Fix/enhance benchmarks for concatPairsWith

* Add a benchmark for mergeByMFused
* Move interleaving benchmarks to WSerial module
* Rename some wserial benchmarks
* Add a Merge module for mergeBy/sorting benchmarks
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2021-09-25 11:16:04 +05:30
parent 42b4ff2bbb
commit 68317a4a41
10 changed files with 561 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Data/Stream/StreamK.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Data/Unfold.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Data/Unfold.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/FileSystem/Handle.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/FileSystem/Handle.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Async.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Async.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Parallel.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Parallel.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Rate.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Rate.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/Exceptions.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/Exceptions.hs
@ -50,4 +51,3 @@ benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/Split.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/Transformation1.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/Transformation1.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/WAsync.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/WAsync.hs
benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/ZipAsync.hs benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/ZipAsync.hs

View File

@ -384,6 +384,14 @@ iterateDropWhileTrue streamLen iterStreamLen =
zipWith :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m () zipWith :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m ()
zipWith src = drain $ S.zipWith (,) src src zipWith src = drain $ S.zipWith (,) src src
{-# INLINE sortByK #-}
sortByK :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
sortByK f = S.concatPairsWith (S.mergeBy f) S.fromPure
{-# INLINE sortBy #-}
sortBy :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m ()
sortBy = drain . sortByK compare
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Mixed Composition -- Mixed Composition
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -700,6 +708,7 @@ o_1_space_concat streamLen =
(concatMapBySerial streamLen2 streamLen2) (concatMapBySerial streamLen2 streamLen2)
, benchIOSrc1 "concatMapBy serial (1 of n)" , benchIOSrc1 "concatMapBy serial (1 of n)"
(concatMapBySerial 1 streamLen) (concatMapBySerial 1 streamLen)
, benchFold "sortBy" sortBy (unfoldrM streamLen)
] ]
where where
streamLen2 = round (P.fromIntegral streamLen**(1/2::P.Double)) -- double nested loop streamLen2 = round (P.fromIntegral streamLen**(1/2::P.Double)) -- double nested loop

View File

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin Test.Inspection.Plugin #-}
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream (SerialT)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as Stream
-- import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold as Unfold
import Streamly.Benchmark.Common
import Streamly.Benchmark.Prelude
import Gauge
import GHC.Types (SPEC(..))
import Test.Inspection
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamD as D
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Prelude.Merge"
-- Merging
{-# INLINE mergeWith #-}
mergeWith ::
( (Int -> Int -> Ordering)
-> SerialT IO Int
-> SerialT IO Int
-> SerialT IO Int
-> (Int -> Int -> Ordering)
-> Int -> Int -> IO ()
mergeWith g cmp count n =
$ g
(sourceUnfoldrM count n)
(sourceUnfoldrM count (n + 1))
{-# INLINE mergeWithM #-}
mergeWithM ::
( (Int -> Int -> IO Ordering)
-> SerialT IO Int
-> SerialT IO Int
-> SerialT IO Int
-> (Int -> Int -> Ordering)
-> Int -> Int -> IO ()
mergeWithM g cmp count n =
$ g
(\a b -> return $ cmp a b)
(sourceUnfoldrM count n)
(sourceUnfoldrM count (n + 1))
{-# INLINE mergeBy #-}
mergeBy :: (Int -> Int -> Ordering) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
mergeBy = mergeWith Stream.mergeBy
{-# INLINE mergeByM #-}
mergeByM :: (Int -> Int -> Ordering) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
mergeByM = mergeWithM Stream.mergeByM
{-# INLINE mergeByMFused #-}
mergeByMFused :: (Int -> Int -> Ordering) -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
mergeByMFused = mergeWithM Stream.mergeByMFused
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'mergeBy
inspect $ 'mergeBy `hasNoType` ''SPEC
inspect $ 'mergeBy `hasNoType` ''D.Step
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'mergeByM
inspect $ 'mergeByM `hasNoType` ''SPEC
inspect $ 'mergeByM `hasNoType` ''D.Step
{-# INLINE _mergeByMFusedCheck #-}
_mergeByMFusedCheck :: IO ()
_mergeByMFusedCheck = mergeWithM Stream.mergeByMFused compare 0 0
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses '_mergeByMFusedCheck
inspect $ '_mergeByMFusedCheck `hasNoType` ''SPEC
inspect $ '_mergeByMFusedCheck `hasNoType` ''D.Step
{-# INLINE concatPairsWithMergeBy #-}
concatPairsWithMergeBy :: (Int -> Int -> Ordering) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairsWithMergeBy cmp = concatPairsWith (Stream.mergeBy cmp)
{-# INLINE concatPairsWithMergeByFused #-}
concatPairsWithMergeByFused ::
(Int -> Int -> Ordering) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairsWithMergeByFused cmp =
concatPairsWith (Stream.mergeByMFused (\x y -> return $ cmp x y))
-- Interleaving
o_1_space_joining :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_joining value =
[ bgroup "joining (2 of n/2)"
[ benchIOSrc1
"mergeBy compare"
(mergeBy compare (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"mergeByM compare"
(mergeByM compare (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"mergeByMFused compare"
(mergeByMFused compare (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"mergeBy (flip compare)"
(mergeBy (flip compare) (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"mergeByM (flip compare)"
(mergeByM (flip compare) (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"mergeByMFused (flip compare)"
(mergeByMFused (flip compare) (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeBy compare"
(concatPairsWithMergeBy compare 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeBy (flip compare)"
(concatPairsWithMergeBy (flip compare) 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeByFused compare"
(concatPairsWithMergeByFused compare 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeByFused (flip compare)"
(concatPairsWithMergeByFused (flip compare) 2 (value `div` 2))
-- Concat
{-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrMUF #-}
-- (count, value)
sourceUnfoldrMUF :: Monad m => Int -> UF.Unfold m (Int, Int) Int
sourceUnfoldrMUF count = UF.unfoldrM step
step (cnt, start) =
return $
if cnt > start + count
then Nothing
else Just (cnt, (cnt + 1, start))
{-# INLINE unfoldManyMergeBy #-}
unfoldManyMergeBy :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
unfoldManyMergeBy outer inner n =
S.drain $ (Internal.unfoldManyMergeBy compare)
-- (UF.lmap return (UF.replicateM inner))
(UF.lmap (\x -> (x,x)) (sourceUnfoldrMUF inner))
(sourceUnfoldrM outer n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'unfoldManyMergeBy
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyMergeBy `hasNoType` ''SPEC
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyMergeBy `hasNoType`
-- ''D.ConcatUnfoldMergeState
{-# INLINE sortBy #-}
sortBy :: (Int -> Int -> Ordering) -> SerialT IO Int -> IO ()
sortBy cmp = Stream.drain . Stream.sortBy cmp
-- For fair comparison with concatPairs, removed sorted segmentation
{-# INLINE listSortBy #-}
listSortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
listSortBy cmp = mergeAll . sequences
sequences = fmap (: [])
mergeAll [x] = x
mergeAll xs = mergeAll (mergePairs xs)
mergePairs (a:b:xs) = let !x = merge a b
in x : mergePairs xs
mergePairs xs = xs
merge as@(a:as') bs@(b:bs')
| a `cmp` b == GT = b:merge as bs'
| otherwise = a:merge as' bs
merge [] bs = bs
merge as [] = as
o_n_heap_concat :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_concat value =
[ bgroup "concatPairsWith"
[ benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeBy compare (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithMergeBy compare value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeBy compare (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithMergeBy compare sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeBy (flip compare) (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithMergeBy (flip compare) value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeBy (flip compare) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithMergeBy (flip compare) sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeByFused compare (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithMergeByFused compare value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithMergeByFused compare (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithMergeByFused compare sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, bgroup "sorting"
[ benchIOSink value "sortBy compare" (sortBy compare)
, benchIOSink value "sortBy (flip compare)" (sortBy (flip compare))
, bench "sortByLists compare"
$ nf (\x -> listSortBy compare [1..x]) value
, bench "sortByLists (flip compare)"
$ nf (\x -> listSortBy (flip compare) [1..x]) value
sqrtVal = round $ sqrt (fromIntegral value :: Double)
-- Main
-- In addition to gauge options, the number of elements in the stream can be
-- passed using the --stream-size option.
main :: IO ()
main = runWithCLIOpts defaultStreamSize allBenchmarks
allBenchmarks size =
[ bgroup (o_1_space_prefix moduleName) (o_1_space_joining size)
, bgroup (o_n_heap_prefix moduleName) (o_n_heap_concat size)

View File

@ -125,38 +125,6 @@ inspect $ 'append2 `hasNoType` ''SPEC
inspect $ 'append2 `hasNoType` ''D.AppendState inspect $ 'append2 `hasNoType` ''D.AppendState
#endif #endif
-- Merging
{-# INLINE mergeBy #-}
mergeBy :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
mergeBy count n =
S.drain $
(sourceUnfoldrM count n)
(sourceUnfoldrM count (n + 1))
{-# INLINE mergeByM #-}
mergeByM :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
mergeByM count n =
S.drain $
(\a b -> return $ compare a b)
(sourceUnfoldrM count n)
(sourceUnfoldrM count (n + 1))
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'mergeBy
inspect $ 'mergeBy `hasNoType` ''SPEC
inspect $ 'mergeBy `hasNoType` ''D.Step
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'mergeByM
inspect $ 'mergeByM `hasNoType` ''SPEC
inspect $ 'mergeByM `hasNoType` ''D.Step
o_1_space_joining :: Int -> [Benchmark] o_1_space_joining :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_joining value = o_1_space_joining value =
[ bgroup "joining" [ bgroup "joining"
@ -164,8 +132,6 @@ o_1_space_joining value =
, benchIOSrc1 "append (2,x/2)" (append2 (value `div` 2)) , benchIOSrc1 "append (2,x/2)" (append2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "serial (2,2,x/4)" (serial4 (value `div` 4)) , benchIOSrc1 "serial (2,2,x/4)" (serial4 (value `div` 4))
, benchIOSrc1 "append (2,2,x/4)" (append4 (value `div` 4)) , benchIOSrc1 "append (2,2,x/4)" (append4 (value `div` 4))
, benchIOSrc1 "mergeBy (2,x/2)" (mergeBy (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "mergeByM (2,x/2)" (mergeByM (value `div` 2))
] ]
] ]
@ -263,30 +229,14 @@ inspect $ 'concatMapWithAppend `hasNoType` ''SPEC
-- concatPairWith -- concatPairWith
{-# INLINE concatPairWithSerial #-}
concatPairWithSerial :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairWithSerial = concatPairsWith Internal.serial
{-# INLINE concatPairWithAppend #-} {-# INLINE concatPairWithAppend #-}
concatPairWithAppend :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () concatPairWithAppend :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairWithAppend = concatPairsWith Internal.append concatPairWithAppend = concatPairsWith Internal.append
{-# INLINE concatPairWithInterleave #-}
concatPairWithInterleave :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairWithInterleave = concatPairsWith Internal.interleave
{-# INLINE concatPairWithInterleaveSuffix #-}
concatPairWithInterleaveSuffix :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairWithInterleaveSuffix = concatPairsWith Internal.interleaveSuffix
{-# INLINE concatPairWithInterleaveInfix #-}
concatPairWithInterleaveInfix :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairWithInterleaveInfix = concatPairsWith Internal.interleaveInfix
{-# INLINE concatPairWithInterleaveMin #-}
concatPairWithInterleaveMin :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairWithInterleaveMin = concatPairsWith Internal.interleaveMin
{-# INLINE concatPairWithRoundrobin #-}
concatPairWithRoundrobin :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairWithRoundrobin = concatPairsWith Internal.roundrobin
-- unfoldMany -- unfoldMany
-- unfoldMany replicate/unfoldrM -- unfoldMany replicate/unfoldrM
@ -356,23 +306,18 @@ o_1_space_concat value = sqrtVal `seq`
-------------------concatPairsWith----------------- -------------------concatPairsWith-----------------
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithAppend" -- Use large number of streams to check scalability
(concatPairWithAppend 2 (value `div` 2)) , benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithSerial (n of 1)"
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithInterleave" (concatPairWithSerial value 1)
(concatPairWithInterleave 2 (value `div` 2)) , benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithSerial (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairWithSerial sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithInterleaveSuffix" , benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithSerial (2 of n/2)"
(concatPairWithInterleaveSuffix 2 (value `div` 2)) (concatPairWithSerial 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithInterleaveInfix"
(concatPairWithInterleaveInfix 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithInterleaveMin"
(concatPairWithInterleaveMin 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithRoundrobin"
(concatPairWithRoundrobin 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithAppend (n of 1)"
(concatPairWithAppend value 1)
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairWithAppend (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairWithAppend sqrtVal sqrtVal)
] ]
] ]

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..)) import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as Internal import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as Internal
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
@ -175,19 +174,13 @@ reverse n = composeN n S.reverse
reverse' :: MonadIO m => Int -> SerialT m Int -> m () reverse' :: MonadIO m => Int -> SerialT m Int -> m ()
reverse' n = composeN n Internal.reverse' reverse' n = composeN n Internal.reverse'
{-# INLINE sortBy #-}
sortBy :: MonadIO m => Int -> SerialT m Int -> m ()
sortBy n = composeN n (Internal.sortBy compare)
o_n_heap_buffering :: Int -> [Benchmark] o_n_heap_buffering :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_buffering value = o_n_heap_buffering value =
[ bgroup "buffered" [ bgroup "buffered"
[ [
-- Reversing/sorting a stream -- Reversing a stream
benchIOSink value "reverse" (reverse 1) benchIOSink value "reverse" (reverse 1)
, benchIOSink value "reverse'" (reverse' 1) , benchIOSink value "reverse'" (reverse' 1)
, benchIOSink value "sortBy" (sortBy 1)
, bench "sort Lists" $ nf (\x -> List.sort [1..x]) value
, benchIOSink value "mkAsync" (mkAsync fromSerial) , benchIOSink value "mkAsync" (mkAsync fromSerial)
] ]

View File

@ -88,18 +88,54 @@ inspect $ 'roundRobin2 `hasNoType` ''SPEC
inspect $ 'roundRobin2 `hasNoType` ''D.InterleaveState inspect $ 'roundRobin2 `hasNoType` ''D.InterleaveState
#endif #endif
o_1_space_joining :: Int -> [Benchmark] {-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrMUF #-}
o_1_space_joining value = -- (count, value)
[ bgroup "joining" sourceUnfoldrMUF :: Monad m => Int -> UF.Unfold m (Int, Int) Int
[ benchIOSrc1 "wSerial (2,x/2)" (wSerial2 value) sourceUnfoldrMUF count = UF.unfoldrM step
, benchIOSrc1 "interleave (2,x/2)" (interleave2 value) where
, benchIOSrc1 "roundRobin (2,x/2)" (roundRobin2 value) step (cnt, start) =
] return $
] if cnt > start + count
then Nothing
else Just (cnt, (cnt + 1, start))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# INLINE unfoldManyInterleave #-}
-- Concat unfoldManyInterleave :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unfoldManyInterleave outer inner n =
S.drain $ Internal.unfoldManyInterleave
-- (UF.lmap return (UF.replicateM inner))
(UF.lmap (\x -> (x,x)) (sourceUnfoldrMUF inner))
(sourceUnfoldrM outer n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'unfoldManyInterleave
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyInterleave `hasNoType` ''SPEC
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyInterleave `hasNoType`
-- ''D.ConcatUnfoldInterleaveState
{-# INLINE unfoldManyRoundRobin #-}
unfoldManyRoundRobin :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
unfoldManyRoundRobin outer inner n =
S.drain $ Internal.unfoldManyRoundRobin
-- (UF.lmap return (UF.replicateM inner))
(UF.lmap (\x -> (x,x)) (sourceUnfoldrMUF inner))
(sourceUnfoldrM outer n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'unfoldManyRoundRobin
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyRoundRobin `hasNoType` ''SPEC
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyRoundRobin `hasNoType`
-- ''D.ConcatUnfoldInterleaveState
{-# INLINE concatPairsWithWSerial #-}
concatPairsWithWSerial :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairsWithWSerial = concatPairsWith Internal.wSerial
{-# INLINE concatPairsWithRoundrobin #-}
concatPairsWithRoundrobin :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairsWithRoundrobin = concatPairsWith Internal.roundrobin
{-# INLINE concatMapWithWSerial #-} {-# INLINE concatMapWithWSerial #-}
concatMapWithWSerial :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () concatMapWithWSerial :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
@ -110,86 +146,189 @@ inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatMapWithWSerial
inspect $ 'concatMapWithWSerial `hasNoType` ''SPEC inspect $ 'concatMapWithWSerial `hasNoType` ''SPEC
#endif #endif
o_1_space_concat :: Int -> [Benchmark] o_1_space_joining :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_concat value = o_1_space_joining value =
[ bgroup "concat" [ bgroup "joining (2 of n/2)"
[ benchIOSrc1 [ benchIOSrc1 "wSerial" (wSerial2 value)
"concatMapWithWSerial (2,x/2)" , benchIOSrc1 "interleave" (interleave2 value)
, benchIOSrc1 "roundRobin" (roundRobin2 value)
, benchIOSrc1
(concatMapWithWSerial 2 (value `div` 2)) (concatMapWithWSerial 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 , benchIOSrc1
"concatMapWithWSerial (x/2,2)" "concatMapWithInterleave"
(concatMapWithWSerial (value `div` 2) 2) (concatStreamsWith Internal.interleave 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
(concatStreamsWith Internal.roundrobin 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
(unfoldManyInterleave 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
(concatPairsWithWSerial 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1
(concatPairsWithRoundrobin 2 (value `div` 2))
] ]
] ]
{-# INLINE unfoldManyInterleaveRepl4xN #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
unfoldManyInterleaveRepl4xN :: Int -> Int -> IO () -- Concat
unfoldManyInterleaveRepl4xN value n = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
S.drain $ Internal.unfoldManyInterleave
(UF.lmap return (UF.replicateM 4))
(sourceUnfoldrM (value `div` 4) n)
#ifdef INSPECTION o_1_space_concat :: Int -> [Benchmark]
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'unfoldManyInterleaveRepl4xN o_1_space_concat value =
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyInterleaveRepl4xN `hasNoType` ''SPEC [ bgroup "concatMapWith"
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyInterleaveRepl4xN `hasNoType` [ benchIOSrc1
-- ''D.ConcatUnfoldInterleaveState "concatMapWithWSerial (n of 1)"
#endif (concatStreamsWith wSerial value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatMapWithWSerial (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatStreamsWith wSerial sqrtVal sqrtVal)
-- concatMapWith using StreamD versions of interleave operations are
-- all quadratic, we just measure the sqrtVal benchmark for comparison.
, benchIOSrc1
"concatMapWithInterleave (n of 1)"
(concatStreamsWith Internal.interleave value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatMapWithInterleave (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatStreamsWith Internal.interleave sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatMapWithRoundrobin (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatStreamsWith Internal.roundrobin sqrtVal sqrtVal)
{-# INLINE unfoldManyRoundRobinRepl4xN #-} where
unfoldManyRoundRobinRepl4xN :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
unfoldManyRoundRobinRepl4xN value n =
S.drain $ Internal.unfoldManyRoundRobin
(UF.lmap return (UF.replicateM 4))
(sourceUnfoldrM (value `div` 4) n)
#ifdef INSPECTION sqrtVal = round $ sqrt (fromIntegral value :: Double)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'unfoldManyRoundRobinRepl4xN
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyRoundRobinRepl4xN `hasNoType` ''SPEC {-# INLINE concatPairsWithInterleave #-}
-- inspect $ 'unfoldManyRoundRobinRepl4xN `hasNoType` concatPairsWithInterleave :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
-- ''D.ConcatUnfoldInterleaveState concatPairsWithInterleave = concatPairsWith Internal.interleave
{-# INLINE concatPairsWithInterleaveSuffix #-}
concatPairsWithInterleaveSuffix :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairsWithInterleaveSuffix = concatPairsWith Internal.interleaveSuffix
{-# INLINE concatPairsWithInterleaveInfix #-}
concatPairsWithInterleaveInfix :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairsWithInterleaveInfix = concatPairsWith Internal.interleaveInfix
{-# INLINE concatPairsWithInterleaveMin #-}
concatPairsWithInterleaveMin :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairsWithInterleaveMin = concatPairsWith Internal.interleaveMin
o_n_heap_concat :: Int -> [Benchmark] o_n_heap_concat :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_concat value = o_n_heap_concat value =
[ bgroup "concat" [ bgroup "concatPairsWith"
[ [
-- interleave x/4 streams of 4 elements each. Needs to buffer
-- proportional to x/4. This is different from WSerial because
-- WSerial expands slowly because of binary interleave behavior and
-- this expands immediately because of Nary interleave behavior.
benchIOSrc1 benchIOSrc1
"unfoldManyInterleaveRepl (x/4,4)" "unfoldManyInterleave (n of 1)"
(unfoldManyInterleaveRepl4xN value) (unfoldManyInterleave value 1)
, benchIOSrc1 , benchIOSrc1
"unfoldManyRoundRobinRepl (x/4,4)" "unfoldManyInterleave (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(unfoldManyRoundRobinRepl4xN value) (unfoldManyInterleave sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"unfoldManyRoundRobin (n of 1)"
(unfoldManyRoundRobin value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"unfoldManyRoundRobin (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(unfoldManyRoundRobin sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithWSerial (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithWSerial value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithWSerial (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithWSerial sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithInterleave (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithInterleave value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithInterleave (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithInterleave sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithInterleaveSuffix (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithInterleaveSuffix value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithInterleaveSuffix (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithInterleaveSuffix sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithInterleaveInfix (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithInterleaveInfix value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithInterleaveInfix (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithInterleaveInfix sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithInterleaveMin (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithInterleaveMin value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithInterleaveMin (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithInterleaveMin sqrtVal sqrtVal)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithRoundrobin (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithRoundrobin value 1)
, benchIOSrc1
"concatPairsWithRoundrobin (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithRoundrobin sqrtVal sqrtVal)
] ]
] ]
sqrtVal = round $ sqrt (fromIntegral value :: Double)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Monad -- Monad
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
o_1_space_outerProduct :: Int -> [Benchmark] o_1_space_outerProduct :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_outerProduct value = o_1_space_outerProduct value =
[ bgroup "monad-outer-product" [ bgroup "outer-product"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ toNullAp value fromWSerial [ benchIO
, benchIO "toNullM" $ toNullM value fromWSerial "drain applicative (+) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
, benchIO "toNullM3" $ toNullM3 value fromWSerial (toNullAp value fromWSerial)
, benchIO "filterAllOutM" $ filterAllOutM value fromWSerial , benchIO
, benchIO "filterAllInM" $ filterAllInM value fromWSerial "drain monad (+) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
, benchIO "filterSome" $ filterSome value fromWSerial (toNullM value fromWSerial)
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ breakAfterSome value fromWSerial , benchIO
"drain monad (+) (cbrtVal of cbrtVal of cbrtVal)"
(toNullM3 value fromWSerial)
, benchIO
"filterAllOut monad (+) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(filterAllOutM value fromWSerial)
, benchIO
"filterAllIn monad (+) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(filterAllInM value fromWSerial)
, benchIO
"filterSome monad (+) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(filterSome value fromWSerial)
, benchIO
"breakAfterSome monad (+) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(breakAfterSome value fromWSerial)
] ]
] ]
o_n_space_outerProduct :: Int -> [Benchmark] o_n_space_outerProduct :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_space_outerProduct value = o_n_space_outerProduct value =
[ bgroup [ bgroup
"monad-outer-product" "outer-product"
[ benchIO "toList" $ toListM value fromWSerial [ benchIO
, benchIO "toListSome" $ toListSome value fromWSerial "toList monad (+) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(toListM value fromWSerial)
, benchIO
"toListSome monad (+) (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(toListSome value fromWSerial)
] ]
] ]

View File

@ -84,11 +84,28 @@ inspect $ 'zipWithM `hasNoType` ''SPEC
inspect $ 'zipWithM `hasNoType` ''D.Step inspect $ 'zipWithM `hasNoType` ''D.Step
#endif #endif
{-# INLINE concatMapWithZip #-}
concatMapWithZip :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatMapWithZip = concatStreamsWith (S.zipWith (+))
{-# INLINE concatPairsWithZip #-}
concatPairsWithZip :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatPairsWithZip = concatPairsWith (S.zipWith (+))
o_1_space_joining :: Int -> [Benchmark] o_1_space_joining :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_joining value = o_1_space_joining value =
[ bgroup "joining" [ bgroup "joining"
[ benchIOSrc1 "zip (2,x/2)" (zipWith (value `div` 2)) [ benchIOSrc1 "zip (2 of n/2)" (zipWith (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "zipM (2,x/2)" (zipWithM (value `div` 2)) , benchIOSrc1 "zipM (2 of n/2)" (zipWithM (value `div` 2))
-- Not correct because of nil stream at end issue.
, benchIOSrc1 "concatMapWithZip (+) (2 of n/2)"
(concatMapWithZip 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairsWithZip (+) (2 of n/2)"
(concatPairsWithZip 2 (value `div` 2))
] ]
] ]
@ -103,11 +120,37 @@ o_1_space_mapping value =
] ]
] ]
-- Concat
o_n_heap_concat :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_concat value =
[ bgroup "concatPairsWith"
[ {- -- This fails with stack overflow.
benchIOSrc1 "concatMapWithZip (n of 1)"
(concatMapWithZip value 1)
-- Not correct because of nil stream at end issue.
, benchIOSrc1 "concatMapWithZip (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatMapWithZip sqrtVal sqrtVal)
benchIOSrc1 "concatPairsWithZip (n of 1)"
(concatPairsWithZip value 1)
, benchIOSrc1 "concatPairsWithZip (sqrtVal of sqrtVal)"
(concatPairsWithZip sqrtVal sqrtVal)
sqrtVal = round $ sqrt (fromIntegral value :: Double)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Monad outer product -- Monad outer product
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{- {-
-- Not correct because of nil stream at end issue.
o_1_space_outerProduct :: Int -> [Benchmark] o_1_space_outerProduct :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_outerProduct value = o_1_space_outerProduct value =
[ bgroup "monad-outer-product" [ bgroup "monad-outer-product"
@ -133,6 +176,7 @@ main = runWithCLIOpts defaultStreamSize allBenchmarks
[ bgroup (o_1_space_prefix moduleName) $ concat [ bgroup (o_1_space_prefix moduleName) $ concat
[ o_1_space_joining size [ o_1_space_joining size
, o_1_space_mapping size , o_1_space_mapping size
, o_n_heap_concat size
-- XXX need to fix, timing in ns -- XXX need to fix, timing in ns
-- , o_1_space_outerProduct size -- , o_1_space_outerProduct size
] ]

View File

@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ sourceConcatMapId value n =
{-# INLINE concatStreamsWith #-} {-# INLINE concatStreamsWith #-}
concatStreamsWith concatStreamsWith
:: (forall c. S.SerialT IO c -> S.SerialT IO c -> S.SerialT IO c) :: (S.SerialT IO Int -> S.SerialT IO Int -> S.SerialT IO Int)
-> Int -> Int
-> Int -> Int
-> Int -> Int
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ concatStreamsWith op outer inner n =
{-# INLINE concatPairsWith #-} {-# INLINE concatPairsWith #-}
concatPairsWith concatPairsWith
:: (forall c. S.SerialT IO c -> S.SerialT IO c -> S.SerialT IO c) :: (S.SerialT IO Int -> S.SerialT IO Int -> S.SerialT IO Int)
-> Int -> Int
-> Int -> Int
-> Int -> Int

View File

@ -210,6 +210,16 @@ benchmark Prelude.WSerial
else else
buildable: True buildable: True
benchmark Prelude.Merge
import: bench-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude
main-is: Merge.hs
if impl(ghcjs)
buildable: False
buildable: True
benchmark Prelude.ZipSerial benchmark Prelude.ZipSerial
import: bench-options import: bench-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ cradle:
component: "bench:Prelude.Ahead" component: "bench:Prelude.Ahead"
- path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Async.hs" - path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Async.hs"
component: "bench:Prelude.Async" component: "bench:Prelude.Async"
- path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Merge.hs"
component: "bench:Prelude.Merge"
- path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Parallel.hs" - path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Parallel.hs"
component: "bench:Prelude.Parallel" component: "bench:Prelude.Parallel"
- path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial.hs" - path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial.hs"
@ -44,6 +46,10 @@ cradle:
component: "bench:Prelude.Serial" component: "bench:Prelude.Serial"
- path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/Transformation3.hs" - path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/Transformation3.hs"
component: "bench:Prelude.Serial" component: "bench:Prelude.Serial"
- path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/WSerial.hs"
component: "bench:Prelude.WSerial"
- path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/ZipSerial.hs"
component: "bench:Prelude.ZipSerial"
- path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Unicode/Stream.hs" - path: "./benchmark/Streamly/Benchmark/Unicode/Stream.hs"
component: "bench:Unicode.Stream" component: "bench:Unicode.Stream"
- path: "./benchmark/lib/" - path: "./benchmark/lib/"