didn't quite make it

This commit is contained in:
Eitan Chatav 2018-07-11 15:58:58 -07:00
parent 739a943cea
commit 7ce2cb7852
6 changed files with 72 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ library
, postgresql-binary >= 0.12.1
, postgresql-libpq >=
, profunctors >= 5.2.2
, records-sop >=
, resource-pool >=
, scientific >=
, text >=

View File

@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ import Data.UUID.Types
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Word
import Generics.SOP
import Generics.SOP.Record
import GHC.TypeLits
import Network.IP.Addr
@ -262,10 +263,8 @@ instance
. from
( SListI fields
, MapMaybes xs
, IsProductType x (Maybes xs)
, IsRecord x xs
, AllZip ToAliasedParam xs fields
, FieldNamesFrom x ~ AliasesOf fields
, All HasAliasedOid fields
) => ToParam x ('PGcomposite fields) where
toParam =
@ -435,10 +434,8 @@ instance
( SListI fields
, MapMaybes ys
, IsProductType y (Maybes ys)
, IsRecord y ys
, AllZip FromAliasedValue fields ys
, FieldNamesFrom y ~ AliasesOf fields
) => FromValue ('PGcomposite fields) y where
fromValue =
@ -529,9 +526,8 @@ class SListI results => FromRow (results :: RelationType) y where
fromRow :: NP (K (Maybe Strict.ByteString)) results -> y
( SListI results
, IsProductType y ys
, IsRecord y ys
, AllZip FromColumnValue results ys
, FieldNamesFrom y ~ AliasesOf results
) => FromRow results y where
= to . SOP . Z . htrans (Proxy @FromColumnValue) (I . fromColumnValue)

View File

@ -904,17 +904,22 @@ createTypeComposite ty fields = UnsafeDefinition $
-- CREATE TYPE "complex" AS ("real" float8, "imaginary" float8);
:: forall hask ty schema.
( ZipAliased (FieldNamesFrom hask) (FieldTypesFrom hask)
, SOP.All (PGTyped schema) (FieldTypesFrom hask)
( SOP.All (BaseTyped schema) (PGFieldsFrom hask)
, KnownSymbol ty
=> Alias ty
-- ^ name of the user defined composite type
-> Definition schema (Create ty ( 'Typedef (CompositeFrom hask)) schema)
createTypeCompositeFrom ty = createTypeComposite ty $ zipAs
(SOP.hpure Alias :: NP Alias (FieldNamesFrom hask))
(SOP.hcpure (SOP.Proxy :: SOP.Proxy (PGTyped schema)) pgtype
:: NP (TypeExpression schema) (FieldTypesFrom hask))
createTypeCompositeFrom ty = createTypeComposite ty
(SOP.hcpure (SOP.Proxy :: SOP.Proxy (BaseTyped schema)) basetype
:: NP (Aliased (TypeExpression schema)) (PGFieldsFrom hask))
class BaseTyped (schema :: SchemaType) (ty :: (Symbol,NullityType)) where
basetype :: Aliased (TypeExpression schema) ty
instance (KnownSymbol alias, PGTyped schema ty)
=> BaseTyped schema (alias ::: nullity ty) where
basetype = pgtype @schema @ty `As` Alias @alias
-- | Drop a type.
@ -938,14 +943,14 @@ newtype ColumnTypeExpression (schema :: SchemaType) (ty :: ColumnType)
-- | used in `createTable` commands as a column constraint to note that
-- @NULL@ may be present in a column
:: TypeExpression schema ty
:: (forall nullity. TypeExpression schema (nullity ty))
-> ColumnTypeExpression schema ('NoDef :=> 'Null ty)
nullable ty = UnsafeColumnTypeExpression $ renderTypeExpression ty <+> "NULL"
-- | used in `createTable` commands as a column constraint to ensure
-- @NULL@ is not present in a column
:: TypeExpression schema ty
:: (forall nullity. TypeExpression schema (nullity ty))
-> ColumnTypeExpression schema (def :=> 'NotNull ty)
notNullable ty = UnsafeColumnTypeExpression $ renderTypeExpression ty <+> "NOT NULL"

View File

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class KnownNat n => HasParameter
-- >>> printSQL expr
-- ($1 :: int4)
:: TypeExpression schema (PGTypeOf ty)
:: TypeExpression schema ty
-> Expression schema relations grouping params ty
parameter ty = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $
"$" <> renderNat (Proxy @n) <+> "::"
@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (KnownNat n, HasParameter (n-1) schema params ty)
-- >>> printSQL expr
-- ($1 :: int4)
:: forall n schema params relations grouping ty
. (PGTyped schema (PGTypeOf ty), HasParameter n schema params ty)
=> Expression schema relations grouping params ty -- ^ param
:: forall n schema params relations grouping nullity ty
. (PGTyped schema ty, HasParameter n schema params (nullity ty))
=> Expression schema relations grouping params (nullity ty) -- ^ param
param = parameter @n pgtype
instance (HasUnique relation relations columns, Has column columns ty)
@ -400,16 +400,16 @@ instance (KnownSymbol label, label `In` labels) => IsPGlabel label
-- >>> printSQL i
-- ROW(0, 1)
:: SListI (Nulls fields)
=> NP (Aliased (Expression schema relations grouping params)) (Nulls fields)
:: SListI fields
=> NP (Aliased (Expression schema relations grouping params)) fields
-- ^ zero or more expressions for the row field values
-> Expression schema relations grouping params (nullity ('PGcomposite fields))
row exprs = UnsafeExpression $ "ROW" <> parenthesized
(renderCommaSeparated (\ (expr `As` _) -> renderExpression expr) exprs)
instance Has field fields ty => IsLabel field
( Expression schema relation grouping params (nullity ('PGcomposite fields))
-> Expression schema relation grouping params ('Null ty) ) where
( Expression schema relation grouping params ('NotNull ('PGcomposite fields))
-> Expression schema relation grouping params ty ) where
fromLabel expr = UnsafeExpression $
parenthesized (renderExpression expr) <> "." <>
fromString (symbolVal (Proxy @field))
@ -1117,96 +1117,96 @@ type expressions
-- | `TypeExpression`s are used in `cast`s and `createTable` commands.
newtype TypeExpression (schema :: SchemaType) (ty :: PGType)
newtype TypeExpression (schema :: SchemaType) (ty :: NullityType)
= UnsafeTypeExpression { renderTypeExpression :: ByteString }
deriving (GHC.Generic,Show,Eq,Ord,NFData)
instance (Has alias schema ('Typedef ty))
=> IsLabel alias (TypeExpression schema ty) where
=> IsLabel alias (TypeExpression schema (nullity ty)) where
fromLabel = UnsafeTypeExpression (renderAlias (fromLabel @alias))
-- | logical Boolean (true/false)
bool :: TypeExpression schema 'PGbool
bool :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGbool)
bool = UnsafeTypeExpression "bool"
-- | signed two-byte integer
int2, smallint :: TypeExpression schema 'PGint2
int2, smallint :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGint2)
int2 = UnsafeTypeExpression "int2"
smallint = UnsafeTypeExpression "smallint"
-- | signed four-byte integer
int4, int, integer :: TypeExpression schema 'PGint4
int4, int, integer :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGint4)
int4 = UnsafeTypeExpression "int4"
int = UnsafeTypeExpression "int"
integer = UnsafeTypeExpression "integer"
-- | signed eight-byte integer
int8, bigint :: TypeExpression schema 'PGint8
int8, bigint :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGint8)
int8 = UnsafeTypeExpression "int8"
bigint = UnsafeTypeExpression "bigint"
-- | arbitrary precision numeric type
numeric :: TypeExpression schema 'PGnumeric
numeric :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGnumeric)
numeric = UnsafeTypeExpression "numeric"
-- | single precision floating-point number (4 bytes)
float4, real :: TypeExpression schema 'PGfloat4
float4, real :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGfloat4)
float4 = UnsafeTypeExpression "float4"
real = UnsafeTypeExpression "real"
-- | double precision floating-point number (8 bytes)
float8, doublePrecision :: TypeExpression schema 'PGfloat8
float8, doublePrecision :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGfloat8)
float8 = UnsafeTypeExpression "float8"
doublePrecision = UnsafeTypeExpression "double precision"
-- | variable-length character string
text :: TypeExpression schema 'PGtext
text :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGtext)
text = UnsafeTypeExpression "text"
-- | fixed-length character string
char, character
:: (KnownNat n, 1 <= n)
=> proxy n
-> TypeExpression schema ('PGchar n)
-> TypeExpression schema (nullity ('PGchar n))
char p = UnsafeTypeExpression $ "char(" <> renderNat p <> ")"
character p = UnsafeTypeExpression $ "character(" <> renderNat p <> ")"
-- | variable-length character string
varchar, characterVarying
:: (KnownNat n, 1 <= n)
=> proxy n
-> TypeExpression schema ('PGvarchar n)
-> TypeExpression schema (nullity ('PGvarchar n))
varchar p = UnsafeTypeExpression $ "varchar(" <> renderNat p <> ")"
characterVarying p = UnsafeTypeExpression $
"character varying(" <> renderNat p <> ")"
-- | binary data ("byte array")
bytea :: TypeExpression schema 'PGbytea
bytea :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGbytea)
bytea = UnsafeTypeExpression "bytea"
-- | date and time (no time zone)
timestamp :: TypeExpression schema 'PGtimestamp
timestamp :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGtimestamp)
timestamp = UnsafeTypeExpression "timestamp"
-- | date and time, including time zone
timestampWithTimeZone :: TypeExpression schema 'PGtimestamptz
timestampWithTimeZone :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGtimestamptz)
timestampWithTimeZone = UnsafeTypeExpression "timestamp with time zone"
-- | calendar date (year, month, day)
date :: TypeExpression schema 'PGdate
date :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGdate)
date = UnsafeTypeExpression "date"
-- | time of day (no time zone)
time :: TypeExpression schema 'PGtime
time :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGtime)
time = UnsafeTypeExpression "time"
-- | time of day, including time zone
timeWithTimeZone :: TypeExpression schema 'PGtimetz
timeWithTimeZone :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGtimetz)
timeWithTimeZone = UnsafeTypeExpression "time with time zone"
-- | time span
interval :: TypeExpression schema 'PGinterval
interval :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGinterval)
interval = UnsafeTypeExpression "interval"
-- | universally unique identifier
uuid :: TypeExpression schema 'PGuuid
uuid :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGuuid)
uuid = UnsafeTypeExpression "uuid"
-- | IPv4 or IPv6 host address
inet :: TypeExpression schema 'PGinet
inet :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGinet)
inet = UnsafeTypeExpression "inet"
-- | textual JSON data
json :: TypeExpression schema 'PGjson
json :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGjson)
json = UnsafeTypeExpression "json"
-- | binary JSON data, decomposed
jsonb :: TypeExpression schema 'PGjsonb
jsonb :: TypeExpression schema (nullity 'PGjsonb)
jsonb = UnsafeTypeExpression "jsonb"
-- | variable length array
:: TypeExpression schema pg
-> TypeExpression schema ('PGvararray (nullity pg))
-> TypeExpression schema (nullity ('PGvararray pg))
vararray ty = UnsafeTypeExpression $ renderTypeExpression ty <> "[]"
-- | fixed length array
@ -1215,12 +1215,12 @@ vararray ty = UnsafeTypeExpression $ renderTypeExpression ty <> "[]"
:: forall n schema nullity pg. KnownNat n
=> TypeExpression schema pg
-> TypeExpression schema ('PGfixarray n (nullity pg))
-> TypeExpression schema (nullity ('PGfixarray n pg))
fixarray ty = UnsafeTypeExpression $
renderTypeExpression ty <> "[" <> renderNat (Proxy @n) <> "]"
-- | `pgtype` is a demoted version of a `PGType`
class PGTyped schema (ty :: PGType) where pgtype :: TypeExpression schema ty
class PGTyped schema (ty :: PGType) where pgtype :: TypeExpression schema (nullity ty)
instance PGTyped schema 'PGbool where pgtype = bool
instance PGTyped schema 'PGint2 where pgtype = int2
instance PGTyped schema 'PGint4 where pgtype = int4

View File

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema
, Aliasable (as)
, renderAliasedAs
, AliasesOf
, ZipAliased (..)
, Has
, HasUnique
, HasAll
@ -107,17 +106,12 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema
, EnumFrom
, LabelsFrom
, CompositeFrom
, FieldNamesFrom
, FieldTypesFrom
, PGFieldsFrom
, PGFieldsOf
, PGFieldOf
, ConstructorsOf
, ConstructorNameOf
, ConstructorNamesOf
, FieldsOf
, FieldNameOf
, FieldNamesOf
, FieldTypeOf
, FieldTypesOf
, RecordCodeOf
, MapMaybes (..)
, Nulls
) where
@ -136,6 +130,7 @@ import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.UUID.Types (UUID)
import Generics.SOP
import Generics.SOP.Record
import GHC.OverloadedLabels
import GHC.TypeLits
import Network.IP.Addr
@ -177,7 +172,7 @@ data PGType
| PGvararray NullityType -- ^ variable length array
| PGfixarray Nat NullityType -- ^ fixed length array
| PGenum [Symbol] -- ^ enumerated (enum) types are data types that comprise a static, ordered set of values.
| PGcomposite [(Symbol, PGType)] -- ^ a composite type represents the structure of a row or record; it is essentially just a list of field names and their data types.
| PGcomposite [(Symbol, NullityType)] -- ^ a composite type represents the structure of a row or record; it is essentially just a list of field names and their data types.
| UnsafePGType Symbol -- ^ an escape hatch for unsupported PostgreSQL types
-- | The object identifier of a `PGType`.
@ -432,36 +427,6 @@ type family AliasesOf aliaseds where
AliasesOf '[] = '[]
AliasesOf (alias ::: ty ': tys) = alias ': AliasesOf tys
-- | The `ZipAliased` class provides a type family for zipping
-- `Symbol` lists together with arbitrary lists of the same size,
-- with an associated type family `ZipAs`, together with
-- a method `zipAs` for zipping heterogeneous lists of `Alias`es
-- together with a heterogeneous list of expressions into
-- a heterogeneous list of `Aliased` expressions.
( SListI (ZipAs ns xs)
, All KnownSymbol ns
) => ZipAliased ns xs where
type family ZipAs
(ns :: [Symbol]) (xs :: [k]) = (zs :: [(Symbol,k)]) | zs -> ns xs
:: NP Alias ns
-> NP expr xs
-> NP (Aliased expr) (ZipAs ns xs)
instance ZipAliased '[] '[] where
type ZipAs '[] '[] = '[]
zipAs Nil Nil = Nil
( KnownSymbol n
, ZipAliased ns xs
) => ZipAliased (n ': ns) (x ': xs) where
type ZipAs (n ': ns) (x ': xs) = '(n,x) ': ZipAs ns xs
zipAs (n :* ns) (x :* xs) = x `As` n :* zipAs ns xs
-- | @HasUnique alias fields field@ is a constraint that proves that
-- @fields@ is a singleton of @alias ::: field@.
type HasUnique alias fields field = fields ~ '[alias ::: field]
@ -772,26 +737,21 @@ type family LabelsFrom (hask :: Type) :: [Type.ConstructorName] where
-- CompositeFrom Row :: PGType
-- = 'PGcomposite '['("a", 'PGint2), '("b", 'PGtimestamp)]
type family CompositeFrom (hask :: Type) :: PGType where
CompositeFrom hask =
'PGcomposite (ZipAs (FieldNamesFrom hask) (FieldTypesFrom hask))
CompositeFrom hask = 'PGcomposite (PGFieldsFrom hask)
-- | >>> data Row = Row { a :: Maybe Int16, b :: Maybe LocalTime } deriving GHC.Generic
-- >>> instance Generic Row
-- >>> instance HasDatatypeInfo Row
-- >>> :kind! FieldNamesFrom Row
-- FieldNamesFrom Row :: [Type.FieldName]
-- = '["a", "b"]
type family FieldNamesFrom (hask :: Type) :: [Type.FieldName] where
FieldNamesFrom hask = FieldNamesOf (FieldsOf (DatatypeInfoOf hask))
type family PGFieldsFrom (hask :: Type) :: RelationType where
PGFieldsFrom hask = PGFieldsOf (RecordCodeOf hask)
-- | >>> data Row = Row { a :: Maybe Int16, b :: Maybe LocalTime } deriving GHC.Generic
-- >>> instance Generic Row
-- >>> instance HasDatatypeInfo Row
-- >>> :kind! FieldTypesFrom Row
-- FieldTypesFrom Row :: [PGType]
-- = '['PGint2, 'PGtimestamp]
type family FieldTypesFrom (hask :: Type) :: [PGType] where
FieldTypesFrom hask = FieldTypesOf (RecordCodeOf hask (Code hask))
type family PGFieldsOf (fields :: [(Symbol, Type)]) :: RelationType where
PGFieldsOf '[] = '[]
PGFieldsOf (field ': fields) = PGFieldOf field ': PGFieldsOf fields
type family PGFieldOf (field :: (Symbol, Type)) :: (Symbol, NullityType) where
PGFieldOf (field ::: hask) = field ::: NullityTypeOf hask
type family NullityTypeOf (hask :: Type) :: NullityType where
NullityTypeOf (Maybe hask) = 'Null (PG hask)
NullityTypeOf hask = 'NotNull (PG hask)
-- | Calculates constructors of a datatype.
type family ConstructorsOf (datatype :: Type.DatatypeInfo)
@ -819,41 +779,3 @@ type family ConstructorNamesOf (constructors :: [Type.ConstructorInfo])
ConstructorNamesOf '[] = '[]
ConstructorNamesOf (constructor ': constructors) =
ConstructorNameOf constructor ': ConstructorNamesOf constructors
-- | Calculate the fields of a datatype.
type family FieldsOf (datatype :: Type.DatatypeInfo)
:: [Type.FieldInfo] where
FieldsOf ('Type.ADT _module _datatype '[ 'Type.Record _name fields]) =
FieldsOf ('Type.Newtype _module _datatype ('Type.Record _name fields)) =
-- | Calculate the name of a field.
type family FieldNameOf (field :: Type.FieldInfo) :: Type.FieldName where
FieldNameOf ('Type.FieldInfo name) = name
-- | Calculate the names of fields.
type family FieldNamesOf (fields :: [Type.FieldInfo])
:: [Type.FieldName] where
FieldNamesOf '[] = '[]
FieldNamesOf (field ': fields) = FieldNameOf field ': FieldNamesOf fields
-- | >>> :kind! FieldTypeOf (Maybe Int16)
-- FieldTypeOf (Maybe Int16) :: PGType
-- = 'PGint2
type family FieldTypeOf (maybe :: Type) where
FieldTypeOf (Maybe hask) = PG hask
FieldTypeOf ty = TypeError
('Text "FieldTypeOf error: non-Maybe type " ':<>: 'ShowType ty)
-- | Calculate the types of fields.
type family FieldTypesOf (fields :: [Type]) where
FieldTypesOf '[] = '[]
FieldTypesOf (field ': fields) = FieldTypeOf field ': FieldTypesOf fields
-- | Inspect the code of an algebraic datatype and ensure it's a product,
-- otherwise generate a type error
type family RecordCodeOf (hask :: Type) (code ::[[Type]]) :: [Type] where
RecordCodeOf _hask '[tys] = tys
RecordCodeOf hask _tys = TypeError
('Text "RecordCodeOf error: non-Record type " ':<>: 'ShowType hask)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
resolver: lts-11.15
- squeal-postgresql
- records-sop-