = f $ JSRef_IO $ JS.toJSBool b
withJSString s f = f $ JSRef_IO $ JS.pToJSVal $ JS.toJSString s
withJSNumber n f = do
r <- JS.toJSRef n
f $ JSRef_IO $ JS.castRef r
r <- JS.toJSVal n
f $ JSRef_IO r
withJSArray l f = do
r <- JS.toArray $ coerce l
f $ JSRef_IO $ JS.castRef r
r <- JS.fromListIO $ coerce l
f $ JSRef_IO $ coerce r
withJSUint8Array payload f = BS.useAsCString payload $ \cStr -> do
ba <- extractByteArray cStr $ BS.length payload
f $ JSUint8Array $ JSRef_IO ba
mkJSFun f = do
cb <- JS.syncCallback1 JS.AlwaysRetain True $ \args -> do
l <- JS.fromArray args
cb <- JS.syncCallback1' $ \args -> do
l <- JS.toListIO $ coerce args
JSRef_IO result <- f $ coerce l
return $ JS.castRef result
liftM (JSFun . JSRef_IO) $ funWithArguments cb
freeJSFun (JSFun (JSRef_IO r)) = JS.release $ JS.castRef r
setJSProp s (JSRef_IO v) (JSRef_IO o) = JS.setProp s v o
return result
liftM (JSFun . JSRef_IO) $ funWithArguments $ coerce cb
freeJSFun (JSFun (JSRef_IO r)) = JS.releaseCallback $ coerce r
setJSProp s (JSRef_IO v) (JSRef_IO o) = JS.setProp (JS.toJSString s) v $ coerce o
getJSProp s (JSRef_IO o) = do
r <- JS.getProp s o
r <- JS.getProp (JS.toJSString s) $ coerce o
return $ JSRef_IO r
withJSNode n f = f $ JSRef_IO $ JS.castRef $ unNode n
withJSNode n f = f $ JSRef_IO $ unNode n
foreign import javascript unsafe "new Uint8Array($1_1.buf, $1_2, $2)" extractByteArray :: Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO (JS.JSRef (JSRef JSCtx_IO))
foreign import javascript unsafe "function(){ return $1(arguments); }" funWithArguments :: JS.JSFun (JS.JSArray (JS.JSRef b) -> IO a) -> IO (JS.JSRef (JSRef JSCtx_IO))
foreign import javascript unsafe "function(){ return $1(arguments); }" funWithArguments :: JS.Callback (JS.MutableJSArray -> IO a) -> IO JS.JSVal

View File

@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as Strict hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence)
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (Event)
import GHCJS.DOM (WebView)
import Control.Monad.Exception
--import GHCJS.DOM (WebView)
-- | Alias for Data.Map.singleton
(=:) :: k -> a -> Map k a
@ -80,14 +79,14 @@ instance MonadIORestore m => MonadIORestore (ReaderT r m) where
class (MonadRef h, Ref h ~ Ref m, MonadRef m) => HasPostGui t h m | m -> t h where
askPostGui :: m (h () -> IO ())
askRunWithActions :: m ([DSum (EventTrigger t)] -> h ())
askRunWithActions :: m ([DSum (EventTrigger t) Identity] -> h ())
scheduleFollowup :: Ref m (Maybe (EventTrigger t a)) -> a -> m ()
runFrameWithTriggerRef :: (HasPostGui t h m, MonadRef m, MonadIO m) => Ref m (Maybe (EventTrigger t a)) -> a -> m ()
runFrameWithTriggerRef r a = do
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
liftIO . postGui $ mapM_ (\t -> runWithActions [t :=> a]) =<< readRef r
liftIO . postGui $ mapM_ (\t -> runWithActions [t :=> Identity a]) =<< readRef r
instance HasPostGui t h m => HasPostGui t h (ReaderT r m) where
askPostGui = lift askPostGui
@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ performEventAsync e = do
addVoidAction $ ffor e $ \o -> do
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
o $ \a -> postGui $ mapM_ (\t -> runWithActions [t :=> a]) =<< readRef reResultTrigger
o $ \a -> postGui $ mapM_ (\t -> runWithActions [t :=> Identity a]) =<< readRef reResultTrigger
return eResult
getPostBuild :: MonadWidget t m => m (Event t ())

View File

@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ import Prelude hiding (mapM, mapM_, concat, sequence, sequence_)
import Reflex.Dom.Internal.Foreign
import Reflex.Dom.Class
import Foreign.JavaScript.TH
import GHCJS.DOM hiding (runWebGUI)
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (Widget, unWidget, Event)
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLElement
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import Reflex.Class
import Reflex.Host.Class
@ -38,9 +37,9 @@ newtype EventTriggerRef t m a = EventTriggerRef { unEventTriggerRef :: Ref m (Ma
data GuiEnv t h x
= GuiEnv { _guiEnvDocument :: !HTMLDocument
, _guiEnvPostGui :: !(h () -> IO ())
, _guiEnvRunWithActions :: !([DSum (EventTrigger t)] -> h ())
, _guiEnvRunWithActions :: !([DSum (EventTrigger t) Identity] -> h ())
, _guiEnvWebView :: !(WebViewSingleton x)
, _guiEnvFollowupEvents :: Ref h [DSum (EventTriggerRef t h)]
, _guiEnvFollowupEvents :: Ref h [DSum (EventTriggerRef t h) Identity]
--TODO: Poorly named
@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ instance (MonadRef h, Ref h ~ Ref m, MonadRef m) => HasPostGui t h (Gui t h x m)
askRunWithActions = Gui $ view guiEnvRunWithActions
scheduleFollowup r a = Gui $ do
followupEventsRef <- view guiEnvFollowupEvents
modifyRef' followupEventsRef $ ((EventTriggerRef r :=> a) :)
modifyRef' followupEventsRef $ ((EventTriggerRef r :=> Identity a) :)
instance HasPostGui t h m => HasPostGui t h (Widget t m) where
askPostGui = lift askPostGui
@ -174,6 +173,10 @@ instance ( MonadRef m, Ref m ~ Ref IO, MonadRef h, Ref h ~ Ref IO --TODO: Should
-- runWidget :: (Monad m, IsNode n, Reflex t) => n -> Widget t m a -> m (a, Event t (m ()))
getRunWidget = return runWidget
getQuitWidget :: MonadWidget t m => m (WidgetHost m ())
getQuitWidget = return $ do WebViewSingleton wv <- askWebView
liftIO $ quitWebView wv
runWidget :: (Monad m, Reflex t, IsNode n) => n -> Widget t (Gui t h x m) a -> WidgetHost (Widget t (Gui t h x m)) (a, WidgetHost (Widget t (Gui t h x m)) (), Event t (WidgetHost (Widget t (Gui t h x m)) ()))
runWidget rootElement w = do
(result, WidgetState postBuild voidActions) <- runStateT (runReaderT (unWidget w) (WidgetEnv $ toNode rootElement)) (WidgetState (return ()) [])
@ -191,24 +194,24 @@ holdOnStartup a0 ma = do
mainWidget :: (forall x. Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView x SpiderHost) x (HostFrame Spider)) ()) -> IO ()
mainWidget w = runWebGUI $ \webView -> withWebViewSingleton webView $ \webViewSing -> do
Just doc <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLDocument) $ webViewGetDomDocument webView
Just body <- documentGetBody doc
Just body <- getBody doc
attachWidget body webViewSing w
--TODO: The x's should be unified here
mainWidgetWithHead :: (forall x. Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView x SpiderHost) x (HostFrame Spider)) ()) -> (forall x. Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView x SpiderHost) x (HostFrame Spider)) ()) -> IO ()
mainWidgetWithHead h b = runWebGUI $ \webView -> withWebViewSingleton webView $ \webViewSing -> do
Just doc <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLDocument) $ webViewGetDomDocument webView
Just headElement <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLElement) $ documentGetHead doc
Just headElement <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLElement) $ getHead doc
attachWidget headElement webViewSing h
Just body <- documentGetBody doc
Just body <- getBody doc
attachWidget body webViewSing b
mainWidgetWithCss :: ByteString -> (forall x. Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView x SpiderHost) x (HostFrame Spider)) ()) -> IO ()
mainWidgetWithCss css w = runWebGUI $ \webView -> withWebViewSingleton webView $ \webViewSing -> do
Just doc <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLDocument) $ webViewGetDomDocument webView
Just headElement <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLElement) $ documentGetHead doc
htmlElementSetInnerHTML headElement $ "<style>" <> T.unpack (decodeUtf8 css) <> "</style>" --TODO: Fix this
Just body <- documentGetBody doc
Just headElement <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLElement) $ getHead doc
setInnerHTML headElement . Just $ "<style>" <> T.unpack (decodeUtf8 css) <> "</style>" --TODO: Fix this
Just body <- getBody doc
attachWidget body webViewSing w
instance HasPostGui t h m => HasPostGui t (WithWebView x h) (WithWebView x m) where
@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ instance MonadReflexHost t m => MonadReflexHost t (WithWebView x m) where
attachWidget :: forall e x a. (IsHTMLElement e) => e -> WebViewSingleton x -> Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView x SpiderHost) x (HostFrame Spider)) a -> IO a
attachWidget rootElement wv w = runSpiderHost $ flip runWithWebView wv $ do --TODO: It seems to re-run this handler if the URL changes, even if it's only the fragment
Just doc <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLDocument) $ liftIO $ nodeGetOwnerDocument rootElement
Just doc <- liftM (fmap castToHTMLDocument) $ getOwnerDocument rootElement
frames <- liftIO newChan
followupEvents <- liftIO $ newIORef []
rec let guiEnv = GuiEnv doc (writeChan frames . runSpiderHost . flip runWithWebView wv) runWithActions wv followupEvents :: GuiEnv Spider (WithWebView x SpiderHost) x
@ -273,13 +276,13 @@ attachWidget rootElement wv w = runSpiderHost $ flip runWithWebView wv $ do --TO
Just t -> return $ Just (t :=> a)
let fe'' = catMaybes fe'
when (not $ null fe'') $ runWithActions fe''
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
Just df <- liftIO $ createDocumentFragment doc
(result, voidAction) <- runHostFrame $ flip runGui guiEnv $ do
(r, postBuild, va) <- runWidget df w
postBuild -- This probably shouldn't be run inside the frame; we need to make sure we don't run a frame inside of a frame
return (r, va)
liftIO $ htmlElementSetInnerHTML rootElement ""
_ <- liftIO $ nodeAppendChild rootElement $ Just df
setInnerHTML rootElement $ Just ""
_ <- appendChild rootElement $ Just df
voidActionHandle <- subscribeEvent voidAction --TODO: Should be unnecessary
--postGUISync seems to leak memory on GHC (unknown on GHCJS)
doFollowup -- This must go after voidActionHandle is subscribed; otherwise, a loop results

View File

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ inhomogeneousPoisson
inhomogeneousPoisson rnd rate maxRate t0 =
inhomogeneousPoissonFrom rnd rate maxRate t0 =<< getPostBuild
-- | Block occurrences of an Event until th given number of seconds elapses without
-- | Block occurrences of an Event until the given number of seconds elapses without
-- the Event firing, at which point the last occurrence of the Event will fire.
debounce :: MonadWidget t m => NominalDiffTime -> Event t a -> m (Event t a)
debounce dt e = do

View File

@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ webSocket url config = do
let onMessage :: ByteString -> IO ()
onMessage m = postGui $ do
mt <- readRef eRecvTriggerRef
forM_ mt $ \t -> runWithActions [t :=> m]
forM_ mt $ \t -> runWithActions [t :=> Identity m]
onOpen = postGui $ do
mt <- readRef eOpenTriggerRef
forM_ mt $ \t -> runWithActions [t :=> ()]
forM_ mt $ \t -> runWithActions [t :=> Identity ()]
start = do
ws <- liftIO $ newWebSocket wv url onMessage onOpen $ do
void $ forkIO $ do --TODO: Is the fork necessary, or do event handlers run in their own threads automatically?

View File

@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence, sequence
import Control.Monad.State hiding (state, mapM, mapM_, forM, forM_, sequence, sequence_)
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import GHCJS.DOM.UIEvent
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM (event, EventM, stopPropagation)
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM (on, event, EventM, stopPropagation)
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLElement
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (Widget (..), unWidget, Event)
import GHCJS.DOM.NamedNodeMap
import GHCJS.DOM.Element as E
import GHCJS.DOM.Types hiding (Event)
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as DOM (Event)
import GHCJS.DOM.NamedNodeMap as NNM
import Control.Lens hiding (element, children)
import Data.These
import Data.Align
@ -60,27 +60,27 @@ class Attributes m a where
addAttributes :: IsElement e => a -> e -> m ()
instance MonadIO m => Attributes m AttributeMap where
addAttributes curAttrs e = liftIO $ imapM_ (elementSetAttribute e) curAttrs
addAttributes curAttrs e = imapM_ (setAttribute e) curAttrs
instance MonadWidget t m => Attributes m (Dynamic t AttributeMap) where
addAttributes attrs e = do
schedulePostBuild $ do
curAttrs <- sample $ current attrs
liftIO $ imapM_ (elementSetAttribute e) curAttrs
imapM_ (setAttribute e) curAttrs
addVoidAction $ flip fmap (updated attrs) $ \newAttrs -> liftIO $ do
oldAttrs <- maybe (return Set.empty) namedNodeMapGetNames =<< elementGetAttributes e
forM_ (Set.toList $ oldAttrs `Set.difference` Map.keysSet newAttrs) $ elementRemoveAttribute e
imapM_ (elementSetAttribute e) newAttrs --TODO: avoid re-setting unchanged attributes; possibly do the compare using Align in haskell
oldAttrs <- maybe (return Set.empty) namedNodeMapGetNames =<< getAttributes e
forM_ (Set.toList $ oldAttrs `Set.difference` Map.keysSet newAttrs) $ removeAttribute e
imapM_ (setAttribute e) newAttrs --TODO: avoid re-setting unchanged attributes; possibly do the compare using Align in haskell
buildEmptyElementNS :: (MonadWidget t m, Attributes m attrs) => Maybe String -> String -> attrs -> m Element
buildEmptyElementNS mns elementTag attrs = do
doc <- askDocument
p <- askParent
Just e <- liftIO $ case mns of
Nothing -> documentCreateElement doc elementTag
Just ns -> documentCreateElementNS doc ns elementTag
Nothing -> createElement doc (Just elementTag)
Just ns -> createElementNS doc (Just ns) (Just elementTag)
addAttributes attrs e
_ <- liftIO $ nodeAppendChild p $ Just e
_ <- appendChild p $ Just e
return $ castToElement e
buildEmptyElement :: (MonadWidget t m, Attributes m attrs) => String -> attrs -> m Element
@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ buildElementNS mns elementTag attrs child = do
buildElement :: (MonadWidget t m, Attributes m attrs) => String -> attrs -> m a -> m (Element, a)
buildElement = buildElementNS Nothing
namedNodeMapGetNames :: IsNamedNodeMap self => self -> IO (Set String)
namedNodeMapGetNames :: NamedNodeMap -> IO (Set String)
namedNodeMapGetNames self = do
l <- namedNodeMapGetLength self
l <- NNM.getLength self
let locations = if l == 0 then [] else [0..l-1] -- Can't use 0..l-1 if l is 0 because l is unsigned and will wrap around
liftM Set.fromList $ forM locations $ \i -> do
Just n <- namedNodeMapItem self i
nodeGetNodeName n
liftM (Set.fromList . catMaybes) $ forM locations $ \i -> do
Just n <- NNM.item self i
getNodeName n
text :: MonadWidget t m => String -> m ()
text = void . text'
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ text' :: MonadWidget t m => String -> m Text
text' s = do
doc <- askDocument
p <- askParent
Just n <- liftIO $ documentCreateTextNode doc s
_ <- liftIO $ nodeAppendChild p $ Just n
Just n <- createTextNode doc s
_ <- appendChild p $ Just n
return n
dynText :: MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t String -> m ()
@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ dynText s = do
n <- text' ""
schedulePostBuild $ do
curS <- sample $ current s
liftIO $ nodeSetNodeValue n curS
addVoidAction $ fmap (liftIO . nodeSetNodeValue n) $ updated s
setNodeValue n $ Just curS
addVoidAction $ fmap (setNodeValue n . Just) $ updated s
display :: (MonadWidget t m, Show a) => Dynamic t a -> m ()
display a = dynText =<< mapDyn show a
@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ widgetHoldInternal child0 newChild = do
doc <- askDocument
runWidget <- getRunWidget
let build c = do
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
Just df <- createDocumentFragment doc
(result, postBuild, voidActions) <- runWidget df c
scheduleFollowup newChildBuiltTriggerRef (result, voidActions)
mp' <- liftIO $ nodeGetParentNode endPlaceholder
forM_ mp' $ \p' -> liftIO $ nodeInsertBefore p' (Just df) (Just endPlaceholder)
mp' <- getParentNode endPlaceholder
forM_ mp' $ \p' -> insertBefore p' (Just df) (Just endPlaceholder)
return ()
addVoidAction $ ffor newChild $ \c -> do
liftIO $ deleteBetweenExclusive startPlaceholder endPlaceholder
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ listWithKeyShallowDiff initialVals valsChanged mkChild = do
Nothing -> Just Nothing -- Even if we let a Nothing through when the element doesn't already exist, this doesn't cause a problem because it is ignored
Just _ -> Nothing -- We don't want to let spurious re-creations of items through
listHoldWithKey initialVals (attachWith (flip (Map.differenceWith relevantDiff)) (current sentVals) valsChanged) $ \k v ->
mkChild k v $ select childValChangedSelector $ Const2 k
mkChild k v $ childValChangedSelector $ Const2 k
-- | Display the given map of items using the builder function provided, and update it with the given event. 'Nothing' entries will delete the corresponding children, and 'Just' entries will create or replace them. Since child events do not take any signal arguments, they are always rebuilt. To update a child without rebuilding, either embed signals in the map's values, or refer to them directly in the builder function.
listHoldWithKey :: (Ord k, MonadWidget t m) => Map k v -> Event t (Map k (Maybe v)) -> (k -> v -> m a) -> m (Dynamic t (Map k a))
@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ listHoldWithKey initialVals valsChanged mkChild = do
result <- mkChild k v
childEnd <- text' ""
return (result, (childStart, childEnd))
Just dfOrig <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
Just dfOrig <- createDocumentFragment doc
initialState <- iforM initialVals $ \k v -> subWidgetWithVoidActions (toNode dfOrig) $ wrapChild k v --Note: we have to use subWidgetWithVoidActions rather than runWidget here, because running post-build actions during build can cause not-yet-constructed values to be read
stateRef <- liftIO $ newIORef initialState
children <- holdDyn initialState newChildren
tellWidgetOutput =<< mapDyn (fmap snd) children
mpOrig <- liftIO $ nodeGetParentNode endPlaceholder
forM_ mpOrig $ \pOrig -> liftIO $ nodeInsertBefore pOrig (Just dfOrig) (Just endPlaceholder)
mpOrig <- getParentNode endPlaceholder
forM_ mpOrig $ \pOrig -> insertBefore pOrig (Just dfOrig) (Just endPlaceholder)
addVoidAction $ flip fmap valsChanged $ \newVals -> do
curState <- liftIO $ readIORef stateRef
--TODO: Should we remove the parent from the DOM first to avoid reflows?
@ -240,24 +240,24 @@ listHoldWithKey initialVals valsChanged mkChild = do
return Nothing
These ((_, (start, end)), _) (Just v) -> do -- Replacing existing child
liftIO $ deleteBetweenExclusive start end
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
Just df <- createDocumentFragment doc
(childResult, childPostBuild, childVoidAction) <- lift $ buildChild df k v
let s = (childResult, childVoidAction)
modify (>>childPostBuild)
mp <- liftIO $ nodeGetParentNode end
forM_ mp $ \p -> liftIO $ nodeInsertBefore p (Just df) (Just end)
mp <- getParentNode end
forM_ mp $ \p -> insertBefore p (Just df) (Just end)
return $ Just s
That Nothing -> return Nothing -- Deleting non-existent child
That (Just v) -> do -- Creating new child
Just df <- liftIO $ documentCreateDocumentFragment doc
Just df <- createDocumentFragment doc
(childResult, childPostBuild, childVoidAction) <- lift $ buildChild df k v
let s = (childResult, childVoidAction)
modify (>>childPostBuild)
let placeholder = case Map.lookupGT k curState of
Nothing -> endPlaceholder
Just (_, ((_, (start, _)), _)) -> start
mp <- liftIO $ nodeGetParentNode placeholder
forM_ mp $ \p -> liftIO $ nodeInsertBefore p (Just df) (Just placeholder)
mp <- getParentNode placeholder
forM_ mp $ \p -> insertBefore p (Just df) (Just placeholder)
return $ Just s
This state -> do -- No change
return $ Just state
@ -303,47 +303,56 @@ selectViewListWithKey_ selection vals mkChild = liftM (fmap fst) $ selectViewLis
-- | s and e must both be children of the same node and s must precede e
deleteBetweenExclusive :: (IsNode start, IsNode end) => start -> end -> IO ()
deleteBetweenExclusive s e = do
mCurrentParent <- nodeGetParentNode e -- May be different than it was at initial construction, e.g., because the parent may have dumped us in from a DocumentFragment
mCurrentParent <- getParentNode e -- May be different than it was at initial construction, e.g., because the parent may have dumped us in from a DocumentFragment
case mCurrentParent of
Nothing -> return () --TODO: Is this the right behavior?
Just currentParent -> do
let go = do
Just x <- nodeGetPreviousSibling e -- This can't be Nothing because we should hit 's' first
Just x <- getPreviousSibling e -- This can't be Nothing because we should hit 's' first
when (toNode s /= toNode x) $ do
_ <- nodeRemoveChild currentParent $ Just x
_ <- removeChild currentParent $ Just x
-- | s and e must both be children of the same node and s must precede e
deleteBetweenInclusive :: (IsNode start, IsNode end) => start -> end -> IO ()
deleteBetweenInclusive s e = do
mCurrentParent <- nodeGetParentNode e -- May be different than it was at initial construction, e.g., because the parent may have dumped us in from a DocumentFragment
mCurrentParent <- getParentNode e -- May be different than it was at initial construction, e.g., because the parent may have dumped us in from a DocumentFragment
case mCurrentParent of
Nothing -> return () --TODO: Is this the right behavior?
Just currentParent -> do
let go = do
Just x <- nodeGetPreviousSibling e -- This can't be Nothing because we should hit 's' first
_ <- nodeRemoveChild currentParent $ Just x
Just x <- getPreviousSibling e -- This can't be Nothing because we should hit 's' first
_ <- removeChild currentParent $ Just x
when (toNode s /= toNode x) go
_ <- nodeRemoveChild currentParent $ Just e
_ <- removeChild currentParent $ Just e
return ()
nodeClear :: IsNode self => self -> IO ()
nodeClear n = do
mfc <- getFirstChild n
case mfc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just fc -> do
_ <- removeChild n $ Just fc
nodeClear n
-- Adapters
wrapDomEvent :: (Functor (Event t), MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => e -> (e -> EventM event e () -> IO (IO ())) -> EventM event e a -> m (Event t a)
wrapDomEvent :: (Functor (Event t), MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => e -> (e -> EventM e event () -> IO (IO ())) -> EventM e event a -> m (Event t a)
wrapDomEvent element elementOnevent getValue = wrapDomEventMaybe element elementOnevent $ liftM Just getValue
wrapDomEventMaybe :: (Functor (Event t), MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => e -> (e -> EventM event e () -> IO (IO ())) -> EventM event e (Maybe a) -> m (Event t a)
wrapDomEventMaybe :: (Functor (Event t), MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => e -> (e -> EventM e event () -> IO (IO ())) -> EventM e event (Maybe a) -> m (Event t a)
wrapDomEventMaybe element elementOnevent getValue = do
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
e <- newEventWithTrigger $ \et -> do
unsubscribe <- {-# SCC "a" #-} liftIO $ {-# SCC "b" #-} elementOnevent element $ {-# SCC "c" #-} do
mv <- {-# SCC "d" #-} getValue
forM_ mv $ \v -> liftIO $ postGui $ runWithActions [et :=> v]
forM_ mv $ \v -> liftIO $ postGui $ runWithActions [et :=> Identity v]
return $ liftIO $ do
{-# SCC "e" #-} unsubscribe
return $! {-# SCC "f" #-} e
@ -377,11 +386,11 @@ data EventTag
| MouseoutTag
| MouseoverTag
| MouseupTag
-- | MousewheelTag -- webkitgtk only provides elementOnmousewheel (not elementOnwheel), but firefox does not support the mousewheel event; we should provide wheel (the equivalent, standard event), but we will need to make sure webkitgtk supports it first
| MousewheelTag
| ScrollTag
| SelectTag
| SubmitTag
-- | WheelTag -- See MousewheelTag
| WheelTag
| BeforecutTag
| CutTag
| BeforecopyTag
@ -425,11 +434,11 @@ data EventName :: EventTag -> * where
Mouseout :: EventName 'MouseoutTag
Mouseover :: EventName 'MouseoverTag
Mouseup :: EventName 'MouseupTag
--Mousewheel :: EventName 'MousewheelTag
Mousewheel :: EventName 'MousewheelTag
Scroll :: EventName 'ScrollTag
Select :: EventName 'SelectTag
Submit :: EventName 'SubmitTag
--Wheel :: EventName 'WheelTag
Wheel :: EventName 'WheelTag
Beforecut :: EventName 'BeforecutTag
Cut :: EventName 'CutTag
Beforecopy :: EventName 'BeforecopyTag
@ -446,8 +455,8 @@ data EventName :: EventTag -> * where
type family EventType en where
EventType 'AbortTag = UIEvent
EventType 'BlurTag = UIEvent
EventType 'ChangeTag = UIEvent
EventType 'BlurTag = FocusEvent
EventType 'ChangeTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'ClickTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'ContextmenuTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'DblclickTag = MouseEvent
@ -459,87 +468,87 @@ type family EventType en where
EventType 'DragstartTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'DropTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'ErrorTag = UIEvent
EventType 'FocusTag = UIEvent
EventType 'InputTag = UIEvent
EventType 'InvalidTag = UIEvent
EventType 'KeydownTag = UIEvent
EventType 'KeypressTag = UIEvent
EventType 'KeyupTag = UIEvent
EventType 'FocusTag = FocusEvent
EventType 'InputTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'InvalidTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'KeydownTag = KeyboardEvent
EventType 'KeypressTag = KeyboardEvent
EventType 'KeyupTag = KeyboardEvent
EventType 'LoadTag = UIEvent
EventType 'MousedownTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'MouseenterTag = UIEvent
EventType 'MouseleaveTag = UIEvent
EventType 'MouseenterTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'MouseleaveTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'MousemoveTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'MouseoutTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'MouseoverTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'MouseupTag = MouseEvent
--EventType 'MousewheelTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'MousewheelTag = MouseEvent
EventType 'ScrollTag = UIEvent
EventType 'SelectTag = UIEvent
EventType 'SubmitTag = UIEvent
--EventType 'WheelTag = UIEvent
EventType 'BeforecutTag = UIEvent
EventType 'CutTag = UIEvent
EventType 'BeforecopyTag = UIEvent
EventType 'CopyTag = UIEvent
EventType 'BeforepasteTag = UIEvent
EventType 'PasteTag = UIEvent
EventType 'ResetTag = UIEvent
EventType 'SearchTag = UIEvent
EventType 'SelectstartTag = UIEvent
EventType 'TouchstartTag = UIEvent
EventType 'TouchmoveTag = UIEvent
EventType 'TouchendTag = UIEvent
EventType 'TouchcancelTag = UIEvent
EventType 'SubmitTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'WheelTag = WheelEvent
EventType 'BeforecutTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'CutTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'BeforecopyTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'CopyTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'BeforepasteTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'PasteTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'ResetTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'SearchTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'SelectstartTag = DOM.Event
EventType 'TouchstartTag = TouchEvent
EventType 'TouchmoveTag = TouchEvent
EventType 'TouchendTag = TouchEvent
EventType 'TouchcancelTag = TouchEvent
onEventName :: IsElement e => EventName en -> e -> EventM (EventType en) e () -> IO (IO ())
onEventName en = case en of
Abort -> elementOnabort
Blur -> elementOnblur
Change -> elementOnchange
Click -> elementOnclick
Contextmenu -> elementOncontextmenu
Dblclick -> elementOndblclick
Drag -> elementOndrag
Dragend -> elementOndragend
Dragenter -> elementOndragenter
Dragleave -> elementOndragleave
Dragover -> elementOndragover
Dragstart -> elementOndragstart
Drop -> elementOndrop
Error -> elementOnerror
Focus -> elementOnfocus
Input -> elementOninput
Invalid -> elementOninvalid
Keydown -> elementOnkeydown
Keypress -> elementOnkeypress
Keyup -> elementOnkeyup
Load -> elementOnload
Mousedown -> elementOnmousedown
Mouseenter -> elementOnmouseenter
Mouseleave -> elementOnmouseleave
Mousemove -> elementOnmousemove
Mouseout -> elementOnmouseout
Mouseover -> elementOnmouseover
Mouseup -> elementOnmouseup
--Mousewheel -> elementOnmousewheel
Scroll -> elementOnscroll
Select -> elementOnselect
Submit -> elementOnsubmit
--Wheel -> elementOnwheel
Beforecut -> elementOnbeforecut
Cut -> elementOncut
Beforecopy -> elementOnbeforecopy
Copy -> elementOncopy
Beforepaste -> elementOnbeforepaste
Paste -> elementOnpaste
Reset -> elementOnreset
Search -> elementOnsearch
Selectstart -> elementOnselectstart
Touchstart -> elementOntouchstart
Touchmove -> elementOntouchmove
Touchend -> elementOntouchend
Touchcancel -> elementOntouchcancel
onEventName :: IsElement e => EventName en -> e -> EventM e (EventType en) () -> IO (IO ())
onEventName en e = case en of
Abort -> on e E.abort
Blur -> on e E.blurEvent
Change -> on e E.change
Click -> on e
Contextmenu -> on e E.contextMenu
Dblclick -> on e E.dblClick
Drag -> on e E.drag
Dragend -> on e E.dragEnd
Dragenter -> on e E.dragEnter
Dragleave -> on e E.dragLeave
Dragover -> on e E.dragOver
Dragstart -> on e E.dragStart
Drop -> on e E.drop
Error -> on e E.error
Focus -> on e E.focusEvent
Input -> on e E.input
Invalid -> on e E.invalid
Keydown -> on e E.keyDown
Keypress -> on e E.keyPress
Keyup -> on e E.keyUp
Load -> on e E.load
Mousedown -> on e E.mouseDown
Mouseenter -> on e E.mouseEnter
Mouseleave -> on e E.mouseLeave
Mousemove -> on e E.mouseMove
Mouseout -> on e E.mouseOut
Mouseover -> on e E.mouseOver
Mouseup -> on e E.mouseUp
Mousewheel -> on e E.mouseWheel
Scroll -> on e E.scroll
Select -> on e
Submit -> on e E.submit
Wheel -> on e E.wheel
Beforecut -> on e E.beforeCut
Cut -> on e E.cut
Beforecopy -> on e E.beforeCopy
Copy -> on e E.copy
Beforepaste -> on e E.beforePaste
Paste -> on e E.paste
Reset -> on e E.reset
Search -> on e
Selectstart -> on e E.selectStart
Touchstart -> on e E.touchStart
Touchmove -> on e E.touchMove
Touchend -> on e E.touchEnd
Touchcancel -> on e E.touchCancel
newtype EventResult en = EventResult { unEventResult :: EventResultType en }
@ -588,42 +597,43 @@ type family EventResultType (en :: EventTag) :: * where
EventResultType 'TouchmoveTag = ()
EventResultType 'TouchendTag = ()
EventResultType 'TouchcancelTag = ()
EventResultType 'MousewheelTag = ()
EventResultType 'WheelTag = ()
wrapDomEventsMaybe :: (Functor (Event t), IsElement e, MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => e -> (forall en. EventName en -> EventM (EventType en) e (Maybe (f en))) -> m (EventSelector t (WrapArg f EventName))
wrapDomEventsMaybe :: (Functor (Event t), IsElement e, MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => e -> (forall en. EventName en -> EventM e (EventType en) (Maybe (f en))) -> m (EventSelector t (WrapArg f EventName))
wrapDomEventsMaybe element handlers = do
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
e <- newFanEventWithTrigger $ \(WrapArg en) et -> do
unsubscribe <- liftIO $ (onEventName en) element $ do
unsubscribe <- onEventName en element $ do
mv <- handlers en
forM_ mv $ \v -> liftIO $ postGui $ runWithActions [et :=> v]
forM_ mv $ \v -> liftIO $ postGui $ runWithActions [et :=> Identity v]
return $ liftIO $ do
return $! e
getKeyEvent :: EventM UIEvent e Int
getKeyEvent :: EventM e KeyboardEvent Int
getKeyEvent = do
e <- event
liftIO $ do
which <- uiEventGetWhich e
if which /= 0 then return which else do
charCode <- uiEventGetCharCode e
if charCode /= 0 then return charCode else
uiEventGetKeyCode e
which <- getWhich e
if which /= 0 then return which else do
charCode <- getCharCode e
if charCode /= 0 then return charCode else
getKeyCode e
getMouseEventCoords :: EventM MouseEvent e (Int, Int)
getMouseEventCoords :: EventM e MouseEvent (Int, Int)
getMouseEventCoords = do
e <- event
liftIO $ bisequence (mouseEventGetClientX e, mouseEventGetClientY e)
bisequence (getX e, getY e)
defaultDomEventHandler :: IsElement e => e -> EventName en -> EventM (EventType en) e (Maybe (EventResult en))
defaultDomEventHandler :: IsElement e => e -> EventName en -> EventM e (EventType en) (Maybe (EventResult en))
defaultDomEventHandler e evt = liftM (Just . EventResult) $ case evt of
Click -> return ()
Dblclick -> return ()
Keypress -> getKeyEvent
Scroll -> getScrollTop e
Keydown -> getKeyEvent
Keyup -> getKeyEvent
Scroll -> liftIO $ elementGetScrollTop e
Mousemove -> getMouseEventCoords
Mouseup -> getMouseEventCoords
Mousedown -> getMouseEventCoords
@ -662,8 +672,10 @@ defaultDomEventHandler e evt = liftM (Just . EventResult) $ case evt of
Touchmove -> return ()
Touchend -> return ()
Touchcancel -> return ()
Mousewheel -> return ()
Wheel -> return ()
wrapElement :: forall t h m. (Functor (Event t), MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => (forall en. Element -> EventName en -> EventM (EventType en) Element (Maybe (EventResult en))) -> Element -> m (El t)
wrapElement :: forall t h m. (Functor (Event t), MonadIO m, MonadSample t m, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, Reflex t, HasPostGui t h m) => (forall en. Element -> EventName en -> EventM Element (EventType en) (Maybe (EventResult en))) -> Element -> m (El t)
wrapElement eh e = do
es <- wrapDomEventsMaybe e $ eh e
return $ El e es
@ -748,17 +760,15 @@ simpleList xs mkChild = mapDyn (map snd . Map.toList) =<< flip list mkChild =<<
elDynHtml' :: MonadWidget t m => String -> Dynamic t String -> m (El t)
elDynHtml' elementTag html = do
e <- buildEmptyElement elementTag (Map.empty :: Map String String)
let h = castToHTMLElement e
schedulePostBuild $ liftIO . htmlElementSetInnerHTML h =<< sample (current html)
addVoidAction $ fmap (liftIO . htmlElementSetInnerHTML h) $ updated html
schedulePostBuild $ setInnerHTML e . Just =<< sample (current html)
addVoidAction $ fmap (setInnerHTML e . Just) $ updated html
wrapElement defaultDomEventHandler e
elDynHtmlAttr' :: MonadWidget t m => String -> Map String String -> Dynamic t String -> m (El t)
elDynHtmlAttr' elementTag attrs html = do
e <- buildEmptyElement elementTag attrs
let h = castToHTMLElement e
schedulePostBuild $ liftIO . htmlElementSetInnerHTML h =<< sample (current html)
addVoidAction $ fmap (liftIO . htmlElementSetInnerHTML h) $ updated html
schedulePostBuild $ setInnerHTML e . Just =<< sample (current html)
addVoidAction $ fmap (setInnerHTML e . Just) $ updated html
wrapElement defaultDomEventHandler e
data Link t
@ -783,7 +793,7 @@ class HasDomEvent t a where
domEvent :: EventName en -> a -> Event t (EventResultType en)
instance Reflex t => HasDomEvent t (El t) where
domEvent en e = fmap unEventResult $ select (_el_events e) (WrapArg en)
domEvent en e = fmap unEventResult $ (_el_events e) (WrapArg en)
linkClass :: MonadWidget t m => String -> String -> m (Link t)
linkClass s c = do
@ -871,7 +881,7 @@ tabDisplay ulClass activeClass tabItems = do
unsafePlaceElement :: MonadWidget t m => Element -> m (El t)
unsafePlaceElement e = do
p <- askParent
_ <- liftIO $ nodeAppendChild p $ Just e
_ <- appendChild p $ Just e
wrapElement defaultDomEventHandler e
deriveGEq ''EventName

View File

@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ import Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic
import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLInputElement
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLTextAreaElement
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLSelectElement
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLInputElement as Input
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLTextAreaElement as TextArea
import GHCJS.DOM.Element hiding (error)
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLSelectElement as Select
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM
import GHCJS.DOM.File
import GHCJS.DOM.FileList
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.FileList as FileList
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Map as Map
import Control.Lens
@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ instance Reflex t => Default (TextInputConfig t) where
textInput :: MonadWidget t m => TextInputConfig t -> m (TextInput t)
textInput (TextInputConfig inputType initial eSetValue dAttrs) = do
e <- liftM castToHTMLInputElement $ buildEmptyElement "input" =<< mapDyn (Map.insert "type" inputType) dAttrs
liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetValue e initial
performEvent_ $ fmap (liftIO . htmlInputElementSetValue e) eSetValue
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOninput $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetValue e
Input.setValue e $ Just initial
performEvent_ $ fmap (Input.setValue e . Just) eSetValue
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` input) $ fromMaybe "" <$> Input.getValue e
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
eChangeFocus <- newEventWithTrigger $ \eChangeFocusTrigger -> do
unsubscribeOnblur <- liftIO $ elementOnblur e $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> False]
unsubscribeOnfocus <- liftIO $ elementOnfocus e $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> True]
unsubscribeOnblur <- on e blurEvent $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> Identity False]
unsubscribeOnfocus <- on e focusEvent $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> Identity True]
return $ liftIO $ unsubscribeOnblur >> unsubscribeOnfocus
dFocus <- holdDyn False eChangeFocus
eKeypress <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeypress getKeyEvent
eKeydown <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeydown getKeyEvent
eKeyup <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeyup getKeyEvent
eKeypress <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` keyPress) getKeyEvent
eKeydown <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` keyDown) getKeyEvent
eKeyup <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` keyUp) getKeyEvent
dValue <- holdDyn initial $ leftmost [eSetValue, eChange]
return $ TextInput dValue eChange eKeypress eKeydown eKeyup dFocus e
@ -97,20 +97,20 @@ data TextArea t
textArea :: MonadWidget t m => TextAreaConfig t -> m (TextArea t)
textArea (TextAreaConfig initial eSet attrs) = do
e <- liftM castToHTMLTextAreaElement $ buildEmptyElement "textarea" attrs
liftIO $ htmlTextAreaElementSetValue e initial
TextArea.setValue e $ Just initial
postGui <- askPostGui
runWithActions <- askRunWithActions
eChangeFocus <- newEventWithTrigger $ \eChangeFocusTrigger -> do
unsubscribeOnblur <- liftIO $ elementOnblur e $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> False]
unsubscribeOnfocus <- liftIO $ elementOnfocus e $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> True]
unsubscribeOnblur <- on e blurEvent $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> Identity False]
unsubscribeOnfocus <- on e focusEvent $ liftIO $ do
postGui $ runWithActions [eChangeFocusTrigger :=> Identity True]
return $ liftIO $ unsubscribeOnblur >> unsubscribeOnfocus
performEvent_ $ fmap (liftIO . htmlTextAreaElementSetValue e) eSet
performEvent_ $ fmap (TextArea.setValue e . Just) eSet
f <- holdDyn False eChangeFocus
ev <- wrapDomEvent e elementOninput $ liftIO $ htmlTextAreaElementGetValue e
ev <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` input) $ fromMaybe "" <$> TextArea.getValue e
v <- holdDyn initial $ leftmost [eSet, ev]
eKeypress <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnkeypress getKeyEvent
eKeypress <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` keyPress) getKeyEvent
return $ TextArea v ev e f eKeypress
data CheckboxConfig t
@ -135,21 +135,21 @@ checkbox :: MonadWidget t m => Bool -> CheckboxConfig t -> m (Checkbox t)
checkbox checked config = do
attrs <- mapDyn (\c -> Map.insert "type" "checkbox" $ (if checked then Map.insert "checked" "checked" else Map.delete "checked") c) (_checkboxConfig_attributes config)
e <- liftM castToHTMLInputElement $ buildEmptyElement "input" attrs
eClick <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnclick $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetChecked e
performEvent_ $ fmap (\v -> liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetChecked e $! v) $ _checkboxConfig_setValue config
eClick <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` click) $ Input.getChecked e
performEvent_ $ fmap (\v -> Input.setChecked e $! v) $ _checkboxConfig_setValue config
dValue <- holdDyn checked $ leftmost [_checkboxConfig_setValue config, eClick]
return $ Checkbox dValue eClick
checkboxView :: MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t (Map String String) -> Dynamic t Bool -> m (Event t Bool)
checkboxView dAttrs dValue = do
e <- liftM castToHTMLInputElement $ buildEmptyElement "input" =<< mapDyn (Map.insert "type" "checkbox") dAttrs
eClicked <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnclick $ do
eClicked <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` click) $ do
liftIO $ htmlInputElementGetChecked e
Input.getChecked e
schedulePostBuild $ do
v <- sample $ current dValue
when v $ liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetChecked e True
performEvent_ $ fmap (\v -> liftIO $ htmlInputElementSetChecked e $! v) $ updated dValue
when v $ Input.setChecked e True
performEvent_ $ fmap (\v -> Input.setChecked e $! v) $ updated dValue
return eClicked
data FileInput t
@ -168,10 +168,10 @@ instance Reflex t => Default (FileInputConfig t) where
fileInput :: MonadWidget t m => FileInputConfig t -> m (FileInput t)
fileInput (FileInputConfig dAttrs) = do
e <- liftM castToHTMLInputElement $ buildEmptyElement "input" =<< mapDyn (Map.insert "type" "file") dAttrs
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnchange $ liftIO $ do
Just files <- htmlInputElementGetFiles e
len <- fileListGetLength files
mapM (liftM (fromMaybe (error "fileInput: fileListItem returned null")) . fileListItem files) $ init [0..len]
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e (flip on change) $ do
Just files <- getFiles e
len <- FileList.getLength files
mapM (liftM (fromMaybe (error "fileInput: fileListItem returned null")) . FileList.item files) $ init [0..len]
dValue <- holdDyn [] eChange
return $ FileInput dValue e
@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ dropdown k0 options (DropdownConfig setK attrs) = do
listWithKey optionsWithDefault $ \k v -> do
elAttr "option" ("value" =: show k <> if k == k0 then "selected" =: "selected" else mempty) $ dynText v
let e = castToHTMLSelectElement $ _el_element eRaw
performEvent_ $ fmap (liftIO . htmlSelectElementSetValue e . show) setK
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e elementOnchange $ do
kStr <- liftIO $ htmlSelectElementGetValue e
performEvent_ $ fmap (Select.setValue e . Just . show) setK
eChange <- wrapDomEvent e (`on` change) $ do
kStr <- fromMaybe "" <$> Select.getValue e
return $ readMay kStr
let readKey opts mk = fromMaybe k0 $ do
k <- mk
@ -326,4 +326,3 @@ instance HasStateModeWitness Edit where
instance HasStateModeWitness View where
stateModeWitness = ViewWitness

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ virtualListWithSelection heightPx rowPx maxIndex i0 setI listTag listAttrs rowTa
window <- combineDyn (\h -> findWindow h rowPx) heightPx scrollPosition
itemsInWindow <- combineDyn (\(_,(idx,num)) is -> Map.fromList $ map (\i -> let ix = indexToKey i in (ix, Map.lookup ix is)) [idx .. idx + num]) window items
postBuild <- getPostBuild
performEvent_ $ fmap (\i -> liftIO $ elementSetScrollTop (_el_element container) (i * rowPx)) $ leftmost [setI, fmap (const i0) postBuild]
performEvent_ $ fmap (\i -> liftIO $ setScrollTop (_el_element container) (i * rowPx)) $ leftmost [setI, fmap (const i0) postBuild]
indexAndLength <- mapDyn snd window
return (indexAndLength, sel)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ virtualList heightPx rowPx maxIndex i0 setI keyToIndex items0 itemsUpdate itemBu
, fmap (const (i0 * rowPx)) pb
window <- combineDyn (\h -> findWindow h rowPx) heightPx scrollPosition
performEvent_ $ fmap (\i -> liftIO $ elementSetScrollTop (_el_element viewport) (i * rowPx)) $ leftmost [setI, fmap (const i0) pb]
performEvent_ $ fmap (\i -> liftIO $ setScrollTop (_el_element viewport) (i * rowPx)) $ leftmost [setI, fmap (const i0) pb]
return (nubDyn window, result)
toStyleAttr m = "style" =: (Map.foldWithKey (\k v s -> k <> ":" <> v <> ";" <> s) "" m)

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ import Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Monoid
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.Element hiding (reset)
import GHCJS.DOM.EventM (on)
-- | A widget that wraps the given widget in a div and fires an event when resized.
-- Adapted from
@ -31,31 +32,31 @@ resizeDetectorWithStyle styleString w = do
let reset = do
let e = _el_element expand
s = _el_element shrink
eow <- elementGetOffsetWidth e
eoh <- elementGetOffsetHeight e
eow <- getOffsetWidth e
eoh <- getOffsetHeight e
let ecw = eow + 10
ech = eoh + 10
elementSetAttribute (_el_element expandChild) "style" (childStyle <> "width: " <> show ecw <> "px;" <> "height: " <> show ech <> "px;")
esw <- elementGetScrollWidth e
elementSetScrollLeft e esw
esh <- elementGetScrollHeight e
elementSetScrollTop e esh
ssw <- elementGetScrollWidth s
elementSetScrollLeft s ssw
ssh <- elementGetScrollHeight s
elementSetScrollTop s ssh
lastWidth <- elementGetOffsetWidth (_el_element parent)
lastHeight <- elementGetOffsetHeight (_el_element parent)
setAttribute (_el_element expandChild) "style" (childStyle <> "width: " <> show ecw <> "px;" <> "height: " <> show ech <> "px;")
esw <- getScrollWidth e
setScrollLeft e esw
esh <- getScrollHeight e
setScrollTop e esh
ssw <- getScrollWidth s
setScrollLeft s ssw
ssh <- getScrollHeight s
setScrollTop s ssh
lastWidth <- getOffsetWidth (_el_element parent)
lastHeight <- getOffsetHeight (_el_element parent)
return (Just lastWidth, Just lastHeight)
resetIfChanged ds = do
pow <- elementGetOffsetWidth (_el_element parent)
poh <- elementGetOffsetHeight (_el_element parent)
pow <- getOffsetWidth (_el_element parent)
poh <- getOffsetHeight (_el_element parent)
if ds == (Just pow, Just poh)
then return Nothing
else liftM Just reset
pb <- getPostBuild
expandScroll <- wrapDomEvent (_el_element expand) elementOnscroll $ return ()
shrinkScroll <- wrapDomEvent (_el_element shrink) elementOnscroll $ return ()
expandScroll <- wrapDomEvent (_el_element expand) (`on` scroll) $ return ()
shrinkScroll <- wrapDomEvent (_el_element shrink) (`on` scroll) $ return ()
size0 <- performEvent $ fmap (const $ liftIO reset) pb
rec resize <- performEventAsync $ fmap (\d cb -> liftIO $ cb =<< resetIfChanged d) $ tag (current dimensions) $ leftmost [expandScroll, shrinkScroll]
dimensions <- holdDyn (Nothing, Nothing) $ leftmost [ size0, fmapMaybe id resize ]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, GADTs, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Xhr
( module Reflex.Dom.Xhr
, XMLHttpRequest
, responseTextToText
( XMLHttpRequest
, XhrRequest(..)
, XhrRequestConfig(..)
, XhrResponse(..)
, XhrResponseBody(..)
, XhrResponseType(..)
, XhrException(..)
, _xhrResponse_body
, xhrResponse_body
, xhrRequest
, newXMLHttpRequest
, newXMLHttpRequestWithError
, performRequestAsync
, performMkRequestAsync
, performRequestAsyncWithError
, performRequestsAsync
, performMkRequestsAsync
, performRequestsAsyncWithError
, getAndDecode
, postJson
, getMay
, decodeText
, decodeXhrResponse
, xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState
, xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText
, xmlHttpRequestGetStatus
@ -13,6 +33,18 @@ module Reflex.Dom.Xhr
, xmlHttpRequestSend
, xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader
, xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType
, xhrRequest_config
, xhrRequest_method
, xhrRequest_url
, xhrRequestConfig_headers
, xhrRequestConfig_password
, xhrRequestConfig_responseType
, xhrRequestConfig_sendData
, xhrRequestConfig_user
, xhrResponse_response
, xhrResponse_responseText
, xhrResponse_status
, xhrResponse_statusText
@ -21,6 +53,7 @@ import Reflex.Dom.Class
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad hiding (forM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@ -36,6 +69,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Traversable
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Exception
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.ResponseType
import Data.Typeable
data XhrRequest a
@ -49,17 +84,26 @@ data XhrRequestConfig a
= XhrRequestConfig { _xhrRequestConfig_headers :: Map String String
, _xhrRequestConfig_user :: Maybe String
, _xhrRequestConfig_password :: Maybe String
, _xhrRequestConfig_responseType :: Maybe String
, _xhrRequestConfig_responseType :: Maybe XhrResponseType
, _xhrRequestConfig_sendData :: a
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
data XhrResponse
= XhrResponse { _xhrResponse_body :: Maybe Text
, _xhrResponse_status :: Word
= XhrResponse { _xhrResponse_status :: Word
, _xhrResponse_statusText :: Text
, _xhrResponse_response :: Maybe XhrResponseBody
, _xhrResponse_responseText :: Maybe Text
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
deriving (Typeable)
{-# DEPRECATED _xhrResponse_body "Use _xhrResponse_response or _xhrResponse_responseText instead." #-}
_xhrResponse_body :: XhrResponse -> Maybe Text
_xhrResponse_body = _xhrResponse_responseText
{-# DEPRECATED xhrResponse_body "Use xhrResponse_response or xhrResponse_responseText instead." #-}
xhrResponse_body :: Lens XhrResponse XhrResponse (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
xhrResponse_body = lens _xhrResponse_responseText (\r t -> r { _xhrResponse_responseText = t })
instance a ~ () => Default (XhrRequestConfig a) where
def = XhrRequestConfig { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = Map.empty
@ -73,13 +117,26 @@ instance a ~ () => Default (XhrRequestConfig a) where
xhrRequest :: String -> String -> XhrRequestConfig a -> XhrRequest a
xhrRequest = XhrRequest
newXMLHttpRequest :: (HasWebView m, MonadIO m, HasPostGui t h m, IsXhrPayload a) => XhrRequest a -> (XhrResponse -> h ()) -> m XMLHttpRequest
newXMLHttpRequest req cb = do
-- | Make a new asyncronous XHR request. This does not block (it forks),
-- and returns an XHR object immediately (which you can use to abort
-- the XHR connection), and will pass an exception ('XhrException') to the
-- continuation if the connection cannot be made (or is aborted).
:: (HasWebView m, MonadIO m, HasPostGui t h m, IsXhrPayload a)
=> XhrRequest a
-- ^ The request to make.
-> (Either XhrException XhrResponse -> h ())
-- ^ A continuation to be called once a response comes back, or in
-- case of error.
-> m XMLHttpRequest
-- ^ The XHR request, which could for example be aborted.
newXMLHttpRequestWithError req cb = do
wv <- askWebView
postGui <- askPostGui
liftIO $ do
xhr <- xmlHttpRequestNew $ unWebViewSingleton wv
xhr <- liftIO $ xmlHttpRequestNew $ unWebViewSingleton wv
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ flip catch (postGui . cb . Left) $ void $ do
let c = _xhrRequest_config req
rt = _xhrRequestConfig_responseType c
(_xhrRequest_method req)
@ -88,32 +145,85 @@ newXMLHttpRequest req cb = do
(fromMaybe "" $ _xhrRequestConfig_user c)
(fromMaybe "" $ _xhrRequestConfig_password c)
iforM_ (_xhrRequestConfig_headers c) $ xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader xhr
maybe (return ()) (xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType xhr . toResponseType) (_xhrRequestConfig_responseType c)
maybe (return ()) (xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType xhr . toResponseType) rt
_ <- xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange xhr $ do
readyState <- liftIO $ xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState xhr
status <- liftIO $ xmlHttpRequestGetStatus xhr
statusText <- liftIO $ xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText xhr
if readyState == 4
then do
r <- liftIO $ xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText xhr
_ <- liftIO $ postGui $ cb $ XhrResponse (responseTextToText r) status (statusTextToText statusText)
t <- if rt == Just XhrResponseType_Text || rt == Nothing
then liftIO $ xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText xhr
else return Nothing
r <- liftIO $ xmlHttpRequestGetResponse xhr
_ <- liftIO $ postGui $ cb $ Right $
XhrResponse { _xhrResponse_status = status
, _xhrResponse_statusText = statusText
, _xhrResponse_response = r
, _xhrResponse_responseText = t
return ()
else return ()
_ <- xmlHttpRequestSend xhr (_xhrRequestConfig_sendData c)
return xhr
return ()
return xhr
newXMLHttpRequest :: (HasWebView m, MonadIO m, HasPostGui t h m, IsXhrPayload a) => XhrRequest a -> (XhrResponse -> h ()) -> m XMLHttpRequest
newXMLHttpRequest req cb = newXMLHttpRequestWithError req $ mapM_ cb
-- | Given Event of requests, issue them when the Event fires.
-- Returns Event of corresponding responses.
-- The request is processed asynchronously, therefore handling does
-- not block or cause a delay while creating the connection.
:: (MonadWidget t m, IsXhrPayload a)
=> Event t (XhrRequest a)
-> m (Event t (Either XhrException XhrResponse))
performRequestAsyncWithError = performRequestAsync' newXMLHttpRequestWithError . fmap return
-- | Given Event of request, issue them when the Event fires. Returns Event of corresponding response.
performRequestAsync :: (MonadWidget t m, IsXhrPayload a) => Event t (XhrRequest a) -> m (Event t XhrResponse)
performRequestAsync req = performEventAsync $ ffor req $ \r cb -> do
_ <- newXMLHttpRequest r $ liftIO . cb
performRequestAsync = performRequestAsync' newXMLHttpRequest . fmap return
-- | Given Event with an action that creates a request, build and issue the request when the Event fires. Returns Event of corresponding response.
performMkRequestAsync :: (MonadWidget t m, IsXhrPayload a) => Event t (WidgetHost m (XhrRequest a)) -> m (Event t XhrResponse)
performMkRequestAsync = performRequestAsync' newXMLHttpRequest
performRequestAsync' :: (MonadWidget t m, MonadIO h, IsXhrPayload p) => (XhrRequest p -> (a -> h ()) -> WidgetHost m XMLHttpRequest) -> Event t (WidgetHost m (XhrRequest p)) -> m (Event t a)
performRequestAsync' newXhr req = performEventAsync $ ffor req $ \hr cb -> do
r <- hr
newXhr r $ liftIO . cb
return ()
-- | Issues a collection of requests when the supplied Event fires.
-- When ALL requests from a given firing complete, the results are
-- collected and returned via the return Event.
-- The requests are processed asynchronously, therefore handling does
-- not block or cause a delay while creating the connection.
-- Order of request execution and completion is not guaranteed, but
-- order of creation and the collection result is preserved.
:: (Traversable f, MonadWidget t m, IsXhrPayload a)
=> Event t (f (XhrRequest a)) -> m (Event t (f (Either XhrException XhrResponse)))
performRequestsAsyncWithError = performRequestsAsync' newXMLHttpRequestWithError . fmap return
-- | Issues a collection of requests when the supplied Event fires. When ALL requests from a given firing complete, the results are collected and returned via the return Event.
performRequestsAsync :: (Traversable f, MonadWidget t m, IsXhrPayload a) => Event t (f (XhrRequest a)) -> m (Event t (f XhrResponse))
performRequestsAsync req = performEventAsync $ ffor req $ \rs cb -> do
performRequestsAsync = performRequestsAsync' newXMLHttpRequest . fmap return
-- | Builds and issues a collection of requests when the supplied Event fires. When ALL requests from a given firing complete, the results are collected and returned via the return Event.
performMkRequestsAsync :: (Traversable f, MonadWidget t m, IsXhrPayload a) => Event t (WidgetHost m (f (XhrRequest a))) -> m (Event t (f XhrResponse))
performMkRequestsAsync = performRequestsAsync' newXMLHttpRequest
performRequestsAsync' :: (MonadWidget t m, MonadIO h, Traversable f, IsXhrPayload b) => (XhrRequest b -> (a -> h ()) -> WidgetHost m XMLHttpRequest) -> Event t (WidgetHost m (f (XhrRequest b))) -> m (Event t (f a))
performRequestsAsync' newXhr req = performEventAsync $ ffor req $ \hrs cb -> do
rs <- hrs
resps <- forM rs $ \r -> do
resp <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
_ <- newXMLHttpRequest r $ liftIO . putMVar resp
_ <- newXhr r $ liftIO . putMVar resp
return resp
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ cb =<< forM resps takeMVar
return ()
@ -126,7 +236,7 @@ getAndDecode url = do
-- | Create a "POST" request from an URL and thing with a JSON representation
postJson :: (ToJSON a) => String -> a -> XhrRequest String
postJson url a =
postJson url a =
XhrRequest "POST" url $ def { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = headerUrlEnc
, _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = body
@ -143,7 +253,7 @@ decodeText = decode . BL.fromStrict . encodeUtf8
-- | Convenience function to decode JSON-encoded responses.
decodeXhrResponse :: FromJSON a => XhrResponse -> Maybe a
decodeXhrResponse = join . fmap decodeText . _xhrResponse_body
decodeXhrResponse = join . fmap decodeText . _xhrResponse_responseText
liftM concat $ mapM makeLenses
[ ''XhrRequest

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Exception where
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Exception (Exception(..))
data XhrException = XhrException_Error
| XhrException_Aborted
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance Exception XhrException

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.ResponseType where
import Data.Typeable
data XhrResponseType = XhrResponseType_Default
| XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer
| XhrResponseType_Blob
| XhrResponseType_Document
| XhrResponseType_JSON
| XhrResponseType_Text
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable)

test/BrokenHaltSpec.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module HaltSpec where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Foldable
import GHCJS.DOM
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
import Reflex.Dom
import Reflex.Spider.Internal (SpiderHostFrame)
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "haltGui" $ do
it "works" $ do
getFirstEventAndHalt return `shouldReturn` ()
it "works multiple times" $ do
forM_ [1 .. 100] $ \ i -> do
getFirstEventAndHalt return `shouldReturn` ()
type SpiderM =
Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView SpiderHost) SpiderHostFrame)
getFirstEventAndHalt :: (Event Spider () -> SpiderM (Event Spider ())) -> IO ()
getFirstEventAndHalt action = do
_ <- mainWidget $ do
tick <- getPostBuild
event <- action tick
webView <- askWebView
_ <- foldDynM (\ a () -> liftIO $ haltGui webView) () event
return ()
return ()
haltGui :: WebView -> IO ()
haltGui wv = do
Gtk.postGUIAsync $ do
w <- Gtk.widgetGetToplevel wv
Gtk.widgetDestroy w

test/HaltSpec.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Foldable
import GHCJS.DOM
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
import Reflex.Dom
import Reflex.Spider.Internal (SpiderHostFrame)
main = do
getFirstEventAndHalt return
putStrLn "stopped once"
forM_ [1 .. 1000] $ \ i -> do
getFirstEventAndHalt return
putStrLn "stopped many times"
type SpiderM = Widget Spider (Gui Spider (WithWebView SpiderHost) SpiderHostFrame)
getFirstEventAndHalt :: (Event Spider () -> SpiderM (Event Spider ())) -> IO ()
getFirstEventAndHalt action = do
_ <- mainWidget $ do
tick <- getPostBuild
event <- action tick
webView <- askWebView
quit <- getQuitWidget
performEvent_ (quit <$ event)
return ()
return ()