
138 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- |
-- Module : Streamly.Test.Prelude.Ahead
-- Copyright : (c) 2020 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
module Streamly.Test.Prelude.Ahead (main) where
import Test.QuickCheck (Property)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO, run)
import Test.Hspec as H
import Streamly.Prelude (IsStream, SerialT, AheadT)
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import Streamly.Test.Common
import Streamly.Test.Prelude.Common
:: String
-> (AheadT IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> Spec
associativityCheck desc t = prop desc assocCheckProp
assocCheckProp :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
assocCheckProp xs ys zs =
monadicIO $ do
let xStream = S.fromList xs
yStream = S.fromList ys
zStream = S.fromList zs
infixAssocstream <-
run $ S.toList $ t $ xStream `S.ahead` yStream `S.ahead` zStream
assocStream <- run $ S.toList $ t $ xStream <> yStream <> zStream
listEquals (==) infixAssocstream assocStream
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Prelude.Ahead"
main :: IO ()
main = hspec
$ H.parallel
$ modifyMaxSuccess (const 10)
$ describe moduleName $ do
let aheadOps :: IsStream t => ((AheadT IO a -> t IO a) -> Spec) -> Spec
aheadOps spec = mapOps spec $ makeOps S.fromAhead
<> [("maxBuffer (-1)", S.fromAhead . S.maxBuffer (-1))]
describe "Construction" $ do
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly replicateM" . constructWithReplicateM
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly cons" . constructWithCons S.cons
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly consM" . constructWithConsM S.consM id
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly (.:)" . constructWithCons (S..:)
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly (|:)" . constructWithConsM (S.|:) id
describe "Functor operations" $ do
aheadOps $ functorOps S.fromFoldable "aheadly" (==)
aheadOps $ functorOps folded "aheadly folded" (==)
describe "Monoid operations" $ do
aheadOps $ monoidOps "aheadly" mempty (==)
describe "Ahead loops" $ loops S.fromAhead id reverse
describe "Bind and Monoidal composition combinations" $ do
aheadOps $ bindAndComposeSimpleOps "Ahead" sortEq
aheadOps $ bindAndComposeHierarchyOps "Ahead"
aheadOps $ nestTwoStreams "Ahead" id id
aheadOps $ nestTwoStreamsApp "Ahead" id id
composeAndComposeSimpleSerially "Ahead <> " (repeat [1..9]) S.fromAhead
composeAndComposeSimpleAheadly "Ahead <> " (repeat [1 .. 9]) S.fromAhead
"Ahead <> "
[[1..9], [1..9], [1,3,2,4,6,5,7,9,8], [1,3,2,4,6,5,7,9,8]]
describe "Semigroup operations" $ do
aheadOps $ semigroupOps "aheadly" (==)
aheadOps $ associativityCheck "ahead == <>"
describe "Applicative operations" $ do
aheadOps $ applicativeOps S.fromFoldable "aheadly applicative" (==)
aheadOps $ applicativeOps folded "aheadly applicative folded" (==)
-- XXX add tests for indexed/indexedR
describe "Zip operations" $ do
-- We test only the serial zip with serial streams and the parallel
-- stream, because the rate setting in these streams can slow down
-- zipAsync.
aheadOps $ prop "zip applicative aheadly" . zipAsyncApplicative S.fromFoldable (==)
aheadOps $ prop "zip applicative aheadly folded" . zipAsyncApplicative folded (==)
aheadOps $ prop "zip monadic aheadly" . zipAsyncMonadic S.fromFoldable (==)
aheadOps $ prop "zip monadic aheadly folded" . zipAsyncMonadic folded (==)
-- XXX add merge tests like zip tests
-- for mergeBy, we can split a list randomly into two lists and
-- then merge them, it should result in original list
-- describe "Merge operations" $ do
describe "Monad operations" $ do
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly monad then" . monadThen S.fromFoldable (==)
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly monad then folded" . monadThen folded (==)
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly monad bind" . monadBind S.fromFoldable (==)
aheadOps $ prop "aheadly monad bind folded" . monadBind folded (==)
describe "Stream transform and combine operations" $ do
aheadOps $ transformCombineOpsCommon S.fromFoldable "aheadly" (==)
aheadOps $ transformCombineOpsCommon folded "aheadly" (==)
aheadOps $ transformCombineOpsOrdered S.fromFoldable "aheadly" (==)
aheadOps $ transformCombineOpsOrdered folded "aheadly" (==)
describe "Stream elimination operations" $ do
aheadOps $ eliminationOps S.fromFoldable "aheadly"
aheadOps $ eliminationOps folded "aheadly folded"
aheadOps $ eliminationOpsWord8 S.fromFoldable "aheadly"
aheadOps $ eliminationOpsWord8 folded "aheadly folded"
-- XXX Add a test where we chain all transformation APIs and make sure that
-- the state is being passed through all of them.
describe "Stream serial elimination operations" $ do
aheadOps $ eliminationOpsOrdered S.fromFoldable "aheadly"
aheadOps $ eliminationOpsOrdered folded "aheadly folded"
describe "Tests for exceptions" $ aheadOps $ exceptionOps "aheadly"
describe "Composed MonadThrow aheadly" $ composeWithMonadThrow S.fromAhead
-- Ad-hoc tests
it "takes n from stream of streams" $ takeCombined 1 S.fromAhead