# CAUTION! a spelling mistake in arg string is ignored silently. # # To build the chart executable for running bench.sh use: # nix-shell --argstr c2nix "--flag dev" --run "cabal build chart --flag dev" # # You can permanently copy the "chart" executable to "./bin" to pick # it up irrespective of the compiler/build. Its path is printed by the # above build command. You can also print its path using the following # command and then use "cp ./bin" to copy it to "./bin", the bench.sh # script will pick it up from there: # nix-shell --argstr c2nix "--flag dev" --run "cabal exec --flag dev -- which chart" # # To use ghc-8.6.5 # nix-shell --argstr compiler "ghc865" { nixpkgs ? import (builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/refs/tags/21.05.tar.gz) # fusion-plugin is marked as broken { config.allowBroken = true;} , compiler ? "default" , c2nix ? "" # cabal2nix CLI options # TODO #, sources ? [] # e.g. [./. ./benchmark] #, hdeps ? [] # e.g. [time, mtl] #, deps ? [] # e.g. [SDL2] }: let haskellPackages = if compiler == "default" then nixpkgs.haskellPackages else nixpkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}; # we can possibly avoid adding our package to HaskellPackages like # in the case of nix-shell for a single package? mkPackage = super: pkg: path: opts: inShell: let orig = super.callCabal2nixWithOptions pkg path opts {}; in if inShell # Avoid copying the source directory to nix store by using # src = null. then orig.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { src = null; }) else orig; flags = "--benchmark --flag fusion-plugin --flag doctests" + " " + c2nix; mkHaskellPackages = inShell: haskellPackages.override { # We could disbale doCheck on all like this, but it would make the # whole world rebuild, we can't use the binary cache #packageSetConfig = self: super: { # mkDerivation = drv: super.mkDerivation (drv // { # doCheck = false; # }); #}; overrides = self: super: with nixpkgs.haskell.lib; { streamly = mkPackage super "streamly" ./. flags inShell; streamly-benchmarks = mkPackage super "streamly-benchmarks" ./benchmark flags inShell; streamly-tests = mkPackage super "streamly-tests" ./test flags inShell; fusion-plugin = super.callHackageDirect { pkg = "fusion-plugin"; ver = "0.2.3"; sha256 = "073wbhdxj1sh5160blaihbzkkhabs8s71pqhag16lvmgbb7a3hla"; } {}; tasty-bench = super.callHackageDirect { pkg = "tasty-bench"; ver = "0.2.5"; sha256 = "052vd87dcik77x6nfbivdibyxyd3byqy4akchr1mrz0hd5ll8apg"; } {}; tasty = super.callHackageDirect { pkg = "tasty"; ver = "1.4.1"; sha256 = "0g1280gcpcvjbmyk83jv3y9gs2z7fvmcagi9rfs8c9x036nvjq6c"; } {}; # Example to Use a different version of a package #QuickCheck = self.QuickCheck_2_14; # Example to disable tests if tests fail or take too long # or to use different configure flags if needed # # XXX We need the ability to disable doCheck on all # those packages that are being built locally and # not fetched from the cache. Running tests could do # nasty things to the machine e.g. some tests even # listen for incoming connections on the network. #selective = # super.selective.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: # { doCheck = false; # configureFlags = # oldAttrs.configureFlags ++ ["--disable-tests"]; # }); }; }; drv = mkHaskellPackages true; shell = drv.shellFor { packages = p: [ p.streamly p.streamly-benchmarks p.streamly-tests ]; # some dependencies of hoogle fail to build with quickcheck-2.14 # We should use hoogle as external tool instead of building it here # withHoogle = true; doBenchmark = true; # XXX On macOS cabal2nix does not seem to generate a dependency on # Cocoa framework. buildInputs = if builtins.currentSystem == "x86_64-darwin" then [nixpkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa] else []; # Use a better prompt shellHook = '' export CABAL_DIR="$(pwd)/.cabal.nix" if test -n "$PS_SHELL" then export PS1="$PS_SHELL\[$bldred\](nix)\[$txtrst\] " fi ''; }; in if nixpkgs.lib.inNixShell then shell else (mkHaskellPackages false).streamly