# This is the simple Travis configuration, which is intended for use # on applications which do not require cross-platform and # multiple-GHC-version support. For more information and other # options, see: # # https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/travis_ci/ # # Copy these contents into the root directory of your Github project in a file # named .travis.yml # Choose a build environment dist: bionic # Do not choose a language; we provide our own build tools. language: generic # Caching so the next build will be fast too. cache: directories: - $HOME/.stack # Ensure necessary system libraries are present addons: apt: packages: - libgmp-dev - libsecp256k1-dev before_install: # Download and unpack the stack executable - mkdir -p ~/.local/bin - export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH - travis_retry curl -L https://get.haskellstack.org/stable/linux-x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz --wildcards --strip-components=1 -C ~/.local/bin '*/stack' install: # Build dependencies - stack --no-terminal --install-ghc test --only-dependencies script: # Build the package, its tests, and its docs and run the tests - stack --no-terminal test --haddock --no-haddock-deps