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2019-07-16 20:15:56 +03:00
, DeriveAnyClass
, DeriveGeneric
, DerivingStrategies
, DuplicateRecordFields
, FlexibleContexts
, OverloadedLabels
, OverloadedLists
, OverloadedStrings
, TypeApplications
, TypeFamilies
, TypeInType
, TypeOperators
2019-08-28 21:29:37 +03:00
module Main (main) where
2019-07-16 20:15:56 +03:00
import Control.Concurrent.Async (replicateConcurrently)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
2019-07-22 20:01:25 +03:00
import Data.Int (Int32)
2019-07-16 20:15:56 +03:00
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Hspec
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Squeal.PostgreSQL
2019-08-28 21:29:37 +03:00
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
2019-07-16 20:15:56 +03:00
type Schemas = Public
'[ "users" ::: 'Table (
'[ "pk_users" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"]
, "unique_names" ::: 'Unique '["name"]
] :=>
'[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
, "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext ] ) ]
data User = User
{ userName :: Text
} deriving stock (Eq, Show, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
insertUser :: Manipulation_ Schemas User ()
insertUser = insertInto_ #users
(Values_ (Default `as` #id :* Set (param @1) `as` #name))
setup :: Definition (Public '[]) Schemas
setup =
createTable #users
( serial `as` #id :*
notNullable text `as` #name )
( primaryKey #id `as` #pk_users :*
unique #name `as` #unique_names )
teardown :: Definition Schemas (Public '[])
teardown = dropTable #users
silence :: MonadPQ schemas pq => pq ()
silence = manipulate_ $
UnsafeManipulation "SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;"
setupDB :: IO ()
setupDB = withConnection connectionString $
silence & pqThen (define setup)
dropDB :: IO ()
dropDB = withConnection connectionString $
silence & pqThen (define teardown)
connectionString :: ByteString
connectionString = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb"
spec :: Spec
spec = before_ setupDB . after_ dropDB $ do
describe "Exceptions" $ do
testUser = User "TestUser"
newUser = manipulateParams_ insertUser
insertUserTwice = newUser testUser >> newUser testUser
err23505 = PQException $ PQState FatalError (Just "23505")
(Just "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"unique_names\"\nDETAIL: Key (name)=(TestUser) already exists.\n")
it "should be thrown for constraint violation" $
withConnection connectionString insertUserTwice
`shouldThrow` (== err23505)
it "should be rethrown for constraint violation in a transaction" $
withConnection connectionString (transactionally_ insertUserTwice)
`shouldThrow` (== err23505)
2019-07-22 20:01:25 +03:00
describe "Pools" $
2019-07-16 20:15:56 +03:00
it "should manage concurrent transactions" $ do
pool <- createConnectionPool
"host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" 1 0.5 10
query :: Query_ (Public '[]) () (Only Char)
query = values_ (literal 'a' `as` #fromOnly)
session = usingConnectionPool pool . transactionally_ $ do
result <- runQuery query
Just (Only chr) <- firstRow result
return chr
chrs <- replicateConcurrently 10 session
2019-07-22 20:01:25 +03:00
chrs `shouldSatisfy` all (== 'a')
describe "Ranges" $
it "should correctly decode ranges" $ do
rangesOut <- withConnection connectionString $ do
query :: Query_ (Public '[]) () (Only (Range Int32))
query = values
( range int4range (atLeast 3) `as` #fromOnly )
[ range int4range (3 <=..< 5) `as` #fromOnly
, range int4range Empty `as` #fromOnly
, range int4range whole `as` #fromOnly ]
getRows =<< runQuery query
(fromOnly <$> rangesOut :: [Range Int32]) `shouldBe`
[ atLeast 3, 3 <=..< 5, Empty, whole ]
2019-10-23 20:44:06 +03:00
describe "Parameters" $ do
it "should run queries that don't reference all their parameters" $ do
out <- withConnection connectionString $ do
query :: Query_ (Public '[]) (Char,Int32) (Only Int32)
query = values_ (param @2 `as` #fromOnly)
firstRow =<< runQueryParams query ('a', 3 :: Int32)
(fromOnly <$> out :: Maybe Int32) `shouldBe` Just 3