2023-11-28 01:46:13 +05:30

1380 lines
49 KiB

-- XXX We are using head/tail at one place
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 908
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-x-partial #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Exception (displayException)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32, Word64)
import Streamly.Test.Common (listEquals, checkListEqual, chooseInt)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, hspec, describe)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
(arbitrary, forAll, elements, Property, property, listOf,
vectorOf, Gen, (.&&.))
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO, assert, run)
import Prelude hiding (sequence)
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Prelude
import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as S
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array as A
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser as P
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Producer as Producer
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold as Unfold
import qualified Test.Hspec as H
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,14,0)
import Test.QuickCheck (chooseAny)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity(runIdentity, Identity))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser (ParseError(..))
import System.Random (Random(random))
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (Gen(MkGen))
-- | Generates a random element over the natural range of `a`.
chooseAny :: Random a => Gen a
chooseAny = MkGen (\r _ -> let (x,_) = random r in x)
maxTestCount :: Int
maxTestCount = 100
min_value :: Int
min_value = 0
mid_value :: Int
mid_value = 5000
max_value :: Int
max_value = 10000
max_length :: Int
max_length = 1000
-- Accumulator Tests
fromFold :: Property
fromFold =
forAll (listOf $ chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \ls ->
monadicIO $ do
s1 <- S.parse (P.fromFold FL.sum) (S.fromList ls)
o2 <- S.fold FL.sum (S.fromList ls)
return $
case s1 of
Right o1 -> o1 == o2
Left _ -> False
fromPure :: Property
fromPure =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \x ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.fromPure x) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
Right r -> r == x
Left _ -> False
fromEffect :: Property
fromEffect =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \x ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.fromEffect $ return x) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
Right r -> r == x
Left _ -> False
die :: Property
die =
property $
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.die "die test") (S.fromList [0 :: Int]) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True
dieM :: Property
dieM =
property $
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.dieM (Identity "die test")) (S.fromList [0 :: Int]) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True
parserFail :: Property
parserFail =
property $
case runIdentity $ S.parse ( err) (S.fromList [0 :: Int]) of
Right _ -> False
Left (ParseError e) -> err == e
err = "Testing"
-- Element Parser Tests
peekPass :: Property
peekPass =
forAll (chooseInt (1, max_length)) $ \list_length ->
forAll (vectorOf list_length (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse P.peek (S.fromList ls) of
Right head_value -> case ls of
head_ls : _ -> head_value == head_ls
_ -> False
Left _ -> False
peekFail :: Property
peekFail =
property (case runIdentity $ S.parse P.peek (S.fromList []) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True)
eofPass :: Property
eofPass =
property (case runIdentity $ S.parse P.eof (S.fromList []) of
Right _ -> True
Left _ -> False)
eofFail :: Property
eofFail =
forAll (chooseInt (1, max_length)) $ \list_length ->
forAll (vectorOf list_length (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse P.eof (S.fromList ls) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True
satisfyPass :: Property
satisfyPass =
forAll (chooseInt (mid_value, max_value)) $ \first_element ->
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls_tail ->
ls = first_element : ls_tail
predicate = (>= mid_value)
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.satisfy predicate) (S.fromList ls) of
Right r -> r == first_element
Left _ -> False
satisfy :: Property
satisfy =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.satisfy predicate) (S.fromList ls) of
Right r -> case ls of
[] -> False
(x : _) -> predicate x && (r == x)
Left _ -> case ls of
[] -> True
(x : _) -> not $ predicate x
predicate = (>= mid_value)
onePass :: Property
onePass =
forAll (chooseInt (1, max_value)) $ \int ->
property (case runIdentity $ S.parse (S.fromList [int]) of
Right i -> i == int
Left _ -> False)
one :: Property
one =
property $
case runIdentity $ S.parse (S.fromList []) of
Left _ -> True
Right _ -> False
-- Sequence Parsers Tests
takeBetweenPass :: Property
takeBetweenPass =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \m ->
forAll (chooseInt (m, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (chooseInt (m, max_value)) $ \list_length ->
forAll (vectorOf list_length (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)))
$ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeBetween m n FL.toList)
(S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
let lpl = Prelude.length parsed_list
in checkListEqual parsed_list
$ Prelude.take lpl ls
Left _ -> property False
_takeBetween :: Property
_takeBetween =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \m ->
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
go m n ls
go m n ls =
let inputLen = Prelude.length ls
in do
let p = P.takeBetween m n FL.toList
case runIdentity $ S.parse p (S.fromList ls) of
Right xs ->
let parsedLen = Prelude.length xs
in if inputLen >= m && parsedLen >= m && parsedLen <= n
then checkListEqual xs $ Prelude.take parsedLen ls
else property False
Left _ ->
property ((m >= 0 && n >= 0 && m > n) || inputLen < m)
take :: Property
take =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.fromFold $ FL.take n FL.toList) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list -> checkListEqual parsed_list (Prelude.take n ls)
Left _ -> property False
takeEQPass :: Property
takeEQPass =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (chooseInt (n, max_value)) $ \list_length ->
forAll (vectorOf list_length
(chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeEQ n FL.toList) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
checkListEqual parsed_list (Prelude.take n ls)
Left _ -> property False
takeEQ :: Property
takeEQ =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
list_length = Prelude.length ls
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeEQ n FL.toList) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
if n <= list_length
then checkListEqual parsed_list (Prelude.take n ls)
else property False
Left _ -> property (n > list_length)
takeGEPass :: Property
takeGEPass =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (chooseInt (n, max_value)) $ \list_length ->
forAll (vectorOf list_length (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)))
$ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeGE n FL.toList) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list -> checkListEqual parsed_list ls
Left _ -> property False
takeGE :: Property
takeGE =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
list_length = Prelude.length ls
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeGE n FL.toList) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
if n <= list_length
then checkListEqual parsed_list ls
else property False
Left _ -> property (n > list_length)
nLessThanEqual0 ::
( Int
-> FL.Fold Identity Int [Int]
-> P.Parser Int Identity [Int]
-> (Int -> [Int] -> [Int])
-> Property
nLessThanEqual0 tk ltk =
forAll (elements [0, (-1)]) $ \n ->
forAll (listOf arbitrary) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (tk n FL.toList) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list -> checkListEqual parsed_list (ltk n ls)
Left _ -> property False
takeProperties :: Spec
takeProperties =
describe "take combinators when n <= 0/" $ do
prop "takeEQ n FL.toList = []" $
nLessThanEqual0 P.takeEQ (\_ -> const [])
prop "takeGE n FL.toList xs = xs" $
nLessThanEqual0 P.takeGE (\_ -> id)
-- XXX lookAhead can't deal with EOF which in this case means when
-- n==list_length, this test will fail. So excluding that case for now.
lookAheadPass :: Property
lookAheadPass =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
takeWithoutConsume = P.lookAhead $ P.fromFold $ FL.take n FL.toList
parseTwice = do
parsed_list_1 <- takeWithoutConsume
parsed_list_2 <- takeWithoutConsume
return (parsed_list_1, parsed_list_2)
forAll (chooseInt (n+1, max_value)) $ \list_length ->
forAll (vectorOf list_length (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse parseTwice (S.fromList ls) of
Right (ls_1, ls_2) -> checkListEqual ls_1 ls_2 .&&. checkListEqual ls_1 (Prelude.take n ls)
Left _ -> property $ False
-- lookAheadFail :: Property
-- lookAheadFail =
-- forAll (chooseInt (min_value + 1, max_value)) $ \n ->
-- let
-- takeWithoutConsume = P.lookAhead $ P.take n FL.toList
-- parseTwice = do
-- parsed_list_1 <- takeWithoutConsume
-- parsed_list_2 <- takeWithoutConsume
-- return (parsed_list_1, parsed_list_2)
-- in
-- forAll (chooseInt (min_value, n - 1)) $ \list_length ->
-- forAll (vectorOf list_length (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
-- case S.parse parseTwice (S.fromList ls) of
-- Right _ -> False
-- Left _ -> True
lookAhead :: Property
lookAhead =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
takeWithoutConsume = P.lookAhead $ P.fromFold $ FL.take n FL.toList
parseTwice = do
parsed_list_1 <- takeWithoutConsume
parsed_list_2 <- takeWithoutConsume
return (parsed_list_1, parsed_list_2)
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse parseTwice (S.fromList ls) of
Right (ls_1, ls_2) -> checkListEqual ls_1 ls_2 .&&. checkListEqual ls_1 (Prelude.take n ls)
Left _ -> property ((list_length < n) || (list_length == n && n == 0))
list_length = Prelude.length ls
takeEndBy_ :: Property
takeEndBy_ =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value ))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeEndBy_ predicate prsr) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
checkListEqual parsed_list (tkwhl ls)
Left _ -> property False
predicate = (>= 100)
prsr = P.many (P.satisfy (const True)) FL.toList
tkwhl ls = Prelude.takeWhile (not . predicate) ls
takeEndByOrMax_ :: Property
takeEndByOrMax_ =
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.fromFold $ FL.takeEndBy_ predicate (FL.take n FL.toList)) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list -> checkListEqual parsed_list (Prelude.take n (Prelude.takeWhile (not . predicate) ls))
Left _ -> property False
predicate = (== 1)
takeStartBy :: Property
takeStartBy =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
let ls1 = 1:ls
case runIdentity $ S.parse parser (S.fromList ls1) of
Right parsed_list ->
if not $ Prelude.null ls1
let tls = Prelude.takeWhile (not . predicate) (tail ls1)
in checkListEqual parsed_list $
if predicate (head ls1)
then head ls1 : tls
else Prelude.takeWhile (not . predicate) ls1
else property $ Prelude.null parsed_list
Left _ -> property False
predicate = odd
parser = P.takeStartBy predicate FL.toList
takeWhile :: Property
takeWhile =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeWhile predicate FL.toList) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
checkListEqual parsed_list (Prelude.takeWhile predicate ls)
Left _ -> property False
predicate = (== 0)
takeP :: Property
takeP =
((,) <$> chooseInt (min_value, max_value)
<*> listOf (chooseInt (0, 1)))
$ \(takeNum, ls) ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse
(P.takeP takeNum (P.fromFold FL.toList))
(S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
checkListEqual parsed_list (Prelude.take takeNum ls)
Left _ -> property False
takeWhile1 :: Property
takeWhile1 =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeWhile1 predicate FL.toList) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list -> case ls of
[] -> property False
(x : _) ->
if predicate x
checkListEqual parsed_list
$ Prelude.takeWhile predicate ls
property False
Left _ -> case ls of
[] -> property True
(x : _) -> property (not $ predicate x)
predicate = (== 0)
takeWhileP :: Property
takeWhileP =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
predicate = (== 1)
prsr =
P.takeWhileP predicate
$ P.fromFold (FL.take n FL.toList)
takeWhileTillLen maxLen prd list =
Prelude.take maxLen $ Prelude.takeWhile prd list
case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
(takeWhileTillLen n predicate ls)
Left _ -> property False
choice :: Property
choice =
((,,) <$> chooseInt (min_value, max_value)
<*> chooseInt (min_value, max_value)
<*> listOf (chooseInt (0, 1)))
$ \(i, j, ls) ->
case S.parse (P.choice [parser i, parser j]) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
checkListEqual parsed_list $ take (min i j) ls
Left _ -> property False
parser i = P.fromFold (FL.take i FL.toList)
groupBy :: Property
groupBy =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1)))
$ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse parser (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed -> checkListEqual parsed (groupByLF ls)
Left _ -> property False
cmp = (==)
parser = P.groupBy cmp FL.toList
groupByLF lst
| null lst = []
| otherwise = head $ List.groupBy cmp lst
groupByRolling :: Property
groupByRolling =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1)))
$ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse parser (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed -> checkListEqual parsed (groupByLF Nothing ls)
Left _ -> property False
cmp = (==)
parser = P.groupBy cmp FL.toList
groupByLF _ [] = []
groupByLF Nothing (x:xs) = x : groupByLF (Just x) xs
groupByLF (Just y) (x:xs) =
if cmp y x
then x : groupByLF (Just x) xs
else []
wordBy :: Property
wordBy =
forAll (listOf (elements [' ', 's']))
$ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse parser (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed -> checkListEqual parsed (words' ls)
Left _ -> property False
predicate = (== ' ')
parser = P.many (P.wordBy predicate FL.toList) FL.toList
words' lst =
let wrds = words lst
in if wrds == [] && length lst > 0 then [""] else wrds
parseManyWordQuotedBy :: H.SpecWith ()
parseManyWordQuotedBy =
describe "parseMany wordQuotedBy"
$ for_ testCases
$ \c@(kQ, isQ, input, expected) -> do
let inpStrm = S.fromList input
esc = '\\'
spc ' ' = True
spc _ = False
tr _ _ = Nothing
parser = P.wordWithQuotes kQ tr esc isQ spc FL.toList
result <- H.runIO $ S.fold FL.toList $ S.catRights $ S.parseMany parser inpStrm (showCase c) $ result `H.shouldBe` expected
showCase (kQ, _, input, expected) =
show kQ ++ ", " ++ input ++ " -> " ++ show expected
testCases =
[ ( True
, \x -> if x == '\'' then Just '\'' else Nothing
, "The quick brown fox"
, ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox"])
, ( True
, \x -> if x == '\'' then Just '\'' else Nothing
, "The' quick brown' fox"
, ["The' quick brown'", "fox"])
, ( False
, \x -> if x == '\'' then Just '\'' else Nothing
, "The' quick brown' fox"
, ["The quick brown", "fox"])
, ( True
, \x -> if x == '[' then Just ']' else Nothing
, "The[ quick brown] fox"
, ["The[ quick brown]", "fox"])
, ( True
, \x -> if x == '[' then Just ']' else Nothing
, "The[ qui[ck] brown] \\ f[ ox]"
, ["The[ qui[ck] brown]", " f[ ox]"])
, ( False
, \x -> if x == '[' then Just ']' else Nothing
, "The[ qui[ck] brown] fox"
, ["The qui[ck] brown", "fox"])
splitWith :: Property
splitWith =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.splitWith (,) (P.satisfy (== 0)) (P.satisfy (== 1))) (S.fromList ls) of
Right (result_first, result_second) -> case ls of
0 : 1 : _ -> (result_first == 0) && (result_second == 1)
_ -> False
Left _ -> case ls of
0 : 1 : _ -> False
_ -> True
splitWithFailLeft :: Property
splitWithFailLeft =
property (case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.splitWith (,) (P.die "die") (P.fromPure (1 :: Int))) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True)
splitWithFailRight :: Property
splitWithFailRight =
property (case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.splitWith (,) (P.fromPure (1 :: Int)) (P.die "die")) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True)
splitWithFailBoth :: Property
splitWithFailBoth =
property (case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.splitWith (,) (P.die "die") (P.die "die")) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True)
-- teeWithPass :: Property
-- teeWithPass =
-- forAll (chooseInt (min_value, max_value)) $ \n ->
-- forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
-- let
-- prsr = P.fromFold $ FL.take n FL.toList
-- in
-- case S.parse (P.teeWith (,) prsr prsr) (S.fromList ls) of
-- Right (ls_1, ls_2) -> checkListEqual (Prelude.take n ls) ls_1 .&&. checkListEqual ls_1 ls_2
-- Left _ -> property False
-- teeWithFailLeft :: Property
-- teeWithFailLeft =
-- property (case S.parse (P.teeWith (,) (P.die "die") (P.fromPure (1 :: Int))) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right _ -> False
-- Left _ -> True)
-- teeWithFailRight :: Property
-- teeWithFailRight =
-- property (case S.parse (P.teeWith (,) (P.fromPure (1 :: Int)) (P.die "die")) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right _ -> False
-- Left _ -> True)
-- teeWithFailBoth :: Property
-- teeWithFailBoth =
-- property (case S.parse (P.teeWith (,) (P.die "die") (P.die "die")) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right _ -> False
-- Left _ -> True)
deintercalate :: Property
deintercalate =
forAll (listOf (chooseAny :: Gen Int)) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse p (S.fromList ls) of
Right evenOdd -> evenOdd == List.partition even ls
Left _ -> False
p1 = P.takeWhile even FL.toList
p2 = P.takeWhile odd FL.toList
partition =
FL.tee (fmap concat $ FL.catLefts FL.toList)
(fmap concat $ FL.catRights FL.toList)
p = P.deintercalate p1 p2 partition
-- shortestPass :: Property
-- shortestPass =
-- forAll (listOf (chooseInt(min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
-- let
-- half_mid_value = mid_value `Prelude.div` 2
-- prsr_1 = P.takeWhile (<= half_mid_value) FL.toList
-- prsr_2 = P.takeWhile (<= mid_value) FL.toList
-- prsr_shortest = P.shortest prsr_1 prsr_2
-- in
-- case S.parse prsr_shortest (S.fromList ls) of
-- Right short_list -> checkListEqual short_list (Prelude.takeWhile (<= half_mid_value) ls)
-- Left _ -> property False
-- shortestPassLeft :: Property
-- shortestPassLeft =
-- property (case S.parse (P.shortest (P.die "die") (P.fromPure (1 :: Int))) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right r -> r == 1
-- Left _ -> False)
-- shortestPassRight :: Property
-- shortestPassRight =
-- property (case S.parse (P.shortest (P.fromPure (1 :: Int)) (P.die "die")) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right r -> r == 1
-- Left _ -> False)
-- shortestFailBoth :: Property
-- shortestFailBoth =
-- property
-- (case S.parse
-- (P.shortest (P.die "die") (P.die "die"))
-- (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right _ -> False
-- Left _ -> True)
-- longestPass :: Property
-- longestPass =
-- forAll (listOf (chooseInt(min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
-- let
-- half_mid_value = mid_value `Prelude.div` 2
-- prsr_1 = P.takeWhile (<= half_mid_value) FL.toList
-- prsr_2 = P.takeWhile (<= mid_value) FL.toList
-- prsr_longest = P.longest prsr_1 prsr_2
-- in
-- case S.parse prsr_longest (S.fromList ls) of
-- Right long_list -> long_list == Prelude.takeWhile (<= mid_value) ls
-- Left _ -> False
-- longestPassLeft :: Property
-- longestPassLeft =
-- property (case S.parse (P.shortest (P.die "die") (P.fromPure (1 :: Int))) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right r -> r == 1
-- Left _ -> False)
-- longestPassRight :: Property
-- longestPassRight =
-- property (case S.parse (P.shortest (P.fromPure (1 :: Int)) (P.die "die")) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right r -> r == 1
-- Left _ -> False)
-- longestFailBoth :: Property
-- longestFailBoth =
-- property
-- (case S.parse (P.shortest (P.die "die") (P.die "die")) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
-- Right _ -> False
-- Left _ -> True)
many :: Property
many =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
let fldstp conL currL = return $ FL.Partial (conL ++ currL)
concatFold = FL.Fold fldstp (return (FL.Partial [])) return return
prsr =
flip P.many concatFold
$ P.fromFold $ FL.takeEndBy_ (== 1) FL.toList
in case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right res_list ->
checkListEqual res_list (Prelude.filter (== 0) ls)
Left _ -> property False
many_empty :: Property
many_empty =
property (case runIdentity $ S.parse (flip P.many FL.toList (P.die "die")) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
Right res_list -> checkListEqual res_list ([] :: [Int])
Left _ -> property False)
some :: Property
some =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \genLs ->
ls = 0 : genLs
fldstp conL currL = return $ FL.Partial $ conL ++ currL
concatFold = FL.Fold fldstp (return (FL.Partial [])) return return
prsr =
flip P.some concatFold
$ P.fromFold $ FL.takeEndBy_ (== 1) FL.toList
in case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right res_list -> res_list == Prelude.filter (== 0) ls
Left _ -> False
someFail :: Property
someFail =
property (case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.some (P.die "die") FL.toList) (S.fromList [1 :: Int]) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True)
-- Instances
applicative :: Property
applicative =
forAll (listOf (chooseAny :: Gen Int)) $ \ list1 ->
forAll (listOf (chooseAny :: Gen Int)) $ \ list2 ->
let parser =
<$> P.fromFold (FL.take (length list1) FL.toList)
<*> P.fromFold (FL.take (length list2) FL.toList)
case runIdentity $ S.parse parser (S.fromList $ list1 ++ list2) of
Right (olist1, olist2) -> olist1 == list1 && olist2 == list2
Left _ -> False
sequence :: Property
sequence =
forAll (vectorOf 11 (listOf (chooseAny :: Gen Int))) $ \ ins ->
let p xs = P.fromFold (FL.take (length xs) FL.toList)
in monadicIO $ do
outs <- run $
(Prelude.sequence $ fmap p ins)
(S.fromList $ concat ins)
return $
case outs of
Right ls -> ls == ins
Left _ -> False
altEOF1 :: Property
altEOF1 =
monadicIO $ do
s1 <- S.parse
(P.satisfy (> 0) <|> return 66)
(S.fromList ([]::[Int]))
return $
case s1 of
Right x -> x == 66
Left _ -> False
altEOF2 :: Property
altEOF2 =
monadicIO $ do
s1 <- S.parse
((P.takeEQ 2 FL.toList) <|> (P.takeEQ 1 FL.toList))
(S.fromList ([51]::[Int]))
return $
case s1 of
Right x -> x == [51]
Left _ -> False
monad :: Property
monad =
forAll (listOf (chooseAny :: Gen Int)) $ \ list1 ->
forAll (listOf (chooseAny :: Gen Int)) $ \ list2 ->
let parser = do
olist1 <- P.fromFold (FL.take (length list1) FL.toList)
olist2 <- P.fromFold (FL.take (length list2) FL.toList)
return (olist1, olist2)
in monadicIO $ do
s <- S.parse parser (S.fromList $ list1 ++ list2)
return $
case s of
Right (olist1, olist2) -> olist1 == list1 && olist2 == list2
Left _ -> False
-- Stream parsing
parseMany :: Property
parseMany =
forAll (chooseInt (1,100)) $ \len ->
forAll (listOf (vectorOf len (chooseAny :: Gen Int))) $ \ ins ->
monadicIO $ do
outs <- do
let p = P.fromFold $ FL.take len FL.toList
$ S.fold FL.toList
$ S.catRights
$ S.parseMany p (S.fromList $ concat ins)
listEquals (==) outs ins
-- basic sanity test for parsing from arrays
parseUnfold :: Property
parseUnfold = do
let len = 200
-- ls = input list (stream)
-- clen = chunk size
-- tlen = parser take size
<$> vectorOf len (chooseAny :: Gen Int)
<*> chooseInt (1, len)
<*> chooseInt (1, len)) $ \(ls, clen, tlen) ->
monadicIO $ do
arrays <- S.toList $ S.chunksOf clen (S.fromList ls)
let src = Producer.source (Just (Producer.OuterLoop arrays))
let parser = P.fromFold (FL.take tlen FL.toList)
let readSrc =
$ Producer.concat Producer.fromList A.producer
let streamParser =
Producer.simplify (Producer.parseManyD parser readSrc)
xs <- run
$ S.toList
$ S.unfoldMany Unfold.fromList
$ S.catRights
$ S.unfold streamParser src
listEquals (==) xs ls
parserSequence :: Property
parserSequence =
forAll (vectorOf 11 (listOf (chooseAny :: Gen Int))) $ \ins ->
monadicIO $ do
let parsers = S.fromList
$ fmap (\xs -> P.fromFold $ FL.take (length xs) FL.sum) ins
let sequencedParser = P.sequence parsers FL.sum
outs <-
S.parse sequencedParser $ S.concatMap S.fromList (S.fromList ins)
return $
case outs of
Right x -> x == sum (map sum ins)
Left _ -> False
-- Test for a particular case hit during fs events testing
evId :: [Word8]
evId = [96,238,17,9,0,0,0,0]
evFlags :: [Word8]
evFlags = [0,4,1,0,0,0,0,0]
evPathLen :: [Word8]
evPathLen = [71,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
evPath :: [Word8]
evPath =
,112,111,115,101,119,101 ,108,108,45,116,101,99,104,47,69,110,103,47,112
event :: [Word8]
event = evId ++ evFlags ++ evPathLen ++ evPath
data Event = Event
{ eventId :: Word64
, eventFlags :: Word32
, eventAbsPath :: A.Array Word8
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
readOneEvent :: P.Parser Word8 IO Event
readOneEvent = do
arr <- P.takeEQ 24 (A.writeN 24)
let arr1 = A.castUnsafe arr :: A.Array Word64
eid = A.getIndexUnsafe 0 arr1
eflags = A.getIndexUnsafe 1 arr1
pathLen = fromIntegral $ A.getIndexUnsafe 2 arr1
-- XXX handle if pathLen is 0
path <- P.takeEQ pathLen (A.writeN pathLen)
return $ Event
{ eventId = eid
, eventFlags = fromIntegral eflags
, eventAbsPath = path
parseMany2Events :: Property
parseMany2Events =
monadicIO $ do
xs <-
( run
$ S.fold FL.toList
$ S.catRights
$ S.parseMany readOneEvent
$ S.fromList (concat (replicate 2 event))
assert (length xs == 2)
-- XXX assuming little endian machine
let ev = Event
{ eventId = 152170080
, eventFlags = 66560
, eventAbsPath = A.fromList evPath
in listEquals (==) xs (replicate 2 ev)
manyEqParseMany :: Property
manyEqParseMany =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 100))) $ \lst ->
forAll (chooseInt (1, 100)) $ \i ->
monadicIO $ do
let strm = S.fromList lst
r1 <- run $ S.parse (P.many (split i) FL.toList) strm
r2 <- run $ S.fold FL.toList $ S.catRights $ S.parseMany (split i) strm
return $
case r1 of
Right o1 -> o1 == r2
Left _ -> False
split i = P.fromFold (FL.take i FL.toList)
takeEndBy1 :: Property
takeEndBy1 =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
case runIdentity $ S.parse (P.takeEndBy predicate prsr) (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
(takeWhileAndFirstFail (not . predicate) ls)
Left _ -> property False
prsr = P.many (P.satisfy (const True)) FL.toList
predicate = (== 1)
takeWhileAndFirstFail prd (x : xs) =
if prd x
then x : takeWhileAndFirstFail prd xs
else [x]
takeWhileAndFirstFail _ [] = []
:: Monad m
=> (a -> Bool) -> FL.Fold m a b -> S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m b
splitWithSuffix predicate f = S.foldMany (FL.takeEndBy predicate f)
takeEndBy2 :: Property
takeEndBy2 =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, 1))) $ \ls ->
strm = S.fromList ls
predicate = (==0)
eitherParsedList =
S.fold FL.toList
$ S.catRights
$ S.parseMany (P.takeEndBy predicate prsr) strm
prsr = P.many (P.satisfy (const True)) FL.toList
eitherSplitList =
case ls of
[] -> return []
_ ->
if last ls == 0
then S.fold FL.toList $ S.append strm1 (S.fromList [])
else S.fold FL.toList strm1
strm1 = splitWithSuffix predicate FL.toList strm
case eitherParsedList of
Left _ -> property False
Right parsedList ->
case eitherSplitList of
Left _ -> property False
Right splitList -> checkListEqual parsedList splitList
takeEndByEsc :: Property
takeEndByEsc =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
msg = "takeEndByEsc: trailing escape"
isSep = even
isEsc x = x `mod` 6 == 0
prsr = P.takeEndByEsc isEsc isSep prsr0
prsr0 = P.many (P.satisfy (const True)) FL.toList
escapeSep maybePrevEsc [] =
case maybePrevEsc of
Nothing -> []
Just prevEsc -> [prevEsc]
escapeSep maybePrevEsc (x : xs) =
case maybePrevEsc of
Nothing ->
if isEsc x
then escapeSep (Just x) xs
if isSep x
then [x]
else x : escapeSep Nothing xs
Just _ ->
x : escapeSep Nothing xs
case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list -> checkListEqual parsed_list $ escapeSep Nothing ls
Left err -> property (displayException err == msg)
takeFramedByEsc_ :: Property
takeFramedByEsc_ =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
isBegin = (== 0)
isEnd = (== 1)
isEsc = (== 2)
prsr = P.takeFramedByEsc_ isEsc isBegin isEnd FL.toList
checkPass (x : xs) maybePrevEsc openMinusClose =
case maybePrevEsc of
Nothing ->
if isEsc x
then checkPass xs (Just x) openMinusClose
if isBegin x
then checkPass xs Nothing (openMinusClose + 1)
if isEnd x
case openMinusClose of
0 -> False
1 -> True
_ ->
(openMinusClose - 1)
checkPass xs Nothing openMinusClose
Just _ -> checkPass xs Nothing openMinusClose
checkPass [] _ _ = False
checkPassBeg [] = False
checkPassBeg xxs@(x:_)
| isBegin x = checkPass xxs Nothing (0 :: Int)
| otherwise = False
escapeFrame begin end escape l =
helper (x : xs) maybePrevEsc openMinusClose =
case maybePrevEsc of
Nothing ->
if escape x
then helper xs (Just x) openMinusClose
if begin x
then helper xs Nothing (openMinusClose + 1)
if end x
if openMinusClose - 1 == 0
then []
(openMinusClose - 1)
x : helper xs Nothing openMinusClose
Just prevEsc ->
if escape x || begin x || end x
then x : helper xs Nothing openMinusClose
prevEsc : x : helper xs Nothing openMinusClose
helper [] _ _ = error "Cannot Reach Here"
helper l Nothing (0 :: Int)
case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list ->
if checkPassBeg ls
then checkListEqual parsed_list $
escapeFrame isBegin isEnd isEsc ls
else property False
Left _ ->
if checkPassBeg ls
then property False
else property True
takeFramedByEsc_Pass :: Property
takeFramedByEsc_Pass =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \list ->
ls = (0 : list) ++ (Prelude.replicate (Prelude.length list + 1) 1)
isBegin = (== 0)
isEnd = (== 1)
isEsc = (== 2)
prsr = P.takeFramedByEsc_ isEsc isBegin isEnd FL.toList
escapeFrame begin end escape l =
helper (x : xs) maybePrevEsc openMinusClose =
case maybePrevEsc of
Nothing ->
if escape x
then helper xs (Just x) openMinusClose
if begin x
if openMinusClose == 0
then helper xs Nothing (openMinusClose + 1)
else x : helper xs Nothing (openMinusClose + 1)
if end x
if openMinusClose - 1 == 0
then []
x :
(openMinusClose - 1)
x : helper xs Nothing openMinusClose
Just _ ->
x : helper xs Nothing openMinusClose
helper [] _ _ = error "Cannot Reach Here"
helper l Nothing (0 :: Int)
case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right parsed_list -> checkListEqual parsed_list $ escapeFrame isBegin isEnd isEsc ls
_ -> property False
takeFramedByEsc_Fail1 :: Property
takeFramedByEsc_Fail1 =
msg = "takeFramedByEsc_: missing frame end"
isBegin = (== 0)
isEnd = (== 0)
isEsc = (== 2)
prsr = P.takeFramedByEsc_ isEsc isBegin isEnd FL.toList
ls = [0 :: Int]
case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right _ -> property False
Left err -> property (displayException err == msg)
takeFramedByEsc_Fail2 :: Property
takeFramedByEsc_Fail2 =
msg = "takeFramedByEsc_: missing frame start"
isBegin = (== 0)
isEnd = (== 1)
isEsc = (== 1)
prsr = P.takeFramedByEsc_ isEsc isBegin isEnd FL.toList
ls = [1 :: Int]
case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right _ -> property False
Left err -> property (displayException err == msg)
takeFramedByEsc_Fail3 :: Property
takeFramedByEsc_Fail3 =
msg = "takeFramedByEsc_: missing frame end"
isBegin = (== 2)
isEnd = (== 1)
isEsc = (== 2)
prsr = P.takeFramedByEsc_ isEsc isBegin isEnd FL.toList
ls = [2 :: Int]
case runIdentity $ S.parse prsr (S.fromList ls) of
Right _ -> property False
Left err -> property $ (displayException err == msg)
takeStartBy_ :: Property
takeStartBy_ =
forAll (listOf (chooseInt (min_value, max_value))) $ \ls ->
let ls1 = 1:ls
msg = "takeFramedByGeneric: empty token"
case runIdentity $ S.parse parser (S.fromList ls1) of
Right parsed_list ->
if not $ Prelude.null ls1
let tls = Prelude.takeWhile (not . predicate) (tail ls1)
in checkListEqual parsed_list $
if predicate (head ls1)
then tls
else Prelude.takeWhile (not . predicate) ls1
else property $ Prelude.null parsed_list
Left err -> property (displayException err == msg)
predicate = odd
parser = P.takeStartBy_ predicate FL.toList
-- Main
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Data.Parser"
main :: IO ()
main =
hspec $
H.parallel $
modifyMaxSuccess (const maxTestCount) $ do
describe moduleName $ do
describe "Instances" $ do
prop "applicative" applicative
prop "Alternative: end of input 1" altEOF1
prop "Alternative: end of input 2" altEOF2
prop "monad" monad
prop "sequence" sequence
describe "Stream parsing" $ do
prop "parseMany" parseMany
prop "parseMany2Events" parseMany2Events
prop "parseUnfold" parseUnfold
prop "parserSequence" parserSequence
describe "test for accumulator" $ do
prop "P.fromFold FL.sum = FL.sum" fromFold
prop "fromPure value provided" fromPure
prop "fromPure monadic value provided" fromEffect
prop "fail err = Left (SomeException (ParseError err))" parserFail
prop "always fail" die
prop "always fail but monadic" dieM
describe "test for element parser" $ do
prop "peek = head with list length > 0" peekPass
prop "peek fail on []" peekFail
prop "eof pass on []" eofPass
prop "eof fail on non-empty list" eofFail
prop "first element exists and >= mid_value" satisfyPass
prop "one pass on [Int]" onePass
prop "one fail on []" one
prop "check first element exists and satisfies predicate" satisfy
describe "test for sequence parser" $ do
prop "P.takeBetween = Prelude.take when len >= m and len <= n"
-- XXX This test fails
-- XXX cabal run test:Data.Parser -- --match "/Data.Parser/test for sequence parser/P.takeBetween = Prelude.take when len >= m and len <= n and failotherwise fail/" --seed 1563586298
-- prop ("P.takeBetween = Prelude.take when len >= m and len <= n and fail"
-- ++ "otherwise fail") Main._takeBetween
prop "P.take = Prelude.take" Main.take
prop "P.takeEQ = Prelude.take when len >= n" takeEQPass
prop "P.takeEQ = Prelude.take when len >= n and fail otherwise"
prop "P.takeGE n ls = ls when len >= n" takeGEPass
prop "P.takeGE n ls = ls when len >= n and fail otherwise" Main.takeGE
prop "lookAhead . take n >> lookAhead . take n = lookAhead . take n" lookAheadPass
-- prop "Fail when stream length exceeded" lookAheadFail
prop "lookAhead . take n >> lookAhead . take n = lookAhead . take n, else fail" lookAhead
prop ("P.takeStartBy pred = head : Prelude.takeWhile (not . pred)"
++ " tail") takeStartBy
prop "P.takeWhile = Prelude.takeWhile" Main.takeWhile
prop ("P.takeWhile1 = Prelude.takeWhile if taken something,"
++ " else check why failed") takeWhile1
prop "takeWhileP prd P.take = takeWhileMaxLen prd" takeWhileP
prop ("P.takeP = Prelude.take") takeP
prop "P.groupBy = Prelude.head . Prelude.groupBy" groupBy
prop "groupByRolling" groupByRolling
prop "many (P.wordBy ' ') = words'" wordBy
-- prop "choice" choice
prop "parse 0, then 1, else fail" splitWith
prop "fail due to die as left parser" splitWithFailLeft
prop "fail due to die as right parser" splitWithFailRight
prop "fail due to die as both parsers" splitWithFailBoth
-- prop "" teeWithPass
-- prop "" teeWithFailLeft
-- prop "" teeWithFailRight
-- prop "" teeWithFailBoth
-- prop "deintercalate" deintercalate
-- prop "" shortestPass
-- prop "" shortestFailLeft
-- prop "" shortestFailRight
-- prop "" shortestFailBoth
prop ("P.many concatFold $ P.takeEndBy_ (== 1) FL.toList ="
++ "Prelude.filter (== 0)") many
prop "[] due to parser being die" many_empty
prop ("P.some concatFold $ P.takeEndBy_ (== 1) FL.toList ="
++ "Prelude.filter (== 0)") some
prop "fail due to parser being die" someFail
prop "P.many == S.parseMany" manyEqParseMany
prop "takeEndBy_" takeEndBy_
prop "takeEndByOrMax_" takeEndByOrMax_
prop "takeEndBy1" takeEndBy1
prop "takeEndBy2" takeEndBy2
prop "takeEndByEsc" takeEndByEsc
prop "takeFramedByEsc_" takeFramedByEsc_
prop "takeFramedByEsc_Pass" takeFramedByEsc_Pass
prop "takeFramedByEsc_Fail1" takeFramedByEsc_Fail1
prop "takeFramedByEsc_Fail2" takeFramedByEsc_Fail2
prop "takeFramedByEsc_Fail3" takeFramedByEsc_Fail3
prop "takeStartBy_" takeStartBy_