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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- |
-- Module : Streamly.Test.Prelude.Concurrent
-- Copyright : (c) 2020 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Streamly.Test.Prelude.Concurrent (main) where
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, takeMVar, threadDelay, putMVar, newEmptyMVar)
import Control.Exception
(BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar(..), catches,
BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM(..), Handler(..))
import Control.Monad (void, when, forM_, replicateM_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, get, modify, runStateT
, StateT(..), evalStateT)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.IORef (readIORef, modifyIORef, newIORef)
import GHC.Word (Word8)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.Hspec as H
import Test.QuickCheck
(Property, withMaxSuccess)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO, run)
import Streamly.Prelude hiding (fold, replicate, replicateM, reverse, runStateT)
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import Streamly.Test.Common
import Streamly.Test.Prelude.Common
-- Concurrent generation
mvarExcHandler :: String -> BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar -> IO ()
mvarExcHandler label BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar =
error $ label <> " " <> "BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar\n"
stmExcHandler :: String -> BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM -> IO ()
stmExcHandler label BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM =
error $ label <> " " <> "BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM\n"
dbgMVar :: String -> IO () -> IO ()
dbgMVar label action =
action `catches` [ Handler (mvarExcHandler label)
, Handler (stmExcHandler label)
-- | first n actions takeMVar and the last action performs putMVar n times
mvarSequenceOp :: MVar () -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO Word8
mvarSequenceOp mv n x = do
let msg = show x <> "/" <> show n
if x < n
then dbgMVar ("take mvarSequenceOp " <> msg) (takeMVar mv) >> return x
else dbgMVar ("put mvarSequenceOp" <> msg)
(replicateM_ (fromIntegral n) (putMVar mv ())) >> return x
:: ([Word8] -> t IO Word8)
-> ([Word8] -> [Word8] -> Bool)
-> (Word8 -> MVar () -> t IO Word8 -> SerialT IO Word8)
-> Word8
-> Property
concurrentMapM constr eq op n =
monadicIO $ do
let list = [0..n]
stream <- run $ do
mv <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar ())
(S.toList . op n mv) (constr list)
listEquals eq stream list
:: IsStream t
=> ([Word8] -> [Word8] -> Bool)
-> (t IO Word8 -> SerialT IO Word8)
-> Word8
-> Property
concurrentFromFoldable eq op n =
monadicIO $ do
let list = [0..n]
stream <- run $ do
mv <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar ())
(S.toList . op) (S.fromFoldableM (fmap (mvarSequenceOp mv n) list))
listEquals eq stream list
sourceUnfoldrM :: IsStream t => MVar () -> Word8 -> t IO Word8
sourceUnfoldrM mv n = S.unfoldrM step 0
-- argument must be integer to avoid overflow of word8 at 255
step :: Int -> IO (Maybe (Word8, Int))
step cnt = do
let msg = show cnt <> "/" <> show n
if cnt > fromIntegral n
then return Nothing
else do
dbgMVar ("put sourceUnfoldrM " <> msg) (putMVar mv ())
return (Just (fromIntegral cnt, cnt + 1))
-- Note that this test is not guaranteed to succeed, because there is no
-- guarantee of parallelism in case of Async/Ahead streams.
:: IsStream t
=> ([Word8] -> [Word8] -> Bool)
-> (t IO Word8 -> SerialT IO Word8)
-> Word8
-> Property
concurrentUnfoldrM eq op n =
monadicIO $ do
-- XXX we should test empty list case as well
let list = [0..n]
stream <- run $ do
-- putStrLn $ "concurrentUnfoldrM: " <> show n
mv <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar ())
cnt <- newIORef 0
-- since unfoldr happens in parallel with the stream processing we
-- can do two takeMVar in one iteration. If it is not parallel then
-- this will not work and the test will fail.
S.toList $ do
x <- op (sourceUnfoldrM mv n)
-- results may not be yielded in order, in case of
-- Async/WAsync/Parallel. So we use an increasing count
-- instead.
i <- S.fromEffect $ readIORef cnt
S.fromEffect $ modifyIORef cnt (+1)
let msg = show i <> "/" <> show n
S.fromEffect $
when (even i) $ do
dbgMVar ("first take concurrentUnfoldrM " <> msg)
(takeMVar mv)
when (n > i) $
dbgMVar ("second take concurrentUnfoldrM " <> msg)
(takeMVar mv)
return x
listEquals eq stream list
:: IsStream t
=> ([Word8] -> t IO Word8)
-> String
-> ([Word8] -> [Word8] -> Bool)
-> (t IO Word8 -> SerialT IO Word8)
-> Spec
concurrentOps constr desc eq t = do
let prop1 d p = prop d $ withMaxSuccess maxTestCount p
prop1 (desc <> " fromFoldableM") $ concurrentFromFoldable eq t
prop1 (desc <> " unfoldrM") $ concurrentUnfoldrM eq t
-- we pass it the length of the stream n and an mvar mv.
-- The stream is [0..n]. The threads communicate in such a way that the
-- actions coming first in the stream are dependent on the last action. So
-- if the stream is not processed concurrently it will block forever.
-- Note that if the size of the stream is bigger than the thread limit
-- then it will block even if it is concurrent.
prop1 (desc <> " mapM") $
concurrentMapM constr eq $ \n mv stream ->
t $ S.mapM (mvarSequenceOp mv n) stream
prop1 (desc <> " sequence") $
concurrentMapM constr eq $ \n mv stream ->
t $ S.sequence $ (mvarSequenceOp mv n) stream
-- Concurrent Application
concurrentApplication :: IsStream t
=> ([Word8] -> [Word8] -> Bool)
-> (t IO Word8 -> SerialT IO Word8)
-> Word8
-> Property
concurrentApplication eq t n = withMaxSuccess maxTestCount $
monadicIO $ do
-- XXX we should test empty list case as well
let list = [0..n]
stream <- run $ do
-- putStrLn $ "concurrentApplication: " <> show n
mv <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar ())
-- since unfoldr happens in parallel with the stream processing we
-- can do two takeMVar in one iteration. If it is not parallel then
-- this will not work and the test will fail.
(S.toList . t) $
sourceUnfoldrM mv n |&
S.mapM (\x -> do
let msg = show x <> "/" <> show n
when (even x) $ do
dbgMVar ("first take concurrentApp " <> msg)
(takeMVar mv)
when (n > x) $
dbgMVar ("second take concurrentApp " <> msg)
(takeMVar mv)
return x)
listEquals eq stream list
sourceUnfoldrM1 :: IsStream t => Word8 -> t IO Word8
sourceUnfoldrM1 n = S.unfoldrM step 0
-- argument must be integer to avoid overflow of word8 at 255
step :: Int -> IO (Maybe (Word8, Int))
step cnt =
if cnt > fromIntegral n
then return Nothing
else return (Just (fromIntegral cnt, cnt + 1))
concurrentFoldlApplication :: Word8 -> Property
concurrentFoldlApplication n =
monadicIO $ do
-- XXX we should test empty list case as well
let list = [0..n]
stream <- run $
sourceUnfoldrM1 n |&. S.foldlM' (\xs x -> return (x : xs)) (return [])
listEquals (==) (reverse stream) list
concurrentFoldrApplication :: Word8 -> Property
concurrentFoldrApplication n =
monadicIO $ do
-- XXX we should test empty list case as well
let list = [0..n]
stream <- run $
sourceUnfoldrM1 n |&. S.foldrM (\x xs -> xs >>= return . (x :))
(return [])
listEquals (==) stream list
-- Each snapshot carries an independent state. Multiple parallel tasks should
-- not affect each other's state. This is especially important when we run
-- multiple tasks in a single thread.
snapshot :: (IsStream t, MonadAsync m, MonadState Int m) => t m ()
snapshot =
-- We deliberately use a replicate count 1 here, because a lower count
-- catches problems that a higher count doesn't.
S.replicateM 1 $ do
-- Even though we modify the state here it should not reflect in other
-- parallel tasks, it is local to each concurrent task.
modify (+1) >> get >>= liftIO . (`shouldSatisfy` (==1))
modify (+1) >> get >>= liftIO . (`shouldSatisfy` (==2))
snapshot1 :: (IsStream t, MonadAsync m, MonadState Int m) => t m ()
snapshot1 = S.replicateM 1000 $
modify (+1) >> get >>= liftIO . (`shouldSatisfy` (==2))
snapshot2 :: (IsStream t, MonadAsync m, MonadState Int m) => t m ()
snapshot2 = S.replicateM 1000 $
modify (+1) >> get >>= liftIO . (`shouldSatisfy` (==2))
:: ( IsStream t
, MonadAsync m
, Semigroup (t m ())
, MonadIO (t m)
, MonadState Int m
, MonadState Int (t m)
=> t m ()
stateComp = do
-- Each task in a concurrent composition inherits the state and maintains
-- its own modifications to it, not affecting the parent computation.
snapshot <> (modify (+1) >> (snapshot1 <> snapshot2))
-- The above modify statement does not affect our state because that is
-- used in a parallel composition. In a serial composition it will affect
-- our state.
get >>= liftIO . (`shouldSatisfy` (== (0 :: Int)))
:: ( IsStream t
, Semigroup (t (StateT Int IO) ())
, MonadIO (t (StateT Int IO))
, MonadState Int (t (StateT Int IO))
=> (t (StateT Int IO) () -> SerialT (StateT Int IO) ()) -> IO ()
monadicStateSnapshot t = void $ runStateT (S.drain $ t stateComp) 0
:: ( AsyncT (StateT Int IO) ()
-> AsyncT (StateT Int IO) ()
-> AsyncT (StateT Int IO) ()
-> SerialT (StateT Int IO) ()
stateCompOp op = do
-- Each task in a concurrent composition inherits the state and maintains
-- its own modifications to it, not affecting the parent computation.
fromAsync (snapshot `op` (modify (+1) >> (snapshot1 `op` snapshot2)))
-- The above modify statement does not affect our state because that is
-- used in a parallel composition. In a serial composition it will affect
-- our state.
get >>= liftIO . (`shouldSatisfy` (== (0 :: Int)))
:: (IsStream t1, IsStream t2)
=> ( t1 (StateT Int IO) ()
-> t2 (StateT Int IO) ()
-> SerialT (StateT Int IO) a3 )
-> IO ()
checkMonadicStateTransfer op = evalStateT str (0 :: Int)
str =
S.drain $
maxBuffer 1 $
(fromSerial $ S.mapM snapshoti $ S.fromList [1..10]) `op`
(fromSerial $ S.mapM snapshoti $ S.fromList [1..10])
snapshoti y = do
modify (+ 1)
x <- get
lift1 $ x `shouldBe` y
lift1 m = StateT $ \s -> do
a <- m
return (a, s)
:: ( AsyncT (StateT Int IO) ()
-> AsyncT (StateT Int IO) ()
-> AsyncT (StateT Int IO) ()
-> IO ()
monadicStateSnapshotOp op = void $ runStateT (S.drain $ stateCompOp op) 0
takeInfinite :: IsStream t => (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int) -> Spec
takeInfinite t =
it "take 1" $
S.drain (t $ S.take 1 $ S.repeatM (print "hello" >> return (1::Int)))
`shouldReturn` ()
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Prelude.Concurrent"
main :: IO ()
main = hspec
$ H.parallel
$ modifyMaxSuccess (const 10)
$ describe moduleName $ do
-- We can have these in Test.Prelude, but I think it's unnecessary.
let serialOps :: IsStream t => ((SerialT IO a -> t IO a) -> Spec) -> Spec
serialOps spec = mapOps spec $ makeOps fromSerial
<> [("rate AvgRate 0.00000001", fromSerial . avgRate 0.00000001)]
<> [("maxBuffer -1", fromSerial . maxBuffer (-1))]
let aheadOps :: IsStream t => ((AheadT IO a -> t IO a) -> Spec) -> Spec
aheadOps spec = mapOps spec $ makeOps fromAhead
<> [("maxBuffer (-1)", fromAhead . maxBuffer (-1))]
let asyncOps :: IsStream t => ((AsyncT IO a -> t IO a) -> Spec) -> Spec
asyncOps spec = mapOps spec $ makeOps fromAsync
<> [("maxBuffer (-1)", fromAsync . maxBuffer (-1))]
-- For concurrent application test we need a buffer of at least size 2 to
-- allow two threads to run.
let makeConcurrentAppOps :: IsStream t
=> (t m a -> c) -> [(String, t m a -> c)]
makeConcurrentAppOps t = makeCommonOps t ++
("maxBuffer 2", t . maxBuffer 2)
let parallelCommonOps :: IsStream t => [(String, ParallelT m a -> t m a)]
let parallelCommonOps :: [(String, ParallelT m a -> t m a)]
parallelCommonOps = []
<> [("rate AvgRate 0.00000001", fromParallel . avgRate 0.00000001)]
<> [("maxBuffer (-1)", fromParallel . maxBuffer (-1))]
let parallelConcurrentAppOps :: IsStream t
=> ((ParallelT IO a -> t IO a) -> Spec) -> Spec
parallelConcurrentAppOps spec =
mapOps spec $ makeConcurrentAppOps fromParallel <> parallelCommonOps
-- These tests won't work with maxBuffer or maxThreads set to 1, so we
-- exclude those cases from these.
let mkOps :: IsStream t => (t m a -> c) -> [(String, t m a -> c)]
let mkOps :: t -> [(String, t)]
-- let mkOps :: (t m a -> c) -> [(String, t m a -> c)]
mkOps t =
[ ("default", t)
, ("rate Nothing", t . rate Nothing)
, ("maxBuffer 0", t . maxBuffer 0)
, ("maxThreads 0", t . maxThreads 0)
, ("maxThreads 0", t . maxThreads (-1))
let forOps ops spec = forM_ ops (\(desc, f) -> describe desc $ spec f)
describe "Stream concurrent operations" $ do
forOps (mkOps fromAhead) $ concurrentOps S.fromFoldable "aheadly" (==)
forOps (mkOps fromAsync) $ concurrentOps S.fromFoldable "asyncly" sortEq
forOps (mkOps fromWAsync) $ concurrentOps S.fromFoldable "wAsyncly" sortEq
forOps (mkOps fromParallel) $ concurrentOps S.fromFoldable "parallely" sortEq
forOps (mkOps fromAhead) $ concurrentOps folded "aheadly folded" (==)
forOps (mkOps fromAsync) $ concurrentOps folded "asyncly folded" sortEq
forOps (mkOps fromWAsync) $ concurrentOps folded "wAsyncly folded" sortEq
forOps (mkOps fromParallel) $ concurrentOps folded "parallely folded" sortEq
describe "Concurrent application" $ do
serialOps $ prop "serial" . concurrentApplication (==)
asyncOps $ prop "async" . concurrentApplication sortEq
aheadOps $ prop "ahead" . concurrentApplication (==)
parallelConcurrentAppOps $
prop "parallel" . concurrentApplication sortEq
prop "concurrent foldr application" $ withMaxSuccess maxTestCount
prop "concurrent foldl application" $ withMaxSuccess maxTestCount
describe "take on infinite concurrent stream" $ takeInfinite fromAsync
describe "take on infinite concurrent stream" $ takeInfinite fromWAsync
describe "take on infinite concurrent stream" $ takeInfinite fromAhead
-- Monadic state transfer in concurrent tasks
describe "Monadic state transfer in concurrent tasks" $ do
-- XXX Can we write better test cases to hit every case?
it "async: state is saved and used if the work is partially enqueued"
(checkMonadicStateTransfer async)
it "wAsync: state is saved and used if the work is partially enqueued"
(checkMonadicStateTransfer wAsync)
it "ahead: state is saved and used if the work is partially enqueued"
(checkMonadicStateTransfer ahead)
-- Monadic state snapshot in concurrent tasks
describe "Monadic state snapshot in concurrent tasks" $ do
it "asyncly maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshot fromAsync)
it "asyncly limited maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshot (fromAsync . S.take 10000))
it "wAsyncly maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshot fromWAsync)
it "wAsyncly limited maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshot (fromWAsync . S.take 10000))
it "aheadly maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshot fromAhead)
it "aheadly limited maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshot (fromAhead . S.take 10000))
it "parallely maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshot fromParallel)
it "async maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshotOp async)
it "ahead maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshotOp ahead)
it "wAsync maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshotOp wAsync)
it "parallel maintains independent states in concurrent tasks"
(monadicStateSnapshotOp S.parallel)
-- Slower tests are at the end
-- Thread limits
it "asyncly crosses thread limit (2000 threads)" $
S.drain (fromAsync $ fold $
replicate 2000 $ S.fromEffect $ threadDelay 1000000)
`shouldReturn` ()
it "aheadly crosses thread limit (4000 threads)" $
S.drain (fromAhead $ fold $
replicate 4000 $ S.fromEffect $ threadDelay 1000000)
`shouldReturn` ()
describe "restricts concurrency and cleans up extra tasks" $ do
it "take 1 asyncly" $ checkCleanup 2 fromAsync (S.take 1)
it "take 1 wAsyncly" $ checkCleanup 2 fromWAsync (S.take 1)
it "take 1 aheadly" $ checkCleanup 2 fromAhead (S.take 1)
it "takeWhile (< 0) asyncly" $ checkCleanup 2 fromAsync (S.takeWhile (< 0))
it "takeWhile (< 0) wAsyncly" $ checkCleanup 2 fromWAsync (S.takeWhile (< 0))
it "takeWhile (< 0) aheadly" $ checkCleanup 2 fromAhead (S.takeWhile (< 0))