BIP-340 (Schnorr) support (#26)

Compatible with jonasnick/secp256k1@372c4555ca
This commit is contained in:
Janus Troelsen 2020-04-09 06:17:50 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent ae2c67e35e
commit 76f86ad0d6
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 398 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ library:
- condition: flag(ecdh)
cpp-options: -DECDH
- condition: flag(schnorr)
cpp-options: -DSCHNORR
main: Spec.hs
@ -47,3 +49,7 @@ flags:
description: "Enable (experimental) ECDH APIs"
manual: true
default: false
description: "Enable BIP-340 (Schnorr) APIs"
manual: true
default: false

View File

@ -63,6 +63,21 @@ module Crypto.Secp256k1
-- * Diffie Hellman
, ecdh
#ifdef SCHNORR
, XOnlyPubKey
, SchnorrSig
, signMsgSchnorr
, exportSchnorrSig
, importSchnorrSig
, exportXOnlyPubKey
, importXOnlyPubKey
, verifyMsgSchnorr
, deriveXOnlyPubKey
, schnorrTweakAddPubKey
, schnorrTweakAddSecKey
, testTweakXOnlyPubKey
) where
import Control.Monad (replicateM, unless, (<=<))
@ -79,6 +94,7 @@ import Foreign (ForeignPtr, alloca, allocaArray,
allocaBytes, mallocForeignPtr,
nullFunPtr, nullPtr, peek, poke,
pokeArray, withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.C (CInt)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..),
arbitraryBoundedRandom, suchThat)
@ -94,6 +110,10 @@ newtype Sig = Sig (ForeignPtr Sig64)
newtype SecKey = SecKey (ForeignPtr SecKey32)
newtype Tweak = Tweak (ForeignPtr Tweak32)
newtype RecSig = RecSig (ForeignPtr RecSig65)
#ifdef SCHNORR
newtype XOnlyPubKey = XOnlyPubKey (ForeignPtr XOnlyPubKey64)
newtype SchnorrSig = SchnorrSig (ForeignPtr SchnorrSig64)
instance NFData PubKey where
rnf (PubKey p) = p `seq` ()
@ -232,6 +252,50 @@ instance Eq SecKey where
instance Eq Tweak where
ft1 == ft2 = getTweak ft1 == getTweak ft2
#ifdef SCHNORR
instance NFData SchnorrSig where
rnf (SchnorrSig p) = p `seq` ()
instance Show SchnorrSig where
showsPrec _ = shows . B16.encode . exportSchnorrSig
instance Read SchnorrSig where
readPrec = parens $ do
String str <- lexP
maybe pfail return $ importSchnorrSig =<< decodeHex str
instance Eq SchnorrSig where
fg1 == fg2 = exportSchnorrSig fg1 == exportSchnorrSig fg2
instance IsString SchnorrSig where
fromString = fromMaybe e . (importSchnorrSig <=< decodeHex) where
e = error "Could not decode Schnorr signature from hex string"
instance Hashable SchnorrSig where
i `hashWithSalt` s = i `hashWithSalt` exportSchnorrSig s
instance NFData XOnlyPubKey where
rnf (XOnlyPubKey p) = p `seq` ()
instance Show XOnlyPubKey where
showsPrec _ = shows . B16.encode . exportXOnlyPubKey
instance Read XOnlyPubKey where
readPrec = do
String str <- lexP
maybe pfail return $ importXOnlyPubKey =<< decodeHex str
instance Eq XOnlyPubKey where
fp1 == fp2 = getXOnlyPubKey fp1 == getXOnlyPubKey fp2
instance IsString XOnlyPubKey where
fromString = fromMaybe e . (importXOnlyPubKey <=< decodeHex) where
e = error "Could not decode public key from hex string"
instance Hashable XOnlyPubKey where
i `hashWithSalt` k = i `hashWithSalt` exportXOnlyPubKey k
-- | Import 32-byte 'ByteString' as 'Msg'.
msg :: ByteString -> Maybe Msg
msg bs
@ -366,6 +430,7 @@ derivePubKey (SecKey fk) = withContext $ \ctx -> withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> do
unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not compute public key"
return $ PubKey fp
-- | Add tweak to secret key.
tweakAddSecKey :: SecKey -> Tweak -> Maybe SecKey
tweakAddSecKey (SecKey fk) (Tweak ft) = withContext $ \ctx ->
@ -507,6 +572,102 @@ ecdh (PubKey pk) (SecKey sk) = withContext $ \ctx ->
size = 32
#ifdef SCHNORR
-- Get 64-byte x-only public key.
getXOnlyPubKey :: XOnlyPubKey -> ByteString
getXOnlyPubKey (XOnlyPubKey fp) =
fromShort $ getXOnlyPubKey64 $ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fp peek
-- | Add tweak to public key. Tweak is multiplied first by G to obtain a point.
schnorrTweakAddPubKey :: XOnlyPubKey -> Tweak -> Maybe (XOnlyPubKey, CInt)
schnorrTweakAddPubKey (XOnlyPubKey fp) (Tweak ft) = withContext $ \ctx ->
withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> withForeignPtr ft $ \t -> alloca $ \is_negated -> do
fp' <- mallocForeignPtr
ret <- withForeignPtr fp' $ \p' -> do
pub <- peek p
poke p' pub
schnorrPubKeyTweakAdd ctx p' is_negated t
peeked_is_negated <- peek is_negated
if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ (XOnlyPubKey fp', peeked_is_negated) else return Nothing
-- | Add tweak to secret key.
schnorrTweakAddSecKey :: SecKey -> Tweak -> Maybe SecKey
schnorrTweakAddSecKey (SecKey fk) (Tweak ft) = withContext $ \ctx ->
withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> withForeignPtr ft $ \t -> do
fk' <- mallocForeignPtr
ret <- withForeignPtr fk' $ \k' -> do
key <- peek k
poke k' key
schnorrSecKeyTweakAdd ctx k' t
if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ SecKey fk' else return Nothing
signMsgSchnorr :: SecKey -> Msg -> SchnorrSig
signMsgSchnorr (SecKey fk) (Msg fm) = withContext $ \ctx ->
withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> withForeignPtr fm $ \m -> do
fg <- mallocForeignPtr
ret <- withForeignPtr fg $ \g -> schnorrSign ctx g m k nullFunPtr nullPtr
unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not schnorr-sign message"
return $ SchnorrSig fg
exportSchnorrSig :: SchnorrSig -> ByteString
exportSchnorrSig (SchnorrSig fg) = withContext $ \ctx ->
withForeignPtr fg $ \g -> allocaBytes 64 $ \o -> do
ret <- signatureSerializeSchnorr ctx o g
unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not serialize schnorr signature"
packByteString (o, 64)
importXOnlyPubKey :: ByteString -> Maybe XOnlyPubKey
importXOnlyPubKey bs
| BS.length bs == 32 = withContext $ \ctx -> do
fp <- mallocForeignPtr
ret <- withForeignPtr fp $ \pfp -> useByteString bs $ \(inp, _) ->
schnorrXOnlyPubKeyParse ctx pfp inp
if isSuccess ret
then return $ Just $ XOnlyPubKey fp
else return Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
importSchnorrSig :: ByteString -> Maybe SchnorrSig
importSchnorrSig bs
| BS.length bs == 64 = withContext $ \ctx -> do
fp <- mallocForeignPtr
ret <- withForeignPtr fp $ \pfp -> useByteString bs $ \(inp, _) ->
schnorrSignatureParse ctx pfp inp
if isSuccess ret
then return $ Just $ SchnorrSig fp
else return Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
verifyMsgSchnorr :: XOnlyPubKey -> SchnorrSig -> Msg -> Bool
verifyMsgSchnorr (XOnlyPubKey fp) (SchnorrSig fg) (Msg fm) = withContext $ \ctx ->
withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> withForeignPtr fg $ \g ->
withForeignPtr fm $ \m -> isSuccess <$> schnorrSignatureVerify ctx g m p
exportXOnlyPubKey :: XOnlyPubKey -> ByteString
exportXOnlyPubKey (XOnlyPubKey pub) = withContext $ \ctx ->
withForeignPtr pub $ \p -> allocaBytes 32 $ \o -> do
ret <- schnorrPubKeySerialize ctx o p
unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not serialize x-only public key"
packByteString (o, 32)
deriveXOnlyPubKey :: SecKey -> XOnlyPubKey
deriveXOnlyPubKey (SecKey fk) = withContext $ \ctx -> withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> do
fp <- mallocForeignPtr
ret <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> schnorrXOnlyPubKeyCreate ctx p k
unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not derive x-only public key"
return $ XOnlyPubKey fp
testTweakXOnlyPubKey :: XOnlyPubKey -> CInt -> XOnlyPubKey -> Tweak -> Bool
testTweakXOnlyPubKey (XOnlyPubKey fp) is_negated (XOnlyPubKey internal) (Tweak ft) =
withContext $ \ctx ->
withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
withForeignPtr internal $ \internalp ->
withForeignPtr ft $ \t -> do
ret <- xOnlyPubKeyTweakTest ctx p is_negated internalp t
return $ isSuccess ret
-- End of Schnorr block
instance Arbitrary Msg where
arbitrary = gen_msg
@ -524,3 +685,10 @@ instance Arbitrary PubKey where
arbitrary = do
key <- arbitrary
return $ derivePubKey key
#ifdef SCHNORR
instance Arbitrary XOnlyPubKey where
arbitrary = do
key <- arbitrary
return $ deriveXOnlyPubKey key

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@ -81,6 +81,14 @@ newtype SerFlags = SerFlags { getSerFlags :: CUInt }
newtype Ret = Ret { getRet :: CInt }
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData)
#ifdef SCHNORR
newtype XOnlyPubKey64 = XOnlyPubKey64 { getXOnlyPubKey64 :: ShortByteString }
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData)
newtype SchnorrSig64 = SchnorrSig64 { getSchnorrSig64 :: ShortByteString }
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData)
-- | Nonce32-generating function
type NonceFunction a
= Ptr Nonce32
@ -113,6 +121,22 @@ useByteString bs f =
packByteString :: (Ptr CUChar, CSize) -> IO ByteString
packByteString (b, l) = BS.packCStringLen (castPtr b, fromIntegral l)
instance Storable XOnlyPubKey64 where
sizeOf _ = 64
alignment _ = 1
peek p = XOnlyPubKey64 . toShort <$> packByteString (castPtr p, 64)
poke p (XOnlyPubKey64 k) = useByteString (fromShort k) $
\(b, _) -> copyArray (castPtr p) b 64
instance Storable SchnorrSig64 where
sizeOf _ = 64
alignment _ = 1
peek p = SchnorrSig64 . toShort <$> packByteString (castPtr p, 64)
poke p (SchnorrSig64 k) = useByteString (fromShort k) $
\(b, _) -> copyArray (castPtr p) b 64
instance Storable PubKey64 where
sizeOf _ = 64
alignment _ = 1
@ -484,6 +508,98 @@ foreign import ccall
-> Ptr Msg32
-> IO Ret
#ifdef SCHNORR
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_xonly_pubkey_tweak_add"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr XOnlyPubKey64
-> Ptr CInt
-> Ptr Tweak32
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_xonly_seckey_tweak_add"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr SecKey32
-> Ptr Tweak32
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_schnorrsig_serialize"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr CUChar -- ^ array for encoded signature, must be large enough
-> Ptr SchnorrSig64
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_schnorrsig_sign"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr SchnorrSig64
-> Ptr Msg32
-> Ptr SecKey32
-- This is actually an "extended nonce function" in the C code. So this signature is broken,
-- but we pass a nullFunPtr (and this module is Internal), so it doesn't matter right now.
-> FunPtr (NonceFunction a)
-> Ptr a -- ^ nonce data
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_xonly_pubkey_tweak_test"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr XOnlyPubKey64 -- output_pubkey
-> CInt -- is_negated
-> Ptr XOnlyPubKey64 -- internal_pubkey
-> Ptr Tweak32
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_xonly_pubkey_serialize"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr CUChar -- 32 bytes output buffer
-> Ptr XOnlyPubKey64
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_schnorrsig_verify"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr SchnorrSig64
-> Ptr Msg32
-> Ptr XOnlyPubKey64
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_schnorrsig_parse"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr SchnorrSig64 -- out
-> Ptr CUChar -- in
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_xonly_pubkey_parse"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr XOnlyPubKey64 -- out
-> Ptr CUChar -- in
-> IO Ret
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1.h secp256k1_xonly_pubkey_create"
:: Ptr Ctx
-> Ptr XOnlyPubKey64
-> Ptr SecKey32
-> IO Ret
#ifdef ECDH
foreign import ccall
"secp256k1_ecdh.h secp256k1_ecdh"

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Crypto.Secp256k1Spec (spec) where
import Crypto.Secp256k1
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
@ -57,6 +58,28 @@ spec = do
describe "ecdh" $ do
it "computes dh secret" $ property $ computeDhSecret
#ifdef SCHNORR
describe "schnorr (bip-340)" $ do
it "validates test vector 0" $ property bip340Vector0
it "rejects test vector 5" $ property $
failingVectorToAssertion InvalidPubKey
hexToBytes "eefdea4cdb677750a420fee807eacf21eb9898ae79b9768766e4faa04a2d4a34",
hexToBytes "243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03707344a4093822299f31d0082efa98ec4e6c89",
hexToBytes "667c2f778e0616e611bd0c14b8a600c5884551701a949ef0ebfd72d452d64e844160bcfc3f466ecb8facd19ade57d8699d74e7207d78c6aedc3799b52a8e0598"
it "rejects test vector 6" $ property $
failingVectorToAssertion InvalidSig
hexToBytes "dff1d77f2a671c5f36183726db2341be58feae1da2deced843240f7b502ba659",
hexToBytes "243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03707344a4093822299f31d0082efa98ec4e6c89",
hexToBytes "f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce036f9935554d1aa5f0374e5cdaacb3925035c7c169b27c4426df0a6b19af3baeab138"
it "makes a valid taproot key spend signature" $ property taprootKeySpend
hexToBytes :: String -> BS.ByteString
hexToBytes = fst . B16.decode . B8.pack
isStringPubKey :: (PubKey, Bool) -> Bool
isStringPubKey (k, c) = k == fromString (cs hex) where
@ -178,12 +201,12 @@ tweakAddSecKeyTest =
assertEqual "tweaked keys match" expected tweaked
tweaked = do
key <- secKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
key <- secKey $ hexToBytes
twk <- tweak $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
twk <- tweak $ hexToBytes
tweakAddSecKey key twk
expected = secKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
expected = secKey $ hexToBytes
tweakMulSecKeyTest :: Assertion
@ -191,12 +214,12 @@ tweakMulSecKeyTest =
assertEqual "tweaked keys match" expected tweaked
tweaked = do
key <- secKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
key <- secKey $ hexToBytes
twk <- tweak $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
twk <- tweak $ hexToBytes
tweakMulSecKey key twk
expected = secKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
expected = secKey $ hexToBytes
tweakAddPubKeyTest :: Assertion
@ -204,12 +227,12 @@ tweakAddPubKeyTest =
assertEqual "tweaked keys match" expected tweaked
tweaked = do
pub <- importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
pub <- importPubKey $ hexToBytes
twk <- tweak $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
twk <- tweak $ hexToBytes
tweakAddPubKey pub twk
expected = importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
expected = importPubKey $ hexToBytes
tweakMulPubKeyTest :: Assertion
@ -217,12 +240,12 @@ tweakMulPubKeyTest =
assertEqual "tweaked keys match" expected tweaked
tweaked = do
pub <- importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
pub <- importPubKey $ hexToBytes
twk <- tweak $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
twk <- tweak $ hexToBytes
tweakMulPubKey pub twk
expected = importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
expected = importPubKey $ hexToBytes
combinePubKeyTest :: Assertion
@ -230,14 +253,14 @@ combinePubKeyTest =
assertEqual "combined keys match" expected combined
combined = do
pub1 <- importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
pub1 <- importPubKey $ hexToBytes
pub2 <- importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
pub2 <- importPubKey $ hexToBytes
pub3 <- importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
pub3 <- importPubKey $ hexToBytes
combinePubKeys [pub1, pub2, pub3]
expected = importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
expected = importPubKey $ hexToBytes
negateTweakTest :: Assertion
@ -258,11 +281,77 @@ computeDhSecret =
assertEqual "ecdh computes known secret" expected computed
computed = do
pub <- importPubKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
pub <- importPubKey $ hexToBytes
sec <- secKey $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
sec <- secKey $ hexToBytes
pure $ ecdh pub sec
expected = Just $ fst $ B16.decode $ B8.pack
expected = Just $ hexToBytes
#ifdef SCHNORR
data VectorError = InvalidPubKey | InvalidSig | InvalidMsg | InvalidSigFormat
deriving (Eq, Show)
failingVectorToAssertion :: VectorError -> (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString) -> Assertion
failingVectorToAssertion expectedFailure (pubBytes, msgBytes, sigBytes) =
assertEqual ("expected error " <> show expectedFailure <> " occurs") (Left expectedFailure) computed
computed :: Either VectorError ()
computed =
pubM = importXOnlyPubKey pubBytes
sigM = importSchnorrSig sigBytes
msgM = msg $ msgBytes
case (pubM, sigM, msgM) of
(Nothing, _, _) -> Left InvalidPubKey
(_, Nothing, _) -> Left InvalidSigFormat
(_, _, Nothing) -> Left InvalidMsg
(Just pub, Just sig, Just msg) ->
if verifyMsgSchnorr pub sig msg
then Right ()
else Left InvalidSig
bip340Vector0 :: Assertion
bip340Vector0 =
passingVectorToAssertion 0
BS.replicate 31 0 <> B8.pack ['\x01']
, BS.replicate 32 0
, hexToBytes "db46b5cdc554edbd7765611b75d7bdbc639cf538fb6e9ef04a61884b765343aae148954f27eb69291a9045862f8ae4fa53436c117e9397c70275d5398066d44b"
-- Integer is BIP-340 vector test number
passingVectorToAssertion :: Integer -> (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString) -> Assertion
passingVectorToAssertion idx (secBytes, msgBytes, sigBytes) =
assertEqual ("BIP-340 test vector " <> show idx <> " signature matches") expectedSig computedSig
expectedSig :: Maybe SchnorrSig
expectedSig = importSchnorrSig $ sigBytes
computedSig :: Maybe SchnorrSig
computedSig = do
sec <- secKey secBytes
msg <- msg $ msgBytes
pure $ signMsgSchnorr sec msg
-- This test is ported from the C code, it is called 'test_schnorrsig_taproot'.
-- But this version was modified to use fixed keys and messages.
taprootKeySpend :: Assertion
taprootKeySpend =
assertEqual "derivation succeded and resulting signature is valid" (Just True) computed
computed = do
sec <- secKey $ BS.replicate 32 32
msgToSign <- msg $ BS.replicate 32 00
let internalPub = deriveXOnlyPubKey sec
twea <- tweak $ exportXOnlyPubKey internalPub
(outputPub, isNegated) <- schnorrTweakAddPubKey internalPub twea
-- This is a 'key spend' in Taproot terminology:
tweakSec <- schnorrTweakAddSecKey sec twea
let sig = signMsgSchnorr tweakSec msgToSign
pure $ verifyMsgSchnorr outputPub sig msgToSign