Use a configuration to control functionality of deriveSerializeWith

This commit is contained in:
Adithya Kumar 2023-08-31 23:49:02 +05:30
parent 9479709551
commit 9f7b45dcf4
3 changed files with 84 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Serialize.TH
( deriveSerialize
, SerializeTHConfig(..)
, defaultSerializeTHConfig
, deriveSerializeWith
) where
@ -362,28 +364,72 @@ deriveSerializeInternal preds headTy cons = do
return [plainInstanceD preds (AppT (ConT ''Serialize) headTy) methods]
-- | Similar to 'deriveSerialize,' but with the ability to specify which type
-- variables should not be subjected to the 'Serialize' constraint and how to
-- replace these variables when defining the 'Serialize' instance for the
-- primary data type.
-- | Config to control how the 'Serialize' instance is generated.
data SerializeTHConfig =
{ unconstrainedTypeVars :: [String]
-- ^ Type variables that should not have the 'Serialize' constraint.
-- @
-- data CustomDataType a b c d = CustomDataType a c
-- @
-- @
-- conf = defaultConf {unconstrainedTypeVars = ["b", "d"]}
-- $(deriveSerializeWith conf ''CustomDataType)
-- @
-- @
-- instance (Serialize a, Serialize c) => Serialize (CustomDataType a b c d) where
-- ...
-- @
, typeVarSubstitutions :: [(String, Type)]
-- ^ Substitute the type variable with the given type. All type
-- variables listed here will not have the 'Serialize' constriant as
-- they are replaced.
-- @
-- data CustomDataType f a = CustomDataType (f a)
-- @
-- @
-- conf = defaultConf {typeVarSubstitutions = [("f", ''Identity)]}
-- $(deriveSerializeWith conf ''CustomDataType)
-- @
-- @
-- instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (CustomDataType Identity a) where
-- ...
-- @
-- @f@ is replaced with 'Identity' and becomes unconstrained.
, inlineSize :: Inline
-- ^ Inline value for 'size'.
, inlineSerialize :: Inline
-- ^ Inline value for 'serialize'.
, inlineDeserialize :: Inline
-- ^ Inline value for 'deserialize'.
, constructorTagAsString :: Bool
-- ^ If True, encode constructors as Latin-1 byte sequence. This
-- allows addition, removal, and reordering of constructors. If False
-- encode them as numbers. The default value is 'False'.
, recordSyntaxWithHeader :: Bool
-- ^ If True, constructors with record syntax will be encoded in a
-- more compatible way. Allows addition, removal, and reordering of
-- fields. The default value is 'False'.
defaultSerializeTHConfig :: SerializeTHConfig
defaultSerializeTHConfig = SerializeTHConfig {unconstrainedTypeVars = [], typeVarSubstitutions = []}
-- | Similar to 'deriveSerialize,' but take a 'SerializeTHConfig' to control how
-- the instance is generated.
-- Consider the datatype:
-- @
-- data CustomDataType a f c = CDT a (f Int)
-- @
-- Usage: @$(deriveSerializeWith ["c", "f"] [("f", ConT ''Identity)] ''CustomDataType)@
-- @
-- instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (CustomDataType a Identity c) where
-- ...
-- @
-- In the above example, 'Serialize' constraint is omitted for @f@ and @c@, and
-- @f@ is replaced with 'Identity' when defining the 'Serialize' instance for
-- the primary data type.
deriveSerializeWith :: [String] -> [(String, Type)] -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveSerializeWith ignoring substitutions name = do
-- Usage: @$(deriveSerializeWith config ''CustomDataType)@
deriveSerializeWith :: SerializeTHConfig -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveSerializeWith (SerializeTHConfig {..}) name = do
dt <- reifyDataType name
let preds = map (unboxPred . VarT) (filterOutVars (dtTvs dt))
headTy = appsT (ConT name) (map substituteVar (dtTvs dt))
@ -391,11 +437,14 @@ deriveSerializeWith ignoring substitutions name = do
deriveSerializeInternal preds headTy cons
allUnconstrainedTypeVars =
unconstrainedTypeVars ++ map fst typeVarSubstitutions
filterOutVars vs =
map mkName $ filter (not . flip elem ignoring) $ map nameBase vs
map mkName
$ filter (not . flip elem allUnconstrainedTypeVars)
$ map nameBase vs
substituteVar v =
case lookup (nameBase v) substitutions of
case lookup (nameBase v) typeVarSubstitutions of
Nothing -> VarT v
Just ty -> ty
@ -425,6 +474,6 @@ deriveSerializeWith ignoring substitutions name = do
-- To control which type variables don't get the Serialize constraint, use
-- 'deriveSerializeWith'.
-- >>> deriveSerialize = deriveSerializeWith [] []
-- >>> deriveSerialize = deriveSerializeWith 'defaultSerializeTHConfig'
deriveSerialize :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveSerialize name = deriveSerializeWith [] [] name
deriveSerialize name = deriveSerializeWith defaultSerializeTHConfig name

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@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import Streamly.Test.Data.Serialize.TH (genDatatype)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Serialize.TH
( deriveSerialize
, deriveSerializeWith
, defaultSerializeTHConfig
, SerializeTHConfig(..)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
@ -60,7 +62,10 @@ instance (Show (f Int), Show (f Char)) => Show (HigherOrderType f) where
show a = "HigherOrderType " ++ show (field0 a) ++ " " ++ show (field1 a)
$(deriveSerialize ''Identity)
$(deriveSerializeWith ["f"] [("f", ConT ''Identity)] ''HigherOrderType)
{typeVarSubstitutions = [("f", ConT ''Identity)]})
-- Recursive type

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@ -192,7 +192,9 @@ deriving instance Generic (Ratio Int)
#if defined(USE_SERIALIZE)
$(deriveSerialize ''Complex)
$(deriveSerialize ''Ratio)
$(deriveSerializeWith ["b"] [] ''Const)
(defaultSerializeTHConfig {unconstrainedTypeVars = ["b"]})
$(deriveSerialize ''Identity)