# packcheck-0.4.2 # You can use any of the options supported by packcheck as environment # variables here. See https://github.com/harendra-kumar/packcheck for all # options and their explanation. environment: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Global options, you can use these per build as well # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ global: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Common options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GHC_OPTIONS: "-Werror" CABAL_REINIT_CONFIG: "y" LC_ALL: "C.UTF-8" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # What to build # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # DISABLE_TEST: "y" # DISABLE_BENCH: "y" # DISABLE_DOCS: "y" DISABLE_SDIST_BUILD: "y" DISABLE_DIST_CHECKS: "y" ENABLE_INSTALL: "y" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # stack options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Note requiring a specific version of stack using STACKVER may fail due to # github API limit while checking and upgrading/downgrading to the specific # version. #STACKVER: "1.6.5" STACK_UPGRADE: "y" RESOLVER: "lts-13" STACK_ROOT: "c:\\sr" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # cabal options # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CABAL_CHECK_RELAX: "y" CABAL_NO_SANDBOX: "y" CABAL_HACKAGE_MIRROR: "hackage.haskell.org:http://hackage.fpcomplete.com" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Where to find the required tools # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATH: "%PATH%;%APPDATA%\\local\\bin" LOCAL_BIN: "%APPDATA%\\local\\bin" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Location of packcheck.sh (the shell script invoked to perform CI tests ). # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # You can either commit the packcheck.sh script at this path in your repo or # you can use it by specifying the PACKCHECK_REPO_URL option below in which # case it will be automatically copied from the packcheck repo to this path # during CI tests. In any case it is finally invoked from this path. PACKCHECK_LOCAL_PATH: "./packcheck.sh" # If you have not committed packcheck.sh in your repo at PACKCHECK_LOCAL_PATH # then it is automatically pulled from this URL. PACKCHECK_GITHUB_URL: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/harendra-kumar/packcheck" PACKCHECK_GITHUB_COMMIT: "d11a8a68fef00f4932bbedd6134950495ccd7420" # Override the temp directory to avoid sed escaping issues # See https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5386 TMP: "c:\\tmp" cache: - "%STACK_ROOT%" - "%LOCAL_BIN%" - "%APPDATA%\\cabal" - "%APPDATA%\\ghc" # - "%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Programs\\stack" clone_folder: "c:\\pkg" build: off before_test: - if not exist %PACKCHECK_LOCAL_PATH% curl -sSkL -o%PACKCHECK_LOCAL_PATH% %PACKCHECK_GITHUB_URL%/%PACKCHECK_GITHUB_COMMIT%/packcheck.sh - if not exist %LOCAL_BIN% mkdir %LOCAL_BIN% - where stack.exe || curl -sSkL -ostack.zip http://www.stackage.org/stack/windows-x86_64 && 7z x stack.zip stack.exe && move stack.exe %LOCAL_BIN% - if defined STACKVER (stack upgrade --binary-only --binary-version %STACKVER%) else (stack upgrade --binary-only || ver > nul) - stack --version test_script: - stack setup > nul - for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`where 7z.exe`) do set PATH7Z=%%i\.. - for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`where git.exe`) do set PATHGIT=%%i\.. - chcp 65001 && stack exec bash -- -c "chmod +x %PACKCHECK_LOCAL_PATH%; %PACKCHECK_LOCAL_PATH% stack PATH=/usr/bin:\"%PATH7Z%\":\"%PATHGIT%\""