Merge pull request #146 from morphismtech/dev-fun

User defined function support
This commit is contained in:
Eitan Chatav 2019-09-16 19:55:39 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit ccc4620913
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 288 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Squeal data definition language.
, LambdaCase
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, OverloadedLabels
, OverloadedStrings
, RankNTypes
, ScopedTypeVariables
@ -48,6 +49,13 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition
, createDomain
, createTypeRange
, createIndex
, createFunction
, createOrReplaceFunction
, createSetFunction
, createOrReplaceSetFunction
, createBinaryOp
, createLeftOp
, createRightOp
, TableConstraintExpression (..)
, check
, unique
@ -56,12 +64,17 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Definition
, ForeignKeyed
, OnDeleteClause (..)
, OnUpdateClause (..)
, FunctionDefinition(..)
, languageSqlExpr
, languageSqlQuery
-- ** Drop
, dropSchema
, dropTable
, dropView
, dropType
, dropIndex
, dropFunction
, dropOperator
-- ** Alter
, alterTable
, alterTableRename
@ -576,6 +589,7 @@ DROP statements
:: Has sch schemas schema
=> Alias sch
-- ^ user defined schema
-> Definition schemas (Drop sch schemas)
dropSchema sch = UnsafeDefinition $ "DROP SCHEMA" <+> renderSQL sch <> ";"
@ -1124,13 +1138,169 @@ instance RenderSQL IndexMethod where
Gin -> "gin"
Brin -> "brin"
:: ( Has sch schemas schema
, KnownSymbol fun
, SOP.SListI args )
=> QualifiedAlias sch fun
-> NP (TypeExpression schemas) args
-> TypeExpression schemas ret
-> FunctionDefinition schemas args ('Returns ret)
-> Definition schemas (Alter sch (Create fun ('Function args ('Returns ret)) schema) schemas)
createFunction fun args ret fundef = UnsafeDefinition $
"CREATE" <+> "FUNCTION" <+> renderSQL fun
<+> parenthesized (renderCommaSeparated renderSQL args)
<+> "RETURNS" <+> renderSQL ret <+> renderSQL fundef <> ";"
:: ( Has sch schemas schema
, Has fun schema ('Function args0 ret0)
, SOP.SListI args )
=> QualifiedAlias sch fun
-> NP (TypeExpression schemas) args
-> TypeExpression schemas ret
-> FunctionDefinition schemas args ('Returns ret)
-> Definition schemas (Alter sch (Alter fun ('Function args ('Returns ret)) schema) schemas)
createOrReplaceFunction fun args ret fundef = UnsafeDefinition $
"CREATE" <+> "OR" <+> "REPLACE" <+> "FUNCTION" <+> renderSQL fun
<+> parenthesized (renderCommaSeparated renderSQL args)
<+> "RETURNS" <+> renderSQL ret <+> renderSQL fundef <> ";"
:: Expression '[] '[] 'Ungrouped schemas args '[] ret
-> FunctionDefinition schemas args ('Returns ret)
languageSqlExpr expr = UnsafeFunctionDefinition $
"language sql as"
<+> "$$" <+> renderSQL (values_ (expr `as` #ret)) <+> "$$"
:: Query '[] '[] schemas args rets
-> FunctionDefinition schemas args ('ReturnsTable rets)
languageSqlQuery qry = UnsafeFunctionDefinition $
"language sql as" <+> "$$" <+> renderSQL qry <+> "$$"
:: ( Has sch schemas schema
, KnownSymbol fun
, SOP.SListI args
, SOP.SListI rets )
=> QualifiedAlias sch fun
-> NP (TypeExpression schemas) args
-> NP (Aliased (TypeExpression schemas)) rets
-> FunctionDefinition schemas args ('ReturnsTable rets)
-> Definition schemas (Alter sch (Create fun ('Function args ('ReturnsTable rets)) schema) schemas)
createSetFunction fun args rets fundef = UnsafeDefinition $
"CREATE" <+> "FUNCTION" <+> renderSQL fun
<+> parenthesized (renderCommaSeparated renderSQL args)
<+> "RETURNS" <+> "TABLE"
<+> parenthesized (renderCommaSeparated renderRet rets)
<+> renderSQL fundef <> ";"
renderRet :: Aliased (TypeExpression s) r -> ByteString
renderRet (ty `As` col) = renderSQL col <+> renderSQL ty
:: ( Has sch schemas schema
, Has fun schema ('Function args0 ret0)
, SOP.SListI args
, SOP.SListI rets )
=> QualifiedAlias sch fun
-> NP (TypeExpression schemas) args
-> NP (Aliased (TypeExpression schemas)) rets
-> FunctionDefinition schemas args ('ReturnsTable rets)
-> Definition schemas (Alter sch (Alter fun ('Function args ('ReturnsTable rets)) schema) schemas)
createOrReplaceSetFunction fun args rets fundef = UnsafeDefinition $
"CREATE" <+> "OR" <+> "REPLACE" <+> "FUNCTION" <+> renderSQL fun
<+> parenthesized (renderCommaSeparated renderSQL args)
<+> "RETURNS" <+> "TABLE"
<+> parenthesized (renderCommaSeparated renderRet rets)
<+> renderSQL fundef <> ";"
renderRet :: Aliased (TypeExpression s) r -> ByteString
renderRet (ty `As` col) = renderSQL col <+> renderSQL ty
:: forall op fun sch schemas schema x y z.
( Has sch schemas schema
, Has fun schema ('Function '[x,y] ('Returns z))
, KnownSymbol op )
=> Alias fun
-> TypeExpression schemas x
-> TypeExpression schemas y
-> Definition schemas
(Alter sch (Create op ('Operator ('BinaryOp x y z)) schema) schemas)
createBinaryOp fun x y = UnsafeDefinition $
"CREATE" <+> "OPERATOR" <+> renderSymbol @op
<+> parenthesized (commaSeparated opdef)
opdef =
[ "FUNCTION" <+> "=" <+> renderSQL fun
, "LEFTARG" <+> "=" <+> renderSQL x
, "RIGHTARG" <+> "=" <+> renderSQL y ]
:: forall op fun sch schemas schema x y.
( Has sch schemas schema
, Has fun schema ('Function '[x] ('Returns y))
, KnownSymbol op )
=> Alias fun
-> TypeExpression schemas x
-> Definition schemas
(Alter sch (Create op ('Operator ('LeftOp x y)) schema) schemas)
createLeftOp fun x = UnsafeDefinition $
"CREATE" <+> "OPERATOR" <+> renderSymbol @op
<+> parenthesized (commaSeparated opdef)
opdef =
[ "FUNCTION" <+> "=" <+> renderSQL fun
, "RIGHTARG" <+> "=" <+> renderSQL x ]
:: forall op fun sch schemas schema x y.
( Has sch schemas schema
, Has fun schema ('Function '[x] ('Returns y))
, KnownSymbol op )
=> Alias fun
-> TypeExpression schemas x
-> Definition schemas
(Alter sch (Create op ('Operator ('RightOp x y)) schema) schemas)
createRightOp fun x = UnsafeDefinition $
"CREATE" <+> "OPERATOR" <+> renderSymbol @op
<+> parenthesized (commaSeparated opdef)
opdef =
[ "FUNCTION" <+> "=" <+> renderSQL fun
, "LEFTARG" <+> "=" <+> renderSQL x ]
:: (Has sch schemas schema, Has fun schema ('Function args ret))
=> QualifiedAlias sch fun
-- ^ name of the user defined function
-> Definition schemas (Alter sch (Drop fun schema) schemas)
dropFunction fun = UnsafeDefinition $
"DROP" <+> "FUNCTION" <+> renderSQL fun <> ";"
:: (Has sch schemas schema, Has op schema ('Operator oper))
=> QualifiedAlias sch op
-- ^ name of the user defined operator
-> Definition schemas (Alter sch (Drop op schema) schemas)
dropOperator op = UnsafeDefinition $
"DROP" <+> "OPERATOR" <+> renderSQL op <> ";"
newtype FunctionDefinition schemas args ret = UnsafeFunctionDefinition
{ renderFunctionDefinition :: ByteString }
deriving (Eq,Show,GHC.Generic,NFData)
instance RenderSQL (FunctionDefinition schemas args ret) where
renderSQL = renderFunctionDefinition
-- |
-- >>> printSQL (dropIndex #ix :: Definition (Public '["ix" ::: 'Index]) (Public '[]))
-- DROP INDEX "ix";
:: (Has sch schemas schema, Has ix schema 'Index)
=> QualifiedAlias sch ix
-- ^ name of the user defined type
-- ^ name of the user defined index
-> Definition schemas (Alter sch (Drop ix schema) schemas)
dropIndex ix = UnsafeDefinition $ "DROP" <+> "INDEX" <+> renderSQL ix <> ";"

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@ -35,15 +35,23 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression
Expression (..)
, Expr
, (:-->)
, FunctionDB
, unsafeFunction
, unsafeUnaryOpL
, unsafeUnaryOpR
, function
, unsafeLeftOp
, leftOp
, unsafeRightOp
, rightOp
, Operator
, OperatorDB
, unsafeBinaryOp
, binaryOp
, FunctionVar
, unsafeFunctionVar
, FunctionN
, FunctionNDB
, unsafeFunctionN
, functionN
, PGSubset (..)
, PGIntersect (..)
-- * Re-export
@ -137,6 +145,15 @@ type Operator x1 x2 y
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
-- ^ output
type OperatorDB schemas x1 x2 y
= forall outer commons grp params from
. Expression outer commons grp schemas params from x1
-- ^ left input
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from x2
-- ^ right input
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
-- ^ output
-- | A @RankNType@ for functions with a single argument.
-- These could be either function calls or unary operators.
-- This is a subtype of the usual Haskell function type `Prelude.->`,
@ -149,6 +166,13 @@ type (:-->) x y
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
-- ^ output
type FunctionDB schemas x y
= forall outer commons grp params from
. Expression outer commons grp schemas params from x
-- ^ input
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
-- ^ output
{- | A @RankNType@ for functions with a fixed-length list of heterogeneous arguments.
Use the `*:` operator to end your argument lists, like so.
@ -162,6 +186,13 @@ type FunctionN xs y
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
-- ^ output
type FunctionNDB schemas xs y
= forall outer commons grp params from
. NP (Expression outer commons grp schemas params from) xs
-- ^ inputs
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
-- ^ output
{- | A @RankNType@ for functions with a variable-length list of
homogeneous arguments and at least 1 more argument.
@ -287,15 +318,36 @@ unsafeBinaryOp :: ByteString -> Operator ty0 ty1 ty2
unsafeBinaryOp op x y = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $
renderSQL x <+> op <+> renderSQL y
-- | >>> printSQL $ unsafeUnaryOpL "NOT" true
unsafeUnaryOpL :: ByteString -> x :--> y
unsafeUnaryOpL op x = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $ op <+> renderSQL x
:: forall op sch schemas schema x y z.
( Has sch schemas schema
, Has op schema ('Operator ('BinaryOp x y z)) )
=> OperatorDB schemas x y z
binaryOp = unsafeBinaryOp $ renderSymbol @op
-- | >>> printSQL $ true & unsafeUnaryOpR "IS NOT TRUE"
-- | >>> printSQL $ unsafeLeftOp "NOT" true
unsafeLeftOp :: ByteString -> x :--> y
unsafeLeftOp op x = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $ op <+> renderSQL x
:: forall op sch schemas schema x y.
( Has sch schemas schema
, Has op schema ('Operator ('LeftOp x y)) )
=> FunctionDB schemas x y
leftOp = unsafeLeftOp $ renderSymbol @op
-- | >>> printSQL $ true & unsafeRightOp "IS NOT TRUE"
unsafeUnaryOpR :: ByteString -> x :--> y
unsafeUnaryOpR op x = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $ renderSQL x <+> op
unsafeRightOp :: ByteString -> x :--> y
unsafeRightOp op x = UnsafeExpression $ parenthesized $ renderSQL x <+> op
:: forall op sch schemas schema x y.
( Has sch schemas schema
, Has op schema ('Operator ('RightOp x y)) )
=> FunctionDB schemas x y
rightOp = unsafeRightOp $ renderSymbol @op
-- | >>> printSQL $ unsafeFunction "f" true
-- f(TRUE)
@ -303,12 +355,26 @@ unsafeFunction :: ByteString -> x :--> y
unsafeFunction fun x = UnsafeExpression $
fun <> parenthesized (renderSQL x)
:: (Has sch schemas schema, Has fun schema ('Function '[x] ('Returns y)))
=> QualifiedAlias sch fun
-> FunctionDB schemas x y
function = unsafeFunction . renderSQL
-- | >>> printSQL $ unsafeFunctionN "f" (currentTime :* localTimestamp :* false *: literal 'a')
unsafeFunctionN :: SListI xs => ByteString -> FunctionN xs y
unsafeFunctionN fun xs = UnsafeExpression $
fun <> parenthesized (renderCommaSeparated renderSQL xs)
:: ( Has sch schemas schema
, Has fun schema ('Function xs ('Returns y))
, SListI xs )
=> QualifiedAlias sch fun
-> FunctionNDB schemas xs y
functionN = unsafeFunctionN . renderSQL
instance ty `In` PGNum
=> Num (Expression outer commons grp schemas params from (null ty)) where
(+) = unsafeBinaryOp "+"

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@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ isNotDistinctFrom = unsafeBinaryOp "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM"
isTrue :: null0 'PGbool :--> null1 'PGbool
isTrue = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS TRUE"
isTrue = unsafeRightOp "IS TRUE"
{- | is false or unknown
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ isTrue = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS TRUE"
isNotTrue :: null0 'PGbool :--> null1 'PGbool
isNotTrue = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS NOT TRUE"
isNotTrue = unsafeRightOp "IS NOT TRUE"
{- | is false
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ isNotTrue = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS NOT TRUE"
isFalse :: null0 'PGbool :--> null1 'PGbool
isFalse = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS FALSE"
isFalse = unsafeRightOp "IS FALSE"
{- | is true or unknown
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ isFalse = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS FALSE"
isNotFalse :: null0 'PGbool :--> null1 'PGbool
isNotFalse = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS NOT FALSE"
isNotFalse = unsafeRightOp "IS NOT FALSE"
{- | is unknown
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ isNotFalse = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS NOT FALSE"
isUnknown :: null0 'PGbool :--> null1 'PGbool
isUnknown = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS UNKNOWN"
isUnknown = unsafeRightOp "IS UNKNOWN"
{- | is true or false
@ -203,4 +203,4 @@ isUnknown = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS UNKNOWN"
isNotUnknown :: null0 'PGbool :--> null1 'PGbool
isNotUnknown = unsafeUnaryOpR "IS NOT UNKNOWN"
isNotUnknown = unsafeRightOp "IS NOT UNKNOWN"

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ false = UnsafeExpression "FALSE"
-- | >>> printSQL $ not_ true
not_ :: null 'PGbool :--> null 'PGbool
not_ = unsafeUnaryOpL "NOT"
not_ = unsafeLeftOp "NOT"
-- | >>> printSQL $ true .&& false

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@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.SetOf
, generateSeriesTimestamp
, SetOfFunction
, unsafeSetOfFunction
, setOfFunction
, SetOfFunctionN
, unsafeSetOfFunctionN
, setOfFunctionN
) where
import GHC.TypeLits
@ -58,6 +60,15 @@ unsafeSetOfFunction
unsafeSetOfFunction x = UnsafeFromClause $
renderSymbol @fun <> parenthesized (renderSQL x)
:: ( Has sch schemas schema
, Has fun schema ('Function '[ty] ('ReturnsTable setof)) )
=> Alias fun
-> ( forall outer commons params
. Expression outer commons 'Ungrouped schemas params '[] ty
-> FromClause outer commons schemas params '[fun ::: setof] )
setOfFunction _ = unsafeSetOfFunction
{- |
A @RankNType@ for set returning functions with multiple argument.
@ -75,6 +86,16 @@ unsafeSetOfFunctionN
unsafeSetOfFunctionN xs = UnsafeFromClause $
renderSymbol @fun <> parenthesized (renderCommaSeparated renderSQL xs)
:: ( Has sch schemas schema
, Has fun schema ('Function tys ('ReturnsTable setof))
, SOP.SListI tys )
=> Alias fun
-> ( forall outer commons params
. NP (Expression outer commons 'Ungrouped schemas params '[]) tys
-> FromClause outer commons schemas params '[fun ::: setof] )
setOfFunctionN _ = unsafeSetOfFunctionN
{- | @generateSeries (start *: stop)@
Generate a series of values, from @start@ to @stop@ with a step size of one

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema
-- | negate a `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Type.tsquery`
(.!) :: null 'PGtsquery :--> null 'PGtsquery
(.!) = unsafeUnaryOpL "!!"
(.!) = unsafeLeftOp "!!"
-- | `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Type.tsquery` followed by
-- `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Type.tsquery`

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@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema
, ColumnsType
, TableType
, SchemumType (..)
, OperatorType (..)
, ReturnsType (..)
, SchemaType
, SchemasType
, Public
@ -367,8 +369,19 @@ data SchemumType
| View RowType
| Typedef PGType
| Index
| Function [NullityType] ReturnsType
| Operator OperatorType
| UnsafeSchemum Symbol
data ReturnsType
= Returns NullityType
| ReturnsTable RowType
data OperatorType
= BinaryOp NullityType NullityType NullityType
| LeftOp NullityType NullityType
| RightOp NullityType NullityType
{- | The schema of a database consists of a list of aliased,
user-defined `SchemumType`s.