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Eitan Chatav 2019-09-16 20:17:35 -07:00
parent af3bcfc01d
commit 079a4290c5

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@ -75,43 +75,7 @@ instance Additional (NP expr) where
also ys = \case
Nil -> ys
x :* xs -> x :* (xs & also ys)
-- | An `AlignedList` is a type-aligned list or free category.
data AlignedList p x0 x1 where
Done :: AlignedList p x x
(:>>) :: p x0 x1 -> AlignedList p x1 x2 -> AlignedList p x0 x2
infixr 7 :>>
instance Category (AlignedList p) where
id = Done
(.) list = \case
Done -> list
step :>> steps -> step :>> (steps >>> list)
instance (forall t0 t1. RenderSQL (p t0 t1))
=> RenderSQL (AlignedList p x0 x1) where
renderSQL = \case
Done -> ""
step :>> Done -> renderSQL step
step :>> steps -> renderSQL step <> ", " <> renderSQL steps
-- | `extractList` turns an `AlignedList` into a standard list.
extractList :: (forall a0 a1. p a0 a1 -> b) -> AlignedList p x0 x1 -> [b]
extractList f = \case
Done -> []
step :>> steps -> (f step):extractList f steps
-- | `mapAligned` applies a function to each element of an `AlignedList`.
:: (forall z0 z1. p z0 z1 -> q z0 z1)
-> AlignedList p x0 x1
-> AlignedList q x0 x1
mapAligned f = \case
Done -> Done
x :>> xs -> f x :>> mapAligned f xs
-- | A `single` step.
single :: p x0 x1 -> AlignedList p x0 x1
single step = step :>> Done
-- | A useful operator for ending an `NP` list of length at least 2 without `Nil`.
(*:) :: f x -> f y -> NP f '[x,y]
x *: y = x :* y :* Nil