0.3 --- - **Addition of the 'Servant.Reflex.Multi' module** which allows the user to choose some '(Applicative f, Traversable f) => f' for collecting endpoint parameters. The traversable instance is used for passing multiple 'XhrRequest's in response to a single event trigger. The Applicative instance is used to combine parameters. For example, 'Capture "id" Name :> QueryParam "greeting" Text :> Get '[JSON] Text' will generate a client function: `Dynamic t (f Name) -> Dynamic t (f greeting) -> Event t tag -> m (Event t (f (ReqResult tag Text)))` Calling that function with 'f' chosen to be list ('[]'), this call `clientFun (constDyn ["Greg", "Bernie"]) (constDyn ["Greetings", "Hey"]) trigger` would produce four XhrRequests per 'trigger' event, one for each combination of possible parameters, and one response event would carry a list of the four responses. A 'zip-wise' combination of the parameters can be chosen with a different applicative wrapper: 'ZipList' - **Event tags**. A new type parameter lets users choose a payload value to attach to outgoing requests at the point of triggering, and which is embedded in the response, allowing individual request-response pairs to be followed. The response's tag has been added to each constructor `ReqResult tag a` type. - **Improved Unicode support** Thanks to Schell Scivally (https://github.com/schell) for identifying and fixing a UTF-8 encoding bug!