Harendra Kumar 8c8b9c34ee Remove the Monad instance from SerialT/Stream type
Transfer the removed instances to the CrossStream type.
2022-11-20 17:20:06 +05:30

221 lines
7.0 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Main (main) where
import Test.Hspec
import qualified GHC.Exts as GHC
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Streamly.Internal.Data.List
(List(..), pattern Cons, pattern Nil, ZipList(..), fromZipList, toZipList)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream (Stream)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as S
import Prelude -- to suppress compiler warning
type List = []
pattern Nil :: [a]
pattern Nil <- [] where Nil = []
pattern Cons :: a -> [a] -> [a]
pattern Cons x xs = x : xs
infixr 5 `Cons`
{-# COMPLETE Nil, Cons #-}
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Data.List+Data.List.Base"
moduleName = "Data.List.Base"
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $
describe moduleName $ do
describe "OverloadedLists for 'Stream Identity' type" $ do
it "Overloaded lists" $ do
([1..3] :: Stream Identity Int) `shouldBe` S.fromList [1..3]
GHC.toList ([1..3] :: Stream Identity Int) `shouldBe` [1..3]
it "Show instance" $ do
show (S.fromList [1..3] :: Stream Identity Int)
`shouldBe` "fromList [1,2,3]"
it "Read instance" $ do
(read "fromList [1,2,3]" :: Stream Identity Int) `shouldBe` [1..3]
it "Eq instance" $ do
([1,2,3] :: Stream Identity Int) == [1,2,3] `shouldBe` True
it "Ord instance" $ do
([1,2,3] :: Stream Identity Int) > [1,2,1] `shouldBe` True
it "Monad comprehension" $ do
[(x,y) | x <- [1..2], y <- [1..2]] `shouldBe`
([(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)] :: List (Int, Int))
it "Foldable (sum)" $ sum ([1..3] :: Stream Identity Int)
`shouldBe` 6
it "Traversable (mapM)" $
mapM return ([1..10] :: Stream Identity Int)
`shouldReturn` [1..10]
describe "OverloadedStrings for 'Stream Identity' type" $ do
it "overloaded strings" $ do
("hello" :: Stream Identity Char) `shouldBe` S.fromList "hello"
describe "OverloadedLists for List type" $ do
it "overloaded lists" $ do
([1..3] :: List Int) `shouldBe` GHC.fromList [1..3]
GHC.toList ([1..3] :: List Int) `shouldBe` [1..3]
it "Construct empty list" $ (Nil :: List Int) `shouldBe` []
it "Construct a list" $ do
(Nil :: List Int) `shouldBe` []
('x' `Cons` Nil) `shouldBe` ['x']
(1 `Cons` [2 :: Int]) `shouldBe` [1,2]
(1 `Cons` 2 `Cons` 3 `Cons` Nil :: List Int) `shouldBe` [1,2,3]
it "pattern matches" $ do
case [] of
Nil -> return ()
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
case ['x'] of
Cons 'x' Nil -> return ()
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
case [1..10 :: Int] of
Cons x xs -> do
x `shouldBe` 1
xs `shouldBe` [2..10]
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
case [1..10 :: Int] of
x `Cons` y `Cons` xs -> do
x `shouldBe` 1
y `shouldBe` 2
xs `shouldBe` [3..10]
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
it "Show instance" $ do
show ([1..3] :: List Int) `shouldBe`
"fromList [1,2,3]"
it "Read instance" $ do
"fromList [1,2,3]"
:: List Int) `shouldBe` [1..3]
it "Eq instance" $ do
([1,2,3] :: List Int) == [1,2,3] `shouldBe` True
it "Ord instance" $ do
([1,2,3] :: List Int) > [1,2,1] `shouldBe` True
it "Monad comprehension" $ do
[(x,y) | x <- [1..2], y <- [1..2]] `shouldBe`
([(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)] :: List (Int, Int))
it "Foldable (sum)" $ sum ([1..3] :: List Int) `shouldBe` 6
it "Traversable (mapM)" $
mapM return ([1..10] :: List Int)
`shouldReturn` [1..10]
describe "OverloadedStrings for List type" $ do
it "overloaded strings" $ do
("hello" :: List Char) `shouldBe` GHC.fromList "hello"
it "pattern matches" $ do
case "" of
Nil -> return ()
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
case "a" of
Cons x Nil -> x `shouldBe` 'a'
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
case "hello" <> "world" of
Cons x1 (Cons x2 xs) -> do
x1 `shouldBe` 'h'
x2 `shouldBe` 'e'
xs `shouldBe` "lloworld"
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
describe "OverloadedLists for ZipList type" $ do
it "overloaded lists" $ do
([1..3] :: ZipList Int) `shouldBe` GHC.fromList [1..3]
GHC.toList ([1..3] :: ZipList Int) `shouldBe` [1..3]
it "toZipList" $ do
toZipList (Nil :: List Int) `shouldBe` []
toZipList ('x' `Cons` Nil) `shouldBe` ['x']
toZipList (1 `Cons` [2 :: Int]) `shouldBe` [1,2]
toZipList (1 `Cons` 2 `Cons` 3 `Cons` Nil :: List Int) `shouldBe` [1,2,3]
it "fromZipList" $ do
case fromZipList [] of
Nil -> return ()
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
case fromZipList ['x'] of
Cons 'x' Nil -> return ()
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
case fromZipList [1..10 :: Int] of
Cons x xs -> do
x `shouldBe` 1
xs `shouldBe` [2..10]
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
case fromZipList [1..10 :: Int] of
x `Cons` y `Cons` xs -> do
x `shouldBe` 1
y `shouldBe` 2
xs `shouldBe` [3..10]
_ -> expectationFailure "not reached"
it "Show instance" $ do
show ([1..3] :: ZipList Int) `shouldBe`
"ZipList {toZipStream = fromList [1,2,3]}"
it "Read instance" $ do
(read "ZipList {toZipStream = fromList [1,2,3]}" :: ZipList Int)
`shouldBe` [1..3]
it "Eq instance" $ do
([1,2,3] :: ZipList Int) == [1,2,3] `shouldBe` True
it "Ord instance" $ do
([1,2,3] :: ZipList Int) > [1,2,1] `shouldBe` True
it "Foldable (sum)" $ sum ([1..3] :: ZipList Int) `shouldBe` 6
it "Traversable (mapM)" $
mapM return ([1..10] :: ZipList Int)
`shouldReturn` [1..10]
it "Applicative Zip" $ do
(,) <$> "abc" <*> [1..3] `shouldBe`
([('a',1),('b',2),('c',3)] :: ZipList (Char, Int))