Merge branch 'typesafe-servant' of

This commit is contained in:
Mark Wotton 2020-11-26 14:17:16 -05:00
commit 1e54b220e8
7 changed files with 284 additions and 146 deletions

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@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ name: roboservant
github: "mwotton/roboservant"
license: BSD3
author: "Mark Wotton, Samuel Schlesinger"
maintainer: ""
copyright: "2020 Mark Wotton, Samuel Schlesinger"
synopsis: Automatic session-aware servant testing
category: Web
@ -27,6 +25,10 @@ dependencies:
- servant-flatten
- servant-server # >= 0.17
- string-conversions
- vinyl
- dependent-sum
- dependent-map
- text
- time
@ -49,4 +51,3 @@ tests:
- aeson
- hspec
- hspec-core

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: 838fa22fc3ea6673432f485653caaca6c43bccce724777fafbb903dad8ce30cd
-- hash: 49f8c03988a25b7e35dddaab65f250955a078392aaa293298885aea164315479
name: roboservant
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ description: Please see the README on GitHub at <
category: Web
author: Mark Wotton, Samuel Schlesinger
copyright: 2020 Mark Wotton, Samuel Schlesinger
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
@ -44,6 +42,8 @@ library
base >=4.7 && <5
, bytestring
, containers
, dependent-map
, dependent-sum
, lifted-base
, monad-control
, mtl
@ -53,13 +53,16 @@ library
, servant-flatten
, servant-server
, string-conversions
, text
, time
, vinyl
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite roboservant-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Spec.hs
@ -74,6 +77,8 @@ test-suite roboservant-test
, base >=4.7 && <5
, bytestring
, containers
, dependent-map
, dependent-sum
, hspec
, hspec-core
, lifted-base
@ -86,5 +91,7 @@ test-suite roboservant-test
, servant-flatten
, servant-server
, string-conversions
, text
, time
, vinyl
default-language: Haskell2010

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ module Roboservant.Direct
( fuzz, Config(..)
-- TODO come up with something smarter than exporting all this, we should
-- have some nice error-display functions
-- have some nice error-display functions
, RoboservantException(..), FuzzState(..), FuzzOp(..)
@ -28,8 +29,13 @@ where
import Control.Exception.Lifted(throw,handle,Handler(..), Exception,SomeException,SomeAsyncException, catch, catches)
import Control.Monad(void,replicateM)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict(MonadState,MonadIO,get,modify',liftIO,runStateT)
import Control.Exception.Lifted(throw,Handler(..), Exception,SomeException,SomeAsyncException, catch, catches)
import Control.Monad(void,replicateM,forM_)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict(MonadState,MonadIO,get,modify',liftIO,execStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control(MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Dynamic (Dynamic, dynApply, dynTypeRep, fromDynamic)
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import Data.Dynamic (Dynamic(..), dynApply, dynTypeRep, fromDynamic)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Map.Strict(Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
@ -37,9 +43,15 @@ import Data.Typeable (TypeRep)
import Servant (Endpoints, Proxy (Proxy), Server, ServerError(..))
import System.Random(StdGen,randomR,mkStdGen)
import System.Timeout.Lifted(timeout)
import GHC.Generics ((:*:)(..))
import qualified Data.Vinyl.Functor as V
import qualified Data.Vinyl.Curry as V
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DM
import qualified Data.Vinyl as V
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Type.Reflection as R
import Roboservant.Types.Breakdown
import Roboservant.Types
@ -47,10 +59,14 @@ import Roboservant.Types
FlattenServer (..),
-- ReifiedApi,
ToReifiedApi (..),
data RoboservantException
= RoboservantException FailureType (Maybe SomeException) Int FuzzState
= RoboservantException FailureType (Maybe SomeException) Int FuzzState
deriving (Show)
-- we believe in nussink, lebowski
instance Exception RoboservantException
@ -63,7 +79,7 @@ data FailureType
deriving (Show,Eq)
data FuzzOp = FuzzOp
data FuzzOp = FuzzOp
{ apiOffset :: ApiOffset
, provenance :: [Provenance]
} deriving (Show,Eq)
@ -82,7 +98,12 @@ data FuzzState = FuzzState
, stash :: Stash
, currentRng :: StdGen
deriving (Show)
deriving Show
data EndpointOption = forall as. (V.RecordToList as, V.RMap as) => EndpointOption
{ eoCall :: V.Curried as (IO (Either ServerError (NonEmpty Dynamic)))
, eoArgs :: V.Rec (TypedF StashValue) as
data StopReason
= TimedOut
@ -91,7 +112,7 @@ data StopReason
data Report = Report
{ textual :: String }
deriving (Show,Eq)
deriving (Show,Eq)
fuzz :: forall api. (FlattenServer api, ToReifiedApi (Endpoints api))
=> Server api
@ -103,16 +124,23 @@ fuzz server Config{..} checker = handle (pure . Just . formatException) $ do
stash = addToStash seed mempty
currentRng = mkStdGen rngSeed
deadline :: UTCTime <- addUTCTime (fromInteger $ maxRuntime * 1000000) <$> getCurrentTime
-- either we time out without finding an error, which is fine, or we find an error
-- and throw an exception that propagates through this.
(stopreason, fs ) <- runStateT
(untilDone (maxReps, deadline) go <* (evaluateCoverage =<< get)) FuzzState{..}
pure Nothing
-- mapM_ (print . (\(offset, (args, dyn) ) -> (offset, map fst args, dyn))) reifiedApi
-- void $ timeout (maxRuntime * 1000000) ( execStateT (replicateM maxReps go) FuzzState{..})
-- forM_ reifiedApi $ \(offset, ReifiedEndpoint{..}) ->
-- print (
-- offset
-- , recordToList' (\(tr :*: _) -> R.SomeTypeRep tr) reArguments
-- )
-- something less terrible later
formatException :: RoboservantException -> Report
@ -126,7 +154,7 @@ fuzz server Config{..} checker = handle (pure . Just . formatException) $ do
| otherwise = throw $ RoboservantException InsufficientCoverage Nothing routeCount f
where hitRoutes = (fromIntegral . Set.size . Set.fromList $ map apiOffset path)
totalRoutes = (fromIntegral routeCount)
untilDone :: MonadIO m => (Integer,UTCTime) -> m a -> m StopReason
untilDone (0,_) _ = pure HitMaxIterations
@ -137,10 +165,10 @@ fuzz server Config{..} checker = handle (pure . Just . formatException) $ do
else do
untilDone (n-1, deadline) action
reifiedApi = toReifiedApi (flattenServer @api server) (Proxy @(Endpoints api))
routeCount = length reifiedApi
elementOrFail :: (MonadState FuzzState m, MonadIO m)
=> [a] -> m a
elementOrFail [] = liftIO . throw . RoboservantException NoPossibleMoves Nothing routeCount =<< get
@ -150,92 +178,108 @@ fuzz server Config{..} checker = handle (pure . Just . formatException) $ do
modify' $ \st' -> st' { currentRng = newGen }
pure (l !! index)
genOp :: (MonadState FuzzState m, MonadIO m)
=> m (FuzzOp, Dynamic, [Dynamic])
genOp = do -- fs@FuzzState{..} = do
withOp :: (MonadState FuzzState m, MonadIO m)
=> (forall as. (V.RecordToList as, V.RMap as)
=> FuzzOp
-> V.Curried as (IO (Either ServerError (NonEmpty Dynamic)))
-> V.Rec (TypedF V.Identity) as -> m r
-> m r
withOp callback = do
-- choose a call to make, from the endpoints with fillable arguments.
(offset, dynCall, args) <- elementOrFail . options =<< get
r <- mapM (elementOrFail . zip [0..] . NEL.toList) args
let pathSegment = FuzzOp offset (map (\(index,(_,dyn) ) -> Provenance (dynTypeRep dyn) index) r)
(offset, EndpointOption{..}) <- elementOrFail . options =<< get
r <- V.rtraverse
(\(tr :*: StashValue svs) -> elementOrFail $
zipWith (\i xy -> V.Const i :*: tr :*: xy)
(NEL.toList svs)
let pathSegment = FuzzOp offset $
(\(V.Const index :*: tr :*: _) -> Provenance (R.SomeTypeRep tr) index)
argValues = V.rmap
(\(_ :*: tr :*: (_, x)) -> tr :*: V.Identity x)
modify' (\f -> f { path = path f <> [pathSegment] })
pure (pathSegment, dynCall, fmap (snd . snd) r)
callback pathSegment eoCall argValues
options :: FuzzState -> [(ApiOffset, Dynamic, [NEL.NonEmpty ([Provenance], Dynamic)])]
options :: FuzzState -> [(ApiOffset, EndpointOption)]
options FuzzState{..} =
( \(offset, (argreps, dynCall)) -> (offset,dynCall,) <$> do
mapM (\(_tr,bf) -> bf stash ) argreps
( \(offset, ReifiedEndpoint{..}) -> do
args <- V.rtraverse (\(tr :*: Argument bf) -> (tr :*:) <$> bf stash) reArguments
pure (offset, EndpointOption reEndpointFunc args)
execute :: (MonadState FuzzState m, MonadIO m)
=> (FuzzOp,Dynamic,[Dynamic]) -> m ()
execute (fuzzop, dyncall, args) = do
-- liftIO $ print fuzzop
-- now, magic happens: we apply some dynamic arguments to a dynamic
-- function and hopefully something useful pops out the end.
let func = foldr (\arg curr -> flip dynApply arg =<< curr) (Just dyncall) (reverse args)
execute :: (MonadState FuzzState m, MonadIO m, V.RecordToList as, V.RMap as)
=> FuzzOp
-> V.Curried as (IO (Either ServerError (NonEmpty Dynamic)))
-> V.Rec (TypedF V.Identity) as
-> m ()
execute fuzzop func args = do
liftIO $ print fuzzop
st <- get
let showable = unlines $ ("args":map (show . dynTypeRep) args)
let showable = unlines $ ("args":map show argTypes)
<> ["fuzzop"
, show fuzzop
,show (dynTypeRep dyncall)
-- ,"dyncall"
-- ,show (dynTypeRep dyncall)
,show st]
-- liftIO $ putStrLn showable
case func of
Nothing -> error ("all screwed up 1: " <> maybe ("nothing: " <> show showable) (show . dynTypeRep) func)
Just (f') -> do
-- liftIO $ print
case fromDynamic f' of
Nothing -> error ("all screwed up 2: " <> maybe ("nothing: " <> show showable) (show . dynTypeRep) func)
Just (f) -> liftIO f >>= \case
-- parameterise this
Left (serverError :: ServerError) ->
case errHTTPCode serverError of
500 -> throw serverError
_ -> do
liftIO $ print ("ignoring non-500 error" , serverError)
Right (dyn :: NEL.NonEmpty Dynamic) -> do
-- liftIO $ print ("storing", fmap dynTypeRep dyn)
modify' (\fs@FuzzState{..} ->
fs { stash = addToStash (NEL.toList dyn) stash } )
pure ()
liftIO $ putStrLn showable
liftIO (V.runcurry' func argVals) >>= \case
-- parameterise this
Left (serverError :: ServerError) ->
case errHTTPCode serverError of
500 -> throw serverError
_ -> do
liftIO $ print ("ignoring non-500 error" , serverError)
Right (dyn :: NEL.NonEmpty Dynamic) -> do
liftIO $ print ("storing", fmap dynTypeRep dyn)
modify' (\fs@FuzzState{..} ->
fs { stash = addToStash (NEL.toList dyn) stash } )
argVals = V.rmap (\(_ :*: V.Identity x) -> V.Identity x) args
argTypes = recordToList' (\(tr :*: _) -> R.SomeTypeRep tr) args
go :: (MonadState FuzzState m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> m ()
go = do
op <- genOp
catches (execute op)
go = withOp $ \op func args -> do
catches (execute op func args)
[ Handler (\(e :: SomeAsyncException) -> throw e)
, Handler (\(e :: SomeException) -> throw . RoboservantException ServerCrashed (Just e) routeCount =<< get)
catch (liftIO checker)
(\(e :: SomeException) -> throw . RoboservantException CheckerFailed (Just e) routeCount =<< get)
-- actions <-
-- forAll $ do
-- Gen.sequential
-- (Range.linear 1 100)
-- emptyState
-- (fmap preload seed <> [callEndpoint reifiedApi])
-- executeSequential emptyState actions
addToStash :: [Dynamic]
-> Map TypeRep (NEL.NonEmpty ([Provenance], Dynamic))
-> Map TypeRep (NEL.NonEmpty ([Provenance], Dynamic))
-> Stash
-> Stash
addToStash result stash =
foldr (\dyn dict -> let tr = dynTypeRep dyn in
Map.insertWith renumber tr (pure ([Provenance tr 0],dyn)) dict) stash result
foldr (\(Dynamic tr x) (Stash dict) -> Stash $
DM.insertWith renumber tr (StashValue (([Provenance (R.SomeTypeRep tr) 0],x):|[])) dict
-- in DM.insertWith renumber _ (pure ([Provenance tr 0],x)) dict
-- Map.insertWith (flip (<>)) (dynTypeRep result) (_pure result) stash })
renumber :: NEL.NonEmpty ([Provenance],Dynamic)
-> NEL.NonEmpty ([Provenance],Dynamic)
-> NEL.NonEmpty ([Provenance],Dynamic)
renumber singleDyn l = case NEL.toList singleDyn of
renumber :: StashValue a
-> StashValue a
-> StashValue a
renumber (StashValue singleDyn) (StashValue l) = StashValue $ case NEL.toList singleDyn of
[([Provenance tr _], dyn)] -> l
<> pure ([Provenance tr (length (NEL.last l) + 1)], dyn)
_ -> error "should be impossible"
-- why isn't this in vinyl?
:: (V.RecordToList as, V.RMap as)
=> (forall x. f x -> a)
-> V.Rec f as
-> [a]
recordToList' f = V.recordToList . V.rmap (V.Const . f)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
@ -25,16 +27,32 @@ import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Typeable (TypeRep, Typeable, typeRep)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DM
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Type.Reflection as R
import Data.Dependent.Sum
import Data.Kind
data Provenance
= Provenance TypeRep Int
= Provenance R.SomeTypeRep Int
deriving (Show,Eq)
type Stash = Map TypeRep (NonEmpty ([Provenance], Dynamic))
class Typeable x => BuildFrom x where
buildFrom :: Stash -> Maybe (NonEmpty ([Provenance],Dynamic))
default buildFrom :: Stash -> Maybe (NonEmpty ([Provenance], Dynamic))
buildFrom = Map.lookup (typeRep (Proxy @x))
newtype StashValue a = StashValue { getStashValue :: NonEmpty ([Provenance], a) }
deriving (Functor, Show)
-- wrap in newtype to give a custom Show instance, since the normal
-- instance for DMap is not happy since StashValue needs Show a to show
newtype Stash = Stash { getStash :: DMap R.TypeRep StashValue }
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Show Stash where
showsPrec i (Stash x) = showsPrec i $
Map.fromList . map (\(tr :=> StashValue vs) -> (R.SomeTypeRep tr, fmap fst vs)) $ DM.toList x
class Typeable x => BuildFrom (x :: Type) where
buildFrom :: Stash -> Maybe (StashValue x)
default buildFrom :: Stash -> Maybe (StashValue x)
buildFrom = DM.lookup R.typeRep . getStash
-- (fmap promisedDyn . NEL.toList) . Map.lookup (typeRep (Proxy @x))
@ -50,11 +68,12 @@ promisedDyn = fromMaybe (error "internal error, typerep map misconstructed") . f
instance BuildFrom Bool
instance (Typeable x, BuildFrom x) => BuildFrom (Maybe x) where
buildFrom dict = Just $ fmap toDyn <$> options
where options :: NonEmpty ([Provenance], Maybe x)
options = ([],Nothing) :|
(maybe [] NEL.toList . fmap (fmap (fmap (Just . promisedDyn @x)))
$ buildFrom @x dict)
buildFrom dict = Just options
where options :: StashValue (Maybe x)
options = StashValue $
([],Nothing) :|
(maybe [] (NEL.toList . getStashValue . fmap Just) $ buildFrom @x dict
class Breakdown x where
breakdown :: x -> NonEmpty Dynamic

View File

@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
@ -18,45 +21,76 @@ module Roboservant.Types.ReifiedApi where
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Dependent.Sum
import Data.Dynamic (Dynamic, toDyn)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Kind
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Typeable (TypeRep, Typeable, typeRep)
import GHC.Generics ((:*:)(..))
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
import Roboservant.Types.Breakdown
import Roboservant.Types.FlattenServer
import Servant
import Servant.API.Modifiers(FoldRequired,FoldLenient)
import Roboservant.Types.FlattenServer
import Roboservant.Types.Breakdown
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vinyl as V
import qualified Data.Vinyl.Curry as V
import qualified Type.Reflection as R
newtype ApiOffset = ApiOffset Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
deriving newtype (Enum, Num)
type ReifiedEndpoint = ([(TypeRep
, Stash -> Maybe (NonEmpty ([Provenance], Dynamic)))]
, Dynamic)
type TypedF = (:*:) R.TypeRep
newtype Argument a = Argument
{ getArgument :: Stash -> Maybe (StashValue a)
data ReifiedEndpoint = forall as. (V.RecordToList as, V.RMap as) => ReifiedEndpoint
{ reArguments :: V.Rec (TypedF Argument) as
, reEndpointFunc :: V.Curried as (IO (Either ServerError (NonEmpty Dynamic)))
type ReifiedApi = [(ApiOffset, ReifiedEndpoint)]
tagType :: Typeable a => f a -> TypedF f a
tagType = (R.typeRep :*:)
class ToReifiedApi (endpoints :: [*]) where
toReifiedApi :: Bundled endpoints -> Proxy endpoints -> ReifiedApi
class ToReifiedEndpoint (endpoint :: *) where
toReifiedEndpoint :: Dynamic -> Proxy endpoint -> ReifiedEndpoint
class ( V.Curried (EndpointArgs endpoint) (Handler (EndpointRes endpoint)) ~ Server endpoint
, V.RecordToList (EndpointArgs endpoint)
, V.RMap (EndpointArgs endpoint)
) => ToReifiedEndpoint (endpoint :: *) where
type EndpointArgs endpoint :: [Type]
type EndpointRes endpoint :: Type
reifiedEndpointArguments :: V.Rec (TypedF Argument) (EndpointArgs endpoint)
instance ToReifiedApi '[] where
toReifiedApi NoEndpoints _ = []
(Typeable (Normal (ServerT endpoint Handler)), NormalizeFunction (ServerT endpoint Handler), ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint, ToReifiedApi endpoints, Typeable (ServerT endpoint Handler)) =>
( Typeable (EndpointRes endpoint)
, NormalizeFunction (ServerT endpoint Handler)
, Normal (ServerT endpoint Handler) ~ V.Curried (EndpointArgs endpoint) (IO (Either ServerError (NonEmpty Dynamic)))
, ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint
, ToReifiedApi endpoints, Typeable (ServerT endpoint Handler)
) =>
ToReifiedApi (endpoint : endpoints)
toReifiedApi (endpoint `AnEndpoint` endpoints) _ =
(0,) (toReifiedEndpoint (toDyn (normalize endpoint)) (Proxy @endpoint))
: map
(\(n, x) -> (n + 1, x))
(0, ReifiedEndpoint
{ reArguments = reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint
, reEndpointFunc = normalize endpoint
: (map . first) (+1)
(toReifiedApi endpoints (Proxy @endpoints))
class NormalizeFunction m where
@ -73,35 +107,37 @@ instance (Typeable x, Breakdown x) => NormalizeFunction (Handler x) where
Left serverError -> pure (Left serverError)
Right x -> pure $ Right $ breakdown x
-- pure (Right (typeRep (Proxy @x), toDyn x))
(Typeable responseType, Breakdown responseType) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint (Verb method statusCode contentTypes responseType)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ = id
([], endpoint)
type EndpointArgs (Verb method statusCode contentTypes responseType) = '[]
type EndpointRes (Verb method statusCode contentTypes responseType) = responseType
reifiedEndpointArguments = V.RNil
(ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint ((x :: Symbol) :> endpoint)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ =
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint (Proxy @endpoint)
type EndpointArgs ((x :: Symbol) :> endpoint) = EndpointArgs endpoint
type EndpointRes ((x :: Symbol) :> endpoint) = EndpointRes endpoint
reifiedEndpointArguments = reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint
(ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint (Description s :> endpoint)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ =
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint (Proxy @endpoint)
type EndpointArgs (Description s :> endpoint) = EndpointArgs endpoint
type EndpointRes (Description s :> endpoint) = EndpointRes endpoint
reifiedEndpointArguments = reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint
(ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint (Summary s :> endpoint)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ =
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint (Proxy @endpoint)
type EndpointArgs (Summary s :> endpoint) = EndpointArgs endpoint
type EndpointRes (Summary s :> endpoint) = EndpointRes endpoint
reifiedEndpointArguments = reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint
(Typeable requestType
@ -109,58 +145,57 @@ instance
,ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint (QueryFlag name :> endpoint)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ =
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint (Proxy @endpoint)
& \(args, result) -> ((typeRep (Proxy @Bool),buildFrom @Bool) : args, result)
type EndpointArgs (QueryFlag name :> endpoint) = Bool ': EndpointArgs endpoint
type EndpointRes (QueryFlag name :> endpoint) = EndpointRes endpoint
reifiedEndpointArguments = tagType (Argument (buildFrom @Bool)) V.:& reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint
type IfLenient s mods t = If (FoldLenient mods) (Either s t) t
type IfRequired mods t = If (FoldRequired mods) t (Maybe t)
type IfRequiredLenient s mods t = IfRequired mods (IfLenient s mods t)
( Typeable (If (FoldRequired mods) paramType (Maybe paramType))
, BuildFrom (If (FoldRequired mods) paramType (Maybe paramType))
( BuildFrom (IfRequiredLenient T.Text mods paramType)
, ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint
, SBoolI (FoldRequired mods)) =>
) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint (QueryParam' mods name paramType :> endpoint)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ =
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint (Proxy @endpoint)
& \(args, result) ->
((typeRep (Proxy @(If (FoldRequired mods) paramType (Maybe paramType)))
,buildFrom @(If (FoldRequired mods) paramType (Maybe paramType)))
: args, result)
type EndpointArgs (QueryParam' mods name paramType :> endpoint) = IfRequiredLenient T.Text mods paramType ': EndpointArgs endpoint
type EndpointRes (QueryParam' mods name paramType :> endpoint) = EndpointRes endpoint
reifiedEndpointArguments =
tagType (Argument (buildFrom @(IfRequiredLenient T.Text mods paramType)))
V.:& reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint
( Typeable (If (FoldRequired mods) headerType (Maybe headerType))
, BuildFrom (If (FoldRequired mods) headerType (Maybe headerType))
( BuildFrom (IfRequiredLenient T.Text mods headerType)
, ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint
, SBoolI (FoldRequired mods)) =>
) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint (Header' mods headerName headerType :> endpoint)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ =
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint (Proxy @endpoint)
& \(args, result) -> ((typeRep (Proxy @(If (FoldRequired mods) headerType (Maybe headerType)))
,buildFrom @(If (FoldRequired mods) headerType (Maybe headerType)))
: args, result)
type EndpointArgs (Header' mods headerName headerType :> endpoint) = IfRequiredLenient T.Text mods headerType ': EndpointArgs endpoint
type EndpointRes (Header' mods headerName headerType :> endpoint) = EndpointRes endpoint
reifiedEndpointArguments =
tagType (Argument (buildFrom @(IfRequiredLenient T.Text mods headerType)))
V.:& reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint
( Typeable captureType
, BuildFrom captureType
( BuildFrom (IfLenient String mods captureType)
, ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint (Capture' mods name captureType :> endpoint)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ =
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint (Proxy @endpoint)
& \(args, result) -> ((typeRep (Proxy @captureType)
,buildFrom @captureType)
: args, result)
type EndpointArgs (Capture' mods name captureType :> endpoint) = IfLenient String mods captureType ': EndpointArgs endpoint
type EndpointRes (Capture' mods name captureType :> endpoint) = EndpointRes endpoint
reifiedEndpointArguments =
tagType (Argument (buildFrom @(IfLenient String mods captureType)))
V.:& reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint
( Typeable (If (FoldLenient mods) (Either String requestType) requestType)
, BuildFrom (If (FoldLenient mods) (Either String requestType) requestType)
, ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint, SBoolI (FoldLenient mods)) =>
( BuildFrom (IfLenient String mods requestType)
, ToReifiedEndpoint endpoint) =>
ToReifiedEndpoint (ReqBody' mods contentTypes requestType :> endpoint)
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint _ =
toReifiedEndpoint endpoint (Proxy @endpoint)
& \(args, result) -> ((typeRep (Proxy @(If (FoldLenient mods) (Either String requestType) requestType))
,buildFrom @(If (FoldLenient mods) (Either String requestType) requestType))
: args, result)
type EndpointArgs (ReqBody' mods contentTypes requestType :> endpoint) = IfLenient String mods requestType ': EndpointArgs endpoint
type EndpointRes (ReqBody' mods contentTypes requestType :> endpoint) = EndpointRes endpoint
reifiedEndpointArguments =
tagType (Argument (buildFrom @(IfLenient String mods requestType)))
V.:& reifiedEndpointArguments @endpoint

View File

@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ extra-deps:
- QuickCheck-2.14.1@sha256:01e46d7b0a8d3148288ec977625f62d5516ebb5031a50c63f0453863301b4a79,7736
- random-1.2.0
- splitmix-,5253
- vinyl-0.13.0
- dependent-sum-
- constraints-extras-
- dependent-map-
- git:
commit: 03714682586e43b5ddf5c00391035471a6e01238

View File

@ -67,6 +67,34 @@ packages:
sha256: b9a0c60e2d4786bbb276ce6606027a99615bf703fa3e0f01911e8c6a656c5161
hackage: splitmix-,5253
- completed:
hackage: vinyl-0.13.0@sha256:0f247cd3f8682b30881a07de18e6fec52d540646fbcb328420049cc8d63cd407,3724
size: 1857
sha256: 860fb95820b595161cdbdec5f376100ebae2d14e5ef0dbe311546202f7525d01
hackage: vinyl-0.13.0
- completed:
hackage: dependent-sum-,2068
size: 290
sha256: 9cbfb32b5a8a782b7a1c941803fd517633cb699159b851c1d82267a9e9391b50
hackage: dependent-sum-
- completed:
hackage: constraints-extras-,1853
size: 594
sha256: 3ce1012bfb02e4d7def9df19ce80b8cd2b472c691b25b181d9960638673fecd1
hackage: constraints-extras-
- completed:
hackage: dependent-map-,1657
size: 551
sha256: 5defa30010904d2ad05a036f3eaf83793506717c93cbeb599f40db1a3632cfc5
hackage: dependent-map-
- completed:
subdir: hedgehog
name: hedgehog