This commit is contained in:
Eitan Chatav 2019-10-23 10:58:28 -07:00
parent 9ff632cefe
commit a244b72d2d
3 changed files with 140 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Binary
-- * Only
, Only (..)
-- * Oid
, HasOid (..)
, HasOidParam (..)
, HasAliasedOid (..)
, OidOf (..)
, OidOfParam (..)
, OidOfField (..)
) where
import BinaryParser
@ -312,24 +312,24 @@ instance Aeson.ToJSON x => ToParam (Json x) 'PGjson where
instance Aeson.ToJSON x => ToParam (Jsonb x) 'PGjsonb where
toParam = K . Encoding.jsonb_bytes
. Lazy.ByteString.toStrict . Aeson.encode . getJsonb
instance (ToNullityParam x ty, ty ~ nullity pg, HasOid pg)
instance (ToNullityParam x ty, ty ~ nullity pg, OidOf pg)
=> ToParam (VarArray [x]) ('PGvararray ty) where
toParam = K
. Encoding.array_foldable
(getOid (oidOf @pg)) (unK . toNullityParam @x @ty)
. getVarArray
instance (ToParam x pg, HasOid pg)
instance (ToParam x pg, OidOf pg)
=> ToParam (VarArray (Vector x)) ('PGvararray ('NotNull pg)) where
toParam = K
. Encoding.array_vector (getOid (oidOf @pg)) (unK . toParam @x @pg)
. getVarArray
instance (ToParam x pg, HasOid pg)
instance (ToParam x pg, OidOf pg)
=> ToParam (VarArray (Vector (Maybe x))) ('PGvararray ('Null pg)) where
toParam = K
. Encoding.nullableArray_vector
(getOid (oidOf @pg)) (unK . toParam @x @pg)
. getVarArray
instance (ToFixArray x dims ty, ty ~ nullity pg, HasOid pg)
instance (ToFixArray x dims ty, ty ~ nullity pg, OidOf pg)
=> ToParam (FixArray x) ('PGfixarray dims ty) where
toParam = K . Encoding.array (getOid (oidOf @pg))
. unK . unK . toFixArray @x @dims @ty . getFixArray
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ instance
( SListI fields
, IsRecord x xs
, AllZip ToField xs fields
, All HasAliasedOid fields
, All OidOfField fields
) => ToParam (Composite x) ('PGcomposite fields) where
toParam =
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ instance
encoders = htrans (Proxy @ToField) toField
:: All HasAliasedOid row
:: All OidOfField row
=> NP (K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding)) row
-> K Encoding.Encoding ('PGcomposite row)
composite fields = K $
@ -381,18 +381,18 @@ instance
int32BE (fromIntegral (lengthSList (Proxy @xs))) <>
:: HasAliasedOid field
:: OidOfField field
=> K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding) field
-> Encoding.Encoding
each (K field :: K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding) field) =
word32BE (getOid (aliasedOid @field))
word32BE (getOid (oidOfField @field))
<> case field of
Nothing -> int64BE (-1)
Just value ->
int32BE (fromIntegral (builderLength value))
<> value
hcfoldMap (Proxy @HasAliasedOid) each fields
hcfoldMap (Proxy @OidOfField) each fields
composite . encoders . toRecord . getComposite
@ -402,118 +402,118 @@ instance
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> oidOf @'PGbool
-- Oid 16
class HasOid (ty :: PGType) where oidOf :: LibPQ.Oid
instance HasOid 'PGbool where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 16
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGbool)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1000
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGbool)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1000
instance HasOid 'PGint2 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 21
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGint2)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1005
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGint2)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1005
instance HasOid 'PGint4 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 23
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGint4)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1007
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGint4)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1007
instance HasOid 'PGint8 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 20
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGint8)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1016
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGint8)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1016
instance HasOid 'PGnumeric where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1700
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGnumeric)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1231
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGnumeric)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1231
instance HasOid 'PGfloat4 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 700
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGfloat4)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1021
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGfloat4)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1021
instance HasOid 'PGfloat8 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 701
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGfloat8)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1022
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGfloat8)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1022
instance HasOid 'PGmoney where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 790
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGmoney)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 791
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGmoney)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 791
instance HasOid ('PGchar n) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 18
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGchar n))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1002
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGchar n))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1002
instance HasOid ('PGvarchar n) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1043
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGvarchar n))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1015
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGvarchar n))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1015
instance HasOid 'PGtext where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 25
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtext)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1009
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGtext)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1009
instance HasOid 'PGbytea where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 17
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGbytea)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1001
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGbytea)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1001
instance HasOid 'PGtimestamp where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1114
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtimestamp)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1115
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGtimestamp)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1115
instance HasOid 'PGtimestamptz where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1184
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtimestamptz)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1185
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGtimestamptz)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1185
instance HasOid 'PGdate where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1082
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGdate)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1182
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGdate)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1182
instance HasOid 'PGtime where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1083
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtime)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1183
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGtime)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1183
instance HasOid 'PGtimetz where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1266
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtimetz)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1270
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGtimetz)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1270
instance HasOid 'PGinterval where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1186
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGinterval)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1187
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGinterval)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1187
instance HasOid 'PGuuid where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 2950
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGuuid)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 2951
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGuuid)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 2951
instance HasOid 'PGinet where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 869
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGinet)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1041
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGinet)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1041
instance HasOid 'PGjson where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 114
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGjson)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 199
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGjson)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 199
instance HasOid 'PGjsonb where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3802
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGjsonb)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3807
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGjsonb)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3807
instance HasOid 'PGtsvector where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3614
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtsvector)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3643
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGtsvector)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3643
instance HasOid 'PGtsquery where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3615
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtsquery)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3645
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGtsquery)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3645
instance HasOid 'PGoid where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 26
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGoid)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1028
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null 'PGoid)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1028
instance HasOid ('PGrange 'PGint4) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3904
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGint4))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3905
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGint4))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3905
instance HasOid ('PGrange 'PGint8) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3926
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGint8))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3927
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGint8))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3927
instance HasOid ('PGrange 'PGnumeric) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3906
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGnumeric))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3907
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGnumeric))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3907
instance HasOid ('PGrange 'PGtimestamp) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3908
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGtimestamp))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3909
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGtimestamp))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3909
instance HasOid ('PGrange 'PGtimestamptz) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3910
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGtimestamptz))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3911
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGtimestamptz))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3911
instance HasOid ('PGrange 'PGdate) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3912
instance HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGdate))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3913
instance HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGdate))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3913
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGrange ty) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange ty))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange ty))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGcomposite row) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGcomposite row))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGcomposite row))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGenum labels) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGenum labels))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasOid ('PGvararray (null ('PGenum labels))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
class OidOf (ty :: PGType) where oidOf :: LibPQ.Oid
instance OidOf 'PGbool where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 16
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGbool)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1000
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGbool)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1000
instance OidOf 'PGint2 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 21
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGint2)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1005
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGint2)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1005
instance OidOf 'PGint4 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 23
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGint4)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1007
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGint4)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1007
instance OidOf 'PGint8 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 20
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGint8)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1016
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGint8)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1016
instance OidOf 'PGnumeric where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1700
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGnumeric)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1231
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGnumeric)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1231
instance OidOf 'PGfloat4 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 700
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGfloat4)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1021
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGfloat4)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1021
instance OidOf 'PGfloat8 where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 701
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGfloat8)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1022
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGfloat8)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1022
instance OidOf 'PGmoney where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 790
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGmoney)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 791
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGmoney)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 791
instance OidOf ('PGchar n) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 18
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGchar n))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1002
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGchar n))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1002
instance OidOf ('PGvarchar n) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1043
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGvarchar n))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1015
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGvarchar n))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1015
instance OidOf 'PGtext where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 25
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtext)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1009
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGtext)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1009
instance OidOf 'PGbytea where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 17
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGbytea)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1001
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGbytea)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1001
instance OidOf 'PGtimestamp where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1114
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtimestamp)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1115
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGtimestamp)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1115
instance OidOf 'PGtimestamptz where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1184
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtimestamptz)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1185
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGtimestamptz)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1185
instance OidOf 'PGdate where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1082
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGdate)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1182
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGdate)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1182
instance OidOf 'PGtime where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1083
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtime)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1183
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGtime)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1183
instance OidOf 'PGtimetz where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1266
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtimetz)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1270
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGtimetz)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1270
instance OidOf 'PGinterval where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1186
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGinterval)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1187
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGinterval)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1187
instance OidOf 'PGuuid where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 2950
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGuuid)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 2951
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGuuid)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 2951
instance OidOf 'PGinet where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 869
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGinet)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1041
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGinet)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1041
instance OidOf 'PGjson where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 114
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGjson)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 199
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGjson)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 199
instance OidOf 'PGjsonb where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3802
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGjsonb)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3807
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGjsonb)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3807
instance OidOf 'PGtsvector where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3614
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtsvector)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3643
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGtsvector)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3643
instance OidOf 'PGtsquery where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3615
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGtsquery)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3645
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGtsquery)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3645
instance OidOf 'PGoid where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 26
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null 'PGoid)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1028
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null 'PGoid)) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 1028
instance OidOf ('PGrange 'PGint4) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3904
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGint4))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3905
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGint4))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3905
instance OidOf ('PGrange 'PGint8) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3926
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGint8))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3927
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGint8))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3927
instance OidOf ('PGrange 'PGnumeric) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3906
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGnumeric))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3907
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGnumeric))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3907
instance OidOf ('PGrange 'PGtimestamp) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3908
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGtimestamp))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3909
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGtimestamp))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3909
instance OidOf ('PGrange 'PGtimestamptz) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3910
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGtimestamptz))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3911
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGtimestamptz))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3911
instance OidOf ('PGrange 'PGdate) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3912
instance OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange 'PGdate))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3913
instance OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange 'PGdate))) where oidOf = LibPQ.Oid 3913
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGrange ty) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGrange ty))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGrange ty))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGcomposite row) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGcomposite row))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGcomposite row))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGenum labels) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGfixarray ns (null ('PGenum labels))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} OidOf ('PGvararray (null ('PGenum labels))) where oidOf = LibPQ.invalidOid
class HasOidParam (ty :: NullityType) where oidOfParam :: Oid
instance HasOid ty => HasOidParam (null ty) where oidOfParam = oidOf @ty
class OidOfParam (ty :: NullityType) where oidOfParam :: Oid
instance OidOf ty => OidOfParam (null ty) where oidOfParam = oidOf @ty
-- | Lifts a `HasOid` constraint to a field.
class HasAliasedOid (field :: (Symbol, NullityType)) where
aliasedOid :: Oid
instance HasOid ty => HasAliasedOid (alias ::: nullity ty) where
aliasedOid = oidOf @ty
-- | Lifts a `OidOf` constraint to a field.
class OidOfField (field :: (Symbol, NullityType)) where
oidOfField :: Oid
instance OidOf ty => OidOfField (alias ::: nullity ty) where
oidOfField = oidOf @ty
-- | A `ToNullityParam` constraint gives an encoding of a Haskell `Type` into
-- into the binary format of a PostgreSQL `NullityType`.

View File

@ -317,13 +317,13 @@ a default instance.
class Monad pq => MonadPQ schemas pq | pq -> schemas where
:: (ToParams x params, All HasOidParam params)
:: (ToParams x params, All OidOfParam params)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys
-- ^ `insertInto`, `update` or `deleteFrom`
-> x -> pq (K LibPQ.Result ys)
default manipulateParams
:: (MonadTrans t, MonadPQ schemas pq1, pq ~ t pq1)
=> (ToParams x params, All HasOidParam params)
=> (ToParams x params, All OidOfParam params)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys
-- ^ `insertInto`, `update` or `deleteFrom`
-> x -> pq (K LibPQ.Result ys)
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class Monad pq => MonadPQ schemas pq | pq -> schemas where
manipulateParams manipulation params
:: (ToParams x params, All HasOidParam params)
:: (ToParams x params, All OidOfParam params)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params '[]
-- ^ `insertInto`, `update` or `deleteFrom`
-> x -> pq ()
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class Monad pq => MonadPQ schemas pq | pq -> schemas where
manipulate_ = void . manipulate
:: (ToParams x params, All HasOidParam params)
:: (ToParams x params, All OidOfParam params)
=> Query '[] '[] schemas params ys
-- ^ `select` and friends
-> x -> pq (K LibPQ.Result ys)
@ -357,19 +357,19 @@ class Monad pq => MonadPQ schemas pq | pq -> schemas where
runQuery q = runQueryParams q ()
:: (ToParams x params, Traversable list, All HasOidParam params)
:: (ToParams x params, Traversable list, All OidOfParam params)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys
-- ^ `insertInto`, `update`, or `deleteFrom`, and friends
-> list x -> pq (list (K LibPQ.Result ys))
default traversePrepared
:: (MonadTrans t, MonadPQ schemas pq1, pq ~ t pq1)
=> (ToParams x params, Traversable list, All HasOidParam params)
=> (ToParams x params, Traversable list, All OidOfParam params)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys -> list x -> pq (list (K LibPQ.Result ys))
traversePrepared manipulation params = lift $
traversePrepared manipulation params
:: (ToParams x params, Traversable list, All HasOidParam params)
:: (ToParams x params, Traversable list, All OidOfParam params)
=> list x
-> Manipulation '[] schemas params ys
-- ^ `insertInto`, `update` or `deleteFrom`
@ -377,13 +377,13 @@ class Monad pq => MonadPQ schemas pq | pq -> schemas where
forPrepared = flip traversePrepared
:: (ToParams x params, Foldable list, All HasOidParam params)
:: (ToParams x params, Foldable list, All OidOfParam params)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params '[]
-- ^ `insertInto`, `update` or `deleteFrom`
-> list x -> pq ()
default traversePrepared_
:: (MonadTrans t, MonadPQ schemas pq1, pq ~ t pq1)
=> (ToParams x params, Foldable list, All HasOidParam params)
=> (ToParams x params, Foldable list, All OidOfParam params)
=> Manipulation '[] schemas params '[]
-- ^ `insertInto`, `update` or `deleteFrom`
-> list x -> pq ()
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class Monad pq => MonadPQ schemas pq | pq -> schemas where
traversePrepared_ manipulation params
:: (ToParams x params, Foldable list, All HasOidParam params)
:: (ToParams x params, Foldable list, All OidOfParam params)
=> list x
-> Manipulation '[] schemas params '[]
-- ^ `insertInto`, `update` or `deleteFrom`
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ instance (MonadIO io, schemas0 ~ schemas, schemas1 ~ schemas)
PQ $ \ (K conn) -> do
:: forall param. HasOidParam param
:: forall param. OidOfParam param
=> K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding) param
-> K (Maybe (LibPQ.Oid, ByteString, LibPQ.Format)) param
paramSet (K maybeEncoding) = K $
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ instance (MonadIO io, schemas0 ~ schemas, schemas1 ~ schemas)
(oidOfParam @param, encodingBytes encoding, LibPQ.Binary)
= hcollapse
. hcmap (Proxy @HasOidParam) paramSet
. hcmap (Proxy @OidOfParam) paramSet
$ toParams @x @ps params
q' = q <> ";"
resultMaybe <- liftIO $ LibPQ.execParams conn q' params' LibPQ.Binary
@ -436,10 +436,10 @@ instance (MonadIO io, schemas0 ~ schemas, schemas1 ~ schemas)
PQ $ \ (K conn) -> liftIO $ do
temp = "temporary_statement"
paramOid :: forall p. HasOidParam p => K LibPQ.Oid p
paramOid :: forall p. OidOfParam p => K LibPQ.Oid p
paramOid = K (oidOfParam @p)
paramOids :: NP (K LibPQ.Oid) xs
paramOids = hcpure (Proxy @HasOidParam) paramOid
paramOids = hcpure (Proxy @OidOfParam) paramOid
paramOids' :: [LibPQ.Oid]
paramOids' = hcollapse paramOids
prepResultMaybe <- LibPQ.prepare conn temp q (Just paramOids')
@ -470,10 +470,10 @@ instance (MonadIO io, schemas0 ~ schemas, schemas1 ~ schemas)
PQ $ \ (K conn) -> liftIO $ do
temp = "temporary_statement"
paramOid :: forall p. HasOidParam p => K LibPQ.Oid p
paramOid :: forall p. OidOfParam p => K LibPQ.Oid p
paramOid = K (oidOfParam @p)
paramOids :: NP (K LibPQ.Oid) xs
paramOids = hcpure (Proxy @HasOidParam) paramOid
paramOids = hcpure (Proxy @OidOfParam) paramOid
paramOids' :: [LibPQ.Oid]
paramOids' = hcollapse paramOids
prepResultMaybe <- LibPQ.prepare conn temp q (Just paramOids')

View File

@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ roundtrips = Group "roundtrips"
-- genTimeWithZone = (,) <$> genTimeOfDay <*> genTimeZone
:: (HasOid ty, ToParam x ty, FromValue ty x, Show x, Eq x)
:: (OidOf ty, ToParam x ty, FromValue ty x, Show x, Eq x)
=> TypeExpression schemas ('NotNull ty)
-> Gen x
-> (PropertyName, Property)
roundtrip = roundtripOn id
:: (HasOid ty, ToParam x ty, FromValue ty x, Show x, Eq x)
:: (OidOf ty, ToParam x ty, FromValue ty x, Show x, Eq x)
=> (x -> x)
-> TypeExpression schemas ('NotNull ty)
-> Gen x