Rename, document, update joins/set operations

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2024-01-24 17:20:24 +05:30
parent f9a81d441e
commit a6a15e431d
5 changed files with 305 additions and 211 deletions

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@ -11,16 +11,17 @@
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Container
-- * Deduplication
-- * Joins for unconstrained types
, joinLeftGeneric
, joinOuterGeneric
-- * Joins
, leftJoin
, outerJoin
-- * Joins with Ord constraint
, joinInner
, joinLeft
, joinOuter
-- * Ord Joins
, innerOrdJoin
, leftOrdJoin
, outerOrdJoin
@ -47,12 +48,15 @@ import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Transformer as Stream
#include "DocTestDataStream.hs"
-- | The memory used is proportional to the number of unique elements in the
-- stream. If we want to limit the memory we can just use "take" to limit the
-- uniq elements in the stream.
{-# INLINE_NORMAL nub #-}
nub :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Stream m a -> Stream m a
nub (Stream step1 state1) = Stream step (Set.empty, state1)
-- | @nub@ specialized to 'Ord' types for better performance. Returns a
-- subsequence of the stream removing any duplicate elements.
-- The memory used is proportional to the number of unique elements in the
-- stream. One way to limit the memory is to use @take@ on the resulting
-- stream to limit the unique elements in the stream.
{-# INLINE_NORMAL ordNub #-}
ordNub :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Stream m a -> Stream m a
ordNub (Stream step1 state1) = Stream step (Set.empty, state1)
@ -78,8 +82,8 @@ toMap =
-- XXX An IntMap may be faster when the keys are Int.
-- XXX Use hashmap instead of map?
-- | Like 'joinInner' but uses a 'Map' for efficiency.
-- | 'innerJoin' specialized to 'Ord' types for better performance.
-- If the input streams have duplicate keys, the behavior is undefined.
@ -90,10 +94,10 @@ toMap =
-- Time: O(m + n)
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE joinInner #-}
joinInner :: (Monad m, Ord k) =>
{-# INLINE innerOrdJoin #-}
innerOrdJoin :: (Monad m, Ord k) =>
Stream m (k, a) -> Stream m (k, b) -> Stream m (k, a, b)
joinInner s1 s2 =
innerOrdJoin s1 s2 =
Stream.concatEffect $ do
km <- toMap s2
pure $ Stream.mapMaybe (joinAB km) s1
@ -106,32 +110,33 @@ joinInner s1 s2 =
Nothing -> Nothing
-- XXX We can do this concurrently.
-- XXX Check performance of StreamD vs StreamK
-- XXX If the second stream is sorted and passed as an Array or a seek capable
-- stream then we could use binary search if we have an Ord instance or
-- Ordering returning function. The time complexity would then become (m x log
-- n).
-- XXX Check performance of StreamD vs StreamK
-- | Like 'joinInner' but emit @(a, Just b)@, and additionally, for those @a@'s
-- that are not equal to any @b@ emit @(a, Nothing)@.
-- | Like 'innerJoin' but emits @(a, Just b)@ whenever a and b are equal, for
-- those @a@'s that are not equal to any @b@ emits @(a, Nothing)@.
-- The second stream is evaluated multiple times. If the stream is a
-- consume-once stream then the caller should cache it in an 'Data.Array.Array'
-- before calling this function. Caching may also improve performance if the
-- stream is expensive to evaluate.
-- This is a generalization of 'innerJoin' to include all elements from the
-- left stream and not just those which have an equal in the right stream. This
-- is not a commutative operation, the order of the stream arguments matters.
-- >>> joinRightGeneric eq = flip (Stream.joinLeftGeneric eq)
-- All the caveats mentioned in 'innerJoin' apply here as well. Right join is
-- not provided because it is just a flipped left join:
-- >>> rightJoin eq = flip (Stream.leftJoin eq)
-- Space: O(n) assuming the second stream is cached in memory.
-- Time: O(m x n)
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE joinLeftGeneric #-}
joinLeftGeneric :: Monad m =>
{-# INLINE leftJoin #-}
leftJoin :: Monad m =>
(a -> b -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m (a, Maybe b)
joinLeftGeneric eq s1 s2 = Stream.evalStateT (return False) $ unCross $ do
leftJoin eq s1 s2 = Stream.evalStateT (return False) $ unCross $ do
a <- mkCross (Stream.liftInner s1)
-- XXX should we use StreamD monad here?
-- XXX Is there a better way to perform some action at the end of a loop
@ -152,19 +157,17 @@ joinLeftGeneric eq s1 s2 = Stream.evalStateT (return False) $ unCross $ do
else mkCross Stream.nil
Nothing -> return (a, Nothing)
-- XXX rename to joinLeftOrd?
-- | A more efficient 'joinLeft' using a hashmap for efficiency.
-- | 'leftJoin' specialized to 'Ord' types for better performance.
-- Space: O(n)
-- Time: O(m + n)
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE joinLeft #-}
joinLeft :: (Ord k, Monad m) =>
{-# INLINE leftOrdJoin #-}
leftOrdJoin :: (Ord k, Monad m) =>
Stream m (k, a) -> Stream m (k, b) -> Stream m (k, a, Maybe b)
joinLeft s1 s2 =
leftOrdJoin s1 s2 =
Stream.concatEffect $ do
km <- toMap s2
return $ fmap (joinAB km) s1
@ -177,14 +180,19 @@ joinLeft s1 s2 =
Nothing -> (k, a, Nothing)
-- XXX We can do this concurrently.
-- XXX Check performance of StreamD vs StreamK cross operation.
-- XXX Check performance of StreamD vs StreamK
-- | Like 'joinLeft' but emits a @(Just a, Just b)@. Like 'joinLeft', for those
-- | Like 'leftJoin' but emits a @(Just a, Just b)@. Like 'leftJoin', for those
-- @a@'s that are not equal to any @b@ emit @(Just a, Nothing)@, but
-- additionally, for those @b@'s that are not equal to any @a@ emit @(Nothing,
-- Just b)@.
-- This is a generalization of left join to include all the elements from the
-- right stream as well, in other words it is a combination of left and right
-- joins. This is a commutative operation. The order of stream arguments can be
-- changed without affecting results, except for the ordering of elements in
-- the resulting tuple.
-- For space efficiency use the smaller stream as the second stream.
-- Space: O(n)
@ -192,15 +200,15 @@ joinLeft s1 s2 =
-- Time: O(m x n)
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE joinOuterGeneric #-}
joinOuterGeneric :: MonadIO m =>
{-# INLINE outerJoin #-}
outerJoin :: MonadIO m =>
(a -> b -> Bool)
-> Stream m a
-> Stream m b
-> Stream m (Maybe a, Maybe b)
joinOuterGeneric eq s1 s =
outerJoin eq s1 s2 =
Stream.concatEffect $ do
inputArr <- Array.fromStream s
inputArr <- Array.fromStream s2
let len = Array.length inputArr
foundArr <-
@ -254,18 +262,18 @@ joinOuterGeneric eq s1 s =
-- a flag. At the end go through @Stream m b@ and find those that are not in that
-- hash to return (Nothing, b).
-- | Like 'joinOuter' but uses a 'Map' for efficiency.
-- | 'outerJoin' specialized to 'Ord' types for better performance.
-- Space: O(m + n)
-- Time: O(m + n)
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE joinOuter #-}
joinOuter ::
{-# INLINE outerOrdJoin #-}
outerOrdJoin ::
(Ord k, MonadIO m) =>
Stream m (k, a) -> Stream m (k, b) -> Stream m (k, Maybe a, Maybe b)
joinOuter s1 s2 =
outerOrdJoin s1 s2 =
Stream.concatEffect $ do
km1 <- kvFold s1
km2 <- kvFold s2

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@ -141,9 +141,8 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Nesting
-- * Transform (Nested Containers)
-- | Opposite to compact in ArrayStream
, splitInnerBy
, splitInnerBySuffix
, intersectBySorted
, splitInnerBy -- XXX innerSplitOn
, splitInnerBySuffix -- XXX innerSplitOnSuffix
-- * Reduce By Streams
, dropPrefix
@ -593,49 +592,6 @@ mergeFstBy :: -- Monad m =>
mergeFstBy _f _m1 _m2 = undefined
-- fromStreamK $ D.mergeFstBy f (toStreamD m1) (toStreamD m2)
-- Intersection of sorted streams
-- Assuming the streams are sorted in ascending order
{-# INLINE_NORMAL intersectBySorted #-}
intersectBySorted :: Monad m
=> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
intersectBySorted cmp (Stream stepa ta) (Stream stepb tb) =
Stream step
( ta -- left stream state
, tb -- right stream state
, Nothing -- left value
, Nothing -- right value
{-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
-- step 1, fetch the first value
step gst (sa, sb, Nothing, b) = do
r <- stepa gst sa
return $ case r of
Yield a sa' -> Skip (sa', sb, Just a, b) -- step 2/3
Skip sa' -> Skip (sa', sb, Nothing, b)
Stop -> Stop
-- step 2, fetch the second value
step gst (sa, sb, a@(Just _), Nothing) = do
r <- stepb gst sb
return $ case r of
Yield b sb' -> Skip (sa, sb', a, Just b) -- step 3
Skip sb' -> Skip (sa, sb', a, Nothing)
Stop -> Stop
-- step 3, compare the two values
step _ (sa, sb, Just a, Just b) = do
let res = cmp a b
return $ case res of
GT -> Skip (sa, sb, Just a, Nothing) -- step 2
LT -> Skip (sa, sb, Nothing, Just b) -- step 1
EQ -> Yield a (sa, sb, Nothing, Just b) -- step 1
-- Combine N Streams - unfoldMany

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@ -8,38 +8,73 @@
-- Portability : GHC
-- Top level module that can depend on all other lower level Stream modules.
-- Design notes:
-- The order of arguments in the join operations should ideally be opposite. It
-- should be such that the infinite stream is the last one. The transformation
-- should be on the last argument, so if you curry the functions with all other
-- arguments we get a @Stream -> Stream@ function. The first stream argument
-- may be considered as a config or modifier for the operation.
-- Benefit of changing the order is that we get a more intuitive Stream ->
-- Stream transformation after currying all other arguments. The inner loop
-- streams become arguments for the transformation, more like local modifiers
-- for the global outer stream as the last argument. Thus we can continue using
-- transformations on the outer stream in a composed pipeline. Otherwise we can
-- use flip to flip the order.
-- The fact that the inner stream can be used in the loop multiple times also
-- tells that this is not the real effectful stream, it is more like a pure
-- stream or an array. In fact we may consider using an Identity streams as
-- inner streams in which case these functions will not look nice.
-- Downsides:
-- * Maybe less intuitive to think about, because we usually think the first
-- stream as the outer loop and second as the inner.
-- * Zip and merge operations will continue using the opposite order.
-- * Need to change the order of cross, crossWith operations as well
-- * It will be inconsistent with Data.List. The functions cannot be used as
-- intuitive operators.
-- The choice is similar to concatMap vs bind. concatMap is pipeline
-- composition friendly but bind is user intuition friendly. Another option is
-- to have other functions with a different argument order e.g. flippedCross
-- instead of cross.
-- If we change the order we have to make sure that we have a consistent
-- convention for set-like and the cross join operations.
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Top
-- * Transformation
-- ** Sampling
-- * Sampling
-- | Value agnostic filtering.
-- * Nesting
-- ** Set like operations
-- | These are not exactly set operations because streams are not
-- necessarily sets, they may have duplicated elements. These operations
-- are generic i.e. they work on streams of unconstrained types, therefore,
-- they have quadratic performance characterstics. For better performance
-- using Set structures see the Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Container
-- module.
, filterInStreamGenericBy
, deleteInStreamGenericBy
, unionWithStreamGenericBy
-- * Straight Joins
-- | These are set-like operations but not exactly set operations because
-- streams are not necessarily sets, they may have duplicated elements.
-- These operations are generic i.e. they work on streams of unconstrained
-- types, therefore, they have quadratic performance characterstics. For
-- better performance using Set or Map structures see the
-- Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Container module.
, intersectBy
, deleteFirstsBy
, unionBy
-- ** Set like operations on sorted streams
, filterInStreamAscBy
, deleteInStreamAscBy
, unionWithStreamAscBy
-- Set like operations on sorted streams
, sortedIntersectBy
, sortedDeleteFirstsBy
, sortedUnionBy
-- ** Join operations
, joinInnerGeneric
-- * Cross Joins
, innerJoin
-- * Joins on sorted stream
, joinInnerAscBy
, joinLeftAscBy
, joinOuterAscBy
-- Joins on sorted stream
, innerSortedJoin
, leftSortedJoin
, outerSortedJoin
@ -48,7 +83,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef')
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Type (Fold)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Type (Stream, cross)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Type (Stream(..), Step(..), cross)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as Fold
@ -110,29 +145,40 @@ strideFromThen offset stride =
-- binary search if we have an Ord instance or Ordering returning function. The
-- time complexity would then become (m x log n).
-- | Like 'cross' but emits only those tuples where @a == b@ using the
-- supplied equality predicate.
-- | Like 'cross' but emits only those tuples where @a == b@ using the supplied
-- equality predicate. This is essentially a @cross intersection@ of two
-- streams.
-- Definition:
-- >>> joinInnerGeneric eq s1 s2 = Stream.filter (\(a, b) -> a `eq` b) $ Stream.cross s1 s2
-- >>> innerJoin eq s1 s2 = Stream.filter (\(a, b) -> a `eq` b) $ Stream.cross s1 s2
-- You should almost always prefer @joinInnerOrd@ over 'joinInnerGeneric' if
-- possible. @joinInnerOrd@ is an order of magnitude faster but may take more
-- space for caching the second stream.
-- The second (inner) stream must be finite. Moreover, it must be either pure
-- or capable of multiple evaluations. If not then the caller should cache it
-- in an 'Data.Array.Array', if the type does not have an 'Unbox' instance then
-- use the Generic 'Data.Array.Generic.Array'. Convert the array to stream
-- before calling this function. Caching may also improve performance if the
-- stream is expensive to evaluate.
-- See 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.joinInnerGeneric' for a much faster fused
-- alternative.
-- If you care about performance this function should be your last choice among
-- all inner joins. 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.innerJoin' is a much faster
-- fused alternative. 'innerSortedJoin' is a faster alternative when streams
-- are sorted. 'innerOrdJoin' is an order of magnitude faster alternative when
-- the type has an 'Ord' instance.
-- Note: Conceptually, this is a commutative operation. Result includes all the
-- elements from the left and the right stream. The order of streams can be
-- changed without affecting results, except for the ordering within the tuple.
-- Time: O(m x n)
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE joinInnerGeneric #-}
joinInnerGeneric :: Monad m =>
{-# INLINE innerJoin #-}
innerJoin :: Monad m =>
(a -> b -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m (a, b)
joinInnerGeneric eq s1 s2 = Stream.filter (\(a, b) -> a `eq` b) $ cross s1 s2
innerJoin eq s1 s2 = Stream.filter (\(a, b) -> a `eq` b) $ cross s1 s2
joinInnerGeneric eq s1 s2 = do
innerJoin eq s1 s2 = do
-- ConcatMap works faster than bind
Stream.concatMap (\a ->
Stream.concatMap (\b ->
@ -143,44 +189,44 @@ joinInnerGeneric eq s1 s2 = do
) s1
-- | A more efficient 'joinInner' for sorted streams.
-- | A more efficient 'innerJoin' for sorted streams.
-- Space: O(1)
-- Time: O(m + n)
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE joinInnerAscBy #-}
joinInnerAscBy ::
{-# INLINE innerSortedJoin #-}
innerSortedJoin ::
(a -> b -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m (a, b)
joinInnerAscBy = undefined
innerSortedJoin = undefined
-- | A more efficient 'joinLeft' for sorted streams.
-- | A more efficient 'leftJoin' for sorted streams.
-- Space: O(1)
-- Time: O(m + n)
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE joinLeftAscBy #-}
joinLeftAscBy :: -- Monad m =>
{-# INLINE leftSortedJoin #-}
leftSortedJoin :: -- Monad m =>
(a -> b -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b -> Stream m (a, Maybe b)
joinLeftAscBy _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined
leftSortedJoin _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined
-- | A more efficient 'joinOuter' for sorted streams.
-- | A more efficient 'outerJoin' for sorted streams.
-- Space: O(1)
-- Time: O(m + n)
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE joinOuterAscBy #-}
joinOuterAscBy :: -- Monad m =>
{-# INLINE outerSortedJoin #-}
outerSortedJoin :: -- Monad m =>
(a -> b -> Ordering)
-> Stream m a
-> Stream m b
-> Stream m (Maybe a, Maybe b)
joinOuterAscBy _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined
outerSortedJoin _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined
-- Set operations (special joins)
@ -190,8 +236,8 @@ joinOuterAscBy _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined
-- the best would be to use an Array with linear search. If the second stream
-- is sorted we can also use a binary search, using Ord constraint.
-- | Keep only those elements in the second stream that are present in the
-- first stream too. The first stream is folded to a container using the
-- | Keep only those elements in the first stream that are present in the
-- second stream too. The second stream is folded to a container using the
-- supplied fold and then the elements in the container are looked up using the
-- supplied lookup function.
@ -206,23 +252,30 @@ filterStreamWith :: Monad m =>
filterStreamWith fld member s1 s2 =
$ do
xs <- Stream.fold fld s1
return $ Stream.filter (`member` xs) s2
xs <- Stream.fold fld s2
return $ Stream.filter (`member` xs) s1
-- | 'filterInStreamGenericBy' retains only those elements in the second stream that
-- are present in the first stream.
-- XXX instead of folding the second stream to a list we could use it directly.
-- If the user wants they can generate the stream from an array and also call
-- uniq or nub on it. We can provide a convenience Stream -> Stream to cache
-- a finite stream in an array and serve it from the cache. The user can decide
-- what is best based on the context. They can also choose to use a boxed or
-- unboxed array for caching. To force caching we can make the second stream
-- monad type Identity. But that may be less flexible. One option is to use
-- cachedIntersectBy etc for automatic caching.
-- | 'intersectBy' returns a subsequence of the first stream which intersects
-- with the second stream. Note that this is not a commutative operation unlike
-- a set intersection, because of duplicate elements in the stream the order of
-- the streams matters. This is similar to 'Data.List.intersectBy'. Note that
-- intersectBy is a special case of 'innerJoin'.
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.filterInStreamGenericBy (==) (Stream.fromList [1,2,2,4]) (Stream.fromList [2,1,1,3])
-- [2,1,1]
-- >>> f s1 s2 = Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.intersectBy (==) (Stream.fromList s1) (Stream.fromList s2)
-- >>> f [1,3,4,4,5]) [2,3,4,5,5]
-- [3,4,4,5]
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.filterInStreamGenericBy (==) (Stream.fromList [2,1,1,3]) (Stream.fromList [1,2,2,4])
-- [1,2,2]
-- Similar to the list intersectBy operation but with the stream argument order
-- flipped.
-- The first stream must be finite and must not block. Second stream is
-- processed only after the first stream is fully realized.
-- First stream can be infinite, the second stream must be finite and must be
-- capable of multiple evaluations.
-- Space: O(n) where @n@ is the number of elements in the second stream.
@ -230,46 +283,87 @@ filterStreamWith fld member s1 s2 =
-- @n@ is the number of elements in the second stream.
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE filterInStreamGenericBy #-}
filterInStreamGenericBy :: Monad m =>
{-# INLINE intersectBy #-}
intersectBy :: Monad m =>
(a -> a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
filterInStreamGenericBy eq =
intersectBy eq =
-- XXX Use an (unboxed) array instead.
(Fold.scanMaybe (Fold.uniqBy eq) Fold.toListRev)
(List.any . eq)
-- | Like 'filterInStreamGenericBy' but assumes that the input streams are sorted in
-- Intersection of sorted streams
-- XXX The sort order is not important as long both the streams have the same
-- sort order. We need to move only in one direction in each stream.
-- XXX Fix the argument order to use the same behavior as intersectBy.
-- | Like 'intersectBy' but assumes that the input streams are sorted in
-- ascending order. To use it on streams sorted in descending order pass an
-- inverted comparison function returning GT for less than and LT for greater
-- than.
-- Both streams can be infinite.
-- Space: O(1)
-- Time: O(m+n)
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE filterInStreamAscBy #-}
filterInStreamAscBy :: Monad m =>
{-# INLINE_NORMAL sortedIntersectBy #-}
sortedIntersectBy :: Monad m =>
(a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
filterInStreamAscBy eq s1 s2 = Stream.intersectBySorted eq s2 s1
sortedIntersectBy cmp (Stream stepa ta) (Stream stepb tb) =
Stream step
( ta -- left stream state
, tb -- right stream state
, Nothing -- left value
, Nothing -- right value
-- | Delete all elements of the first stream from the seconds stream. If an
-- element occurs multiple times in the first stream as many occurrences of it
-- are deleted from the second stream.
{-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
-- step 1, fetch the first value
step gst (sa, sb, Nothing, b) = do
r <- stepa gst sa
return $ case r of
Yield a sa' -> Skip (sa', sb, Just a, b) -- step 2/3
Skip sa' -> Skip (sa', sb, Nothing, b)
Stop -> Stop
-- step 2, fetch the second value
step gst (sa, sb, a@(Just _), Nothing) = do
r <- stepb gst sb
return $ case r of
Yield b sb' -> Skip (sa, sb', a, Just b) -- step 3
Skip sb' -> Skip (sa, sb', a, Nothing)
Stop -> Stop
-- step 3, compare the two values
step _ (sa, sb, Just a, Just b) = do
let res = cmp a b
return $ case res of
GT -> Skip (sa, sb, Just a, Nothing) -- step 2
LT -> Skip (sa, sb, Nothing, Just b) -- step 1
EQ -> Yield a (sa, sb, Nothing, Just b) -- step 1
-- | Returns a subsequence of the first stream, deleting first occurrences of
-- those elements that are present in the second stream. Note that this is not
-- a commutative operation. This is similar to the 'Data.List.deleteFirstsBy'.
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.deleteInStreamGenericBy (==) (Stream.fromList [1,2,3]) (Stream.fromList [1,2,2])
-- [2]
-- >>> f xs ys = Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.deleteFirstsBy (==) (Stream.fromList xs) (Stream.fromList ys)
-- >>> f [1,2,2,3,3,5] [1,2,2,3,4]
-- [2,3,5]
-- The following laws hold:
-- The following holds:
-- > deleteInStreamGenericBy (==) s1 (s1 `append` s2) === s2
-- > deleteInStreamGenericBy (==) s1 (s1 `interleave` s2) === s2
-- > deleteFirstsBy (==) (Stream.nub s2 `append` s1) s2 === s1
-- > deleteFirstsBy (==) (Stream.nub s2 `interleave` s1) s2 === s1
-- Same as the list 'Data.List.//' operation but with argument order flipped.
-- The first stream must be finite and must not block. Second stream is
-- processed only after the first stream is fully realized.
-- First stream can be infinite, second stream must be finite.
-- Space: O(m) where @m@ is the number of elements in the first stream.
@ -277,58 +371,83 @@ filterInStreamAscBy eq s1 s2 = Stream.intersectBySorted eq s2 s1
-- @n@ is the number of elements in the second stream.
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE deleteInStreamGenericBy #-}
deleteInStreamGenericBy :: Monad m =>
{-# INLINE deleteFirstsBy #-}
deleteFirstsBy :: Monad m =>
(a -> a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
deleteInStreamGenericBy eq s1 s2 =
$ do
-- This may work well if s1 is small
-- If s1 is big we can go through s1, deleting elements from s2 and
-- not emitting an element if it was successfully deleted from s2.
-- we will need a deleteBy that can return whether the element was
-- deleted or not.
xs <- Stream.fold Fold.toList s2
let f = Fold.foldl' (flip (List.deleteBy eq)) xs
fmap Stream.fromList $ Stream.fold f s1
deleteFirstsBy eq s2 s1 =
-- XXX s2 can be a sorted mutable array and we can use binary
-- search to find. Mark the element deleted, count the deletions
-- and reconsolidate the array when a min number of elements is
-- deleted.
-- | A more efficient 'deleteInStreamGenericBy' for streams sorted in ascending order.
-- XXX Use StreamK or list as second argument instead of Stream to avoid
-- concatEffect?
Stream.concatEffect $ do
xs <- Stream.toList s1
-- It reverses the list but that is fine.
let del x =
List.foldl' (\(ys,res) y ->
if x `eq` y
then (ys, True)
else (x:ys, res)) ([], False)
g (ys,_) x =
let (ys1, deleted) = del x ys
in if deleted
then (ys1, Nothing)
else (ys1, Just x)
in return
$ Stream.catMaybes
$ fmap snd
$ Stream.postscanl' g (xs, Nothing) s2
-- | A more efficient 'deleteFirstsBy' for streams sorted in ascending order.
-- Both streams can be infinite.
-- Space: O(1)
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE deleteInStreamAscBy #-}
deleteInStreamAscBy :: -- (Monad m) =>
{-# INLINE sortedDeleteFirstsBy #-}
sortedDeleteFirstsBy :: -- (Monad m) =>
(a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
deleteInStreamAscBy _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined
sortedDeleteFirstsBy _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined
-- XXX Remove the MonadIO constraint. We can just cache one stream and then
-- implement using differenceEqBy.
-- | This essentially appends to the second stream all the occurrences of
-- elements in the first stream that are not already present in the second
-- stream.
-- | Returns the first stream appended with those unique elements from the
-- second stream that are not already present in the first stream. Note that
-- this is not a commutative operation unlike a set union, argument order
-- matters. The behavior is similar to the 'Data.List.unionBy'.
-- Equivalent to the following except that @s2@ is evaluated only once:
-- >>> unionWithStreamGenericBy eq s1 s2 = s2 `Stream.append` (Stream.deleteInStreamGenericBy eq s2 s1)
-- >>> unionBy eq s1 s2 = s1 `Stream.append` Stream.deleteFirstsBy eq s1 (Stream.nub s2)
-- Example:
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.unionWithStreamGenericBy (==) (Stream.fromList [1,1,2,3]) (Stream.fromList [1,2,2,4])
-- >>> f s1 s2 = Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.unionBy (==) (Stream.fromList s1) (Stream.fromList s2)
-- >>> f [1,2,2,4] [1,1,2,3,3]
-- [1,2,2,4,3]
-- First stream can be infinite, but second stream must be finite. Note that if
-- the first stream is infinite the union means just the first stream. Thus
-- union is useful only when both streams are finite. See 'sortedUnionBy' where
-- union can work on infinite streams if they are sorted.
-- Space: O(n)
-- Time: O(m x n)
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE unionWithStreamGenericBy #-}
unionWithStreamGenericBy :: MonadIO m =>
{-# INLINE unionBy #-}
unionBy :: MonadIO m =>
(a -> a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
unionWithStreamGenericBy eq s1 s2 =
unionBy eq s2 s1 =
$ do
-- XXX use a rewrite rule such that if a list converted to stream
-- is passed to unionBy then this becomes an identity operation.
xs <- Stream.fold Fold.toList s1
-- XXX we can use postscanlMAfter' instead of IORef
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef $! List.nubBy eq xs
@ -341,12 +460,21 @@ unionWithStreamGenericBy eq s1 s2 =
return $ Stream.fromList xs1
return $ Stream.mapM f s2 `Stream.append` s3
-- | A more efficient 'unionWithStreamGenericBy' for sorted streams.
-- | A more efficient 'unionBy' for sorted streams.
-- Note that the behavior is different from 'unionBy'. In 'unionBy' we append
-- the unique elements from second stream only after exhausting the first one
-- whereas in sorted streams we can determine unique elements early even when
-- we are going through the first stream. Thus the result is an interleaving of
-- the two streams, merging those elements from the second stream that are not
-- present in the first.
-- Space: O(1)
-- Both streams can be infinite.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE unionWithStreamAscBy #-}
unionWithStreamAscBy :: -- (Monad m) =>
{-# INLINE sortedUnionBy #-}
sortedUnionBy :: -- (Monad m) =>
(a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
unionWithStreamAscBy _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined
sortedUnionBy _eq _s1 _s2 = undefined

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold
, dropWhileM
-- ** Cross product
, joinInnerGeneric
, innerJoin
-- ** Resource Management
-- | 'bracket' is the most general resource management operation, all other
@ -677,10 +677,12 @@ dropWhileM f (Unfold step inject) = Unfold step' inject'
dropWhile :: Monad m => (b -> Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b
dropWhile f = dropWhileM (return . f)
{-# INLINE_NORMAL joinInnerGeneric #-}
joinInnerGeneric :: Monad m =>
-- | Cross intersection of two unfolds. See
-- 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.innerJoin' for more details.
{-# INLINE_NORMAL innerJoin #-}
innerJoin :: Monad m =>
(b -> c -> Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a c -> Unfold m a (b, c)
joinInnerGeneric eq s1 s2 = filter (\(a, b) -> a `eq` b) $ cross s1 s2
innerJoin eq s1 s2 = filter (\(a, b) -> a `eq` b) $ cross s1 s2
-- Exceptions

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@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ intersectBySorted :: (IsStream t, Monad m) =>
(a -> a -> Ordering) -> t m a -> t m a -> t m a
intersectBySorted eq s1 =
. StreamD.intersectBySorted eq (IsStream.toStreamD s1)
. StreamD.sortedIntersectBy eq (IsStream.toStreamD s1)
. IsStream.toStreamD
-- Roughly joinLeft s1 s2 = s1 `difference` s2 + s1 `intersection` s2