2024-01-04 07:41:04 +05:30

307 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- Required for Eq instance declaration of HigherOrderType
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- We are generating an orphan instance of Serialize for Identity.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module : Streamly.Test.Data.Serialize
-- Copyright : (c) 2022 Composewell technologies
-- License : BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
module Streamly.Test.Data.Serialize (main) where
-- Imports
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.MutByteArray (MutByteArray)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Streamly.Data.MutByteArray (Serialize)
import Streamly.Test.Data.Serialize.TH (genDatatype)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array as Array
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.MutByteArray as Serialize
import qualified Streamly.Test.Data.Serialize.CompatV0 as CompatV0
import qualified Streamly.Test.Data.Serialize.CompatV1 as CompatV1
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.Hspec as H
-- Serialize configuration
#ifdef ENABLE_constructorTagAsString
#define CONF_NAME "ENABLE_constructorTagAsString"
#define CONF (Serialize.encodeConstrNames True)
#define CONF id
-- Edge case types
data Unit =
deriving (Eq, Show)
$(Serialize.deriveSerializeWith CONF [d|instance Serialize Unit|])
data The =
The Unit Int Char
deriving (Eq, Show)
$(Serialize.deriveSerializeWith CONF [d|instance Serialize The|])
-- Generated types
$(genDatatype "CustomDatatype" 15)
$(Serialize.deriveSerializeWith CONF [d|instance Serialize CustomDatatype|])
-- Types with functional parameters
data HigherOrderType f =
{ field0 :: f Int
, field1 :: f Char
instance (Eq (f Int), Eq (f Char)) => Eq (HigherOrderType f) where
(==) a b = (field0 a == field0 b) && (field1 a == field1 b)
instance (Show (f Int), Show (f Char)) => Show (HigherOrderType f) where
show a = "HigherOrderType " ++ show (field0 a) ++ " " ++ show (field1 a)
$(Serialize.deriveSerializeWith CONF
[d|instance Serialize a => Serialize (Identity a)|])
$(Serialize.deriveSerializeWith CONF
[d|instance Serialize (HigherOrderType Identity)|])
-- Recursive type
-- Recursive ADT
data BinTree a
= Tree (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
| Leaf a
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic)
[d|instance Serialize a => Serialize (BinTree a)|])
-- XXX This may not terminate, or could become really large.
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (BinTree a) where
arbitrary = oneof [Leaf <$> arbitrary, Tree <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary]
-- Make a balanced tree of given level
mkBinTree :: (Arbitrary a) => Int -> IO (BinTree a)
mkBinTree = go (generate arbitrary)
go r 0 = Leaf <$> r
go r n = Tree <$> go r (n - 1) <*> go r (n - 1)
-- Record syntax type
upgradeRec :: (a -> b) -> CompatV0.Rec a -> CompatV1.Rec b
upgradeRec f val =
{ CompatV1.initialField = CompatV0.initialField val
, CompatV1.otherField = f (CompatV0.otherField val)
, CompatV1.theLastField = CompatV0.theLastField val
, CompatV1.aNewField = Nothing
upgradeRiver :: CompatV0.River -> CompatV1.River
upgradeRiver = read . show
downgradeRec :: (a -> b) -> CompatV1.Rec a -> CompatV0.Rec b
downgradeRec f val =
{ CompatV0.initialField = CompatV1.initialField val
, CompatV0.otherField = f (CompatV1.otherField val)
, CompatV0.theLastField = CompatV1.theLastField val
downgradeRiver :: CompatV1.River -> CompatV0.River
downgradeRiver = read . show
testCompatibility ::
CompatV0.Rec (CompatV0.Rec CompatV0.River)
-> CompatV1.Rec (CompatV1.Rec CompatV1.River)
-> IO ()
testCompatibility v0 v1 = do
let upgradedV0 = upgradeRec (upgradeRec upgradeRiver) v0
downgradedV1 = downgradeRec (downgradeRec downgradeRiver) v1
res <- poke v0
peekAndVerify res upgradedV0
res1 <- poke v1
peekAndVerify res1 downgradedV1
-- Test helpers
poke ::
forall a. Serialize.Serialize a
=> a
-> IO (MutByteArray, Int, Int)
poke val = do
let sz = Serialize.addSizeTo 0 val
let excessSize = 100
randomOff <- randomRIO (10, excessSize)
-- Use a proper slice to test instead of the array directly. This will catch
-- any hardcoded 0 offsets
let arrSize = sz + excessSize
serStartOff = randomOff
serEndOff = randomOff + sz
arr <- arrSize
arr2 <- arrSize
-- Re-initialize the array with random value
forM_ [0..(arrSize - 1)] $ \i -> Serialize.pokeAt i arr2 (8 :: Word8)
off1 <- Serialize.serializeAt serStartOff arr val
off2 <- Serialize.serializeAt 0 arr2 val
let slice1 = Array.Array arr serStartOff off1 :: Array.Array Word8
slice2 = Array.Array arr2 0 off2 :: Array.Array Word8
-- The serialized representation should be the same
slice1 `shouldBe` slice2
off1 `shouldBe` serEndOff
pure (arr, serStartOff, serEndOff)
peekAndVerify ::
forall a. (Eq a, Show a, Serialize.Serialize a)
=> (MutByteArray, Int, Int)
-> a
-> IO ()
peekAndVerify (arr, serStartOff, serEndOff) val = do
(off2, val2) <- Serialize.deserializeAt serStartOff arr serEndOff
val2 `shouldBe` val
off2 `shouldBe` serEndOff
let slice = Array.Array arr serStartOff serEndOff
val `shouldBe` Array.deserialize slice
clonedSlice <- Array.clone slice
val `shouldBe` Array.deserialize clonedSlice
:: forall a. (Eq a, Show a, Serialize.Serialize a)
=> a
-> IO ()
roundtrip val = do
-- For debugging large size generated by arbitrary
-- let sz = Serialize.addSizeTo 0 val
-- putStrLn $ "Size is: " ++ show sz
val `shouldBe` Array.deserialize (Array.pinnedSerialize val)
res <- poke val
peekAndVerify res val
:: forall a. (Eq a, Show a, Serialize.Serialize a)
=> Int
-> a
-> IO ()
testSerializeList sizeOfA val = do
let sz = Serialize.addSizeTo 0 val
sz `shouldBe` sizeOfA
roundtrip val
-- Tests
testCases :: Spec
testCases = do
it "Serialize [Int]"
$ testSerializeList (8 + 4 * 8) ([1, 2, 3, 4] :: [Int])
it "Serialize [[Int]]"
$ testSerializeList
(8 + 3 * 8 + 6 * 8)
([[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]] :: [[Int]])
describe "Edge Cases" $ do
it "Unit" $ roundtrip Unit
it "The" $ roundtrip $ The Unit 1 'a'
it "HigherOrderType"
$ roundtrip $ HigherOrderType (Identity 5) (Identity 'e')
prop "Integer"
$ \(x :: Integer) -> roundtrip x
prop "([Integer], [Int])"
$ \(x :: ([Integer], [Int])) -> roundtrip x
prop "Array Int"
$ \(x :: [Int]) -> roundtrip (Array.fromList x)
prop "Compatible Record"
$ \(a :: CompatV1.Rec (CompatV0.Rec CompatV1.River)) -> roundtrip a
prop "Compatibility"
$ \a b -> testCompatibility a b
$ prop "CustomDatatype"
$ \(x :: CustomDatatype) -> roundtrip x
$ prop "[CustomDatatype]"
$ \(x :: [CustomDatatype]) -> roundtrip x
$ prop "BinTree"
$ forAll (elements [1..15])
(\(x :: Int) -> do
(r :: BinTree Int) <- mkBinTree x
roundtrip r
limitQC = modifyMaxSize (const 50)
-- Main function
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Data.Serialize." ++ CONF_NAME
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ H.parallel $ describe moduleName testCases