Workaround a bug with haddock and pattern synyonyms. Fixed some docs issues.

This commit is contained in:
Paweł Nowak 2014-11-23 14:00:21 +01:00
parent ff4a426746
commit 180dcbcb79

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@ -57,29 +57,37 @@ class SemiIsoFunctor f where
(/$/) :: SemiIsoFunctor f => ASemiIso' a b -> f b -> f a
(/$/) = simap
-- | @ai /$~ f@ is equal to @ai . morphed /$/ f@.
-- | > ai /$~ f = ai . morphed /$/ f
-- This operator handles all the hairy stuff with uncurried application:
-- it reassociates the argument tuple and removes unnecessary (or adds necessary)
-- units to match the function type. You don't have to use /* and */ with this
-- units to match the function type. You don't have to use @/*@ and @*/@ with this
-- operator.
(/$~) :: (SemiIsoFunctor f, HFoldable b', HFoldable b,
HUnfoldable b', HUnfoldable b, Rep b' ~ Rep b)
=> ASemiIso' a b' -> f b -> f a
(SemiIso f g) /$~ h = semiIso f g . morphed /$/ h
-- TODO GHC 7.10: haddock doesn't work with pattern synynonyms yet
-- (SemiIso f g) /$~ h = semiIso f g . morphed /$/ h
ai /$~ h = withSemiIso ai $ \f g -> semiIso f g . morphed /$/ h
-- | @ai ~$/ f@ is equal to @morphed . ai /$/ f@.
-- | > ai ~$/ f = morphed . ai /$/ f
(~$/) :: (SemiIsoFunctor f, HFoldable a', HFoldable a,
HUnfoldable a', HUnfoldable a, Rep a' ~ Rep a)
=> ASemiIso' a' b -> f b -> f a
(SemiIso f g) ~$/ h = morphed . semiIso f g /$/ h
-- TODO GHC 7.10: haddock doesn't work with pattern synynonyms yet
--(SemiIso f g) ~$/ h = morphed . semiIso f g /$/ h
ai ~$/ h = withSemiIso ai $ \f g -> morphed . semiIso f g /$/ h
-- | @ai ~$~ f@ is equal to @morphed . ai . morphed /$/ f@.
(~$~) :: (SemiIsoFunctor f, HFoldable b', HFoldable b', HFoldable b,
HFoldable a, HUnfoldable b', HUnfoldable b', HUnfoldable b,
HUnfoldable a, Rep b' ~ Rep b, Rep b' ~ Rep a)
-- | > ai ~$~ f = morphed . ai . morphed /$/ f
(~$~) :: (SemiIsoFunctor f,
HFoldable a, HUnfoldable a,
HFoldable b, HUnfoldable b,
HFoldable b', HUnfoldable b',
Rep b' ~ Rep b, Rep b' ~ Rep a)
=> ASemiIso b' b' b' b' -> f b -> f a
(SemiIso f g) ~$~ h = morphed . semiIso f g . morphed /$/ h
-- TODO GHC 7.10: haddock doesn't work with pattern synynonyms yet
--(SemiIso f g) ~$~ h = morphed . semiIso f g . morphed /$/ h
ai ~$~ h = withSemiIso ai $ \f g -> morphed . semiIso f g . morphed /$/ h
-- | Equivalent of 'Applicative' for 'SemiIsoFunctor'.