Add serialization/deserialization using Unbox

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2024-01-03 14:13:11 +05:30
parent e135f9741f
commit 350b6acae2

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@ -213,6 +213,16 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.MutArray.Type
-- , appendSlice
-- , appendSliceFrom
-- ** Serialization using Unbox
, pokeAppend
, pokeAppendMay
, pokeSkipUnsafe
-- ** Deserialization using Unbox
, peekUncons
, peekUnconsUnsafe
, peekSkipUnsafe
-- Arrays of arrays
-- We can add dimensionality parameter to the array type to get
-- multidimensional arrays. Multidimensional arrays would just be a
@ -491,9 +501,9 @@ newBytesAs ps bytes = do
, arrBound = bytes
-- | Allocates a pinned empty array that can hold 'count' items. The memory of
-- the array is uninitialized and the allocation is aligned as per the
-- 'Unboxed' instance of the type.
-- | Allocates a pinned empty array that with a reserved capacity of bytes.
-- The memory of the array is uninitialized and the allocation is aligned as
-- per the 'Unboxed' instance of the type.
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE pinnedNewBytes #-}
@ -1051,6 +1061,126 @@ snoc = snocWith f
then oldSize * 2
else roundUpToPower2 oldSize * 2
-- Serialization/Deserialization
{-# INLINE pokeNewEnd #-}
pokeNewEnd :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
Int -> MutArray Word8 -> a -> m (MutArray Word8)
pokeNewEnd newEnd arr@MutArray{..} x = liftIO $ do
assert (newEnd <= arrBound) (return ())
liftIO $ pokeAt arrEnd arrContents x
return $ arr {arrEnd = newEnd}
-- | Really really unsafe, unboxes a Haskell type and appends the resulting
-- bytes to the byte array, may cause silent data corruption or if you are
-- lucky a segfault if the array does not have enough space to append the
-- element.
-- /Internal/
{-# INLINE pokeAppendUnsafe #-}
pokeAppendUnsafe :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
MutArray Word8 -> a -> m (MutArray Word8)
pokeAppendUnsafe arr@MutArray{..} = pokeNewEnd (arrEnd + SIZE_OF(a)) arr
-- | Skip the specified number of bytes in the array. The data in the skipped
-- region remains uninitialzed.
{-# INLINE pokeSkipUnsafe #-}
pokeSkipUnsafe :: Int -> MutArray Word8 -> MutArray Word8
pokeSkipUnsafe n arr@MutArray{..} = do
let newEnd = arrEnd + n
in assert (newEnd <= arrBound) (arr {arrEnd = newEnd})
-- | Like 'pokeAppend' but does not grow the array when pre-allocated array
-- capacity becomes full.
-- /Internal/
{-# INLINE pokeAppendMay #-}
pokeAppendMay :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
MutArray Word8 -> a -> m (Maybe (MutArray Word8))
pokeAppendMay arr@MutArray{..} x = liftIO $ do
let newEnd = arrEnd + SIZE_OF(a)
if newEnd <= arrBound
then Just <$> pokeNewEnd newEnd arr x
else return Nothing
{-# NOINLINE pokeWithRealloc #-}
pokeWithRealloc :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
(Int -> Int)
-> MutArray Word8
-> a
-> m (MutArray Word8)
pokeWithRealloc sizer arr x = do
arr1 <- liftIO $ reallocWith "pokeWithRealloc" sizer (SIZE_OF(a)) arr
pokeAppendUnsafe arr1 x
{-# INLINE pokeAppendWith #-}
pokeAppendWith :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
(Int -> Int)
-> MutArray Word8
-> a
-> m (MutArray Word8)
pokeAppendWith allocSize arr x = liftIO $ do
let newEnd = arrEnd arr + SIZE_OF(a)
if newEnd <= arrBound arr
then pokeNewEnd newEnd arr x
else pokeWithRealloc allocSize arr x
-- | Unbox a Haskell type and append the resulting bytes to a mutable byte
-- array. The array is grown exponentially when more space is needed.
-- Definition:
-- >>> pokeAppend arr x = MutArray.castUnsafe <$> MutArray.snoc (MutArray.castUnsafe arr) x
{-# INLINE pokeAppend #-}
pokeAppend :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
MutArray Word8 -> a -> m (MutArray Word8)
pokeAppend = pokeAppendWith f
f oldSize =
if isPower2 oldSize
then oldSize * 2
else roundUpToPower2 oldSize * 2
-- | Really really unsafe, create a Haskell value from an unboxed byte array,
-- does not check if the array is big enough, may return garbage or if you are
-- lucky may cause a segfault.
-- /Internal/
{-# INLINE peekUnconsUnsafe #-}
peekUnconsUnsafe :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
MutArray Word8 -> m (a, MutArray Word8)
peekUnconsUnsafe MutArray{..} = do
let start1 = arrStart + SIZE_OF(a)
assert (start1 <= arrEnd) (return ())
liftIO $ do
r <- peekAt arrStart arrContents
return (r, MutArray arrContents start1 arrEnd arrBound)
-- | Discard the specified number of bytes in the array.
{-# INLINE peekSkipUnsafe #-}
peekSkipUnsafe :: Int -> MutArray Word8 -> MutArray Word8
peekSkipUnsafe n MutArray{..} =
let start1 = arrStart + n
in assert (start1 <= arrEnd) (MutArray arrContents start1 arrEnd arrBound)
-- | Create a Haskell value from its unboxed representation from the head of a
-- byte array, return the value and the remaining array.
{-# INLINE peekUncons #-}
peekUncons :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
MutArray Word8 -> m (Maybe a, MutArray Word8)
peekUncons arr@MutArray{..} = do
let start1 = arrStart + SIZE_OF(a)
if start1 > arrEnd
then return (Nothing, arr)
else liftIO $ do
r <- peekAt arrStart arrContents
return (Just r, MutArray arrContents start1 arrEnd arrBound)
-- Random reads