2018-04-18 20:14:29 +05:30

433 lines
17 KiB

module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Applicative (ZipList(..))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.List (sort, foldl', scanl')
import GHC.Word (Word8)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop)
import Test.QuickCheck (counterexample, Property)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (run, monadicIO, monitor, assert, PropertyM)
import Test.Hspec
import Streamly
import Streamly.Prelude ((.:), nil)
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as A
singleton :: IsStream t => a -> t m a
singleton a = a .: nil
sortEq :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
sortEq a b = sort a == sort b
:: (Show a, Monad m)
=> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> PropertyM m ()
equals eq stream list = do
when (not $ stream `eq` list) $
(counterexample $
"stream " ++ show stream ++ " /= list " ++ show list)
assert (stream `eq` list)
:: IsStream t
=> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> Word8
-> Property
constructWithReplicateM op len =
monadicIO $ do
let x = return (1 :: Int)
stream <- run $ (A.toList . op) (A.replicateM (fromIntegral len) x)
list <- run $ replicateM (fromIntegral len) x
equals (==) stream list
:: ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> [Int] -> Bool)
-> ([Int] -> [Int])
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> [Int]
-> Property
transformFromList constr eq listOp op a =
monadicIO $ do
stream <- run ((A.toList . op) (constr a))
let list = listOp a
equals eq stream list
:: ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> [Int] -> Bool)
-> [Int]
-> Property
foldFromList constr op eq a = transformFromList constr eq id op a
:: (Show a, Eq a)
=> ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> a)
-> (t IO Int -> IO a)
-> [Int]
-> Property
eliminateOp constr listOp op a =
monadicIO $ do
stream <- run $ op (constr a)
let list = listOp a
equals (==) stream list
:: ([Word8] -> t IO Word8)
-> (t IO Word8 -> SerialT IO Word8)
-> (Word8 -> SerialT IO Word8 -> IO Bool)
-> (Word8 -> [Word8] -> Bool)
-> (Word8, [Word8])
-> Property
elemOp constr op streamOp listOp (x, xs) =
monadicIO $ do
stream <- run $ (streamOp x . op) (constr xs)
let list = listOp x xs
equals (==) stream list
:: Functor (t IO)
=> ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> String
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> [Int] -> Bool)
-> Spec
functorOps constr desc t eq = do
prop (desc ++ " id") $ transformFromList constr eq id $ t
prop (desc ++ " fmap (+1)") $ transformFromList constr eq (fmap (+1)) $ t . (fmap (+1))
:: IsStream t
=> ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> String
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> [Int] -> Bool)
-> Spec
transformOps constr desc t eq = do
let transform = transformFromList constr eq
-- Filtering
prop (desc ++ " filter False") $
transform (filter (const False)) $ t . (A.filter (const False))
prop (desc ++ " filter True") $
transform (filter (const True)) $ t . (A.filter (const True))
prop (desc ++ " filter even") $
transform (filter even) $ t . (A.filter even)
prop (desc ++ " take maxBound") $
transform (take maxBound) $ t . (A.take maxBound)
prop (desc ++ " take 0") $ transform (take 0) $ t . (A.take 0)
prop (desc ++ " take 1") $ transform (take 1) $ t . (A.take 1)
prop (desc ++ " take 10") $ transform (take 10) $ t . (A.take 10)
prop (desc ++ " takeWhile True") $
transform (takeWhile (const True)) $ t . (A.takeWhile (const True))
prop (desc ++ " takeWhile False") $
transform (takeWhile (const False)) $ t . (A.takeWhile (const False))
prop (desc ++ " takeWhile > 0") $
transform (takeWhile (> 0)) $ t . (A.takeWhile (> 0))
prop (desc ++ " drop maxBound") $
transform (drop maxBound) $ t . (A.drop maxBound)
prop (desc ++ " drop 0") $ transform (drop 0) $ t . (A.drop 0)
prop (desc ++ " drop 1") $ transform (drop 1) $ t . (A.drop 1)
prop (desc ++ " drop 10") $ transform (drop 10) $ t . (A.drop 10)
prop (desc ++ " dropWhile True") $
transform (dropWhile (const True)) $ t . (A.dropWhile (const True))
prop (desc ++ " dropWhile False") $
transform (dropWhile (const False)) $ t . (A.dropWhile (const False))
prop (desc ++ " dropWhile > 0") $
transform (dropWhile (> 0)) $ t . (A.dropWhile (> 0))
prop (desc ++ " scan") $ transform (scanl' (+) 0) $ t . (A.scanl' (+) 0)
prop (desc ++ "reverse") $ transform reverse $ t . A.reverse
wrapMaybe :: Eq a1 => ([a1] -> a2) -> [a1] -> Maybe a2
wrapMaybe f =
\x ->
if x == []
then Nothing
else Just (f x)
:: ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> String
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> Spec
eliminationOps constr desc t = do
-- Elimination
prop (desc ++ " null") $ eliminateOp constr null $ A.null . t
prop (desc ++ " foldl") $
eliminateOp constr (foldl' (+) 0) $ (A.foldl' (+) 0) . t
prop (desc ++ " all") $ eliminateOp constr (all even) $ (A.all even) . t
prop (desc ++ " any") $ eliminateOp constr (any even) $ (A.any even) . t
prop (desc ++ " length") $ eliminateOp constr length $ A.length . t
prop (desc ++ " sum") $ eliminateOp constr sum $ A.sum . t
prop (desc ++ " product") $ eliminateOp constr product $ A.product . t
prop (desc ++ " maximum") $ eliminateOp constr (wrapMaybe maximum) $ A.maximum . t
prop (desc ++ " minimum") $ eliminateOp constr (wrapMaybe minimum) $ A.minimum . t
-- head/tail/last may depend on the order in case of parallel streams
-- so we test these only for serial streams.
:: ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> String
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> Spec
serialEliminationOps constr desc t = do
prop (desc ++ " head") $ eliminateOp constr (wrapMaybe head) $ A.head . t
prop (desc ++ " tail") $ eliminateOp constr (wrapMaybe tail) $ \x -> do
r <- A.tail (t x)
case r of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just s -> A.toList s >>= return . Just
prop (desc ++ " last") $ eliminateOp constr (wrapMaybe last) $ A.last . t
:: ([Word8] -> t IO Word8)
-> String
-> (t IO Word8 -> SerialT IO Word8)
-> Spec
transformOpsWord8 constr desc t = do
prop (desc ++ " elem") $ elemOp constr t A.elem elem
prop (desc ++ " elem") $ elemOp constr t A.notElem notElem
-- XXX concatenate streams of multiple elements rather than single elements
:: (IsStream t
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
, Semigroup (t IO Int)
, Monoid (t IO Int))
=> String
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> [Int] -> Bool)
-> Spec
semigroupOps desc t eq = do
prop (desc ++ " <>") $ foldFromList (foldMapWith (<>) singleton) t eq
prop (desc ++ " mappend") $ foldFromList (foldMapWith mappend singleton) t eq
:: Applicative (t IO)
=> ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> (t IO (Int, Int) -> SerialT IO (Int, Int))
-> ([(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool)
-> ([Int], [Int])
-> Property
applicativeOps constr t eq (a, b) = monadicIO $ do
stream <- run ((A.toList . t) ((,) <$> (constr a) <*> (constr b)))
let list = (,) <$> a <*> b
equals eq stream list
:: (IsStream t, Applicative (t IO))
=> ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> (t IO (Int, Int) -> SerialT IO (Int, Int))
-> ([(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool)
-> ([Int], [Int])
-> Property
zipApplicative constr t eq (a, b) = monadicIO $ do
stream1 <- run ((A.toList . t) ((,) <$> (constr a) <*> (constr b)))
stream2 <- run ((A.toList . t) (pure (,) <*> (constr a) <*> (constr b)))
stream3 <- run ((A.toList . t) (A.zipWith (,) (constr a) (constr b)))
let list = getZipList $ (,) <$> ZipList a <*> ZipList b
equals eq stream1 list
equals eq stream2 list
equals eq stream3 list
:: (IsStream t, Monad (t IO))
=> ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> (t IO (Int, Int) -> SerialT IO (Int, Int))
-> ([(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool)
-> ([Int], [Int])
-> Property
zipMonadic constr t eq (a, b) =
monadicIO $ do
stream1 <-
((A.toList . t)
(A.zipWithM (\x y -> return (x, y)) (constr a) (constr b)))
stream2 <-
((A.toList . t)
(A.zipParallelWithM (\x y -> return (x, y)) (constr a) (constr b)))
let list = getZipList $ (,) <$> ZipList a <*> ZipList b
equals eq stream1 list
equals eq stream2 list
:: Monad (t IO)
=> ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> [Int] -> Bool)
-> ([Int], [Int])
-> Property
monadThen constr t eq (a, b) = monadicIO $ do
stream <- run ((A.toList . t) ((constr a) >> (constr b)))
let list = a >> b
equals eq stream list
:: Monad (t IO)
=> ([Int] -> t IO Int)
-> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> ([Int] -> [Int] -> Bool)
-> ([Int], [Int])
-> Property
monadBind constr t eq (a, b) =
monadicIO $ do
stream <-
((A.toList . t)
((constr a) >>= \x -> (constr b) >>= return . (+ x)))
let list = a >>= \x -> b >>= return . (+ x)
equals eq stream list
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Construction" $ do
-- XXX test for all types of streams
prop "serially replicateM" $ constructWithReplicateM serially
it "iterate" $
(A.toList . serially . (A.take 100) $ (A.iterate (+ 1) (0 :: Int)))
`shouldReturn` (take 100 $ iterate (+ 1) 0)
it "iterateM" $ do
let addM = (\ y -> return (y + 1))
A.toList . serially . (A.take 100) $ A.iterateM addM (0 :: Int)
`shouldReturn` (take 100 $ iterate (+ 1) 0)
let folded :: IsStream t => [a] -> t IO a
folded = serially . (\xs ->
case xs of
[x] -> return x -- singleton stream case
_ -> foldMapWith (<>) return xs
describe "Functor operations" $ do
functorOps A.fromFoldable "serially" serially (==)
functorOps folded "serially folded" serially (==)
functorOps A.fromFoldable "coserially" coserially (==)
functorOps folded "coserially folded" coserially (==)
functorOps A.fromFoldable "coparallely" coparallely sortEq
functorOps folded "coparallely folded" coparallely sortEq
functorOps A.fromFoldable "parallely" parallely sortEq
functorOps folded "parallely folded" parallely sortEq
functorOps A.fromFoldable "zipSerially" zipSerially (==)
functorOps folded "zipSerially folded" zipSerially (==)
functorOps A.fromFoldable "zipParallely" zipParallely (==)
functorOps folded "zipParallely folded" zipParallely (==)
describe "Semigroup operations" $ do
semigroupOps "serially" serially (==)
semigroupOps "coserially" coserially (==)
semigroupOps "coparallely" coparallely sortEq
semigroupOps "parallely" parallely sortEq
semigroupOps "zipSerially" zipSerially (==)
semigroupOps "zipParallely" zipParallely (==)
describe "Applicative operations" $ do
-- The tests using sorted equality are weaker tests
-- We need to have stronger unit tests for all those
-- XXX applicative with three arguments
prop "serially applicative" $ applicativeOps A.fromFoldable serially (==)
prop "serially applicative folded" $ applicativeOps folded serially (==)
prop "coserially applicative" $ applicativeOps A.fromFoldable coserially sortEq
prop "coserially applicative folded" $ applicativeOps folded coserially sortEq
prop "coparallely applicative" $ applicativeOps A.fromFoldable coparallely sortEq
prop "coparallely applicative folded" $ applicativeOps folded coparallely sortEq
prop "parallely applicative folded" $ applicativeOps folded parallely sortEq
describe "Zip operations" $ do
prop "zipSerially applicative" $ zipApplicative A.fromFoldable zipSerially (==)
-- XXX this hangs
-- prop "zipParallely applicative" $ zipApplicative zipParallely (==)
prop "zip monadic serially" $ zipMonadic A.fromFoldable serially (==)
prop "zip monadic serially folded" $ zipMonadic folded serially (==)
prop "zip monadic coserially" $ zipMonadic A.fromFoldable coserially (==)
prop "zip monadic coserially folded" $ zipMonadic folded coserially (==)
prop "zip monadic coparallely" $ zipMonadic A.fromFoldable coparallely (==)
prop "zip monadic coparallely folded" $ zipMonadic folded coparallely (==)
prop "zip monadic parallely" $ zipMonadic A.fromFoldable parallely (==)
prop "zip monadic parallely folded" $ zipMonadic folded parallely (==)
describe "Monad operations" $ do
prop "serially monad then" $ monadThen A.fromFoldable serially (==)
prop "coserially monad then" $ monadThen A.fromFoldable coserially sortEq
prop "coparallely monad then" $ monadThen A.fromFoldable coparallely sortEq
prop "parallely monad then" $ monadThen A.fromFoldable parallely sortEq
prop "serially monad then folded" $ monadThen folded serially (==)
prop "coserially monad then folded" $ monadThen folded coserially sortEq
prop "coparallely monad then folded" $ monadThen folded coparallely sortEq
prop "parallely monad then folded" $ monadThen folded parallely sortEq
prop "serially monad bind" $ monadBind A.fromFoldable serially (==)
prop "coserially monad bind" $ monadBind A.fromFoldable coserially sortEq
prop "coparallely monad bind" $ monadBind A.fromFoldable coparallely sortEq
prop "parallely monad bind" $ monadBind A.fromFoldable parallely sortEq
describe "Stream transform operations" $ do
transformOps A.fromFoldable "serially" serially (==)
transformOps A.fromFoldable "coserially" coserially (==)
transformOps A.fromFoldable "zipSerially" zipSerially (==)
transformOps A.fromFoldable "zipParallely" zipParallely (==)
transformOps A.fromFoldable "coparallely" coparallely sortEq
transformOps A.fromFoldable "parallely" parallely sortEq
transformOps folded "serially folded" serially (==)
transformOps folded "coserially folded" coserially (==)
transformOps folded "zipSerially folded" zipSerially (==)
transformOps folded "zipParallely folded" zipParallely (==)
transformOps folded "coparallely folded" coparallely sortEq
transformOps folded "parallely folded" parallely sortEq
transformOpsWord8 A.fromFoldable "serially" serially
transformOpsWord8 A.fromFoldable "coserially" coserially
transformOpsWord8 A.fromFoldable "zipSerially" zipSerially
transformOpsWord8 A.fromFoldable "zipParallely" zipParallely
transformOpsWord8 A.fromFoldable "coparallely" coparallely
transformOpsWord8 A.fromFoldable "parallely" parallely
transformOpsWord8 folded "serially folded" serially
transformOpsWord8 folded "coserially folded" coserially
transformOpsWord8 folded "zipSerially folded" zipSerially
transformOpsWord8 folded "zipParallely folded" zipParallely
transformOpsWord8 folded "coparallely folded" coparallely
transformOpsWord8 folded "parallely folded" parallely
describe "Stream elimination operations" $ do
eliminationOps A.fromFoldable "serially" serially
eliminationOps A.fromFoldable "coserially" coserially
eliminationOps A.fromFoldable "zipSerially" zipSerially
eliminationOps A.fromFoldable "zipParallely" zipParallely
eliminationOps A.fromFoldable "coparallely" coparallely
eliminationOps A.fromFoldable "parallely" parallely
eliminationOps folded "serially folded" serially
eliminationOps folded "coserially folded" coserially
eliminationOps folded "zipSerially folded" zipSerially
eliminationOps folded "zipParallely folded" zipParallely
eliminationOps folded "coparallely folded" coparallely
eliminationOps folded "parallely folded" parallely
describe "Stream elimination operations" $ do
serialEliminationOps A.fromFoldable "serially" serially
serialEliminationOps A.fromFoldable "coserially" coserially
serialEliminationOps A.fromFoldable "zipSerially" zipSerially
serialEliminationOps A.fromFoldable "zipParallely" zipParallely
serialEliminationOps folded "serially folded" serially
serialEliminationOps folded "coserially folded" coserially
serialEliminationOps folded "zipSerially folded" zipSerially
serialEliminationOps folded "zipParallely folded" zipParallely