Update splitVDrag and examples to use DynRegion

This commit is contained in:
Ali Abrar 2019-02-17 14:14:50 -05:00
parent 5e357224c9
commit 0e7e1f192f
5 changed files with 93 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ library
, Reflex.Vty.Widget.Input.Text
, Data.Text.Zipper
, Control.Monad.Writer.Adjustable
, Reflex.Class.Orphans
, Reflex.Class.Switchable
, Reflex.NotReady.Class.Orphans
, Reflex.Spider.Orphans

View File

@ -21,27 +21,39 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Zipper as TZ
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Reflex
import Reflex.Class.Orphans
import Reflex.Network
import Reflex.Class.Switchable
import Reflex.NotReady.Class
import Reflex.Vty
import Data.Tree
-- Unlimited Stack
-- Parent provides orientation and maximum cross-dimension size
-- Each child takes as much main-dimension space as it wants and reports what it took
-- Parent offsets each child so that it does not overlap with other children
-- If parent runs of out space, parent provides a scroll bar
data Example = Example_TextEditor
| Example_Todo
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
div' :: (Integral a, Applicative f) => f a ->f a -> f a
div' = liftA2 div
main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget $ do
inp <- input
w <- displayWidth
h <- displayHeight
let buttons = do
text $ pure "Select an example. Esc will bring you back here. Ctrl+c to quit."
let region1 = ffor size $ \(w,h) ->
Region (w `div` 6) (h `div` 6) (w `div` 6) (h `div` 6)
region2 = ffor size $ \(w,h) ->
Region (2 * w `div` 6) (h `div` 6) (w `div` 6) (h `div` 6)
let w' = fmap (`div`6) w
h' = fmap (`div`6) h
region1 = DynRegion w' h' w' h'
region2 = DynRegion (2 * w') h' w' h'
todo' <- pane region1 (pure True) $ textButtonStatic def "Todo List"
editor <- pane region2 (pure True) $ textButtonStatic def "Text Editor"
return $ leftmost
@ -59,7 +71,6 @@ main = mainWidget $ do
Left Example_Todo -> escapable taskList
Right () -> buttons
return $ fforMaybe inp $ \case
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'c') [V.MCtrl] -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
@ -80,18 +91,16 @@ taskList = do
splitV (pure (subtract 3)) (pure (True, True)) btn (display $ current m)
return ()
testBoxes :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m) => VtyWidget t m ()
testBoxes = do
dw <- displayWidth
dh <- displayHeight
let region1 = liftA2 (\w h -> Region (w `div` 6) (h `div` 6) (w `div` 2) (h `div` 2)) dw dh
region2 = liftA2 (\w h -> Region (w `div` 4) (h `div` 4) (2 * (w `div` 3)) (2*(h `div` 3))) dw dh
let region1 = DynRegion (div' dw 6) (div' dh 6) (div' dw 2) (div' dh 2)
region2 = DynRegion (div' dw 4) (div' dh 4) (2 * div' dw 3) (2 * div' dh 3)
pane region1 (constDyn False) . boxStatic singleBoxStyle $ debugInput
_ <- pane region2 (constDyn True) . boxStatic singleBoxStyle $
splitVDrag (hRule doubleBoxStyle) (boxStatic roundedBoxStyle $ multilineTextInput def) (boxStatic roundedBoxStyle dragTest)
return ()
debugFocus :: (Reflex t, Monad m) => VtyWidget t m ()
debugFocus = do
@ -137,14 +146,14 @@ todo
todo t0 = do
w <- displayWidth
rec let checkboxWidth = 3
checkboxRegion = pure $ Region 0 0 checkboxWidth 1
checkboxRegion = DynRegion 0 0 checkboxWidth 1
labelHeight = _textInput_lines ti
labelWidth = ffor w $ \w' -> w' - 1 - checkboxWidth
labelLeft = constDyn $ checkboxWidth + 1
labelWidth = w - 1 - checkboxWidth
labelLeft = checkboxWidth + 1
labelTop = constDyn 0
-- labelRegion = liftA2 (\w' h -> Region (checkboxWidth + 1) 0 (w' - 1 - checkboxWidth) h) w (_textInput_lines ti)
labelRegion = DynRegion labelLeft labelTop labelWidth labelHeight
value <- pane checkboxRegion (pure True) $ checkbox def $ _todo_done t0
(ti, d) <- pane' labelLeft labelTop labelWidth labelHeight (pure True) $ do
(ti, d) <- pane labelRegion (pure True) $ do
i <- input
v <- textInput $ def { _textInputConfig_initialValue = TZ.fromText $ _todo_label t0 }
let deleteSelf = attachWithMaybe backspaceOnEmpty (current $ _textInput_value v) i
@ -171,11 +180,7 @@ todos todos0 newTodo = do
let reg = zipDynWith (\w' ts ->
let l = Map.size $ Map.takeWhileAntitone (<row) ts
in Region 0 l w' 1) w todosMap
(pure 0)
(fromMaybe 0 . Map.lookup row <$> offsets)
(fromMaybe 1 . Map.lookup row <$> heights)
pane (DynRegion 0 (fromMaybe 0 . Map.lookup row <$> offsets) w (fromMaybe 1 . Map.lookup row <$> heights))
(fmap (==row) selected) $ do
e <- mouseUp
r <- todo t

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Module: Reflex.Class.Orphans
Description: Orphan instances for Dynamic. These should be upstreamed.
module Reflex.Class.Orphans where
import Control.Applicative
import Reflex.Class
instance (Num a, Reflex t) => Num (Dynamic t a) where
(+) = liftA2 (+)
(*) = liftA2 (*)
abs = fmap abs
signum = fmap signum
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
negate = fmap negate
(-) = liftA2 (-)

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ module Reflex.Vty.Widget
, HasDisplaySize(..)
, HasFocus(..)
, HasVtyInput(..)
, DynRegion(..)
, currentRegion
, Region(..)
, regionSize
, regionBlankImage
@ -35,10 +37,9 @@ module Reflex.Vty.Widget
, mouseDown
, mouseUp
, pane
, pane'
, tellImages
, splitV
-- , splitVDrag TODO
, splitVDrag
, box
, boxStatic
, RichTextConfig(..)
@ -66,10 +67,9 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Zipper as TZ
import Graphics.Vty (Image)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Reflex
import Reflex.Class.Orphans
import Reflex.NotReady.Class
import Reflex.NotReady.Class.Orphans ()
import Reflex.BehaviorWriter.Class (tellBehavior)
import Reflex.BehaviorWriter.Base (BehaviorWriterT, runBehaviorWriterT)
import Reflex.Vty.Host
@ -194,6 +194,14 @@ data Region = Region
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
-- | A dynamic chunk of the display area
data DynRegion t = DynRegion
{ _dynRegion_left :: Dynamic t Int
, _dynRegion_top :: Dynamic t Int
, _dynRegion_width :: Dynamic t Int
, _dynRegion_height :: Dynamic t Int
-- | The width and height of a 'Region'
regionSize :: Region -> (Int, Int)
regionSize (Region _ _ w h) = (w, h)
@ -203,6 +211,10 @@ regionBlankImage :: Region -> Image
regionBlankImage r@(Region _ _ width height) =
withinImage r $ V.charFill V.defAttr ' ' width height
-- | A behavior of the current display area represented by a 'DynRegion'
currentRegion :: Reflex t => DynRegion t -> Behavior t Region
currentRegion (DynRegion l t w h) = Region <$> current l <*> current t <*> current w <*> current h
-- | Translates and crops an 'Image' so that it is contained by
-- the given 'Region'.
@ -222,53 +234,11 @@ withinImage (Region left top width height)
-- that (0,0) is the top-left corner of the region
:: (Reflex t, Monad m)
=> Dynamic t Region -- ^ Region into which we should draw the widget (in coordinates relative to our own)
=> DynRegion t
-> Dynamic t Bool -- ^ Whether the widget should be focused when the parent is.
-> VtyWidget t m a
-> VtyWidget t m a
pane reg foc child = VtyWidget $ do
ctx <- lift ask
let ctx' = VtyWidgetCtx
{ _vtyWidgetCtx_input = leftmost -- TODO: think about this leftmost more.
[ fmapMaybe id $
attachWith (\(r,f) e -> filterInput r f e)
(liftA2 (,) (current reg) (current foc))
(_vtyWidgetCtx_input ctx)
, _vtyWidgetCtx_focus = liftA2 (&&) (_vtyWidgetCtx_focus ctx) foc
, _vtyWidgetCtx_width = fmap (fst . regionSize) reg
, _vtyWidgetCtx_height = fmap (snd . regionSize) reg
(result, images) <- lift . lift $ runVtyWidget ctx' child
let images' = liftA2 (\r is -> map (withinImage r) is) (current reg) images
tellImages images'
return result
filterInput :: Region -> Bool -> VtyEvent -> Maybe VtyEvent
filterInput (Region l t w h) focused e = case e of
V.EvKey _ _ | not focused -> Nothing
V.EvMouseDown x y btn m -> mouse (\u v -> V.EvMouseDown u v btn m) x y
V.EvMouseUp x y btn -> mouse (\u v -> V.EvMouseUp u v btn) x y
_ -> Just e
mouse con x y
| or [ x < l
, y < t
, x >= l + w
, y >= t + h ] = Nothing
| otherwise =
Just (con (x - l) (y - t))
:: (Reflex t, Monad m)
=> Dynamic t Int
-> Dynamic t Int
-> Dynamic t Int
-> Dynamic t Int
-> Dynamic t Bool -- ^ Whether the widget should be focused when the parent is.
-> VtyWidget t m a
-> VtyWidget t m a
pane' l t w h foc child = VtyWidget $ do
pane (DynRegion l t w h) foc child = VtyWidget $ do
ctx <- lift ask
let reg = Region <$> l <*> t <*> w <*> h
let ctx' = VtyWidgetCtx
@ -398,13 +368,22 @@ splitV :: (Reflex t, Monad m)
splitV sizeFunD focD wA wB = do
dw <- displayWidth
dh <- displayHeight
let regA = (\f w h -> Region 0 0 w (f h)) <$> sizeFunD <*> dw <*> dh
regB = (\w h (Region _ _ _ hA) -> Region 0 hA w (h - hA)) <$> dw <*> dh <*> regA
let regA = DynRegion
{ _dynRegion_left = pure 0
, _dynRegion_top = pure 0
, _dynRegion_width = dw
, _dynRegion_height = sizeFunD <*> dh
regB = DynRegion
{ _dynRegion_left = pure 0
, _dynRegion_top = _dynRegion_height regA
, _dynRegion_width = dw
, _dynRegion_height = liftA2 (-) dh (_dynRegion_height regA)
ra <- pane regA (fst <$> focD) wA
rb <- pane regB (snd <$> focD) wB
return (ra,rb)
-- | A split of the available space into two parts with a draggable separator.
-- Starts with half the space allocated to each, and the first pane has focus.
-- Clicking in a pane switches focus.
@ -414,22 +393,23 @@ splitVDrag :: (Reflex t, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m)
-> VtyWidget t m b
-> VtyWidget t m (a,b)
splitVDrag wS wA wB = do
sz <- displaySize
(_, h0) <- sample $ current sz
dh <- displayHeight
dw <- displayWidth
h0 <- sample $ current dh -- TODO
dragE <- drag V.BLeft
let splitter0 = h0 `div` 2
rec splitterCheckpoint <- holdDyn splitter0 $ leftmost [fst <$> ffilter snd dragSplitter, resizeSplitter]
splitterPos <- holdDyn splitter0 $ leftmost [fst <$> dragSplitter, resizeSplitter]
splitterFrac <- holdDyn ((1::Double) / 2) $ ffor (attach (current sz) (fst <$> dragSplitter)) $ \((_,h),x) ->
splitterFrac <- holdDyn ((1::Double) / 2) $ ffor (attach (current dh) (fst <$> dragSplitter)) $ \(h, x) ->
fromIntegral x / fromIntegral h
let dragSplitter = fforMaybe (attach (current splitterCheckpoint) dragE) $
\(splitterY, Drag (_, fromY) (_, toY) _ _ end) ->
if splitterY == fromY then Just (toY, end) else Nothing
regA = (\(w,_) sp -> Region 0 0 w sp) <$> sz <*> splitterPos
regS = (\(w,_) sp -> Region 0 sp w 1) <$> sz <*> splitterPos
regB = (\(w,h) sp -> Region 0 (sp + 1) w (h - sp - 1)) <$> sz <*> splitterPos
resizeSplitter = ffor (attach (current splitterFrac) (updated sz)) $
\(frac, (_,h)) -> round (frac * fromIntegral h)
regA = DynRegion 0 0 dw splitterPos
regS = DynRegion 0 splitterPos dw 1
regB = DynRegion 0 (splitterPos + 1) dw (dh - splitterPos - 1)
resizeSplitter = ffor (attach (current splitterFrac) (updated dh)) $
\(frac, h) -> round (frac * fromIntegral h)
focA <- holdDyn True $ leftmost
[ True <$ mA
, False <$ mB
@ -443,7 +423,7 @@ splitVDrag wS wA wB = do
m <- mouseDown V.BLeft
x' <- x
return (m, x')
-- | Fill the background with a particular character.
fill :: (Reflex t, Monad m) => Char -> VtyWidget t m ()
fill c = do
@ -501,10 +481,10 @@ box :: (Monad m, Reflex t)
box boxStyle child = do
dh <- displayHeight
dw <- displayWidth
let boxReg = liftA2 (\w h -> Region 0 0 w h) dw dh
innerReg = liftA2 (\w h -> Region 1 1 (w - 2) (h - 2)) dw dh
tellImages (boxImages <$> boxStyle <*> current boxReg)
tellImages (fmap (\r -> [regionBlankImage r]) (current innerReg))
let boxReg = DynRegion (pure 0) (pure 0) dw dh
innerReg = DynRegion (pure 1) (pure 1) (subtract 2 <$> dw) (subtract 2 <$> dh)
tellImages (boxImages <$> boxStyle <*> currentRegion boxReg)
tellImages (fmap (\r -> [regionBlankImage r]) (currentRegion innerReg))
pane innerReg (pure True) child
boxImages :: BoxStyle -> Region -> [Image]

View File

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ data TextInputConfig t = TextInputConfig
instance Reflex t => Default (TextInputConfig t) where
def = TextInputConfig empty never 4
-- | The output produced by text input widgets, including the text
-- value and the number of display lines (post-wrapping). Note that some
-- display lines may not be visible due to scrolling.
data TextInput t = TextInput
{ _textInput_value :: Dynamic t Text
, _textInput_lines :: Dynamic t Int