add ms. about to remove them

This commit is contained in:
Greg Hale 2016-02-18 15:15:50 -05:00
parent 588c62e2a5
commit 24b5f87ad4
2 changed files with 87 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ performRequestCT :: (MonadWidget t m, FromHttpApiData a)
=> String -> Req t -> Dynamic t BaseUrl
-> Event t () -> m (Event t (Maybe a, XhrResponse))
performRequestCT reqMethod req reqHost trigger = do
fmap () -- TODO
resp <- performRequest reqMethod req reqHost trigger
return $ ffor resp $ \xhr -> undefined
-- partialRequest <- liftIO $ reqToRequest req reqHost

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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import Reflex.Dom.Xhr
-- -> m (Event t (Either XhrError (Book,Book)))
-- > (getAllBooks :<|> postNewBook) = client myApi host
-- > where host = constDyn $ BaseUrl Http "localhost" 8080
client :: (HasClient t m layout) => Proxy layout -> Dynamic t BaseUrl -> Client t m layout
client :: (HasClient t m layout, MonadWidget t m) => Proxy layout -> Dynamic t BaseUrl -> Client t m layout
client p baseurl = clientWithRoute p defReq baseurl
-- | This class lets us define how each API combinator
@ -109,52 +109,55 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) method req baseurl
where method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
-- VERB (No content) --
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
(ReflectMethod method, MonadWidget t m) =>
HasClient t m (Verb method status cts NoContent) where
type Client t m (Verb method status cts NoContent) =
Event t () -> m (Event t XhrResponse)
-- TODO: how to access input types here?
-- ExceptT ServantError IO NoContent
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl =
performRequestNoBody method req baseurl
where method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
-- TODO Overlapping error??
-- -- VERB (No content) --
-- instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
-- (ReflectMethod method, MonadWidget t m) =>
-- HasClient t m (Verb method status cts NoContent) where
-- type Client t m (Verb method status cts NoContent) =
-- Event t () -> m (Event t XhrResponse)
-- -- TODO: how to access input types here?
-- -- ExceptT ServantError IO NoContent
-- clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl =
-- performRequestNoBody method req baseurl
-- where method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
-- HEADERS Verb (Content) --
-- Headers combinator not treated in fully general case,
-- in order to deny instances for (Headers ls (Capture "id" Int)),
-- a combinator that wouldn't make sense
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
-- Note [Non-Empty Content Types]
( MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls,
ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts),
MonadWidget t m
) => HasClient t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers ls a)) where
type Client t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers ls a))
= Event t () -> m (Event t (Maybe a, XhrResponse))
-- ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls a)
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl = do
let method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
(hdrs, resp) <- performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) method req baseurl
return $ Headers { getResponse = resp
, getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- TODO Overlapping??
-- instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
-- -- Note [Non-Empty Content Types]
-- ( MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls,
-- ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts),
-- MonadWidget t m
-- ) => HasClient t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers ls a)) where
-- type Client t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers ls a))
-- = Event t () -> m (Event t (Maybe a, XhrResponse))
-- -- ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls a)
-- clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl = do
-- let method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
-- (hdrs, resp) <- performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) method req baseurl
-- return $ Headers { getResponse = resp
-- , getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- }
-- HEADERS Verb (No content) --
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
( BuildHeadersTo ls, ReflectMethod method,
MonadWidget t m
) => HasClient t m (Verb method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) where
type Client t m (Verb method status cts (Headers ls NoContent))
= Event t () -> m (Event t XhrResponse)
-- ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls NoContent)
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl = do
let method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
hdrs <- performRequestNoBody method req baseurl
return $ Headers { getResponse = NoContent
, getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- TODO Overlapping??
-- -- HEADERS Verb (No content) --
-- instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
-- ( BuildHeadersTo ls, ReflectMethod method,
-- MonadWidget t m
-- ) => HasClient t m (Verb method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) where
-- type Client t m (Verb method status cts (Headers ls NoContent))
-- = Event t () -> m (Event t XhrResponse)
-- -- ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls NoContent)
-- clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl = do
-- let method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
-- hdrs <- performRequestNoBody method req baseurl
-- return $ Headers { getResponse = NoContent
-- , getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- }
@ -275,17 +278,18 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient t m sublayout)
type Client t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) =
[a] -> Client t m sublayout
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl paramlist =
clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
(foldl' (\ req' -> maybe req' (flip (appendToQueryString pname) req' . Just))
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl paramlist = undefined
-- clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
-- (foldl' prependPathParts req paramlist')
-- (foldl' (\ req' -> maybe req' (flip (appendToQueryString pname) req' . Just))
-- req
-- paramlist'
-- )
-- baseurl
where pname = cs pname'
pname' = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
paramlist' = map (Just . toQueryParam) paramlist
-- where pname = cs pname'
-- pname' = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
-- paramlist' = map (Just . toQueryParam) paramlist
-- | If you use a 'QueryFlag' in one of your endpoints in your API,
-- the corresponding querying function will automatically take
@ -309,21 +313,23 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient t m sublayout)
-- > -- then you can just use "getBooks" to query that endpoint.
-- > -- 'getBooksBy False' for all books
-- > -- 'getBooksBy True' to only get _already published_ books
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasClient t m sublayout)
=> HasClient t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) where
type Client t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) =
Bool -> Client t m sublayout
-- TODO Bring back
-- instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasClient t m sublayout)
-- => HasClient t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) where
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl flag =
clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
(if flag
then appendToQueryString paramname Nothing req
else req
-- type Client t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) =
-- Bool -> Client t m sublayout
where paramname = cs $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
-- clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl flag =
-- clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
-- (if flag
-- then appendToQueryString paramname Nothing req
-- else req
-- )
-- baseurl
-- where paramname = cs $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
-- | Pick a 'Method' and specify where the server you want to query is. You get
@ -355,20 +361,22 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasClient t m sublayout)
-- > addBook = client myApi host
-- > where host = BaseUrl Http "localhost" 8080
-- > -- then you can just use "addBook" to query that endpoint
instance (MimeRender ct a, HasClient t m sublayout)
=> HasClient t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) where
type Client t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) =
a -> Client sublayout
-- TODO: Bring back
-- instance (MimeRender ct a, HasClient t m sublayout)
-- => HasClient t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) where
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl body =
clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
(let ctProxy = Proxy :: Proxy ct
in setRQBody (mimeRender ctProxy body)
(contentType ctProxy)
-- type Client t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) =
-- a -> Client sublayout
-- clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl body =
-- clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
-- (let ctProxy = Proxy :: Proxy ct
-- in setRQBody (mimeRender ctProxy body)
-- (contentType ctProxy)
-- req
-- )
-- baseurl
-- | Make the querying function append @path@ to the request path.
instance (KnownSymbol path, HasClient t m sublayout) => HasClient t m (path :> sublayout) where
@ -376,13 +384,13 @@ instance (KnownSymbol path, HasClient t m sublayout) => HasClient t m (path :> s
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl =
clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
(prependToPath (constant p) req)
(prependToPathParts (constant p) req)
where p = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy path)
instance HasClient t m api => HasClient t m (Vault :> api) where
type Client t m (Vault :> api) = Client api
type Client t m (Vault :> api) = Client t m api
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl =
clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy api) req baseurl