2023-12-21 17:17:52 +05:30

816 lines
24 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
module Main (main) where
import Data.List (sort, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing, Down(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Sum(..), getSum)
import Streamly.Test.Common (checkListEqual, listEquals)
import Test.QuickCheck
( Gen
, Property
, arbitrary
, choose
, forAll
, listOf
, listOf1
, property
, vectorOf
, withMaxSuccess
, generate
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO, assert, run)
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Prelude
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.MutArray as MArray
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as Fold
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as Stream
import Prelude hiding
(maximum, minimum, elem, notElem, null, product, sum, head, last, take)
import Test.Hspec as H
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
maxStreamLen :: Int
maxStreamLen = 1000
intMin :: Int
intMin = minBound
intMax :: Int
intMax = maxBound
min_value :: Int
min_value = 0
max_value :: Int
max_value = 10000
chooseInt :: (Int, Int) -> Gen Int
chooseInt = choose
{-# INLINE maxStreamLen #-}
{-# INLINE intMin #-}
{-# INLINE intMax #-}
rollingHashFirstN :: Property
rollingHashFirstN =
forAll (choose (0, maxStreamLen)) $ \len ->
forAll (choose (0, len)) $ \n ->
forAll (vectorOf len (arbitrary :: Gen Int)) $ \vec ->
monadicIO $ do
a <- run
$ Stream.fold Fold.rollingHash
$ Stream.take n
$ Stream.fromList vec
b <- run
$ Stream.fold (Fold.rollingHashFirstN n)
$ Stream.fromList vec
assert $ a == b
head :: [Int] -> Expectation
head ls = Stream.fold (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` headl ls
headl :: [a] -> Maybe a
headl [] = Nothing
headl (x:_) = Just x
length :: [Int] -> Expectation
length ls = Stream.fold Fold.length (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` Prelude.length ls
sum :: [Int] -> Expectation
sum ls = Stream.fold Fold.sum (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` Prelude.sum ls
product :: [Int] -> Expectation
product ls =
Stream.fold Fold.product (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` Prelude.product ls
lesser :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> a -> a
lesser f x y = if f x y == LT then x else y
greater :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> a -> a
greater f x y = if f x y == GT then x else y
foldMaybe :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> Maybe b
foldMaybe f acc ls =
case ls of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just (foldl f acc ls)
maximumBy :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Expectation
maximumBy genmin f ls =
Stream.fold (Fold.maximumBy f) (Stream.fromList ls)
`shouldReturn` foldMaybe (greater f) genmin ls
maximum :: (Show a, Ord a) => a -> [a] -> Expectation
maximum genmin ls =
Stream.fold Fold.maximum (Stream.fromList ls)
`shouldReturn` foldMaybe (greater compare) genmin ls
minimumBy :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Expectation
minimumBy genmax f ls =
Stream.fold (Fold.minimumBy f) (Stream.fromList ls)
`shouldReturn` foldMaybe (lesser f) genmax ls
minimum :: (Show a, Ord a) => a -> [a] -> Expectation
minimum genmax ls =
Stream.fold Fold.minimum (Stream.fromList ls)
`shouldReturn` foldMaybe (lesser compare) genmax ls
toList :: [Int] -> Expectation
toList ls = Stream.fold Fold.toList (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` ls
toListRev :: [Int] -> Expectation
toListRev ls = Stream.fold Fold.toListRev (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` reverse ls
safeLast :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeLast [] = Nothing
safeLast (x:[]) = Just x
safeLast (_:xs) = safeLast xs
last :: [String] -> Expectation
last ls = Stream.fold Fold.last (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` safeLast ls
mapMaybe :: [Int] -> Expectation
mapMaybe ls =
let maybeEven x =
if even x
then Just x
else Nothing
f = Fold.mapMaybe maybeEven Fold.toList
in Stream.fold f (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` filter even ls
nth :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
nth idx (x : xs)
| idx == 0 = Just x
| idx < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = nth (idx - 1) xs
nth _ [] = Nothing
index :: Int -> [String] -> Expectation
index idx ls =
let x = Stream.fold (Fold.index idx) (Stream.fromList ls)
in x `shouldReturn` nth idx ls
find :: (Show a, Eq a) => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Expectation
find f ls = do
y <- Stream.fold (Fold.findIndex f) (Stream.fromList ls)
case y of
Nothing ->
let fld = Stream.fold (Fold.find f) (Stream.fromList ls)
in fld `shouldReturn` Nothing
Just idx ->
let fld = Stream.fold (Fold.any f) (Stream.fromList $ Prelude.take idx ls)
in fld `shouldReturn` False
neg :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
neg f x = not (f x)
findIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Expectation
findIndex f ls = do
y <- Stream.fold (Fold.findIndex f) (Stream.fromList ls)
case y of
Nothing ->
let fld = Stream.fold (Fold.all $ neg f) (Stream.fromList ls)
in fld `shouldReturn` True
Just idx ->
if idx == 0
Stream.fold (Fold.all f) (Stream.fromList []) `shouldReturn` True
Stream.fold (Fold.all f) (Stream.fromList $ Prelude.take idx ls)
`shouldReturn` False
predicate :: Int -> Bool
predicate x = x * x < 100
elemIndex :: Int -> [Int] -> Expectation
elemIndex elm ls = do
y <- Stream.fold (Fold.elemIndex elm) (Stream.fromList ls)
case y of
Nothing ->
let fld = Stream.fold (Fold.any (== elm)) (Stream.fromList ls)
in fld `shouldReturn` False
Just idx ->
let fld =
(Fold.any (== elm))
(Stream.fromList $ Prelude.take idx ls)
in fld `shouldReturn` False
null :: [Int] -> Expectation
null ls =
Stream.fold Fold.null (Stream.fromList ls)
case ls of
[] -> True
_ -> False
elem :: Int -> [Int] -> Expectation
elem elm ls = do
y <- Stream.fold (Fold.elem elm) (Stream.fromList ls)
let fld = Stream.fold (Fold.any (== elm)) (Stream.fromList ls)
fld `shouldReturn` y
notElem :: Int -> [Int] -> Expectation
notElem elm ls = do
y <- Stream.fold (Fold.notElem elm) (Stream.fromList ls)
let fld = Stream.fold (Fold.any (== elm)) (Stream.fromList ls)
fld `shouldReturn` not y
all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Expectation
all f ls =
Stream.fold (Fold.all f) (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` Prelude.all f ls
any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Expectation
any f ls = Stream.fold (Fold.any f) (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` Prelude.any f ls
and :: [Bool] -> Expectation
and ls = Stream.fold Fold.and (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` Prelude.and ls
or :: [Bool] -> Expectation
or ls = Stream.fold Fold.or (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` Prelude.or ls
take :: [Int] -> Property
take ls =
forAll (chooseInt (-1, Prelude.length ls + 2)) $ \n ->
Stream.fold (Fold.take n Fold.toList) (Stream.fromList ls)
`shouldReturn` Prelude.take n ls
takeEndBy_ :: Property
takeEndBy_ =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
let p = (== 1)
f = Fold.takeEndBy_ p Fold.toList
ys = Prelude.takeWhile (not . p) ls
in case Stream.fold f (Stream.fromList ls) of
Right xs -> checkListEqual xs ys
Left _ -> property False
takeEndByOrMax :: Property
takeEndByOrMax =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
let p = (== 1)
f = Fold.takeEndBy_ p (Fold.take n Fold.toList)
ys = Prelude.take n (Prelude.takeWhile (not . p) ls)
in case Stream.fold f (Stream.fromList ls) of
Right xs -> checkListEqual xs ys
Left _ -> property False
chooseFloat :: (Float, Float) -> Gen Float
chooseFloat = choose
drain :: [Int] -> Expectation
drain ls = Stream.fold Fold.drain (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` ()
drainBy :: [Int] -> Expectation
drainBy ls = Stream.fold (Fold.drainBy return) (Stream.fromList ls) `shouldReturn` ()
mean :: Property
mean =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseFloat (-100.0, 100.0)))
$ \ls0 -> withMaxSuccess 1000 $ monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold Fold.mean (Stream.fromList ls)
let v2 = Prelude.sum ls / fromIntegral (Prelude.length ls)
assert (abs (v1 - v2) < 0.0001)
stdDev :: Property
stdDev =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseFloat (-100.0, 100.0)))
$ \ls0 -> withMaxSuccess 1000 $ monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold Fold.stdDev (Stream.fromList ls)
let avg = Prelude.sum ls / fromIntegral (Prelude.length ls)
se = Prelude.sum (fmap (\x -> (x - avg) * (x - avg)) ls)
sd = sqrt $ se / fromIntegral (Prelude.length ls)
assert (abs (v1 - sd) < 0.0001 )
variance :: Property
variance =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseFloat (-100.0, 100.0)))
$ \ls0 -> withMaxSuccess 1000 $ monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold Fold.variance (Stream.fromList ls)
let avg = Prelude.sum ls / fromIntegral (Prelude.length ls)
se = Prelude.sum (fmap (\x -> (x - avg) * (x - avg)) ls)
vr = se / fromIntegral (Prelude.length ls)
assert (abs (v1 - vr) < 0.01 )
mconcat :: Property
mconcat =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold Fold.mconcat (fmap Sum $ Stream.fromList ls)
let v2 = Prelude.sum ls
assert (getSum v1 == v2)
foldMap :: Property
foldMap =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold (Fold.foldMap Sum) $ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum ls
assert (getSum v1 == v2)
foldMapM :: Property
foldMapM =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold (Fold.foldMapM (return . Sum)) $ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum ls
assert (getSum v1 == v2)
lookup :: Property
lookup =
forAll (chooseInt (1, 15))
$ \key0 ->monadicIO $ action key0
action key = do
let ls = [ (1, "first"), (2, "second"), (3, "third"), (4, "fourth")
, (5, "fifth"), (6, "fifth+first"), (7, "fifth+second")
, (8, "fifth+third"), (9, "fifth+fourth")
, (10, "fifth+fifth")
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold (Fold.lookup key) $ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.lookup key ls
assert (v1 == v2)
rmapM :: Property
rmapM =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
let addLen x = return $ x + Prelude.length ls
fld = Fold.rmapM addLen Fold.sum
v2 = foldl (+) (Prelude.length ls) ls
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold fld $ Stream.fromList ls
assert (v1 == v2)
teeWithLength :: Property
teeWithLength =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold (Fold.tee Fold.sum Fold.length) $ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum ls
v3 = Prelude.length ls
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
teeWithFstLength :: Property
teeWithFstLength =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <-
$ Stream.fold (Fold.teeWithFst (,) (Fold.take 5 Fold.sum) Fold.length)
$ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum (Prelude.take 5 ls)
v3 = Prelude.length (Prelude.take 5 ls)
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
partitionByM :: Property
partitionByM =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
let f x = if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <-
$ Stream.fold (Fold.partitionByM f Fold.length Fold.length)
$ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = foldl (\b a -> if odd a then b+1 else b) 0 ls
v3 = foldl (\b a -> if even a then b+1 else b) 0 ls
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
partitionByFstM :: Property
partitionByFstM =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action _ = do
let f x = if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <-
$ Stream.fold
(Fold.partitionByFstM f (Fold.take 25 Fold.length) Fold.length)
(Stream.fromList ([1 .. 100] :: [Int]))
let v2 = foldl (\b a -> if odd a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..49] :: [Int])
v3 = foldl (\b a -> if even a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..49] :: [Int])
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
partitionByMinM1 :: Property
partitionByMinM1 =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action _ = do
let f x = if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <-
$ Stream.fold
(Fold.partitionByMinM f Fold.length (Fold.take 25 Fold.length))
(Stream.fromList ([1 .. 100] :: [Int]))
let v2 = foldl (\b a -> if odd a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..50] :: [Int])
v3 = foldl (\b a -> if even a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..50] :: [Int])
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
partitionByMinM2 :: Property
partitionByMinM2 =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action _ = do
let f x = if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <-
$ Stream.fold
(Fold.partitionByMinM f (Fold.take 25 Fold.length) Fold.length)
(Stream.fromList ([1 .. 100] :: [Int]))
let v2 = foldl (\b a -> if odd a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..49] :: [Int])
v3 = foldl (\b a -> if even a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..49] :: [Int])
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
teeWithMinLength1 :: Property
teeWithMinLength1 =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <-
$ Stream.fold (Fold.teeWithMin (,) (Fold.take 5 Fold.sum) Fold.length)
$ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum (Prelude.take 5 ls)
v3 = Prelude.length (Prelude.take 5 ls)
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
teeWithMinLength2 :: Property
teeWithMinLength2 =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <-
$ Stream.fold (Fold.teeWithMin (,) Fold.sum (Fold.take 5 Fold.length))
$ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum (Prelude.take 5 ls)
v3 = Prelude.length (Prelude.take 5 ls)
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
teeWithMax :: Property
teeWithMax =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ Stream.fold (Fold.tee Fold.sum Fold.maximum) $ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum ls
v3 = foldMaybe (greater compare) intMin ls
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
distribute :: Property
distribute =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <-
run $ Stream.fold (Fold.distribute [Fold.sum, Fold.length]) $ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum ls
v3 = Prelude.length ls
assert (v1 == [v2, v3])
partition :: Property
partition =
monadicIO $ do
v1 :: (Int, [String]) <-
$ Stream.fold (Fold.partition Fold.sum Fold.toList)
$ Stream.fromList
[Left 1, Right "abc", Left 3, Right "xy", Right "pp2"]
let v2 = (4,["abc","xy","pp2"])
assert (v1 == v2)
unzip :: Property
unzip =
monadicIO $ do
v1 :: (Int, [String]) <-
$ Stream.fold (Fold.unzip Fold.sum Fold.toList)
$ Stream.fromList [(1, "aa"), (2, "bb"), (3, "cc")]
let v2 = (6, ["aa", "bb", "cc"])
assert (v1 == v2)
postscan :: Property
postscan = forAll (listOf (chooseInt (intMin, intMax))) $ \ls ->
monadicIO $ do
v1 :: [Int] <-
$ Stream.fold (Fold.postscan Fold.sum Fold.toList)
$ Stream.fromList ls
let v2 = scanl1 (+) ls
assert (v1 == v2)
many :: Property
many =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 100))) $ \lst ->
forAll (chooseInt (1, 100)) $ \i ->
monadicIO $ do
let strm = Stream.fromList lst
r1 <- Stream.fold (Fold.many (split i) Fold.toList) strm
r2 <- Stream.fold Fold.toList $ Stream.foldMany (split i) strm
assert $ r1 == r2
split i = Fold.take i Fold.toList
foldBreak :: [Int] -> Property
foldBreak ls = monadicIO $ do
(mbh, rest) <- run $ Stream.foldBreak (Stream.fromList ls)
rests <- run $ Stream.fold Fold.toList rest
assert (mbh == headl ls)
listEquals (==) rests (taill ls)
taill :: [a] -> [a]
taill [] = []
taill (_:xs) = xs
demux :: Expectation
demux =
let table "SUM" = return Fold.sum
table "PRODUCT" = return Fold.product
table _ = return Fold.length
input = Stream.fromList (
[ ("SUM", 1)
, ("abc", 1)
, ("PRODUCT", 2)
, ("abc", 2)
, ("SUM",3)
, ("xyz", 1)
, ("PRODUCT", 4)
, ("xyz", 2)
, ("abc", 2)
] :: [(String, Int)])
in Stream.fold
(Fold.demuxKvToMap table)
Data.Map.fromList [("PRODUCT", 8),("SUM", 4),("abc",3),("xyz",2)]
demuxWith :: Expectation
demuxWith =
let getKey x | even x = "SUM"
| otherwise = "PRODUCT"
getFold "SUM" = return Fold.sum
getFold "PRODUCT" = return Fold.product
getFold _ = error "demuxWith: bug"
input = Stream.fromList [1, 2, 3, 4 :: Int]
in Stream.fold
(Fold.demuxToContainer getKey (getFold . getKey))
Data.Map.fromList [("PRODUCT",3),("SUM",6)]
classifyWith :: Expectation
classifyWith =
let input = Stream.fromList [("ONE",1),("ONE",1.1),("TWO",2), ("TWO",2.2)]
in Stream.fold
(Fold.toContainer fst (Fold.lmap snd Fold.toList))
[("ONE",[1.0, 1.1 :: Double]), ("TWO",[2.0, 2.2])]
classify :: Expectation
classify =
let input =
("ONE", (1::Int, 1))
, ("ONE", (1, 1.1:: Double))
, ("TWO", (2, 2))
, ("TWO",(2, 2.2))
in Stream.fold
(Fold.kvToMap (Fold.lmap snd Fold.toList))
[("ONE",[1.0, 1.1 :: Double]), ("TWO",[2.0, 2.2])]
splitAt :: Expectation
splitAt =
(Fold.splitAt 6 Fold.toList Fold.toList)
(Stream.fromList "Hello World!")
("Hello ","World!")
scan :: Property
scan = forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 100))) $ \lst ->
monadicIO $ do
v1 :: [Int] <-
$ Stream.fold (Fold.scan Fold.sum Fold.toList)
$ Stream.fromList lst
let v2 = scanl (+) 0 lst
assert (v1 == v2)
topBy :: Bool -> Property
topBy isTop = forAll (listOf (chooseInt (-50, 100))) $ \ls0 ->
monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
let n0 = Prelude.length ls
n <- liftIO $ generate $ chooseInt (-2, n0 + 2)
if isTop
then do
lst <- Stream.fold ( n) (Stream.fromList ls) >>= MArray.toList
assert ((Prelude.take n . sortBy (comparing Down)) ls == lst)
else do
lst <- Stream.fold (Fold.bottom n) (Stream.fromList ls) >>= MArray.toList
assert ((Prelude.take n . sort) ls == lst)
top :: Property
top = topBy True
bottom :: Property
bottom = topBy False
nub :: Property
nub = monadicIO $ do
vals <- Stream.fold Fold.toList
$ Stream.catMaybes
$ Stream.postscan Fold.nub
$ Stream.fromList [1::Int, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 5, 7]
assert (vals == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7])
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Data.Fold"
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe moduleName $ do
-- Folds
-- Accumulators
prop "mconcat" Main.mconcat
prop "foldMap" Main.foldMap
prop "foldMapM" Main.foldMapM
prop "drain" Main.drain
prop "drainBy" Main.drainBy
prop "last" last
prop "length" Main.length
prop "sum" sum
prop "product" product
prop "maximumBy" $ maximumBy intMin compare
prop "maximum" $ maximum intMin
prop "minimumBy" $ minimumBy intMax compare
prop "minimum" $ minimum intMax
prop "mean" Main.mean
prop "stdDev" Main.stdDev
prop "variance" Main.variance
prop "rollingHashFirstN" rollingHashFirstN
prop "toList" toList
prop "toListRev" toListRev
prop "demux" demux
prop "demuxWith" demuxWith
prop "classifyWith" classifyWith
prop "classify" classify
-- Terminating folds
prop "index" index
prop "head" head
prop "find" $ find predicate
prop "lookup" Main.lookup
prop "findIndex" $ findIndex predicate
prop "elemIndex" $ elemIndex 10
prop "null" null
prop "elem" $ elem 10
prop "notElem" $ notElem 10
prop "all" $ Main.all predicate
prop "any" $ Main.any predicate
prop "and" Main.and
prop "or" Main.or
prop "top"
prop "bottom" Main.bottom
prop "nub" Main.nub
-- Combinators
-- Transformation
prop "scan" scan
prop "postscan" Main.postscan
-- rsequence
-- Functor instance
prop "rmapM" Main.rmapM
-- lmap/lmapM
-- Filtering
-- filter/filterM
-- catMaybes
prop "mapMaybe" mapMaybe
-- Trimming
prop "take" take
-- takeEndBy
prop "takeEndBy_" takeEndBy_
prop "takeEndByOrMax" takeEndByOrMax
-- Appending
-- splitWith
-- Distributing
-- tee
prop "teeWithLength" Main.teeWithLength
prop "teeWithFstLength" Main.teeWithFstLength
prop "teeWithMinLength1" Main.teeWithMinLength1
prop "teeWithMinLength2" Main.teeWithMinLength2
prop "teeWithMax" Main.teeWithMax
prop "partitionByM" Main.partitionByM
prop "partitionByFstM" Main.partitionByFstM
prop "partitionByMinM1" Main.partitionByMinM1
prop "partitionByMinM2" Main.partitionByMinM2
prop "distribute" Main.distribute
-- Partitioning
prop "partition" Main.partition
prop "partitionByM" partitionByM
-- Unzipping
prop "unzip" Main.unzip
prop "splitAt" Main.splitAt
-- Nesting
prop "many" Main.many
-- concatMap
-- chunksOf
prop "foldBreak" foldBreak