Added about on main page and enter to search.

- Can now initiate search by pressing enter
- About page in main screen
This commit is contained in:
Evangelos Lamprou 2023-10-22 01:37:23 +02:00
parent f0b7e4f1c7
commit 1e49ae3391

View File

@ -171,17 +171,25 @@ noSearchResultsView = Element.el
We'll try and find you something.
Just come back later.""")
subtleLink : String -> String -> Element Msg
subtleLink text href =
subtleLinkView : String -> String -> Element Msg
subtleLinkView text href =
[ Font.size 15
, pointer
, mouseOver
[ Font.color (rgb 0.7 0.7 0.7)
[ Font.color (rgb 0.1 0.7 0.7)
(Element.html (Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href href ] [ Html.text text ]))
aboutView : Element Msg
aboutView = row [ centerX, padding 10, spacing 10]
[ subtleLinkView "[About]" ""
, subtleLinkView "[Code]" ""
view : Model -> Element Msg
view model =
@ -190,6 +198,7 @@ view model =
column [ centerX, centerY, padding 8, spacing 16 ]
[ logoView [ centerX, width (px 510), height (px 161) ]
, searchView model
, aboutView
Just _ ->
@ -307,17 +316,34 @@ view model =
, Element.html ( [ "width" "95%"] [])
, row [ centerX, padding 10, spacing 10]
[ subtleLink "[About]" ""
, subtleLink "[Code]" ""
, aboutView
onEnter : msg -> Element.Attribute msg
onEnter msg =
(Html.Events.on "keyup"
(JD.field "key" JD.string
|> JD.andThen
(\key ->
if key == "Enter" then
JD.succeed msg
else "Not the enter key"
searchView : { a | search : String } -> Element Msg
searchView model =
row [ spacing 8 ]
[ Input.text [ Html.Attributes.class "shadow" |> htmlAttribute, width (px 400)]
[ Input.text
[ Html.Attributes.class "shadow" |> htmlAttribute, width (px 400)
, onEnter (Search
{ onChange = UpdateSearch
, placeholder = Nothing
, text =