More refactor, reorg, remove additonalOperators class

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Harendra Kumar 2017-06-10 17:08:12 +05:30
parent a00f8c58bf
commit a39705bb0d

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@ -84,29 +84,6 @@ instance Monad (AsyncT m) => Functor (AsyncT m) where
-- Applicative
-- | Warning: Radically untyped stuff. handle with care
getContinuations :: Monad m => StateM m [a -> AsyncT m b]
getContinuations = do
EventF { fcomp = fs } <- get
return $ unsafeCoerce fs
-- | Save a closure and a continuation ('x' and 'f' in 'x >>= f').
setContinuation :: Monad m
=> AsyncT m a -> (a -> AsyncT m b) -> [c -> AsyncT m c] -> StateM m ()
setContinuation b c fs = do
modify $ \EventF{..} -> EventF { xcomp = b
, fcomp = unsafeCoerce c : fs
, .. }
-- | Restore the continuations to the provided ones.
-- | NOTE: Events are also cleared out.
restoreStack :: MonadState EventF m => t -> m ()
restoreStack fs = modify $ \EventF {..} ->
EventF { event = Nothing, fcomp = (unsafeCoerce fs), .. }
instance Monad m => Applicative (AsyncT m) where
pure a = AsyncT . return $ Just a
m1 <*> m2 = do { x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; return (x1 x2) }
@ -177,56 +154,6 @@ instance (Monoid a, Monad (AsyncT m)) => Monoid (AsyncT m a) where
mappend x y = mappend <$> x <*> y
mempty = return mempty
-- Backtracking
-- | Run the closure (the 'x' in 'x >>= f') of the current bind operation.
runClosure :: EventF -> StateM m (Maybe a)
runClosure EventF { xcomp = x } = runAsyncT (unsafeCoerce x)
-- | Run the continuation (the 'f' in 'x >>= f') of the current bind operation with the current state.
runContinuation :: MonadIO m => EventF -> a -> StateM m (Maybe b)
runContinuation EventF { fcomp = fs } =
runAsyncT . (compose $ (unsafeCoerce fs))
data Backtrack b = Show b => Backtrack
{ backtracking :: Maybe b
, backStack :: [EventF]
} deriving Typeable
backStateOf :: (Monad m, Show a) => a -> m (Backtrack a)
backStateOf reason = return $ Backtrack (Nothing `asTypeOf` (Just reason)) []
-- | Start the undo process for the given undo track id. Performs all the undo
-- actions registered till now in reverse order. An undo action can use
-- 'forward' to stop the undo process and resume forward execution. If there
-- are no more undo actions registered execution stops and a 'stop' action is
-- returned.
back :: (MonadIO m, Typeable b, Show b) => b -> AsyncT m a
back reason = AsyncT $ do
bs <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf reason
goBackt bs
goBackt (Backtrack _ [] )= return Nothing
goBackt (Backtrack _ (stack@(first : bs)) )= do
(setData $ Backtrack (Just reason) stack)
mr <- runClosure first
Backtrack b _ <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf reason
case mr of
Nothing -> return empty
Just x -> case b of
Nothing -> runContinuation first x
justreason -> goBackt $ Backtrack justreason bs
-- MonadIO
@ -284,8 +211,8 @@ waitForChildren chan pendingRef = do
-- | Run a transient computation with a default initial state
runTransient :: forall m a. MonadIO m => AsyncT m a -> m (Maybe a, Context)
runTransient t = do
runContext :: forall m a. MonadIO m => AsyncT m a -> m (Maybe a, Context)
runContext t = do
childChan <- liftIO $ atomically newTChan
pendingRef <- liftIO $ newIORef []
credit <- liftIO $ newIORef maxBound
@ -304,7 +231,7 @@ runTransient t = do
--waitAsync :: MonadIO m => AsyncT m a -> m [a]
waitAsync :: MonadIO m => AsyncT m a -> m (Maybe a)
waitAsync m = do
(r, _) <- runTransient m
(r, _) <- runContext m
return r
@ -386,6 +313,56 @@ sandbox mx = do
mx <*** modify (\s ->s { mfData = sd})
-- Backtracking
-- | Run the closure (the 'x' in 'x >>= f') of the current bind operation.
runClosure :: EventF -> StateM m (Maybe a)
runClosure EventF { xcomp = x } = runAsyncT (unsafeCoerce x)
-- | Run the continuation (the 'f' in 'x >>= f') of the current bind operation with the current state.
runContinuation :: MonadIO m => EventF -> a -> StateM m (Maybe b)
runContinuation EventF { fcomp = fs } =
runAsyncT . (compose $ (unsafeCoerce fs))
data Backtrack b = Show b => Backtrack
{ backtracking :: Maybe b
, backStack :: [EventF]
} deriving Typeable
backStateOf :: (Monad m, Show a) => a -> m (Backtrack a)
backStateOf reason = return $ Backtrack (Nothing `asTypeOf` (Just reason)) []
-- | Start the undo process for the given undo track id. Performs all the undo
-- actions registered till now in reverse order. An undo action can use
-- 'forward' to stop the undo process and resume forward execution. If there
-- are no more undo actions registered execution stops and a 'stop' action is
-- returned.
back :: (MonadIO m, Typeable b, Show b) => b -> AsyncT m a
back reason = AsyncT $ do
bs <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf reason
goBackt bs
goBackt (Backtrack _ [] )= return Nothing
goBackt (Backtrack _ (stack@(first : bs)) )= do
(setData $ Backtrack (Just reason) stack)
mr <- runClosure first
Backtrack b _ <- getData `onNothing` backStateOf reason
case mr of
Nothing -> return empty
Just x -> case b of
Nothing -> runContinuation first x
justreason -> goBackt $ Backtrack justreason bs
-- More operators, instances
@ -399,33 +376,29 @@ instance (Num a, Monad (AsyncT m)) => Num (AsyncT m a) where
signum f = f >>= return . signum
class AdditionalOperators m where
-- | Warning: Radically untyped stuff. handle with care
getContinuations :: Monad m => StateM m [a -> AsyncT m b]
getContinuations = do
EventF { fcomp = fs } <- get
return $ unsafeCoerce fs
-- | Run @m a@ discarding its result before running @m b@.
(**>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
-- | Save a closure and a continuation ('x' and 'f' in 'x >>= f').
setContinuation :: Monad m
=> AsyncT m a -> (a -> AsyncT m b) -> [c -> AsyncT m c] -> StateM m ()
setContinuation b c fs = do
modify $ \EventF{..} -> EventF { xcomp = b
, fcomp = unsafeCoerce c : fs
, .. }
-- | Run @m b@ discarding its result, after the whole task set @m a@ is
-- done.
(<**) :: m a -> m b -> m a
-- | Restore the continuations to the provided ones.
-- | NOTE: Events are also cleared out.
restoreStack :: MonadState EventF m => t -> m ()
restoreStack fs = modify $ \EventF {..} ->
EventF { event = Nothing, fcomp = (unsafeCoerce fs), .. }
atEnd' :: m a -> m b -> m a
atEnd' = (<**)
-- | Run @m b@ discarding its result, once after each task in @m a@, and
-- once again after the whole task set is done.
(<***) :: m a -> m b -> m a
atEnd :: m a -> m b -> m a
atEnd = (<***)
instance (Monad m, Monad (AsyncT m)) => AdditionalOperators (AsyncT m) where
(**>) :: AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m b
(**>) x y =
AsyncT $ do
runAsyncT x
runAsyncT y
(<***) :: AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
(<***) ma mb =
AsyncT $ do
@ -436,14 +409,6 @@ instance (Monad m, Monad (AsyncT m)) => AdditionalOperators (AsyncT m) where
restoreStack fs
return a
(<**) :: AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
(<**) ma mb =
AsyncT $ do
a <- runAsyncT ma
runAsyncT mb
return a
infixr 1 <***, <**, **>
-- | Run @b@ once, discarding its result when the first task in task set @a@
@ -467,10 +432,17 @@ infixr 1 <***, <**, **>
infixr 1 <**, **>
-- | Run @m a@ discarding its result before running @m b@.
(**>) :: Monad m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m b
(**>) x y = AsyncT $ do
runAsyncT x
runAsyncT y
-- | Run @m b@ discarding its result, after the whole task set @m a@ is done.
(<**) :: Monad m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
(<**) ma mb = AsyncT $ do
a <- runAsyncT ma
runAsyncT mb
return a
infixr 1 <**