Revert "one way migrations"

This reverts commit 383e27799a.
This commit is contained in:
Eitan Chatav 2019-10-10 13:37:46 -07:00
parent 383e27799a
commit 045aae6d11

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@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ Now we can define some `Migration`s to make our tables.
>>> :{
makeUsers :: Migration (Iso Definition) (Public '[]) '["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table UsersTable]]
makeUsers = Migration "make users table" Iso
{ up = createTable #users
makeUsers :: Migration Definition (Public '[]) '["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table UsersTable]]
makeUsers = Migration
{ name = "make users table"
, up = createTable #users
( serial `as` #id :*
notNullable text `as` #name )
( primaryKey #id `as` #pk_users )
@ -50,10 +51,11 @@ let
>>> :{
makeEmails :: Migration (Iso Definition) '["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table UsersTable]]
makeEmails :: Migration Definition '["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table UsersTable]]
'["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table UsersTable, "emails" ::: 'Table EmailsTable]]
makeEmails = Migration "make emails table" Iso
{ up = createTable #emails
makeEmails = Migration
{ name = "make emails table"
, up = createTable #emails
( serial `as` #id :*
notNullable int `as` #user_id :*
nullable text `as` #email )
@ -83,9 +85,9 @@ withConnection "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" $
We can also create a simple executable using `mainMigrateIso`.
We can also create a simple executable using `defaultMain`.
>>> let main = mainMigrateIso "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" migrations
>>> let main = defaultMain "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" migrations
>>> withArgs [] main
Invalid command: "". Use:
@ -140,12 +142,10 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Migration
Migration (..)
, Migratory (..)
, Terminally (..)
, Iso (..)
, terminally
, pureMigration
, pureMigrationIso
, MigrationsTable
, mainMigrateIso
, defaultMain
) where
import Control.Category
@ -187,7 +187,8 @@ import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Transaction
data Migration p schemas0 schemas1 = Migration
{ name :: Text -- ^ The `name` of a `Migration`.
-- Each `name` in a `Migration` should be unique.
, instruction :: p schemas0 schemas1 -- ^ The instruction of a `Migration`.
, up :: p schemas0 schemas1 -- ^ The `up` instruction of a `Migration`.
, down :: p schemas1 schemas0 -- ^ The `down` instruction of a `Migration`.
} deriving (GHC.Generic)
{- |
@ -197,10 +198,6 @@ SQL `Definition`s and the category of impure `Terminally` `PQ` `IO` actions.
class Category p => Migratory p where
:: Path (Migration p) schemas0 schemas1
-> PQ schemas0 schemas1 IO ()
{- |
Run a `Path` of `Migration`s.
Create the `MigrationsTable` as @public.schema_migrations@ if it does not already exist.
@ -208,7 +205,7 @@ class Category p => Migratory p where
if not, `up` the `Migration` and insert its `name` in the `MigrationsTable`.
:: Path (Migration (Iso p)) schemas0 schemas1
:: Path (Migration p) schemas0 schemas1
-> PQ schemas0 schemas1 IO ()
{- |
@ -218,13 +215,12 @@ class Category p => Migratory p where
if so, `down` the `Migration` and delete its `name` in the `MigrationsTable`.
:: Path (Migration (Iso p)) schemas0 schemas1
:: Path (Migration p) schemas0 schemas1
-> PQ schemas1 schemas0 IO ()
instance Migratory Definition where
migrate = migrate . cmap pureMigration
migrateUp = migrateUp . cmap pureMigrationIso
migrateDown = migrateDown . cmap pureMigrationIso
migrateUp = migrateUp . cmap pureMigration
migrateDown = migrateDown . cmap pureMigration
{- | `Terminally` turns an indexed monad transformer and the monad it transforms
into a category by restricting the return type to @()@ and permuting the type variables.
@ -236,11 +232,6 @@ newtype Terminally trans monad x0 x1 = Terminally
{ runTerminally :: trans x0 x1 monad () }
deriving GHC.Generic
data Iso c x y = Iso
{ up :: c x y
, down :: c y x
} deriving GHC.Generic
( IndexedMonadTransPQ trans
, Monad monad
@ -265,26 +256,13 @@ pureMigration
-> Migration (Terminally PQ IO) schemas0 schemas1
pureMigration migration = Migration
{ name = name migration
, instruction = terminally . define $ instruction migration
-- | A `pureMigrationIso` turns a reversible `Migration`
-- involving only pure SQL
-- `Definition`s into a `Migration` that may be combined with arbitrary `IO`.
:: Migration (Iso Definition) schemas0 schemas1
-> Migration (Iso (Terminally PQ IO)) schemas0 schemas1
pureMigrationIso migration = Migration
{ name = name migration
, instruction = Iso
{ up = terminally . define . up $ instruction migration
, down = terminally . define . down $ instruction migration
, up = terminally . define $ up migration
, down = terminally . define $ down migration
instance Migratory (Terminally PQ IO) where
migrate migration = unsafePQ . transactionally_ $ do
migrateUp migration = unsafePQ . transactionally_ $ do
define createMigrations
upMigrations migration
@ -303,7 +281,7 @@ instance Migratory (Terminally PQ IO) where
upMigration step = do
executed <- queryExecuted step
unless (executed == 1) $ do
unsafePQ . runTerminally $ instruction step
unsafePQ . runTerminally $ up step
manipulateParams_ insertMigration (Only (name step))
@ -313,8 +291,6 @@ instance Migratory (Terminally PQ IO) where
result <- runQueryParams selectMigration (Only (name step))
ntuples result
migrateUp = migrate . cmap (\(Migration n iso) -> Migration n (up iso))
migrateDown migrations = unsafePQ . transactionally_ $ do
define createMigrations
downMigrations migrations
@ -322,23 +298,23 @@ instance Migratory (Terminally PQ IO) where
:: Path (Migration (Iso (Terminally PQ IO))) schemas0 schemas1
:: Path (Migration (Terminally PQ IO)) schemas0 schemas1
-> PQ MigrationsSchemas MigrationsSchemas IO ()
downMigrations = \case
Done -> return ()
step :>> steps -> downMigrations steps >> downMigration step
:: Migration (Iso (Terminally PQ IO)) schemas0 schemas1
:: Migration (Terminally PQ IO) schemas0 schemas1
-> PQ MigrationsSchemas MigrationsSchemas IO ()
downMigration step = do
executed <- queryExecuted step
unless (executed == 0) $ do
unsafePQ . runTerminally . down $ instruction step
unsafePQ . runTerminally $ down step
manipulateParams_ deleteMigration (Only (name step))
:: Migration (Iso (Terminally PQ IO)) schemas0 schemas1
:: Migration (Terminally PQ IO) schemas0 schemas1
-> PQ MigrationsSchemas MigrationsSchemas IO Row
queryExecuted step = do
result <- runQueryParams selectMigration (Only (name step))
@ -403,16 +379,16 @@ data MigrateCommand
| MigrateUp
| MigrateDown deriving (GHC.Generic, Show)
{- | `mainMigrateIso` creates a simple executable
{- | `defaultMain` creates a simple executable
from a connection string and a list of `Migration`s. -}
:: Migratory p
=> ByteString
-- ^ connection string
-> Path (Migration (Iso p)) db0 db1
-> Path (Migration p) db0 db1
-- ^ migrations
-> IO ()
mainMigrateIso connectTo migrations = do
defaultMain connectTo migrations = do
command <- readCommandFromArgs
maybe (pure ()) performCommand command