Split tuple API into single and multi, bump deps

This commit is contained in:
Greg Hale 2020-03-09 22:19:20 -04:00
parent bf11dea868
commit 5e6ba54179
9 changed files with 1123 additions and 430 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, case-insensitive
, containers, data-default, exceptions, ghcjs-dom, http-api-data
, containers, data-default, exceptions, generic-lens, ghcjs-dom, http-api-data
, http-media, jsaddle, mtl, network-uri, reflex, reflex-dom-core
, safe, scientific, servant, servant-auth, stdenv
, string-conversions, text, transformers
@ -11,13 +11,15 @@ mkDerivation {
(path: type:
baseNameOf path != "result"
&& baseNameOf path != "nix"
&& baseNameOf path != "testdriver"
&& baseNameOf path != "testserver"
) ./.;
configureFlags = [ "-fexample" ];
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base bytestring case-insensitive containers data-default exceptions
ghcjs-dom http-api-data http-media jsaddle mtl network-uri reflex
generic-lens ghcjs-dom http-api-data http-media jsaddle mtl network-uri reflex
reflex-dom-core safe servant servant-auth string-conversions text

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
rev = "a15d3a2411e7ca7d4ee4853b57c72fe83faee272";
rev = "2df9a830193f551ff222ac6b0c739c622578ddc0";
in import (builtins.fetchTarball
url = "https://github.com/reflex-frp/reflex-platform/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1dsvw0lah7761vndip1hqal4fjpjv84ravinnfhy83jgfav5ivna";
sha256 = "17084xqhixk79av0gnjgwkhdigf9zwkd4axb6qp89dyyffy5s3hi";
}) {}

View File

@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
generic-lens-src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "kcsongor";
repo = "generic-lens";
rev = "6787a4e85d09ad9fcfe5baae53fea2cccbae5976";
sha256 = "1bvjwxm4ik2zcx9s57ibi376y255vm5mawx12s1sjcn09mv1vvdh";
# generic-lens-src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
# owner = "kcsongor";
# repo = "generic-lens";
# rev = "6787a4e85d09ad9fcfe5baae53fea2cccbae5976";
# sha256 = "1bvjwxm4ik2zcx9s57ibi376y255vm5mawx12s1sjcn09mv1vvdh";
# };
ghcjsPackages = reflexPlatform.${compiler}.override {
overrides = self: super: {
servant = super.servant;
generic-lens = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck (self.callCabal2nix "generic-lens" generic-lens-src {
inspection-testing = null;
# generic-lens = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck (self.callCabal2nix "generic-lens" generic-lens-src {
# inspection-testing = null;
# });
wai = super.wai;
servant-reflex = pkgs.haskell.lib.appendConfigureFlag
(self.callPackage ../. {}) "-fExample";

View File

@ -18,7 +18,11 @@ Flag Example

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
-- |
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Servant.Reflex.Examples where
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity(..)) -- Temporary
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Reflex (Event, MonadHold, PostBuild,
holdDyn, leftmost)
import Reflex.Dom.Core (DomBuilder, display)
import Reflex.Dom.Widget (button)
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..), (:>) (..))
import qualified Servant.API as API
import Servant.Common.BaseUrl (SupportsServantReflex)
import qualified Servant.Reflex.TupleRequest as TupleRequest
import qualified Servant.Reflex.TupleRequestMulti as TupleRequestMulti
import qualified Servant.Test.ComprehensiveAPI as Servant
type MyAPI =
API.Header "hi" Int
:> API.Capture "hello" Int
:> API.Capture "hello2" Bool
:> API.Get '[API.JSON] (API.Headers '[API.Header "hi" Int] Int)
:<|> API.Get '[API.JSON] Bool
type MyAPI2 = API.Raw
m :: forall t m.(SupportsServantReflex t m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, DomBuilder t m) => m ()
m = do
let (a :<|> b) = TupleRequest.clientR (Proxy @MyAPI) (Proxy :: Proxy m) (Proxy :: Proxy t) undefined
btn <- button "Hello"
resA <- a ((2, 5, True) <$ btn)
resB <- b (() <$ btn)
display =<< holdDyn "waiting" (leftmost [show <$> resB ])
let rawR = TupleRequest.clientR (Proxy @MyAPI2) (Proxy @m) (Proxy @t) undefined
let (aMulti1 :<|> bMulti1) =
(Proxy @MyAPI)
(Proxy :: Proxy m)
(Proxy :: Proxy t)
(Proxy :: Proxy ((,) Int))
return ()

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- Temporary
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
@ -17,87 +17,37 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Servant.Reflex.RequestAPI where
module Servant.Reflex.Internal.TupleRequest where
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Generics.Product
import Data.Proxy
import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk)
import Control.Lens (over,set)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Default as Default
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Reflex hiding (HList(..))
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (MonadJSM)
import Data.Generics.Product
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr (XhrRequest (..), XhrRequestConfig (..),
XhrResponseHeaders (..),
XhrResponseType (..), XhrResponse(..))
import Servant.API hiding (HList(..))
import Servant.Common.Req hiding (QueryPart(..))
import Servant.Common.BaseUrl
import Servant.API ((:<|>), BasicAuthData, Raw,
basicAuthPassword, basicAuthUsername)
import Reflex.Dom hiding (HList(..))
import Servant.Reflex (BuildHeaderKeysTo (..),
import Servant.Common.BaseUrl (SupportsServantReflex, BaseUrl (..), showBaseUrl)
import Servant.Common.Req (escape)
import Servant.Reflex (BuildHeaderKeysTo (..), toHeaders)
- [x] :<|>
- [x] Verb content
- [x] Verb nocontent
- [x] Verb (Headers content)
- [x] Verb (Headers nocontent)
- [ ] Stream
- [X] Capture :> ...
- [ ] Capture' :> ...
- [x] CaptureAll :> ...
- [x] QueryParam :> ...
- [x] QueryParams :> ...
- [x] QueryFlag :> ...
- [x] ReqBody :> ...
- [ ] Header' :> ...
- [x] Header :> ...
- [x] Summary :> ...
- [x] Description :> ...
- [x] path :> ...
- [ ] RemoteHost :> ...
- [x] IsSecure :> ...
- [x] Vault :> ...
- [ ] WithNamedContext :> ...
- [ ] AuthenticatedRequest :> ...
- [x] BasicAuth :> ...
- [ ] EmptyClient :> ...
- [ ] EmptyClient
- [ ] HttpVersion :> ...
data HList xs where
HNil :: HList '[]
HCons :: x -> HList xs -> HList (x ': xs)
clientR :: forall t m layout f . (HasClientR t m (Seal layout) f, Applicative f, Reflex t)
=> Proxy layout -> Proxy (m :: * -> *) -> Proxy t -> Proxy f
-> Dynamic t BaseUrl -> ClientR t m (Seal layout) f
clientR _ mP tP fP url =
clientRWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy (Seal layout)) mP fP undefined url undefined
-- | A class for generating top-level the API client function
class HasClientR t (m :: * -> *) api (f :: * -> *) where
type ClientR t m api f :: *
clientRWithRoute :: Proxy api -> Proxy m -> Proxy f
-> Dynamic t (f (Req t)) -> Dynamic t BaseUrl
-> ClientOptions -> ClientR t m api f
-- instance EndpointR t m Raw f where
-- type EInputs t m Raw f = '[XhrRequest T.Text]
-- type EOutput t m Raw f = XhrResponse
-- mkReq (HCons (XhrRequest method url conf) NHil) =
-- ReqR method
-- | A class for generating endpoint-level API client functions
@ -118,26 +68,9 @@ class EndpointR t m api f where
mkReq :: HList (EInputs t m api f) -> ReqR
getResp :: XhrResponse -> EOutput t m api f
-- | :<|> APIs
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
(HasClientR t m (layoutLeft) f,
HasClientR t m (layoutRight) f
) => HasClientR t m (layoutLeft :<|> layoutRight) f where
type ClientR t m (layoutLeft :<|> layoutRight) f =
ClientR t m layoutLeft f :<|> ClientR t m layoutRight f
clientRWithRoute _ tP mP _ url opts =
clientRWithRoute (Proxy @layoutLeft) tP mP undefined url opts
clientRWithRoute (Proxy @layoutRight) tP mP undefined url opts
#if MIN_VERSION_servant (0,13,0)
-- TODO: Untested
instance HasClientR t m EmptyClient f where
type ClientR t m api f = EmptyClient
clientRWithRoute _ _ _ _ _ _ = EmptyClient
data HList xs where
HNil :: HList '[]
HCons :: x -> HList xs -> HList (x ': xs)
class ToTuple xs where
@ -153,298 +86,6 @@ type family Seal a where
Seal Raw = SealedRaw
Seal a = Sealed a
-- | Turn a single Endpoint into a client, by turning the input HList
-- into a tuple
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} forall t m layout f .(EndpointR t m layout f,
ToTuple (HList (EInputs t m layout f)),
Monad m
, Traversable f
, SupportsServantReflex t m
) => HasClientR t (m :: * -> *) (Sealed layout) (f :: * -> *) where
type ClientR t m (Sealed layout) f =
Event t (f (Tuple (HList (EInputs t m layout f))))
-> m (Event t (f (EOutput t m layout f)))
clientRWithRoute _ mP fP dReq url opts (reqs :: Event t (f (Tuple (HList (EInputs t m layout f ))))) = do
let reqTuples = fmap (fromTuple @(HList (EInputs t m layout f ))) <$> reqs
-- TODO: replace these 2 lines w/ the next 2. The trace is for library debugging
reqRs = traceEventWith (concat . fmap ((<> "\n") . show)) $ fmap (mkReq @t @m @layout @f) <$> reqTuples
reqs' = ffor (attachPromptlyDyn url reqRs) $ \(bUrl, rs) -> mkXhrRequest bUrl <$> rs
-- reqs' = ffor (attachPromptlyDyn url reqTuples) $ \(bUrl, inputs) ->
-- mkXhrRequest bUrl . mkReq @t @m @layout @f <$> inputs
resps <- performRequestsAsync $ reqs'
return (fmap (getResp @t @m @layout @f) <$> resps)
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m, Traversable f) => HasClientR t m SealedRaw f where
type ClientR t m SealedRaw f = Event t (f (XhrRequest T.Text)) -> m (Event t (f XhrResponse))
clientRWithRoute _ mP fP dReq url opts reqs = performRequestsAsync reqs
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}(MimeUnrender ct a, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts), SupportsServantReflex t m, Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' a) f where
type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' a) f = '[]
type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' a) f = Either String a
mkReq _ = emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) -> mimeUnrender (Proxy @ct) (BL.fromStrict x)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}(ReflectMethod method, SupportsServantReflex t m, Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) f where
type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) f = '[]
type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) f = Either String NoContent
mkReq _ = emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
getResp resp = Right NoContent -- TODO: Should EOutput be `NoContent` rather than Either... ?
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
(MimeUnrender ct a,
BuildHeadersTo hs,
ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts),
SupportsServantReflex t m,
Applicative f,
BuildHeaderKeysTo hs
) => EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f where
type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f = '[]
type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f = Either String (Headers hs a)
mkReq _ = set (field @"reqRRespHeaders") (OnlyHeaders (Set.fromList (buildHeaderKeysTo (Proxy @hs)))) $ emptyReqR $ E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) ->
let hs = buildHeadersTo
. fmap (first (mk . E.encodeUtf8) . second E.encodeUtf8)
. M.toList
$ _xhrResponse_headers resp
in fmap (flip Headers (hs)) $ mimeUnrender (Proxy @ct) (BL.fromStrict x)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}(MimeUnrender ct a,
BuildHeadersTo hs,
BuildHeaderKeysTo hs,
ReflectMethod method,
SupportsServantReflex t m,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f where
type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f = '[]
type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f = Either String (Headers hs NoContent)
mkReq _ = set (field @"reqRRespHeaders") (OnlyHeaders (Set.fromList (buildHeaderKeysTo (Proxy @hs)))) $ emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) ->
let hs = buildHeadersTo
. fmap (first (mk . E.encodeUtf8) . second E.encodeUtf8)
. M.toList
$ _xhrResponse_headers resp
in Right (Headers NoContent hs)
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
ToHttpApiData a,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) = (\a -> over (field @"reqRPathParts") (toUrlPiece a:)) x $
mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
ToHttpApiData a,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f = [a] ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) = (\a -> over (field @"reqRPathParts") (fmap toUrlPiece a <>)) x $
mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
KnownSymbol sym,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (sym :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (sym :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (sym :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq r = over (field @"reqRPathParts") (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)) :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f r
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
ToHttpApiData a,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f = Maybe a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) = over (field @"reqRParams") ((T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sym),
QueryPartParam $ fmap (toQueryParam) x) : ) $
mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
ToHttpApiData a,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f = [a] ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
let newParams = (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)), QueryPartParams (toQueryParam <$> x))
in over (field @"reqRParams") (newParams :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f = Bool ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
let newParam = (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)), QueryPartFlag x)
in over (field @"reqRParams") (newParam :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
MimeRender ct a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
set (field @"reqRBody") (Just (mimeRender (Proxy @ct) x, T.pack (show (contentType (Proxy @ct))))) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
over (field @"reqRHeaders")
-- ((symbolVal (Proxy @sym), (mimeRender (Proxy @a) x)) :)
((T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sym), E.decodeUtf8 $ toHeader x) :)
$ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
#if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,13,0)
-- TODO: Untested
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
#if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,13,0)
-- TODO: Untested
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Description desc :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Descriptiok desc :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Description desc :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Vault :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Vault :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Vault :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f = BasicAuthData ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
set (field @"reqRAuthData") (Just x) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance ToTuple (HList '[]) where
type Tuple (HList '[]) = ()
toTuple _ = ()
@ -465,26 +106,6 @@ instance ToTuple (HList '[a,b,c]) where
toTuple (HCons a (HCons b (HCons c HNil))) = (a,b,c)
fromTuple (a,b,c) = HCons a (HCons b (HCons c HNil))
type MyAPI = Header "hi" Int :> Capture "hello" Int :> Capture "hello2" Bool :> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "hi" Int] Int)
:<|> Get '[JSON] Bool
type MyAPI2 = Raw
m :: forall t m.MonadWidget t m => m ()
m = do
let (a :<|> b) = clientR (Proxy @MyAPI) (Proxy :: Proxy m) (Proxy :: Proxy t)
(Proxy @[]) undefined
btn <- button "Hello"
resA <- a (fmap (:[]) ((2, 5,True) <$ btn))
resB <- b (fmap (:[]) (() <$ btn))
display =<< holdDyn "waiting" (leftmost [show <$> resB ])
-- [show <$> resA
-- , show <$> resB
-- ])
let rawR = clientR (Proxy @MyAPI2) (Proxy @m) (Proxy @t) (Proxy @[]) undefined
return ()
data ReqR = ReqR
{ reqRMethod :: T.Text
@ -547,7 +168,7 @@ mkXhrRequest reqHost req =
Just (rb,ct) -> (M.insert "Content-Type" ct headers0,
E.decodeUtf8 $ BL.toStrict rb)
xhrReqConfig = def
xhrReqConfig = Default.def
{ _xhrRequestConfig_headers = headers
, _xhrRequestConfig_user = E.decodeUtf8 . basicAuthUsername <$> reqRAuthData req
, _xhrRequestConfig_password = E.decodeUtf8 . basicAuthPassword <$> reqRAuthData req
@ -559,9 +180,294 @@ mkXhrRequest reqHost req =
xhrReq = XhrRequest (reqRMethod req) url xhrReqConfig
in xhrReq
transformExample :: MonadWidget t m => ((Int, Char) -> Performable m Bool) -> Event t (Int, Char) -> m (Event t Bool)
transformExample f = \triggers -> performEvent (f <$> triggers)
-- transformExample = undefined -- let x = performEvent :: _ in undefined
transform :: MonadWidget t m => forall a. (inp -> IO outp) -> (Event t inp -> m (Event t outp))
transform = undefined
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
( MimeUnrender ct a
, ReflectMethod method
, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)
, SupportsServantReflex t m
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' a) f where
type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' a) f = '[]
type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' a) f = Either String a
mkReq _ = emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) -> mimeUnrender (Proxy @ct) (BL.fromStrict x)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
( ReflectMethod method
, SupportsServantReflex t m
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) f where
type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) f = '[]
type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) f = Either String NoContent
mkReq _ = emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
getResp resp = Right NoContent -- TODO: Should EOutput be `NoContent` rather than Either... ?
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
( MimeUnrender ct a
, BuildHeadersTo hs
, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)
, SupportsServantReflex t m
-- , Applicative f
, BuildHeaderKeysTo hs
=> EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f where
type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f = '[]
type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f = Either String (Headers hs a)
mkReq _ = set (field @"reqRRespHeaders") (OnlyHeaders (Set.fromList (buildHeaderKeysTo (Proxy @hs)))) $ emptyReqR $ E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) ->
let hs = buildHeadersTo
. fmap (first (mk . E.encodeUtf8) . second E.encodeUtf8)
. M.toList
$ _xhrResponse_headers resp
in fmap (flip Headers (hs)) $ mimeUnrender (Proxy @ct) (BL.fromStrict x)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
(MimeUnrender ct a
, BuildHeadersTo hs
, BuildHeaderKeysTo hs
, ReflectMethod method
, SupportsServantReflex t m
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f where
type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f = '[]
type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f = Either String (Headers hs NoContent)
mkReq _ = set (field @"reqRRespHeaders") (OnlyHeaders (Set.fromList (buildHeaderKeysTo (Proxy @hs)))) $ emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) ->
let hs = buildHeadersTo
. fmap (first (mk . E.encodeUtf8) . second E.encodeUtf8)
. M.toList
$ _xhrResponse_headers resp
in Right (Headers NoContent hs)
( SupportsServantReflex t m
, ToHttpApiData a
, EndpointR t m sublayout f
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) = (\a -> over (field @"reqRPathParts") (toUrlPiece a:)) x $
mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
( SupportsServantReflex t m
, ToHttpApiData a
, EndpointR t m sublayout f
, Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f = [a] ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) = (\a -> over (field @"reqRPathParts") (fmap toUrlPiece a <>)) x $
mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
(SupportsServantReflex t m
, KnownSymbol sym
, EndpointR t m sublayout f
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (sym :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (sym :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (sym :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq r = over (field @"reqRPathParts") (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)) :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f r
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
( SupportsServantReflex t m
, ToHttpApiData a
, EndpointR t m sublayout f
, KnownSymbol sym
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f = Maybe a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) = over (field @"reqRParams") ((T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sym),
QueryPartParam $ fmap (toQueryParam) x) : ) $
mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
( SupportsServantReflex t m
, ToHttpApiData a
, EndpointR t m sublayout f
, KnownSymbol sym
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f = [a] ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
let newParams = (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)), QueryPartParams (toQueryParam <$> x))
in over (field @"reqRParams") (newParams :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
( SupportsServantReflex t m
, EndpointR t m sublayout f
, KnownSymbol sym
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f = Bool ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
let newParam = (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)), QueryPartFlag x)
in over (field @"reqRParams") (newParam :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
( SupportsServantReflex t m
, EndpointR t m sublayout f
, MimeRender ct a
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
set (field @"reqRBody") (Just (mimeRender (Proxy @ct) x, T.pack (show (contentType (Proxy @ct))))) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
( SupportsServantReflex t m
, EndpointR t m sublayout f
, KnownSymbol sym
, ToHttpApiData a
-- , Applicative f
=> EndpointR t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
over (field @"reqRHeaders")
-- ((symbolVal (Proxy @sym), (mimeRender (Proxy @a) x)) :)
((T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sym), E.decodeUtf8 $ toHeader x) :)
$ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
#if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,13,0)
-- TODO: Untested
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
#if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,13,0)
-- TODO: Untested
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Description desc :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Description desc :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Description desc :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
KnownSymbol sym,
ToHttpApiData a,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (Vault :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (Vault :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (Vault :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
EndpointR t m sublayout f,
Applicative f
) => EndpointR t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f where
type EInputs t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f = BasicAuthData ': EInputs t m sublayout f
type EOutput t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
mkReq (HCons x xs) =
set (field @"reqRAuthData") (Just x) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f

View File

@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Servant.Reflex.TupleRequest where
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk)
import qualified Data.Default as Default
import Data.Generics.Product
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (MonadJSM)
import Reflex hiding (HList (..))
import Servant.API hiding (HList (..))
import Servant.Common.BaseUrl
import Servant.Common.Req hiding (QueryPart (..))
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr hiding (HList (..))
import Servant.Reflex (BuildHeaderKeysTo (..),
import Servant.Reflex.Internal.TupleRequest
- [x] :<|>
- [x] Verb content
- [x] Verb nocontent
- [x] Verb (Headers content)
- [x] Verb (Headers nocontent)
- [ ] Stream
- [X] Capture :> ...
- [ ] Capture' :> ...
- [x] CaptureAll :> ...
- [x] QueryParam :> ...
- [x] QueryParams :> ...
- [x] QueryFlag :> ...
- [x] ReqBody :> ...
- [ ] Header' :> ...
- [x] Header :> ...
- [x] Summary :> ...
- [x] Description :> ...
- [x] path :> ...
- [ ] RemoteHost :> ...
- [x] IsSecure :> ...
- [x] Vault :> ...
- [ ] WithNamedContext :> ...
- [ ] AuthenticatedRequest :> ...
- [x] BasicAuth :> ...
- [ ] EmptyClient :> ...
- [ ] EmptyClient
- [ ] HttpVersion :> ...
:: forall t m layout
.( HasClientR t m (Seal layout)
, Reflex t
=> Proxy layout
-> Proxy (m :: * -> *)
-> Proxy t
-> Dynamic t BaseUrl
-> ClientR t m (Seal layout)
clientR _ mP tP url =
clientRWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy (Seal layout)) mP undefined url undefined
-- empty -^ dynOpts -^
-- | A class for generating top-level the API client function
class HasClientR t (m :: * -> *) api where
type ClientR t m api :: *
:: Proxy api
-> Proxy m
-> Dynamic t (Req t)
-> Dynamic t BaseUrl
-> ClientOptions
-> ClientR t m api
-- -- | A class for generating endpoint-level API client functions
-- -- We need two separate type classes because the needs of endpoints
-- -- and top-level clients are incompatible
-- --
-- -- Endpoints need to accumulate a list of their input types from
-- -- the API definition (the @EInputs@ associated type) when building
-- -- up a function from a sequence of @:>@ combinators. But for
-- -- sequences of @:<|>@ combinators, such a listing doesn't make
-- -- sense. So, we use one class for endpoint-level recursion and
-- -- another for collecting endpoints into the top-level API
-- class EndpointR t m api where
-- type EInputs t m api :: [*]
-- type EOutput t m api :: *
-- mkReq :: HList (EInputs t m api) -> ReqR
-- getResp :: XhrResponse -> EOutput t m api
-- | :<|> APIs
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
(HasClientR t m (layoutLeft),
HasClientR t m (layoutRight)
) => HasClientR t m (layoutLeft :<|> layoutRight) where
type ClientR t m (layoutLeft :<|> layoutRight) =
ClientR t m layoutLeft :<|> ClientR t m layoutRight
clientRWithRoute _ mP _ url opts =
clientRWithRoute (Proxy @layoutLeft) mP undefined url opts
clientRWithRoute (Proxy @layoutRight) mP undefined url opts
#if MIN_VERSION_servant (0,13,0)
-- TODO: Untested
instance HasClientR t m EmptyAPI where
type ClientR t m EmptyAPI = EmptyAPI
clientRWithRoute _ _ _ _ _ = EmptyAPI
-- | Turn a single Endpoint into a client, by turning the input HList
-- into a tuple
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
forall t m layout
.( EndpointR t m layout Identity
, ToTuple (HList (EInputs t m layout Identity))
, Monad m
, SupportsServantReflex t m
=> HasClientR t (m :: * -> *) (Sealed layout) where
type ClientR t m (Sealed layout) =
Event t (Tuple (HList (EInputs t m layout Identity)))
-> m (Event t (EOutput t m layout Identity))
clientRWithRoute _ mP dReq url opts (reqs :: Event t (Tuple (HList (EInputs t m layout Identity)))) = do
reqTuples :: Event t (HList (EInputs t m layout Identity))
reqTuples = (fromTuple @(HList (EInputs t m layout Identity))) <$> reqs
-- TODO: replace these 2 lines w/ the next 2. The trace is for library debugging
reqRs :: Event t (ReqR)
reqRs = (mkReq @t @m @layout @Identity) <$> reqTuples
reqs' :: Event t (XhrRequest T.Text)
reqs' = ffor (attachPromptlyDyn url reqRs) $ \(bUrl, rs) -> mkXhrRequest bUrl $ rs
-- reqs' = ffor (attachPromptlyDyn url reqTuples) $ \(bUrl, inputs) ->
-- mkXhrRequest bUrl . mkReq @t @m @layout @f <$> inputs
resps <- performRequestAsync $ reqs'
-- return $ _ resps
return ((getResp @t @m @layout @Identity) <$> resps)
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m) => HasClientR t m SealedRaw where
type ClientR t m SealedRaw = Event t (XhrRequest T.Text) -> m (Event t XhrResponse)
clientRWithRoute _ mP dReq url opts reqs = performRequestAsync reqs
-- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}(MimeUnrender ct a, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts), SupportsServantReflex t m
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' a) where
-- type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' a) = '[]
-- type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' a) = Either String a
-- mkReq _ = emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
-- getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
-- Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) -> mimeUnrender (Proxy @ct) (BL.fromStrict x)
-- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}(ReflectMethod method, SupportsServantReflex t m
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) where
-- type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) = '[]
-- type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' NoContent) = Either String NoContent
-- mkReq _ = emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
-- getResp resp = Right NoContent -- TODO: Should EOutput be `NoContent` rather than Either... ?
-- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
-- (MimeUnrender ct a,
-- BuildHeadersTo hs,
-- ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts),
-- SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- Applicative f,
-- BuildHeaderKeysTo hs
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f where
-- type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f = '[]
-- type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs a)) f = Either String (Headers hs a)
-- mkReq _ = set (field @"reqRRespHeaders") (OnlyHeaders (Set.fromList (buildHeaderKeysTo (Proxy @hs)))) $ emptyReqR $ E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
-- getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
-- Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) ->
-- let hs = buildHeadersTo
-- . fmap (first (mk . E.encodeUtf8) . second E.encodeUtf8)
-- . M.toList
-- $ _xhrResponse_headers resp
-- in fmap (flip Headers (hs)) $ mimeUnrender (Proxy @ct) (BL.fromStrict x)
-- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}(MimeUnrender ct a,
-- BuildHeadersTo hs,
-- BuildHeaderKeysTo hs,
-- ReflectMethod method,
-- SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f where
-- type EInputs t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f = '[]
-- type EOutput t m (Verb method status cts' (Headers hs NoContent)) f = Either String (Headers hs NoContent)
-- mkReq _ = set (field @"reqRRespHeaders") (OnlyHeaders (Set.fromList (buildHeaderKeysTo (Proxy @hs)))) $ emptyReqR . E.decodeUtf8 $ reflectMethod (Proxy @method)
-- getResp resp = case _xhrResponse_response resp of
-- Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x) ->
-- let hs = buildHeadersTo
-- . fmap (first (mk . E.encodeUtf8) . second E.encodeUtf8)
-- . M.toList
-- $ _xhrResponse_headers resp
-- in Right (Headers NoContent hs)
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (Capture capture a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq (HCons x xs) = (\a -> over (field @"reqRPathParts") (toUrlPiece a:)) x $
-- mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f = [a] ': EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq (HCons x xs) = (\a -> over (field @"reqRPathParts") (fmap toUrlPiece a <>)) x $
-- mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (sym :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (sym :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (sym :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq r = over (field @"reqRPathParts") (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)) :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f r
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f = Maybe a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq (HCons x xs) = over (field @"reqRParams") ((T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sym),
-- QueryPartParam $ fmap (toQueryParam) x) : ) $
-- mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f = [a] ': EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq (HCons x xs) =
-- let newParams = (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)), QueryPartParams (toQueryParam <$> x))
-- in over (field @"reqRParams") (newParams :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f = Bool ': EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq (HCons x xs) =
-- let newParam = (T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @sym)), QueryPartFlag x)
-- in over (field @"reqRParams") (newParam :) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- MimeRender ct a,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq (HCons x xs) =
-- set (field @"reqRBody") (Just (mimeRender (Proxy @ct) x, T.pack (show (contentType (Proxy @ct))))) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f = a ': EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (Header sym a :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq (HCons x xs) =
-- over (field @"reqRHeaders")
-- -- ((symbolVal (Proxy @sym), (mimeRender (Proxy @a) x)) :)
-- ((T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @sym), E.decodeUtf8 $ toHeader x) :)
-- $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- #if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,13,0)
-- -- TODO: Untested
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (Summary desc :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- #endif
-- #if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,13,0)
-- -- TODO: Untested
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Description desc :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (Description desc :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (Description desc :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- #endif
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (IsSecure :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- KnownSymbol sym,
-- ToHttpApiData a,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (Vault :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (Vault :> sublayout) f = EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (Vault :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq = mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance (SupportsServantReflex t m,
-- EndpointR t m sublayout f,
-- Applicative f
-- ) => EndpointR t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f where
-- type EInputs t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f = BasicAuthData ': EInputs t m sublayout f
-- type EOutput t m (BasicAuth realm usr :> sublayout) f = EOutput t m sublayout f
-- mkReq (HCons x xs) =
-- set (field @"reqRAuthData") (Just x) $ mkReq @t @m @sublayout @f xs
-- getResp = getResp @t @m @sublayout @f
-- instance ToTuple (HList '[]) where
-- type Tuple (HList '[]) = ()
-- toTuple _ = ()
-- fromTuple _ = HNil
-- instance ToTuple (HList '[a]) where
-- type Tuple (HList '[a]) = a
-- toTuple (HCons a HNil) = a
-- fromTuple a = HCons a HNil
-- instance ToTuple (HList '[a,b]) where
-- type Tuple (HList '[a,b]) = (a,b)
-- toTuple (HCons a (HCons b HNil)) = (a,b)
-- fromTuple (a,b) = HCons a (HCons b HNil)
-- instance ToTuple (HList '[a,b,c]) where
-- type Tuple (HList '[a,b,c]) = (a,b,c)
-- toTuple (HCons a (HCons b (HCons c HNil))) = (a,b,c)
-- fromTuple (a,b,c) = HCons a (HCons b (HCons c HNil))
-- type MyAPI = Header "hi" Int :> Capture "hello" Int :> Capture "hello2" Bool :> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "hi" Int] Int)
-- :<|> Get '[JSON] Bool
-- type MyAPI2 = Raw
-- m :: forall t m.MonadWidget t m => m ()
-- m = do
-- let (a :<|> b) = clientR (Proxy @MyAPI) (Proxy :: Proxy m) (Proxy :: Proxy t)
-- (Proxy @[]) undefined
-- btn <- button "Hello"
-- resA <- a (fmap (:[]) ((2, 5,True) <$ btn))
-- resB <- b (fmap (:[]) (() <$ btn))
-- display =<< holdDyn "waiting" (leftmost [show <$> resB ])
-- -- [show <$> resA
-- -- , show <$> resB
-- -- ])
-- let rawR = clientR (Proxy @MyAPI2) (Proxy @m) (Proxy @t) (Proxy @[]) undefined
-- return ()
-- data ReqR = ReqR
-- { reqRMethod :: T.Text
-- , reqRPathParts :: [T.Text]
-- , reqRParams :: [(T.Text, QueryPart)]
-- , reqRBody :: Maybe (BL.ByteString, T.Text)
-- , reqRHeaders :: [(T.Text, T.Text)]
-- , reqRRespHeaders :: XhrResponseHeaders
-- , reqRAuthData :: Maybe BasicAuthData
-- } deriving (Generic)
-- instance Show ReqR where
-- show (ReqR m pp ps b hs hs' a) = concat $ L.intersperse "\n" [
-- "ReqR {"
-- , ("reqRMethod = " <> show m)
-- , ("reqRPathParts = " <> show pp)
-- , ("reqRParams = " <> show ps)
-- , ("reqRBody = " <> show b)
-- , ("reqRHeaders = " <> show hs)
-- , ("reqRRespHeaders = " <> show hs')
-- , ("reqRAuthData = " <> maybe "Nothing" (const "Just <<redacted>>") a)
-- ]
-- emptyReqR :: T.Text -> ReqR
-- emptyReqR method = ReqR method [] [] Nothing [] (OnlyHeaders mempty) Nothing
-- data QueryPart = QueryPartParam (Maybe Text)
-- | QueryPartParams [Text]
-- | QueryPartFlag Bool
-- deriving (Show)
-- mkXhrRequest :: BaseUrl -> ReqR -> XhrRequest T.Text
-- mkXhrRequest reqHost req =
-- let path = T.intercalate "/" $ reqRPathParts req
-- queryPartString :: (Text, QueryPart) -> Maybe Text
-- queryPartString (pName, qp) = case qp of
-- QueryPartParam Nothing -> Nothing
-- QueryPartParam (Just a) -> Just (pName <> "=" <> escape a)
-- QueryPartParams ps -> Just . T.intercalate "&"
-- $ fmap (\p -> pName <> "=" <> escape p)
-- ps
-- QueryPartFlag True -> Just pName
-- QueryPartFlag False -> Nothing
-- (</>) :: Text -> Text -> Text
-- x </> y | ("/" `T.isSuffixOf` x) || ("/" `T.isPrefixOf` y) = x <> y
-- | otherwise = x <> "/" <> y
-- queryString = T.intercalate "&" . catMaybes . map queryPartString $ reqRParams req
-- url = showBaseUrl reqHost </> path <> if T.null queryString then "" else (T.cons '?' queryString)
-- (headers, body) =
-- let headers0 = M.fromList $ reqRHeaders req
-- in case reqRBody req of
-- Nothing -> (headers0, "")
-- Just (rb,ct) -> (M.insert "Content-Type" ct headers0,
-- E.decodeUtf8 $ BL.toStrict rb)
-- xhrReqConfig = def
-- { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = headers
-- , _xhrRequestConfig_user = E.decodeUtf8 . basicAuthUsername <$> reqRAuthData req
-- , _xhrRequestConfig_password = E.decodeUtf8 . basicAuthPassword <$> reqRAuthData req
-- , _xhrRequestConfig_responseType = Just XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer
-- , _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = body
-- , _xhrRequestConfig_responseHeaders = reqRRespHeaders req
-- , _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = False
-- }
-- xhrReq = XhrRequest (reqRMethod req) url xhrReqConfig
-- in xhrReq
-- transformExample :: MonadWidget t m => ((Int, Char) -> Performable m Bool) -> Event t (Int, Char) -> m (Event t Bool)
-- transformExample f = \triggers -> performEvent (f <$> triggers) 1
-- -- transformExample = undefined -- let x = performEvent :: _ in undefined
-- transform :: MonadWidget t m => forall a. (inp -> IO outp) -> (Event t inp -> m (Event t outp))
-- transform = undefined

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Servant.Reflex.TupleRequestMulti where
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk)
import qualified Data.Default as Default
import Data.Generics.Product
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (MonadJSM)
import Reflex hiding (HList (..))
import Servant.API hiding (HList (..))
import Servant.Common.BaseUrl
import Servant.Common.Req hiding (QueryPart (..))
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr hiding (HList (..))
import Servant.Reflex (BuildHeaderKeysTo (..), toHeaders)
import Servant.Reflex.Internal.TupleRequest
- [x] :<|>
- [x] Verb content
- [x] Verb nocontent
- [x] Verb (Headers content)
- [x] Verb (Headers nocontent)
- [ ] Stream
- [X] Capture :> ...
- [ ] Capture' :> ...
- [x] CaptureAll :> ...
- [x] QueryParam :> ...
- [x] QueryParams :> ...
- [x] QueryFlag :> ...
- [x] ReqBody :> ...
- [ ] Header' :> ...
- [x] Header :> ...
- [x] Summary :> ...
- [x] Description :> ...
- [x] path :> ...
- [ ] RemoteHost :> ...
- [x] IsSecure :> ...
- [x] Vault :> ...
- [ ] WithNamedContext :> ...
- [ ] AuthenticatedRequest :> ...
- [x] BasicAuth :> ...
- [ ] EmptyClient :> ...
- [ ] EmptyClient
- [ ] HttpVersion :> ...
:: forall t m layout f
. ( HasClientR t m (Seal layout) f
-- , Applicative f
, Reflex t
=> Proxy layout
-> Proxy (m :: * -> *)
-> Proxy t
-> Proxy f
-> Dynamic t BaseUrl
-> ClientR t m (Seal layout) f
clientR _ mP tP fP url =
clientRWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy (Seal layout)) mP fP undefined url undefined
-- | A class for generating top-level the API client function
class HasClientR t (m :: * -> *) api (f :: * -> *) where
type ClientR t m api f :: *
clientRWithRoute :: Proxy api -> Proxy m -> Proxy f
-> Dynamic t (f (Req t)) -> Dynamic t BaseUrl
-> ClientOptions -> ClientR t m api f
-- | :<|> APIs
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
(HasClientR t m (layoutLeft) f,
HasClientR t m (layoutRight) f
) => HasClientR t m (layoutLeft :<|> layoutRight) f where
type ClientR t m (layoutLeft :<|> layoutRight) f =
ClientR t m layoutLeft f :<|> ClientR t m layoutRight f
clientRWithRoute _ tP mP _ url opts =
clientRWithRoute (Proxy @layoutLeft) tP mP undefined url opts
clientRWithRoute (Proxy @layoutRight) tP mP undefined url opts
#if MIN_VERSION_servant (0,13,0)
-- TODO: Untested
instance HasClientR t m EmptyAPI f where
type ClientR t m EmptyAPI f = EmptyAPI
clientRWithRoute _ _ _ _ _ _ = EmptyAPI
-- | Turn a single Endpoint into a client, by turning the input HList
-- into a tuple
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} forall t m layout f .(EndpointR t m layout f,
ToTuple (HList (EInputs t m layout f)),
Monad m
, Traversable f
, SupportsServantReflex t m
) => HasClientR t (m :: * -> *) (Sealed layout) (f :: * -> *) where
type ClientR t m (Sealed layout) f =
Event t (f (Tuple (HList (EInputs t m layout f))))
-> m (Event t (f (EOutput t m layout f)))
clientRWithRoute _ mP fP dReq url opts (reqs :: Event t (f (Tuple (HList (EInputs t m layout f ))))) = do
let reqTuples = fmap (fromTuple @(HList (EInputs t m layout f ))) <$> reqs
-- TODO: replace these 2 lines w/ the next 2. The trace is for library debugging
reqRs = traceEventWith (concat . fmap ((<> "\n") . show)) $ fmap (mkReq @t @m @layout @f) <$> reqTuples
reqs' = ffor (attachPromptlyDyn url reqRs) $ \(bUrl, rs) -> mkXhrRequest bUrl <$> rs
-- reqs' = ffor (attachPromptlyDyn url reqTuples) $ \(bUrl, inputs) ->
-- mkXhrRequest bUrl . mkReq @t @m @layout @f <$> inputs
resps <- performRequestsAsync $ reqs'
return (fmap (getResp @t @m @layout @f) <$> resps)
instance (SupportsServantReflex t m, Traversable f) => HasClientR t m SealedRaw f where
type ClientR t m SealedRaw f = Event t (f (XhrRequest T.Text)) -> m (Event t (f XhrResponse))
clientRWithRoute _ mP fP dReq url opts reqs = performRequestsAsync reqs

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@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ executable back
main-is: Main.hs
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: aeson >= 0.9 && < 1.4
build-depends: aeson >= 0.9 && < 1.5
, base >=4.8 && <4.14
, mtl
, snap >= 1.0 && < 1.2
, snap-server >= 1.0 && < 1.2
, snap-core >= 1.0 && < 1.1
, servant >= 0.8 && < 0.15
, servant >= 0.8 && < 0.18
, servant-snap >= 0.8 && < 0.9
, text >= 1.0 && < 1.3
-- hs-source-dirs: